TK rumori

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TK rumori

Post by teclis »

Just few "rumors" I've heard through the "grapevine"...

*Tomb Kings/Princes mounts: Will be able to FINALLY ride a Skeletal Steed! Also strange rumor of an "old style" Carrion mount...

*New Character: Supposedly a "Construct" type, much like an Ushabti or the such! Only Hero level...

*Sphinx: Rules and sculpts aren't easy. But, if it happens, it'll take up a Rare slot, have Anti-Magic rules, and be more "defensive" then the Bone Giant.

*Ushabti: Upgrades such as Champs, and weaponary were mentioned...

*Bone Giants: Equipment/weaponary upgrades almost a definite! Sprue suppose to be well "furbished".

*Casket of Souls: No longer will take up a Rare...and optional rule to Target one enemy unit, and roll 3d6 vs their LD! I'm hoping this is incorrect...

*Curse: Killing a King will be more painful then a Prince, and not sure it'll have anything to do with LD tests...

*Tomb Swarms: No longer 0-1 of course...

*Tomb Guard: Optional weapon upgrades, Halberds with hvy Armor? Doesn't quite make sense...but who knows...

*Magical Items: Old style of Banner of the Hidden Dead/Legion will be back! Around 125pts, but will allow you to take any point sized unit (from set units) and have them appear at the START OF THE TURN!!! Thus a Charge will be available to the unit...coupled with Ikon of Rakaph, this is potentially the "one hit wonder". Much better Talismans and Arcane Items, some Weapons, Armor will probably stay much as is.

*Icon Bearer: Will get a "My Will Be Done..." Rule, but only affects Movement I believe...and an increase in his stats! (Wight King?)
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Re: TK rumori

Post by milosh »

Ima li novosti hoće li im uopšte dozvoliti da marširaju, makar slično kao vampiri?
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Re: TK rumori

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Sve navedeno mi se cini kao realno, moguce, pa cak i ocekivano u vecini slucajeva. Osim kombinacije koja ti omogucava da stvoris bilo kakav unit bilo gde na tabli i onda uradis odmah i charge... sto sam gotovo 100% siguran da nece biti u opticaju (mada, nikad se ne zna... ako taj dan opet budu jeli gljive ludare...)
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: TK rumori

Post by Baneblade »

da li neko mozda zna kada bi novi tk-ovi izasli,bar neki okvirni rumor?samo se nadam da nece biti ko sa dark eldarima i nekronima u 40k,glasine se vrte od 2007,a njih jos nema na vidiku.bilo bi lepo videti jos nekog specijalnog karaktera,redizajn lich pristova,ovi trenutni su smesni u najmanju ruku,tumb king/tumb princ da ostanu isti,meni jedne od lepsih figura u igri,kao i ushabti.
Александар Велики је заправо српски војсковођа Александар Карановић и он је трећи српски војсковођа који је у свом походу на исток дошао до Индије. Пре њега су то учинили Нино Белов и Сербо Макаридов.
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Re: TK rumori

Post by No 1 »

Početkom 2010.
Bolje živjeti sto godina kao milijunaš nego sedam dana u bijedi.

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Re: TK rumori

Post by Stavrogin »

Army books released so far during 7th edition
Orcs & Goblins (oct 2006)
Empire (jan 2007)
High Elves (nov 2007)
Vampire Counts (mar 2008)
Daemons of Chaos (may 2008)
Dark Elves (aug 2008)
Warriors of Chaos (nov 2008)
Lizardmen (feb 2009)

Upcoming known army books (in order)
Skaven (late 2009)
Beasts of Chaos (early 2010)
Tomb Kings (first half 2010?)

Army books just behind the horizon (order not known)
Ogre Kingdoms (second half 2010?)
Bretonnia (2011?)

Skavenima je dugo trebalo, BoC su bile najavljene (rumour) za decembar, ali, sa ovim zakasnjenjem, realno-ocekivao bih zveri u martu, a TK u avgustu/septembru.
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Re: TK rumori

Post by teclis »

Stuff i've heard for the new tomb kings book:

Tomb king/prince: s5. new mounts - a giant carrion called a rock, a royal chariot (heavy chariot with bells), and a construct (skelebeast style thing). special curses available.
Liche priest: new incantation rules. lesser priests can be taken in units. rip-style stuff.
Icon bearer: a tomb guard hero, with a bsb that gives -1 to crumble within 12". gets a special incantation from his banner.
Shawabti: construct hero. counts as lesser priest.

Skeleton warriors: come with bows. may have spears and shields for +1. light armour option. cheaper.
Skeleton cavalry: come with bows, may swap to spears. fast cav, cheaper.
Skeleton light chariots: core now.
Tomb swarms: 3w, 3a undead swarms. 25pts, m5. can be given 10" flight and/or poison.
Tomb guard: cheaper.

Tomb scorpion: new construct rules. new killing blow/poison rules. can be upgraded to count as a lesser priest.
Ushabti: new construct rules. s5 with halberds, and other equipment/command options. cheaper.
Carrion: cheaper. a big one called a rock.
Heavy cavalry: same as core cav, with +1ws, light armour, shield, and spear. may swap shield and spear for flail. cheaper.
Heavy chariot: proper chariot.
Desert stalkers: skellies with two handweapons or bows, and poison. may scout or upgrade to icfb. robes.
Godblooded: new elite (better than tg). greatweapons. bonuses based on chosen god - sun god acts like mark of nurgle. animal death masks.

Bone giant: new construct rules. +1ws. equipment options. cheaper. may count as a banner.
Catapult: multiple ammunition types - burning skull, screaming skull, swarming skull, weeping skull.
Casket: different "modes". boosts priest's incantations.
The embalmed: mummies. no crumble. t5, regen, 2w.
Tomb sphynx: desert spirit/construct. moves as ethereal. better stats than scorpion. may icfb when on the field. base-contact template sandstorm.
izlaze u maju 2010 i navodno poslednja su armija koju ce da rade pre 8. edition
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Re: TK rumori

Post by teclis »

I spoke to one of the staff in my local GW and when I told him one of my armies is Tomb Kings he told me that they have just done the first casting of the new tomb king models to test them and that they are going to resin in the next week or so.

So new models are definitely on the way soon. Don't know about the book but it probably means they are all in the way shortly.
znaci skoro ce da izazdju nove kosti :twisted:

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