(VtES)(24.-25.03.2007.) FantasyGamesSerbia

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Post by Dawngreeter »

Eve vam report, 'ebo vas report :P

'Twas a chilly, ominous spring morning when ten of us gathered to perform mystical rites of demon invocation. Having realized that we forgot to bring some of the more important ingredients, we decided to settle for a VtES tournament instead. More to the point, a Sword of Caine release tournament.

Three rounds were to be played, followed by a final round. It might be of interest to note that this was the first time Belgrade ever saw a three-round tournament. Ten players were in attendance, which seemed fortunate at the time as it allowed us to have two five-player tables. Unfortunately, after round one we had two players leave, so the remaining two rounds were played with two four-player tables. Woe is us.

The three rounds passed in a somewhatpredictable manner, three players establishing obvious dominance early on. These were Milos Krstic (Toreador Antitribu vote/bloat deck), Djordje Bjelajac (Ventrue vote/toolbox-ish) and Nikica Novakovic (Salubri annoy-everyone-with-the-goddess-damned-spirit-marionette-Obeah-bastard-card). The only notable moment would perhaps be the second round in which Nikica's Salubri obliterated both his Predator and Prey (which happened to be me) within first four turns. The running concensus from now on is that both Predator and Prey of a player with a Salubri in his crypt are allowed to play with baseball bats.

At the end of the third round it was established that the five players in the final round, aside from the three players already mentioned, would be Djordje Sutic with his Brujah Antitribu and Marko Vujnovic (which would be yours truly), with a really crappy Nosferatu/Nosferatu Antitribu deck. The only truly strange thing about the final round was the fact that I had even gotten into it with my measly half a vactory point. Just to note, if you decide that it is a good idea to create a new deck from scratch at 5am, and decide to do so with a clan you have never even played with - just don't. On the other hand, it did get me into the final round so I guess I shouldn't complain too much.

The seating order in the final round was:

Nikica Novakovic (Salubri)
Marko Vujnovic (Nosferatu/!Nosferatu)
Djordje Bjelajac (Ventrue)
Djordje Sutic (!Brujah)
Milos Krstic (!Toreador)

The game was very indicative of Belgrade playstyle. For over 90 minutes, pretty much nothing was happening, somewhat due to the fact that everyone was making sure to have all their minions tapped so that the bastard Salubri couldn't steal them with Spirit Marionette. The !Toreador kept bloating and bloating with neither his Predator nor Prey having enough Intercept and untap to prevent most of his political actions. Briefly there was a clash between the Ventrue and the !Brujah, initiated by Arika calling Protect Thy Own on Hector (the referendum didn't pass) but soon enough it was forgoten. Some fifteen minutes before timeout, my Nosferatu were ousted. This would remain the only oust in the final round and, as a result, Nikica with his Salubri claimed his torunament victory.

We remain hopeful that one day we will see a final round of any tournament be finished with an actual game win and not with the darn timeout. But, all things considered, it was a fun tournament.
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Post by FGSerbia »

Sorry for the delay - it's been a busy couple of weeks.
Check out the pictures.

The website's been updated and the stock orders are off first thing tomorrow.


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