2a Edicija 2010
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Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Zapravo jeste.
Mada je i stari bio dobar. Bolje da su napravili novog Vlada. Realno on je jedini ruzan (i to epski (mislim epski je ruzan, epski Vlad je lep (dobro nije bas epski lep))).
Novi Irusk je isto dobar, mada je mogao biti i bolji.
Skarre takodjer - lep je sculp ali eSkarre i dalje ima pet puta bolju pozu.
Mada je i stari bio dobar. Bolje da su napravili novog Vlada. Realno on je jedini ruzan (i to epski (mislim epski je ruzan, epski Vlad je lep (dobro nije bas epski lep))).
Novi Irusk je isto dobar, mada je mogao biti i bolji.
Skarre takodjer - lep je sculp ali eSkarre i dalje ima pet puta bolju pozu.
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
90% svega je sranje, a to ukljucuje i preostalih 10%
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
http://privateerpress.com/warmachine/ga ... -vindictus
Koliko blesavo izgleda baja!!!
Ne pamtim kada mi se ovoliko dopala neka nova PP figura...
I rekao bih da ga je vajao isti covek kao i eGoreshade-a.
Koliko blesavo izgleda baja!!!
Ne pamtim kada mi se ovoliko dopala neka nova PP figura...
I rekao bih da ga je vajao isti covek kao i eGoreshade-a.
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
90% svega je sranje, a to ukljucuje i preostalih 10%
- Pendargon
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Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Zezas me...
Izgleda kao starkelja koji je obukao ornamentisani smederevac :lol: :lol: :lol:
Izgleda kao starkelja koji je obukao ornamentisani smederevac :lol: :lol: :lol:
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Pa meni se taj opis uklapa u viziju Protektoratskih castera.Pendargon wrote:Izgleda kao starkelja koji je obukao ornamentisani smederevac :lol: :lol: :lol:
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
90% svega je sranje, a to ukljucuje i preostalih 10%
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
@ Dule & Vampire googletranslator: E, a sto cryxovci tol'ko kukaju na ''Rebuke''?
- Posts: 449
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Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Zato sto ne mogu da spemuju svoje ultra dobre, prejeftine kombat pesadije. :D
Inace, u partiji od juce (protiv normalne balansirane liste) nisam ga ni jednom bacio!
Inace, u partiji od juce (protiv normalne balansirane liste) nisam ga ni jednom bacio!
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Pa eto. Jbte kukaju sto ne mogu da koriste baneove do beskonacnosti. Kao da nisu znali da MK II baca akcenat na jackove. 2-3 jacka, par pesadija i rebuke vise nije toliko gadan. Al bas kukaju za sve pare .
- Posts: 449
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Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Naravno, imamo najbolje pesadije u igri i one protiv jedne od ostalih 9 frakcija u igri ne rade BUUUUUUU... Da napomenem da je Harby na farbanju :D
- Pendargon
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Re: 2a Edicija 2010
da, ali cryx u novoj ediciji JEDINO ima heavy pesadiju.
Nema jackove (sem deathjacka) , cek nema ni pilice. A nema ni ranged pesadiju.
I ako nisi ELich, automatski izgubis protiv menota. Ne pitas se nista.
Nema jackove (sem deathjacka) , cek nema ni pilice. A nema ni ranged pesadiju.
I ako nisi ELich, automatski izgubis protiv menota. Ne pitas se nista.
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Meni je boki posteno prevaspitao prime Strykera Menotom, a bez ijednog bacenog rebuke-a
Dule jeste u pravu da postoji problem sa tom jednom Mentoskom lista koja je annoying u smislu da protiv nekih armija jednostavno kaze autowin, ali dobra stvar je da mi lokalno necemo imati problem sa Harbringerkom i drugarima... dobro, sem ako Moma ne resi da bude zao, juce je mlatio po rikovoj Skorni sa dva vazala :P
Pritom je jasno sada da PP nece ostaviti stvari u vakumu - vec smo videli da prime MK2 knjiga menja neke beskorisne modele, jedva cekam Forces of WM: Cygnar da vidim dal ce trencher cannon da vredi necemu A moguce je da ce usput izmeniti i neke spelove, ili malo dodatno balansirati igru. Ako vrate na taj rebuke upkeep na primer, onda ce se naci nesto drugo kao povod za kukanje
I da, ja i dalje ne verujem da epic Caine nikome ne predstavlja problem, opstaje ovako bez izmena a support mu je sve bolji i bolji sa novim soloima.. Bio je i red da jedne godine ponovo Cygnar dominira na turnirima, bas kao kad je igra pocinjala ^_^
Dule jeste u pravu da postoji problem sa tom jednom Mentoskom lista koja je annoying u smislu da protiv nekih armija jednostavno kaze autowin, ali dobra stvar je da mi lokalno necemo imati problem sa Harbringerkom i drugarima... dobro, sem ako Moma ne resi da bude zao, juce je mlatio po rikovoj Skorni sa dva vazala :P
Pritom je jasno sada da PP nece ostaviti stvari u vakumu - vec smo videli da prime MK2 knjiga menja neke beskorisne modele, jedva cekam Forces of WM: Cygnar da vidim dal ce trencher cannon da vredi necemu A moguce je da ce usput izmeniti i neke spelove, ili malo dodatno balansirati igru. Ako vrate na taj rebuke upkeep na primer, onda ce se naci nesto drugo kao povod za kukanje
I da, ja i dalje ne verujem da epic Caine nikome ne predstavlja problem, opstaje ovako bez izmena a support mu je sve bolji i bolji sa novim soloima.. Bio je i red da jedne godine ponovo Cygnar dominira na turnirima, bas kao kad je igra pocinjala ^_^
- Resurrection
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Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Battelbox casteri resculptovani (sta ti je englesko-srpski, a?)
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Izgledaju totalno sexy.
Osim sto dovoljno lice na stare, te ne verujem da ce ih mnogo kupovati ljudi koji ih vec imaju.
Osim sto dovoljno lice na stare, te ne verujem da ce ih mnogo kupovati ljudi koji ih vec imaju.
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
90% svega je sranje, a to ukljucuje i preostalih 10%
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Novi pKreoss je od-li-can. Steta sto ga bas bas ne volem .
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Kako su krenuli videcemo i novog Vlada i novog Magnusa...
Argh, trebalo bi da kupujem jos unita za svoj Khador, a ne castere koje vec imam (a dosad ih imam sve jeli)!!! Prokleti PP!
Kako su krenuli videcemo i novog Vlada i novog Magnusa...
Argh, trebalo bi da kupujem jos unita za svoj Khador, a ne castere koje vec imam (a dosad ih imam sve jeli)!!! Prokleti PP!
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
90% svega je sranje, a to ukljucuje i preostalih 10%
- Pendargon
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- Location: Between Heaven and Hell... In Heaven they don't want me, but the Devil doesn't want a competition
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Radujte se kadoranci!
Spojleri :
lgs has the new nq
mow bombadier
same stats as mow dc, cost of uhlans, two weapons a grenade launcher same as the bombard except for range of a magelock pistol. Also a chainsaw with pow of a blasting pike and crit shred.
ak flame thrower
same cost as other wa, stats of a ak. Spray fire and continuos fire. Also has the assault shield. When killed place a 5 inch aoe, models hit catch fire.
also the butcher lives.
Spojleri :
lgs has the new nq
mow bombadier
same stats as mow dc, cost of uhlans, two weapons a grenade launcher same as the bombard except for range of a magelock pistol. Also a chainsaw with pow of a blasting pike and crit shred.
ak flame thrower
same cost as other wa, stats of a ak. Spray fire and continuos fire. Also has the assault shield. When killed place a 5 inch aoe, models hit catch fire.
also the butcher lives.
- Resurrection
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Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Zato sto je Bojan ubio Gerlaka, Kriksovci su ubili Harby i eSeveriusa.
Rebuke has been rebuked.
Rebuke has been rebuked.
- Pendargon
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- Location: Between Heaven and Hell... In Heaven they don't want me, but the Devil doesn't want a competition
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
I to je nisu promenili, niti ista, nego samo obrisali!
McThralls rule supreme once again!!!
A sad, salu na stranu,, PP vec stvarno pocinje da mi ide na k*ac sa svojim promenama "zavrsnog" dokumenta i weekly updateima baziranim na forumskim topicima. Srecom, skoro sam ofarbao kompletno moju 40k armiju...
McThralls rule supreme once again!!!
A sad, salu na stranu,, PP vec stvarno pocinje da mi ide na k*ac sa svojim promenama "zavrsnog" dokumenta i weekly updateima baziranim na forumskim topicima. Srecom, skoro sam ofarbao kompletno moju 40k armiju...
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Dok desifrujem cryxovski jezik... Jbte koje je PP postao sranje od firme. Nikad, ali nikad nije pametno da se igraci puno pitaju, pogotovo u specificnoj igri kao sto je warmachine. To nas dovodi do toga da se malo oduzima, malo dodaje...
Iskreno, zabole me za ''rebuke'' posto oba kastera ne volim preterano (naravno da je strykeru ostavljen rebuke), ali, i tu se slazem sa Duletom 100%,tuzno je da jedna ozbiljan firma menja pravila na svakih 5 minuta i to posle kuknjave odredjenog dela igraca. E zato se field testovi nikad ne rade. Nego lepo cutis, izdas pravila, ko 'oce da se igra 'oce ko nece nece, a ne da titraju pojedinima. Uopste nema veze koja frakcija je u pitanju, ali nacin odredjivanja statova je smesan. I sto je jos zanimljivo esevvy i harby nisu dobili nista zauzvrat :?
Nista, idem da napravim 25 nikova na PP forumu da trazim da se Vilmonu vrate D10 napada
Iskreno, zabole me za ''rebuke'' posto oba kastera ne volim preterano (naravno da je strykeru ostavljen rebuke), ali, i tu se slazem sa Duletom 100%,tuzno je da jedna ozbiljan firma menja pravila na svakih 5 minuta i to posle kuknjave odredjenog dela igraca. E zato se field testovi nikad ne rade. Nego lepo cutis, izdas pravila, ko 'oce da se igra 'oce ko nece nece, a ne da titraju pojedinima. Uopste nema veze koja frakcija je u pitanju, ali nacin odredjivanja statova je smesan. I sto je jos zanimljivo esevvy i harby nisu dobili nista zauzvrat :?
Nista, idem da napravim 25 nikova na PP forumu da trazim da se Vilmonu vrate D10 napada
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
PP polako ali sigurno krece Rackham stopama.. Kako tacno da ubediti novog potencijalnog igraca da kupi ista za ovu igru? "Znas ovo je mnogo dobra igra, i ovo je koristan model..mislim danas, u petak cemo vec videti..."Originally Posted by Techcasualty
There are people speaking of the cards
Indeed - we know that Menoth lost Rebuke and that B13 remained at 4 pts, but I want more info dagnabbit (the UK always gets the cool stuff last ).
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
I ne samo da privuce nove igrace, nego da zadrzi stare, iz upravo tih razloga (ovo pricam iz licnog iskustva ).Knight wrote:PP polako ali sigurno krece Rackham stopama.. Kako tacno da ubediti novog potencijalnog igraca da kupi ista za ovu igru? "Znas ovo je mnogo dobra igra, i ovo je koristan model..mislim danas, u petak cemo vec videti..."Originally Posted by Techcasualty
There are people speaking of the cards
Indeed - we know that Menoth lost Rebuke and that B13 remained at 4 pts, but I want more info dagnabbit (the UK always gets the cool stuff last ).
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.
Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.
And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.
Glory to Arstotzka!
- Resurrection
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Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Jeste iritantno i zajebali su se sto su rekli da su finalna pravila pa su menjali i nisu se ogradili kad je trebalo i zato ih toliko napusavaju.
Bili su mladi i neiskusni.
Knjige jos nisu i izasle i bolje da promene sad nego da ima gomila erata za jos jednu knjigu kad sve bude gotovo.
Jel se seca neko kako Vilmon moze da trci i stane u stance i sta moze da ga povredi, kako mortar ne moze da se pomera i pravi ranged napade ali moze da se pomera i da pravi magical napade jer mu dala Ajana itd.?
Rebuke su ubacili posle Field Testa i zato niko nije stigao da se zali tokom istog.
I da ponovim, jese iritantno ali je bolje od naknadnih izmena dok jos nisu izasla finalna-finalna:) pravila.
@ Bathory:
Dobili su spell Fear of God.
Isti tekst kao Rebuke samo je upkeep.
Bili su mladi i neiskusni.
Knjige jos nisu i izasle i bolje da promene sad nego da ima gomila erata za jos jednu knjigu kad sve bude gotovo.
Jel se seca neko kako Vilmon moze da trci i stane u stance i sta moze da ga povredi, kako mortar ne moze da se pomera i pravi ranged napade ali moze da se pomera i da pravi magical napade jer mu dala Ajana itd.?
Rebuke su ubacili posle Field Testa i zato niko nije stigao da se zali tokom istog.
I da ponovim, jese iritantno ali je bolje od naknadnih izmena dok jos nisu izasla finalna-finalna:) pravila.
@ Bathory:
Dobili su spell Fear of God.
Isti tekst kao Rebuke samo je upkeep.
- Posts: 449
- Joined: Thu Feb 19, 2004 4:48 pm
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Moram priznati da ceo ovaj cirkus postaje iritantan, i pocinje da pokazauje lenjost na strani PP-a!
Npr. vecinu izmena tokom Hordes fielf testa napravili su igraci a PP to samo ubacio u pravila.
Sto se rebuke-a tice u novoj Fear of god varijanti postaje prilicno beskoristan jer sve turnirske liste ce imati nacin da ga skinu.
Ono sto mi je jos iritantnije je pojava Corben Bleu( merc. kurva koja radi za SVE frakcije) i ako se pravila pokazu tacna moze da pomera kastera tri incha. Znaci auto include za GOMILU kastera u svim frakcijama. Lagano pocinjem da se osecam kao da igram Tragic the Bothering.
Npr. vecinu izmena tokom Hordes fielf testa napravili su igraci a PP to samo ubacio u pravila.
Sto se rebuke-a tice u novoj Fear of god varijanti postaje prilicno beskoristan jer sve turnirske liste ce imati nacin da ga skinu.
Ono sto mi je jos iritantnije je pojava Corben Bleu( merc. kurva koja radi za SVE frakcije) i ako se pravila pokazu tacna moze da pomera kastera tri incha. Znaci auto include za GOMILU kastera u svim frakcijama. Lagano pocinjem da se osecam kao da igram Tragic the Bothering.
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Videh da su ubacili ''fear of god'' kao upkeep rebuke, ali poenta je, sto smo se svi slozili da menjanje pravila svakih 3 sata ne dovodi ni do cega. Bolje lepo da izdaju pravila bez preterane konsultacije sa korisnicima, pa nek ljudi sami odluce da li ce igrati ili ne. Uostalom postoje testeri pravila pri firmi.
Problem jettaj sto je, cini mi se, PP zagrizao vise nego sto moze da pojede, tj previse prosirio igru, odnosno range figura i da opet krece u gubljenje u sirinu, ovog puta ne sa novim pravilima vec sa novim jedinicama, koje su kako je Bojan lepo primetio (a Nenad i ja odavno spominjemo), 3d oblici Tragic the botheringa..
U sustini oni i jesu predvidjali da ova igra radi na comboe kao i magic, ali ponavljam, cini mi se da opet krecu sa preterivanjem. Pogotovo ako svaki novi karakter bude bio ultra koristan za sve, kao sto izgleda da ce ta nova mercovka da bude...
Problem jettaj sto je, cini mi se, PP zagrizao vise nego sto moze da pojede, tj previse prosirio igru, odnosno range figura i da opet krece u gubljenje u sirinu, ovog puta ne sa novim pravilima vec sa novim jedinicama, koje su kako je Bojan lepo primetio (a Nenad i ja odavno spominjemo), 3d oblici Tragic the botheringa..
U sustini oni i jesu predvidjali da ova igra radi na comboe kao i magic, ali ponavljam, cini mi se da opet krecu sa preterivanjem. Pogotovo ako svaki novi karakter bude bio ultra koristan za sve, kao sto izgleda da ce ta nova mercovka da bude...
- Zekina banda
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Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Ma treba lepo sacekati da izadju nova pravila i onda igrati po njima. Time se dobija efekat koji moma pominje (jednom recju, manite se fild testova i slicnih tricarija - od toga se samo gube zivci).
Izgubio je sve ko nije razumeo da je pobeda bila nesto drugo
stari blog http://waxerspasttime.wordpress.com/
- Resurrection
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Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Moze da ga pomeri model u svom CMD za 3 incha" ako je u enemy model u CMD od nje na pocetku kruga.mladjano bugarce wrote:Moram priznati da ceo ovaj cirkus postaje iritantan, i pocinje da pokazauje lenjost na strani PP-a!
Npr. vecinu izmena tokom Hordes fielf testa napravili su igraci a PP to samo ubacio u pravila.
Sto se rebuke-a tice u novoj Fear of god varijanti postaje prilicno beskoristan jer sve turnirske liste ce imati nacin da ga skinu.
Ono sto mi je jos iritantnije je pojava Corben Bleu( merc. kurva koja radi za SVE frakcije) i ako se pravila pokazu tacna moze da pomera kastera tri incha. Znaci auto include za GOMILU kastera u svim frakcijama. Lagano pocinjem da se osecam kao da igram Tragic the Bothering.
Nista impresivno.
To je 14/12/5 solo.
Niko sem par kastera koji imaju abulitije koji radu u CMD range je nece ukljuciti u listu.
2 poena nije malo ovih dana.
- arborsomniorum
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Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Ono što mene brine je sledece. Najavili su spilove mk2 koji izlaze u Januaru, a pravila jos uvek su podlozna promenama. Da li to znaci da kada kupim spil, mogu brzo da ocekujem mk2b spil?
To bi bilo bas gej, jer su imali dovoljno vremena za test, a bogami i da pomere izlazak spilova ako test nije zavrsen na vreme...
To bi bilo bas gej, jer su imali dovoljno vremena za test, a bogami i da pomere izlazak spilova ako test nije zavrsen na vreme...
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Kad izadju knjige/karte gotovo je sa menjanjem pravila.
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
90% svega je sranje, a to ukljucuje i preostalih 10%
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Tako je.
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
90% svega je sranje, a to ukljucuje i preostalih 10%
- arborsomniorum
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- Location: Нови Сад, Србија
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Ali vreme koje je potrebno da iz stampe izadju i da se pojave u prodavnicama nije zanemarljivo. Mislim da su oni vec sve to odstampali, a moracu markerom da upisujem nova pravila.
Uf, bas ne bih voleo da je tako...
Uf, bas ne bih voleo da je tako...
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Ne preteruj.
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
90% svega je sranje, a to ukljucuje i preostalih 10%
- arborsomniorum
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- Location: Нови Сад, Србија
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Sta cu bre Sunak, ja sam paranoican, sumnjicav i glup. A da sam opet sam prosecan igrac evo ti dokaza...
Forgive me for being out of the loop, I've had my head down in some other projects that are consuming all of my attention. Also, wading into the forums is kind of like trying to walk across 'no man's land' between two opposing trenches. It's not some place I relish going. Keep that in mind here and consider going easy on our staffers from time to time. They have to weather a lot of fire, some of it legitimate and rational, but a whole lot of it is bunk, trolling bull****, so they tend to get a bit defensive.
I have not personally read any of the forum threads on this, so I'm still kind of getting up to speed. It's come to my attention that some of our customers felt mislead by some specific ability and stat changes that occurred on a few models between the 'locked' PDF and the actual release of MkII. The most honest and forthright response I can offer you is that I am sorry that we mislead you. There was no intention to deceive and those changes that were made after the fact were not motivated by anything other than our continued fervor to perfect the game. How you view those changes may bias you towards agreeing with this statement, but I assure you that there was no duplicity in play here.
The situation is this: historically, we have a terrible habit of not letting things go. We keep working on them in development right up until the printing deadline, more often than not. I can tell you, this drives our editors and our project managers crazy because they all want a locked document. It's a terrible habit that can lead to last minute errors, but we've had enough positive last minute saves that the habit hasn't been eradicated, despite best efforts. When I made my address regarding the release of the MkII PDF, all concerned parties agreed, 'No more development, the info is locked', with the caveat that there were many editing and proofing passes that would be made before the files were print ready. After doing this for seven years, I should have known better. Nothing is ever finished here. Along the proofing process, the gears of of the developers' minds keep turing and things were noticed that we thought could be handled better. So at that point, the tough decision was presented: do we make a change that we feel is necessary, or stick to our guns and leave it locked? For perfectionists, there is no worse 'rock and a hard place'. Clearly, the action taken is history and we will be judged in the afterlife accordingly.
But this is where we plunge into the dark, scary recesses of 'game designer' pathology. (For those that don't know, it is indeed a disease.) What a player might see as a flat out 'change', our lead designer sees as a 'correction' to a 'mistake', just as legitimate as if a word had been misspelled. This isn't an excuse, it's just the way game designers tick, and until you've spent four hours beating a point to death until you're red in the face as you try to dislodge a piece of stuck logic like this, you can't understand just how frustrating this black and white viewpoint can be. But it's because of this kind of hyper-analytical disposition that we can make these games at all.
So again, no excuses here. We said the info was locked and we made some changes after the fact because we felt it was the right thing to do for the game. If we hadn't made them then, these things would have ended up as errata later, guaranteed. But that's my bad for putting my address in absolute terms and not considering that there was ample opportunity to find a fly in the ointment somewhere down the line that we'd want to get out. It distresses me greatly to know that this has undermined confidence in our integrity because we do strive to be forthright, honest, transparent and honorable in everything we do and the confidence our customers have in us is of paramount importance.
I would ask that you keep it all in perspective. There is an instinct of forum users especially (every forum, not just ours), to try to tear down everything and everyone. Out of the hundreds (thousands maybe?) of stats and abilities in Prime MkII, the 'changes' number less than a dozen, I am told. Depending on if those changes affected something you were personally concerned with, the severity of your opinion on the change may vary. But it's hardly enough to warrant cries of some dark agenda or an intentional bait and switch. We're really not that insidious.
So, a quick recap because I'm not going to be coming back to this thread (unless I change my mind), (thanks to the forums, 'disclaimers' will become S.O.P. on all future announcements), and I don't want to feel the need to come back and clarify or explain what I've said: we're sorry if anyone felt mislead, that was not the intention. The mistake really wasn't that we made changes after the fact, it was that we didn't know ourselves well enough to know that we can never leave anything well enough alone. It's a bad habit, but 99% of the time, it's also a habit that you, the consumer, benefit from— our compulsive need to continue to refine and perfect every product. Apologies however, for any confusion, inconvenience, or appearances of sinister agendas.
Now, you must make the hard decision, but I think you've actually got three choices:
1) Choose to believe me at your own peril, because I may in fact be far more diabolical than you could ever imagine.
2) Find another game that you like as much from a company that you feel has more integrity than Privateer Press, making our forums a quieter place.
3) Disbelieve me, hate us for being evil, sinister, money grubbing bastards who couldn't give two ****s about their customers who we delight in abusing, BUT begrudgingly continue to play our games while decrying us on our own forums. (Seems to have worked historically for plenty of people, at least as long as the forums were around...)
They're all sound decisions in my book. And in any case, thanks for hearing me out.
Matt Wilson
Forgive me for being out of the loop, I've had my head down in some other projects that are consuming all of my attention. Also, wading into the forums is kind of like trying to walk across 'no man's land' between two opposing trenches. It's not some place I relish going. Keep that in mind here and consider going easy on our staffers from time to time. They have to weather a lot of fire, some of it legitimate and rational, but a whole lot of it is bunk, trolling bull****, so they tend to get a bit defensive.
I have not personally read any of the forum threads on this, so I'm still kind of getting up to speed. It's come to my attention that some of our customers felt mislead by some specific ability and stat changes that occurred on a few models between the 'locked' PDF and the actual release of MkII. The most honest and forthright response I can offer you is that I am sorry that we mislead you. There was no intention to deceive and those changes that were made after the fact were not motivated by anything other than our continued fervor to perfect the game. How you view those changes may bias you towards agreeing with this statement, but I assure you that there was no duplicity in play here.
The situation is this: historically, we have a terrible habit of not letting things go. We keep working on them in development right up until the printing deadline, more often than not. I can tell you, this drives our editors and our project managers crazy because they all want a locked document. It's a terrible habit that can lead to last minute errors, but we've had enough positive last minute saves that the habit hasn't been eradicated, despite best efforts. When I made my address regarding the release of the MkII PDF, all concerned parties agreed, 'No more development, the info is locked', with the caveat that there were many editing and proofing passes that would be made before the files were print ready. After doing this for seven years, I should have known better. Nothing is ever finished here. Along the proofing process, the gears of of the developers' minds keep turing and things were noticed that we thought could be handled better. So at that point, the tough decision was presented: do we make a change that we feel is necessary, or stick to our guns and leave it locked? For perfectionists, there is no worse 'rock and a hard place'. Clearly, the action taken is history and we will be judged in the afterlife accordingly.
But this is where we plunge into the dark, scary recesses of 'game designer' pathology. (For those that don't know, it is indeed a disease.) What a player might see as a flat out 'change', our lead designer sees as a 'correction' to a 'mistake', just as legitimate as if a word had been misspelled. This isn't an excuse, it's just the way game designers tick, and until you've spent four hours beating a point to death until you're red in the face as you try to dislodge a piece of stuck logic like this, you can't understand just how frustrating this black and white viewpoint can be. But it's because of this kind of hyper-analytical disposition that we can make these games at all.
So again, no excuses here. We said the info was locked and we made some changes after the fact because we felt it was the right thing to do for the game. If we hadn't made them then, these things would have ended up as errata later, guaranteed. But that's my bad for putting my address in absolute terms and not considering that there was ample opportunity to find a fly in the ointment somewhere down the line that we'd want to get out. It distresses me greatly to know that this has undermined confidence in our integrity because we do strive to be forthright, honest, transparent and honorable in everything we do and the confidence our customers have in us is of paramount importance.
I would ask that you keep it all in perspective. There is an instinct of forum users especially (every forum, not just ours), to try to tear down everything and everyone. Out of the hundreds (thousands maybe?) of stats and abilities in Prime MkII, the 'changes' number less than a dozen, I am told. Depending on if those changes affected something you were personally concerned with, the severity of your opinion on the change may vary. But it's hardly enough to warrant cries of some dark agenda or an intentional bait and switch. We're really not that insidious.
So, a quick recap because I'm not going to be coming back to this thread (unless I change my mind), (thanks to the forums, 'disclaimers' will become S.O.P. on all future announcements), and I don't want to feel the need to come back and clarify or explain what I've said: we're sorry if anyone felt mislead, that was not the intention. The mistake really wasn't that we made changes after the fact, it was that we didn't know ourselves well enough to know that we can never leave anything well enough alone. It's a bad habit, but 99% of the time, it's also a habit that you, the consumer, benefit from— our compulsive need to continue to refine and perfect every product. Apologies however, for any confusion, inconvenience, or appearances of sinister agendas.
Now, you must make the hard decision, but I think you've actually got three choices:
1) Choose to believe me at your own peril, because I may in fact be far more diabolical than you could ever imagine.
2) Find another game that you like as much from a company that you feel has more integrity than Privateer Press, making our forums a quieter place.
3) Disbelieve me, hate us for being evil, sinister, money grubbing bastards who couldn't give two ****s about their customers who we delight in abusing, BUT begrudgingly continue to play our games while decrying us on our own forums. (Seems to have worked historically for plenty of people, at least as long as the forums were around...)
They're all sound decisions in my book. And in any case, thanks for hearing me out.
Matt Wilson
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Vidi, preterali su pa su preterali.
Po meni je jedina razumna stvar ono sto rece Dalibor - zaboravimo Field Test, ignorisimo forume. Cekamo da izadju finalna pravila a onda se igramo.
Jer zaista ne verujem da ce ih zabrljati toliko da igra postane neigrivija.
Jedina bitna stvar kojoj se nadam je da Horde nece biti slabije Ratmasina.
Po meni je jedina razumna stvar ono sto rece Dalibor - zaboravimo Field Test, ignorisimo forume. Cekamo da izadju finalna pravila a onda se igramo.
Jer zaista ne verujem da ce ih zabrljati toliko da igra postane neigrivija.
Jedina bitna stvar kojoj se nadam je da Horde nece biti slabije Ratmasina.
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
90% svega je sranje, a to ukljucuje i preostalih 10%
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Ah...nove satiksice: http://privateerpress.com/warmachine/ga ... od-witches
pa komanda za bane thrallove:http://privateerpress.com/warmachine/ga ... ard-bearer...nije lose mada je moglo i nesto lepse.
pa komanda za bane thrallove:http://privateerpress.com/warmachine/ga ... ard-bearer...nije lose mada je moglo i nesto lepse.
Re: 2a Edicija 2010
A mogli su i da ih ofarbaju. Mozda je sledeci korak prezentovanje praznih baza
- Resurrection
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Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Vidis da im je neko krisom, bez njihovog znanja ,postavio slike figurica koje je maznuo iz magacina XD
- Resurrection
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Re: 2a Edicija 2010
Moze li neko od komp. magova da ovde postuje kartu nove merc. zene gun mage-a.