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Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 3:00 pm
by FGSerbia
Extreme Mangled Metal/Tooth & Claw Event

Players face off using 750 points of Warmachine or Hordes. Army lists must have 2 Warcasters or Warlocks (1 can be Epic). The rest of the list must be made up of Warjacks or Warbeasts only (no Warcaster attachments either). The Warjacks/Warbeasts can be heavy, light or lesser. Games last 75 mins and all are caster kill scenerios. Players can include an alternate list that must be from the same faction as the original and must adhere to the same build specifications.

It would be very advantageous if bases have their front arc marked, this doesn’t need to be a full colour coat, it can simply be two painted lines on the base to represent the front arc, this is to save the confusion we often see in such tournaments. Bases that are not marked will have a large disadvantage when debating their front arc as the rulings will often go with the opponent.

Winner will receive a choice of one of two Extreme Sculpts and there will be goodies for the following categories;
- Best Theme army
- Best Painted Warjacks or Warbeasts on a large base
- Best Painted Warjacks or Warbeasts on a medium or small base
- Best Painted Warlock or Warcaster

Tournament Starts at 14:00 and the cost of the entrance fee is 300 dinars to cover prize support.

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Wed Sep 30, 2009 7:38 pm
by BoltaFodda
Oooh, I'm so there.

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Thu Oct 01, 2009 7:41 pm
by mladjano bugarce
I`ll be replacement player for that tournament so thay you Rick can play even if number of players is odd.

I have just one more idea for all the players to pay 1000 dinars and get them back at the end of torunament so that ones who leave in the middle of the tournament lose that money. I think that such behaveour is big examle of bad sportsmanship because those players don`t respect organisers or other players!

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 6:07 pm
by Knight
Ill mark my bases for the next tourney. :)

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Fri Oct 02, 2009 8:54 pm
by Resurrection
Zekina banda wrote:Madjari bi mogli da sacekaju mesec-dva da dodjemo na belu listu.
To je Januar i tad vazi MK2, a tesko ce biti gotov MK2 za horde.
Samo da nas obaveste na vreme ni nije frka za vizu.
FGSerbia wrote:No one's going to accuse you of being part of the solution today are they?
Did you notice that all the guys from Budapest had their bases marked (actually at least 3 - I can't remember if Marko did)?
Kad igras protiv Bokija mozes da vrtis modele kako god i uvek ti na pocetku kaze da njegovi gledaju napred kako god su okrenuti.
I rastura. Mozda je taj metod bolji? Pustis ih da se zamajavaju fejsingom i planiras sekiru u lice? Ako je na drugoj strani sekira ce tamo izaci svejedno.
Most tournaments listed abroad put that in the write up for the event. The reason - if you win or lose due to a coin toss of whether or not you started in someone's back arc or not the victory becomes hollow and the loss very bitter.
Pobeda postaje prazna ako si toliko zagrizen da si morao da inisitiras da si poceo u back arc da bi pobedio.
I saw a discussion about this in just about every game I watched on saturday, agreed non of the circumstances would have lead to a victory or loss but they occurred.
Slazem se - bolje je izbeci diskusiju ali ja se ne secam da je iko zvao sudiju da interpretira pravila.
There is not a single good reason why anyone would not agree in principle to do this.
Ne zelim da moji metalni modeli imamju ikakvu boju. Cak ni na bazi. Ne svidja mi se. Eto.
Postajem emotivan ko onaj gore sto je izgubio zbog back arc.
Volim da se igram djavoljeg advokata :)

Ima neko Leviathana viska za ovo?

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 10:55 am
by FGSerbia
Resurrection wrote:Pobeda postaje prazna ako si toliko zagrizen da si morao da inisitiras da si poceo u back arc da bi pobedio.
It's not just about starting in the back arc to get the +2 MAT bonus it's also about avoiding free strikes, moving along a models base so that other models can get the charge. These things happen in every game, and I've seen countless examples at the weekend. Luckily all of the people at the tournament resolved the matter without any real stress but I know of and have been involved in numerous cases where it made a real difference. It's just a tournament standard now and I think it would be better where there are prizes involved or where some players have travelled a decent distance to include it.
Resurrection wrote:Ne zelim da moji metalni modeli imamju ikakvu boju. Cak ni na bazi. Ne svidja mi se. Eto.
Postajem emotivan ko onaj gore sto je izgubio zbog back arc.
Volim da se igram djavoljeg advokata
And this from the player that won the fair play award. Good to see you didn't let the honour go to your head.

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:34 am
by mladjano bugarce
In MKII there`s rule about it. Position of shoulders defines what is in front and what is in back ark. And if you find the player who is real jerk than you will probably argue with him do lines on the base cross his model or not so lines on the base won`t help that much.

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 11:37 am
by mladjano bugarce
One more thing. The easiest way to define front and back ark is just ask player where he wanted his model to look and act with that in mind, except when somebody charged and than has to look in the middle of model charged.

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:06 pm
by Resurrection
FGSerbia wrote: And this from the player that won the fair play award. Good to see you didn't let the honour go to your head.
Kakve veze ima fair play sa mojim osecajem za estetiku?
mladjano bugarce wrote:In MKII there`s rule about it. Position of shoulders defines what is in front and what is in back ark. And if you find the player who is real jerk than you will probably argue with him do lines on the base cross his model or not so lines on the base won`t help that much.
I u MK1 je na osnovu toga gde model gleda tj. gde mu je okrenuta glava.

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 1:06 pm
by Pendargon
And to add to the discussion, who will check weather the lines are exactly 180 degrees, or are they drawn exactly through the center of the base? And on the cryx army with 50+ models?
Bottom line is : if somebody wants to cheat you, he will, if he doesn't - he doesn't. But line drawing is generally a decent idea, and will do it, when i finish painting all my minis... or for the next big tournament.

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Mon Oct 19, 2009 10:38 am
by Resurrection
Report nekog lika sa turnira ovog formata: ... pic=189588

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:44 am
by FGSerbia
Main posted edited

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:00 pm
by Pendargon
Since it's a 2 warcaster/lock affair, can i then bring merc warcaster as my second? That would be really neat, so that i could NOT spam chicken :-)

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:05 pm
by Resurrection
Ne vidim razlog protiv.
I Renegejdi su arc nodovi :p

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 2:17 pm
by FGSerbia
Pendargon wrote:Since it's a 2 warcaster/lock affair, can i then bring merc warcaster as my second? That would be really neat, so that i could NOT spam chicken :-)
Under normal circumstances yes - but as it's you no.

Of course you can. Magnus can go with anyone except Cygnar, Ashlynn with Menoth and Cygnar only etc etc etc. As long as it's legal and 2 epics aren't used in the same list.

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 7:40 pm
by Pendargon
Then it's a date :-)
Denny could not resist the awesome charm of a fine-looking, genial (though slightly mad) middle aged warcaster, so they embark on a quest together. After all, he did promise that his rocket can fly sky-high!!!!!! 8) 8) 8) 8)

On a related topic, Morty and the queen of the broken coast test ground for the cryxian invasion of the hordes lands...

(I assume that normal FA applies?)

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:07 pm
by Pavlik Vladansson
My boys in blue will certainly be there as well.
Just one question, is it two lists or one?

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:20 pm
by Shunka
Ne pise da su dve...
Tako da bih rekao da je jedna.

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 8:37 pm
by Pendargon
Players can include an alternate list that must be from the same faction as the original and must adhere to the same build specifications.
2 liste

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 10:49 pm
by Shunka
Sram da me bude nepazljivo citam...

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Mon Nov 02, 2009 11:32 pm
by Zekina banda
Aha, i nepostavljas svoje liste u topiku kampanje :roll:

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:14 am
by Knight
dve battle grupe ili jedna? tj da li su svi dzekovi pok kontolom oba kastera ;)

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Tue Nov 03, 2009 12:21 am
by Pendargon
Dve, mora po pravilima.
Nisu bre ovo horde, pa da ne moras da vodis racuna :-)

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 5:39 pm
by BoltaFodda
So... WHERE is the tourny? I'd say Sigil, but it is not exactly spelt out...

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:12 am
by shukaku
Hm,tek sam sad shvatio da imam samo dva warjacka

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:37 am
by Shunka
Reci sta ti treba, mogao bih pomoci!
Obzirom da cu verovatno, inspirisan Duletom, da vodim mix Khadora i Mercova...
Behemoth-a i Beast09-a cu sigurno voditi, doduse...

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Sat Nov 07, 2009 3:55 am
by shukaku
Zahvaljujem na pomoci.
Sta god imas od jackova daj,pa cu smisliti pre turnira neku listu.
Ti bese imas:jugernauta,destroyera,bersekera,spriggana i kodiaka,pored behemota i 09,jel tako?

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 4:39 pm
by mladjano bugarce
Zanimljiv turnir...

Verovatno najbolja partija mi je bila druga protiv Urosa(Everblight). Karchev je uradio svoj ran sa 30 ak incha, jackovi su ubili Rajas i Tajfuna i oborili Targosa. Zatim je targos popovao fit i shrederi su pojeli Karcheva (strasne stvari... :D ) a svi njegovi roboti se deaktivirali. Ostali su samo Behemot i Vlad protiv targosa, serapha i 15-20 shredera. Targos je ubio behemota a onda se VLAD(pise se velikim :twisted: ) ubacio u GODMODE(Blood of kings + kampovanje na fokusu) i par krugova kasnije umoran i okrvavljen(4 do smrti) ostao sam na tabli.

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 5:56 pm
by BoltaFodda
Aha, ja odonda mozgam kako sam mogao da se izvucem iz toga. 4 poena ostalo na Vladi? Bilo toliko blizu?

Turnir je bio super, uz to da je 75 min po partiji premalo i da su neki ljudi rano napustili dogadjaj. Ove vanstandardne bitke su dimenzija vise u igri. Zali boze onaj 1-1-1-1 turnir na koji niko nije dosao na prolece...

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 7:31 pm
by Shunka
1-1-1-1 je problematican jer nema poensko ogranicenje... I to je onda malo glupo.

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:00 pm
by Knight
Turnir bese odlican!
Mogli bismo nesto slicno sto pre, ali po mk2. I da, obavezno neki scenariji.

Boki je lepo zabavio publiku mlateci VLADOM na sve strane. :)) Karcev je izigravao najvecu sargarepu na stapu koju ste ikada videli, da bi zamajavao ljude (i vukao linije) dok se stvari desavaju.

Imao sam realno i mnogo ugodnijih partija od tih mm 750 pts, ali je veliki plus sto su se iz naftalina izvukli neki dzekovi koji su tamo bili stvarno duugo.

Re: Blood & Iron Tournament (Warmachine/Hordes) - November 8th

Posted: Mon Nov 09, 2009 9:43 pm
by mladjano bugarce
Seraph slemuje jednog od XY shredera koji su okruzivali Vlada u ledja on obori Vlada, shrederi &thargosh ga pojedu. Probaj da igras malo manje kompetitivne liste, one te teraju da trazis vise mogucnosti.