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Hordes MK2

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 8:43 pm
by Resurrection

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 9:04 pm
by Zekina banda
E Nikice, sto bi rekao Dule, dobijes pet bambija sto nemoramo da se uclanjujemo i svlacimo fajlove sa PP sajta :applause: :applause: :applause:

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 10:50 pm
by Zekina banda
Imam utisak, posle prvog citanja, da su obogaljili Orboros. Gotovo svi vorloci su blago (ili malo vise) oslabljeni . Ne znam cemu bi mogle da nam sluze pesadiske jedinice sa svojim jadnim snagama 9-10 a bez ikakve mogucnosti da dobiju dodatnu kocku . Ne znam ni cemu sluze deset vukojahacica na velikim postoljima (osim da prave strasnu guzvu) :?: 8O :!:
Glavne ce nam zveri biti one sa rogovima (rekao bih da su ojacane). Pjurblad je izgubio smisao i mogli su ga ladno i izbaciti iz ove edicije (sad je to jedan malo drugaciji vuk i vise nije karakter). Sto se malih zverova tice, mislim da je tu status kvo, tj. nece se korisititi nista vise no ranije (Worldwird je od najjeftinijeg postao najskuplji mali zver :?: ).
Sentri stonovi izmenjeni do ne prepoznatljivosti.
Sve zajedno, izgubila se gomila specificnosti i specijalnih osobine, i sve to zajedno deluje nekako isprano.
Stvarno se pitam sta bi osim rogatih zveri i vukova mogao jos da stavim u listu?

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:18 pm
by Shunka
Opusteno Dalibore, to je tek Field Test...
Do finalne verzije ima vremena.

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:49 pm
by FGSerbia

Well I have to admit from reading Trolls and Skorne - the sneering comments are right.

Trollbloods have suffered very little with really only the Earthborn suffering a tad. Blitzers are now OK and Borka is a FURY 6 Warlock. Grim has got a better feat though his goggles have been toned down and the warriors are, as expected, cheap as anything and have steady permanently with the UA. The champs and Hero are still great and the krielstone bearer/elder are also great. Pyg Bushwackers are now the best ranged unit in the game!! Fell Callers are even better than before. Horthol is not quite so great and the cav have been weakened but still are useful. The Thumper Cannon is good now as well!!

Skorne on the other hand have had a taste of their own abusing medicine with all the best warcasters losing their best spells except pMorghoul who's now great. Xersis is more Butcher-like (and better), pMakeda is the same and Zaal suvived relatively unscatched but eMorghoul, Hexeris, eMakeda and Mordikaar were brutalised. Rhadiem, the Krea and Molik Karn are still really good and the Bronzeback is also ok now but the damage to the warlocks is nasty. I stopped reading by the time I got to the troops as the tears were threatening to short circuit my laptop. Oh well - here we go again.

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Tue Nov 24, 2009 11:55 pm
by Pendargon
Procitao sam orboros, posto me je najvise zanimao, i donekle se slazem sa Daliborom.
Najsmarackiji warloci su unisteni ( EKaya, pKrueger i baldur), a pKaya je marginalno ojacana, Stari slepi deda je ostao isti, a cini mi se da je sada ubedljivo ponajbolji warlock EKrueger, za jedno pola ruke duzine od ostalih.
Takodje, sto se heavy-a tice, se, alfa vuka, koji je popusio, obican vuk i velika koza su super, mala koza je defanzivna, a Kamenci su isti, manje-vise.
Sto se lightova tice, gorax je malo propatio, ali je generalno isti, kao i njegov animus, argus ima sjajan animus, a leteci tanjir je sada najskuplji, ali je dobio jos cool pravila, pa se to potire. Mali kamicak je dobio veliki minus jer su mu oslabili animus, ali inace je nesto najdeblje u igri za 4 poena.
Sto se pesadije tice, Druidi su megagigasuperfenomenalni ostali sa svojim ua. Jos su se i poboljsali i pojeftiunili, jedino vise nema devouringa, ali ko ih je za to , pa i koristio... :-).
Tharn ravageri su megabaje, i ozbiljno se takmice sa bastionima za najblji mutiwound. Imaju ogroman charge range, pathfinder, sve ono po sumama, i snagu 15 sa reachem... to povredjuje ozbiljno i heavy-e, ai i dalje kidaju pesadiju jer jedu srca. Jedino se white mane zaretardirao
Vukovi orborosa su super kao tema, sada vise podsecaju na halberdire, ali sav flank sa kerovima, kao i megagigasuper drakun (koji je debelo bolji cak i od Khadorskog drakhuna 8O 8O ) daju solidan hit power.
Nikada vise, verovatno, necemo videti smorene vukojahacice, kao ni bilo sta zensko u orborosu, kao ni smarajuci kamen sa manekenima.
Mali kamicki su ostali isti. Lord of the feast je sad super (duh...), kao i blacklad, koji je autoinclude...
Sve u svemu, cini mi se da je orboros prebacen mnogo vise u glass-cannon hth frakciju, umesto prethodne ja-te-smaram-i-pucam-i-izrastam-sume-pa-ti-ne-mozes-da-se-kreces frakcije koja je bio...
Nije da sam nesto srecan, ali cini mi se da je armija koju sam ja davno planirao kao fun za orboros sada mozda i najjaca (Ekruger, Drvenko/vuk, koza, gorax puni vukovi, drakhun, druidi) :twisted: :twisted:

Kad iscitam ostale, iskomenatrisacu...

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:20 am
by Shunka
Ja procitao Trolove onako povrsno...
Meni se promene svidjaju - ali to verovatno ima veze sa mojim afinitetom ka "streamliningu" pravila.
Sampinjoni i Heroj su postali Weapon Masteri, mali Pigmeji su dobili duge puske (14"), vecina stvari je ostala ista...

Odoh sad da citam najzanimljivije stvari - Minjone!

Smrc, ubili su krokodile! Valjda zato sto su i oni mnogo dobro grizli Warbeastove...
Prasici kobasicari su malo ojadjeni, ali zato su obicni prasici postali malko bolji... Mozda pocnem da ih izvodim.
Mocvarci su izgubili 1 SPD-a i bonus na Ambush... I CMA. Bedak.
Medjed i patuljak su i dalje grozomorni!!! Jedino je patuljak izgubio Weapon Master, ali realno nije mu ni trebao.
Veliki prasac i mali prasac su ostali meh... Marginalno su bolji, ali ne mogu se porediti sa medjedom i patuljkom.
Pendrek oslabljen (daje boost umesto dodatne kocke), ali ostao dobar. I zadrzao patku!
Totem Hunter dobio Prey... Dakle kao bolji je, ali treba ga promisljenije koristiti... I ne skuplja glave :(
I tako...

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:13 am
by PainBringer
I ja procitah nova pravila za Trolove. Madrak je sada veci baja nego sto je bio, Grim Angus je dobio vrlo mocan feat, dok su mu spelovi skoro nepromenjeni (mada je efekat njegovog pistolja sada mnogo lakse zaobici), Grissel je ostala skoro ista. Doomshaper je pretrpeo vece izmene i sada mi se cini da je pDoomy bolji od eDoomy-ja. Borka je dobio zanimljiv feat i Mosh pit je sada sjajan, a Keg Carrier mu daje i dodatni poen FURY-ja. I bije jos jace (P+S 16, ranije 15). Calandra je izmenjena, ali mislim da i dalje ima sansu.
Sto se zveri tice, Axer je dobio Reach (jeej), Bouncer je korisniji, a Impaler je isti. Mauler je dobio MAT 6 i bolji chain attack, sto ga cini vrlo upotrebljivim za borbu. Earthborn je preterpeo manje izmene, ali je dobio Pathfinder i mislim da je postao zver - ubica. Istovremeno, ni malo ne zalim sto mu je animus promenjen, jer imam utisak da je ovaj novi malo fleksibilniji.
Nosaci kamena su isti, dok je njihov UA pretrpeo izvesne izmene: nesto su mu dodali, nesto oduzeli - ali je i dalje vrlo koristan. Sampioni su postali weapon master-i, imaju MAT 7 i poen oklopa manje, ali sada mogu da se uzmu kao unit od 3 modela. Imaju defensive line, dobijaju +2 ARM u b2b. Long Rider-i su jedina jedinica kojom bas i nisam zadovoljan, jer sa novim statovima i nisu posebno impresivni, ali im je zato MAT dignut na 7.
Fell Caller radi sve kao i ranije, a sad ima i RAT 6, sto njegov spray attack cini znatno boljim. Chronicler je vrlo prijatno iznenadjenje i sada moze da cita price bez redosleda! Heroj je postao weapon master i daje sampionima neke zanimljive opcije.

Sve u svemu, ja sam Trolovima zadovoljan. Legiju jos nisam detaljno pogledao, mada mi na prvi pogled deluje da su modeli koje imam pretrpeli samo manje izmene. Sem Raptora, koji sada imaju jace pucanje.

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 9:20 am
by FGSerbia
Looking now at the rules - they have actually made Frenzying not a good thing instead of a great way to total an enemy warjack. This is OK I guess - but I also think that Beasts didn't get the same power bump that warjacks got with MAT. My gut feel (this is not from a lot of experience) is that WM will still be more powerful than Hordes and I am glad that this is a field test rather than the final rules.

Warlocks getting Battlegroups is ok as we don't really have beast marshalls and only becomes important in big games.

Will do a full read tonight and have a big rant then.

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 10:54 am
by Pendargon
Pa, onako, na prvo citanje, legija i dalje rules supreme.
Bojim se da je Bojan bio u pravu, i da je legija definitivno pucacka frakcija hordi...
Sestre su ojadjene, EThargosh i ELylyth su super, mali gnidovi su isti kao i ranije ( i kostaju po 2 ponea!!!!) sa svojim super animusima. Raek je sada koristan (znao sam!!), Seraph je i dalje super, mada kosta 8 poena, ali ima i melle napad snage 14 ...
carnivean i zgazena veverica su debelo preskupi, ali legija ima pletoru korisnih pesadija, a konjica im je bolja nego ikada.
Cine mi se jedno 2.5 puta bolji od orborosa. Jedino, nisam siguran u point costove, to moze da bude ozbiljan problem, jer nisam seo da racunam liste, ali ovako... jedno 2.5 puta bolji od orborosa....
Javljam kad iscitam dalje...

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 12:59 pm
by Pendargon
Procitao i trolove.
Manje vise su isti, warloci su im uglavnom pomalo poboljsani (sem grima, koji je popio jako po nosu), kao i njihovi light warbeasti koji su apsolutno svi fenomenalni. Pocevsi od bouncera sa shield guradom, preko axera sa reachom, standardnih impalera i slag trola, do wintertrola koji je fenomenalan... Heavy-i su im onako, cini mi se da je najvise profitirao blitzer (duh...).
Sampioni su sjajni, sada su sa aurom arm 20, a weaponmaster uz razne str buffove koje trolovi imaju je nasty. warriori i fenbladei su jeftini i cool, sa preferencom na ove druge, zbog reacha, a scattergunneri su jeftini i zestok favorit za 8 poena. Oni drugi sto imaju rng 14 i dalje imaju rat 4, a kako onaj vise ne moze da im zapeva +1rat, cini mi se da su opet jadni. Konjica propatila jako.
Sve u svemu, cini mi se da su trolovi generalno ojacani, da su postali jos vise pure melle frakcija, ali i dalje pate od istih problema kao i u mk1, u smislu da ne mogu da rese infantry swarm, i da i dalje mozes da pleses oko njihovih blokova sa lakocom. Jedino mi se cini da su znacajno pojeftinili, pa ce mozda to sve kompenzovati viskom trolovskih tela na tabli, koe sve treba ubiti jer su tough... Cine mi se jako defanzivnim za igru koja favorizuje agresora

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 1:28 pm
by Pendargon
Skorna je podosta tone downovana.
warloci su im poprilicno isti, p Morghoul je malo pojacan, EMorghoul dosta ubiven, kao i hexeris, Obe makede mi se sada cine kao debeli favoriti, xerx e igra kao butcher.
medju lightovima nema promena, krea je malo oslabljena, ali i dalje fenomenalna, a slon koji se bije, rhinodon, su sada skroz cool za svoje poene, a molik kharn je megagigasuperspektakularan, i poprilican ekvivalent deathjacku. Kako su oni mislili da carnivean i molik treba da kostaju isto, pojma nemam, kada molik, cini mi se, bez imalo znoja sasece dva carniveana i ostane mu vremena da popusi cigaretu...
Sto se tice trupa, cetrati su megaskupi, ali su zato arcuarii novi multiwound hotness. drakun im je 'nako, extoller ubijen... Konjica ko i sve konjice...
cini mi se (a ovo je jako gruba procena, nakon vrlo povrsnog citanja) da je
Legija>Skorna> Trolovi>Circle
sada situacija....
Stupid legion...

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 1:53 pm
by Shunka
Probacu neku Skorne listu sa Morghulom i slonicima...
Mozda su sada postali bolji.
Edit: Dovraga, nosorog ne moze vise da bode ljude!!! A ne znam da li mi je taj Critical Armor Piercing ikada uspeo...

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 2:06 pm
by FGSerbia
Pendargon wrote:Pa, onako, na prvo citanje, legija i dalje rules supreme.
EThargosh i ELylyth su super
I'm not so sure. Remember that now eThargosh's feat and manifest destiny only works on his battlegroup. This is great at lower point games but I think it got a bit of a toning down. ELylyth also only gives the beasts an extra attack. This mitigates the strider/deathstalker spams.
Rhyas and Saeryn have had a nice change - they are still both great but their feats have been massively toned down, which was needed.
The jury is out on Vayl - she's lost the stupid power of her feat and she's so squishy she could become Everblights MK1 pDoomshaper.
The units are good but they still have the same problem as before getting past high armour consistantly.
The big loss of course is that the nasty flying beasties are no longer immune to free strikes. This is huge as they are not that highly armoured. The need to take multiple seraphs is obvious but at 8 points each ....

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:12 pm
by FGSerbia
Pendargon wrote:Procitao i trolove.
Manje vise su isti, warloci su im uglavnom pomalo poboljsani (sem grima, koji je popio jako po nosu), kao i njihovi light warbeasti koji su apsolutno svi fenomenalni.
Agreed - TBs players will be happy. I think the change to an upkeep for Sure Foot will actually work out as a negative considering all the ways there are to dispel upkeeps. pDoomy is playable now, eDoomy is less playable now and Grissel is only very slightly less good. Borka has improved and not not his flavour (I'm happy for Stef and his conversions). The impaler has lost 1DEF and is really cheap as a warbeast and the Axer is good too at 6 pts. The heavies are all great though I still think Mulg is over-priced.
The KSB and SSE and EVEN MORE an autoinclude and so, if possible, is the fell caller. The hero is better and Horthol is still pretty good. All in all TBs should be very satisfied - though, as Dule has already said, it still seems like the word "Brick" will be frequently mentioned.

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:19 pm
by BoltaFodda
Forsakeni su mrvu bolji (mogu da kupuju napade za svoj fury) dok su shepherdi jos malo pa bonus warlock... ne moraju da budu u controlnoj oblasti da bi kontrolisali zveri, plus skidaju/dodaju fury na zver kako im dodje!

Shredderi nemaju vise pack mentality koji je bio razlog br. 1 da se uzimaju u velikim kolicinama... ali Harrieri mozda sad vrede za to, isto su 2 poena.

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:35 pm
by FGSerbia
Pendargon wrote:Skorna je podosta tone downovana.
Privateer Press giveth the easy buttons and they taketh away...

pMorghoul is better but really needs a unit of Retribution Mage Hunters at hand to get past the Warcasters super armour after feating. Admittedly he will be plinking 14 dam off the warcaster but what then? eMorghoul is better and worse. Stealth no longer costs, neither does entropy but the shadow walker spell going means that he will be camping on focus until he gets within 10.5" of the enemy anyway. I have still not read anywhere if his feat effects models with eyeless sight - so far it looks like it does.
pMakeda is now better than her eVersion and the supreme Arch Dominar got the biggest hit imho. She's no longer a melee monster and has lost 2 great spells. I'm hoping that PP give her a fix, fox hole and lameo feat are a backwards step for a warlock that allowed skorne to play in an open style.
Xersis is beautiful and my instant favourite caster of all times. (Secretly I'm in love with the Butcher). Zaal has lost some cool shinnanigans but in essence can still be ok. Mordikaar losing spirit in amber is a sad loss - it was his thang and now it's gone :cry: .
Hexeris still can't do anything against Cryx and Death Knell, Death March and his feat are all pale comparisons conmpared to what they once were. Why take a mediocre warlock and make him worse? Makes no sense but I think Dule will suddenly mention eGoreshade.

I'm please with the price of the beasts, the Krea is weakened but still good and Molik remains a bad-ass and even more so as charge attacks now do boosted damage and not an unboostable extra dice. His survivability vs other heavies has increased significantly. Rhadhiem is as he should have been from the start and still great. The blood runners and tormentor are still ineffectual mosquitoes and the Tyrant commander is still an autoinclude. Ok the real pain comes with the AG and the extoller both of which are poor poor reflections of beautiful autoincludes. I suppose PP fealt that every Skorne player already bought the maximum allowance of those two models so why try and sell more. Anyway the extoller is now probably the worst solo in the game.

I am really looking forward to playing the field test and hope that (as with WM) some of the Skorne juiciness can be returned.

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 3:48 pm
by Pendargon
well, it was "to be" for skorne... ;-)
Pmorghoul is now significantly better against warmachine as his feat is greatly improved, and EMorghoul will not be assasinating any sensible warcaster anytime soon, since he cannot anymore ignore camped focus. Methinks both Makedas are strong and versatile, and, as i said , are my prime candidates. Hexeris was always an awesome warlock (except against cryx), and imho, second only to EMorghoul (and not against all matchups), but he is severely crippled. Xerxis still operates with waaaay too low fury for my taste, and i have never seen Mordikaar and zaal in mk1 in order to comment.
Heavy elephant beasts improved ( except for the biggest elephant), Rhinodon is awesome for the point cost, and krea is as great as ever, now at a cheap price. And Molik is probably THE warbeast in hordes, eespecially with beast support that skorne can provide.
Also, arcuarii are awesome, and patfinder- giving unit is a must. Still, venators and extollers took a big hit, so Skorne is once again relegated to cannoneer as the only ranged support. I dread to see (and die of boredom) a madrak vs xerxsis battle... :-)
And extoller needed to go. Now is fieldable, but no more than one.
And you always want to have an abused little elephant:-)
Also, AG took a big hit by loosing weaponmaster, though i guess it was an oversight, as now it's not worth crap.
Also, upon reading, paingiver tormentor solo is nasty killer of singlewound infantry :-)

Also, be afraid of the p Lylyth.... who in their right mind considered a "good idea" to give parasite to legion.
Seraphs will slaughter khador heavies with her...

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:09 pm
by Pendargon
Also, an important change:
Warlock CAN NOT cut himself to gain fury... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 4:28 pm
by Resurrection
^ moze
Bili su glupi pa izostavili iz knjige.
I to i reaving.

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Wed Nov 25, 2009 11:14 pm
by FGSerbia
Reading the PP forums is hilarious right now. The TB forum of doom are completely confused. They have an effective shooting list, weaponmasters galore and all their best models didn't get touched and have a low points cost. They've been downtrodden for so long that this change has left them staring blankly at each other wandering what to complain at.

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 8:08 am
by Pendargon
They have an effective shooting list
But, i see their pain.
All they can do now, is brick EVEN BETTER. All mobility trolls had ( the little of it), has sunk and vanished, more/less....

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 2:21 pm
by FGSerbia
Mmm, and yet Bojan explained to me yesterday how Mulg can actually perform a caster kill from 25" away.
To brick or not to brick that is the question.

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:04 pm
by mladjano bugarce
Troll warlocks have greatest number of mobility enchancing effects of all factions Kalandra, eMandrak, eDommshaper and Borka all have spells or feats that enchance movement. No trolls bricking anymore they should play like MK1 Khador now.

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 3:08 pm
by Pendargon
Sure... with ONE warlock.
But, just because something CAN charge across the board with 25 inches, doesn't mean that it will.
Nightmare could charge a non-prey target from 29 inches away, and pray with 27 inches treat range, but that does not mean anything by itself.
My problem with trolls , still, is this :
There is little that they can do when facing 30 banes+3 nodes STILL.
They are bad at handling mass infantry, in turn hoping that they will get charged, somehow survive, and kill back. And for that they need usual krielstone bearers, then a singer/songwriter guy to boost their mat, and then, while we are at it, we can have champions... and why not an axer, or an impaler or two... and we all look alike.
For now, all troll attepts to fight cryx, bick like or not, have been pretty bad for them , unless they were fielding grim. And even then, it was a tough call against goreshade or any of our beefier casters. And now, that grim is raped with a big nerfpole, it actually seems that eGoreshade might actually win some games (against trolls :-))))

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 9:42 pm
by BoltaFodda
FGSerbia wrote:Mmm, and yet Bojan explained to me yesterday how Mulg can actually perform a caster kill from 25" away.
To brick or not to brick that is the question.

he charges 7, eDoomys feat gives him another 3, axers animus 2, are you going to eat that (with a sacrificial whelp) another 4, he can be goaded 2, and he has reach which is 2 more. 7+3+2+4+2+2 equals 20, not 25. Perhaps axers animus could be cast before the are you going to eat that move giving Mulg another two in, but that still a 25 in does not make... multiple goads would work, but it is very situational and spends fury fast.

So how?

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Thu Nov 26, 2009 10:52 pm
by FGSerbia
multiple goads

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:15 pm
by BoltaFodda
looks like I'm buying a raek... its animus is now worthwhile...
However, Teraph looks the same.

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 5:56 pm
by mladjano bugarce
For multiple goads with reach you need another model within 4 inches and that is not too hard to find since mulg has all attacks boosted and POW 18 he can easily kill light warjacks or beasts in few hits and continue on his way to enemy caster.

Trolls have excellent answer to enemy infantry - cheap good troll infantry! 12 points for 20 models with charge range 10 inches, to hit boosts from fell callers and tough what is there not to like?

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 10:02 pm
by FGSerbia
Trolls have definitely had a competitiveness boost but I think the truth lies somewhere between your and pendargon's thoughts. Trolls may have the meta of MK1 Khador but they still lack the models. A hero is now a great solo but there is nothing that can turn it into the killer a manhunter became under eVlad's feat - guarenteed caster kill. The champs aren't as good as MK1 Great Bears and the tricks and abilities of the Iron Fang Pike Men and even winterguard of MK1 outshine the Warriors. Pyg Buswackers are much better but still not widowmakers and nothing compares to the Drakhun. On the other side of the equation for 15 points and with Grissel trolls could become a huge steamroller threat as they bring 22 infantry models to the table that are the equivalent of 30 models can't be knocked down and have upto 17" movement to be in the face of the enemy and tie them up. This is not slow nor defensive. Grim and Nyss hunters and Boomhowler and impalers and a Blitzer and Pyg Bushwackers makes a fairly decent shooting list with a feat turn where the enemy is going to be cut to ribbons. It is probably the best shooting list outside of Cygnar/Retribution and Legion dedicated shooting lists. Even without eDoomy trolls are no longer just a brick faction.
But again back to Dule's side - they do all seem to have very low defenses and the combo's still do seem to lack the punch of Cryx and Khador and despite all that is written above they are and probably always will be an attrition faction that relies on survivability more than assassination to win against more mobile armies. What is REALLY GREAT though is that Trolls are no longer boring and players can buy them for reasons other than the models look cool.

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 2:32 am
by Pendargon
And now you are really sad you betrayed and sold them? :-) 8) :lol: :twisted: 8)

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 3:17 pm
by FGSerbia
Pendargon wrote:And now you are really sad you betrayed and sold them? :-) 8) :lol: :twisted: 8)
Not at all. When Hordes came out Bojan choose Everblight, Dalibor took Orboros and I wanted to buy Skorne. However Dawngreeter said he wanted to take Skorne so I took Trollbloods as no else did and for me it was all about promoting the game. I started collecting Skorne well before Metamorphosis and always preferred the models and the faction. For along time I was the only TB player so it was cool but now TBs are the most popular faction and so it makes sense for there to be a dedicated Skorne player - for campaigns and flavour if nothing else.
My sale of TBs (and Mercs and Menoth) are purely due to the fact that I have no time to play. I have still not had a single game with eMakeda and only a single game with Mordikaar. Having so many factions meant that I got to be a complete noob with all of them. The changes have been kind to TBs and that's great - I have no regrets selling them as the TBs have a healthy following (Shunka, Djordje, Stef, Miroslav and now Damjan). Dalibor and Pavle have very small Skorne lists and Shunka has a decent Skorne list but never plays it outside the faction and much prefers TBs so I'm happy.
With regards to MK2. I am not at all concerned that Skorne got hit hard and is no longer the best faction - maybe that's true, maybe it isn't but I am more concerned with the gut feeling that all Hordes factions are still weaker than their WM counterparts and that I will be forced to take Cygnar over Skorne in order to be competitive. My gut tells me that WM infantry is still better and that jacks significantly improved whilst beasts only became a little cheaper.
I will reserve all judgements until I can test Skorne against both Hordes and WM though.

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:01 pm
by Zekina banda
Izgleda da "majstor oruzja" radi i na pucanje kod bladtrekerki. U tom smislu one su OK. To sto su izgubile bushwhack je nebitno - i onako nikada nije koriscen. Jedino sto ih boli su nova pravila za formaciju.

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 7:12 pm
by Pendargon
bacaca koplja su weaponmasteri, ali samo na koplju. Isto kao i vukojahacice
Sto i nije tako awesome, jer je to pow 9 +3d6, nije da ces se naubijati zveri i warjacka sa tim, a s obzirom da su nakon toga one verovatno mrtve, i dalje ostaju one-shot unit.
Medjutim, za osam poena, nisu ni hrdjave... :-)

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:44 am
by Pendargon
Ovo mi je promaklo prilikom inicijalnog citanja. Ako ovako ostane, warloci ce biti mnogo, mnogo laksi za roknuti nego u MK1 :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: ... php?t=1123

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:14 pm
by Zekina banda
Posle prve odigrane partije hordi MKII, mogu reci da Orboros nije toliko los koliko ne odgovara mom stilu igre; tesko mi je da dobijem vise od 7 na samo tri kocke :? :(

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 10:30 pm
by FGSerbia
Pendargon wrote:Ovo mi je promaklo prilikom inicijalnog citanja. Ako ovako ostane, warloci ce biti mnogo, mnogo laksi za roknuti nego u MK1 :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: ... php?t=1123
I'm actually quite glad about this - because it is REALLY clear that PP have gone too far in nerfing a game that was originally weaker than the game it has been nerfed against and this is really stupid. If they had made reasonable changes to the game then the changes to the factions might have gone unprotested. The good thing is that - just as in many field test/WM MK2 things they will have to do a massive about turn and return things. So I am confident that my AG and Extoller Soulward will rise again!!!

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 11:03 pm
by Pendargon
So I am confident that my AG and Extoller Soulward will rise again!!!
or go on the same road as cryx bonechicken and revenant crew... :-({|= :-({|=

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 11:27 am
by FGSerbia
You don't even play Hordes - get off this thread!!

Re: Hordes MK2

Posted: Mon Nov 30, 2009 11:43 am
by Resurrection
^ True, but Dule and I are eagerly awaiting some undead beasts to work for Cryx in future expansions and there is general resent for all living wich is not goth or female with horns (of homo sapiens; get your finger of that speed-dial-PETA button)