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Prva partija Universalis-a!

Posted: Thu Oct 06, 2005 12:33 am
by Dervish the neki
dakle, najzad sam uspeo da skupim ekipu za Universalis na irc-u

Skupilo nas se ukupno troje, ali je objasnjavanje pravila bilo toliko sporo da smo za 3,5 sati uspeli da odigramo samo jednu scenu...

nesto vise o Universalis-u: to je jedan od prvih ozbiljno uradjenih GM-less (ili, preciznije, GM-full) sistema... svi igraci imaju isti autoritet, dok jednostavna mehanika sa novcicima odredjuje koliko autoriteta/kontrole nad pricom ima svaki igrac.

Dakle, bez puno objasnjenja, evo sta smo napravili i zapoceli (iseceno iz irc transcripta i prepricano... nemam nameru da prevodim...)

Prvo, neki podaci o settingu koji smo napravili:

Code: Select all

- Sci-Fi
- Set on a giant spacecraft
- That's on a discovery journey 
- a dark and gloomy story
- no aliens 
- during the travel, ship had a series of strange and unexplained malfunctions on different systems
- The crew doesn't know their destination, or when they'll get there
- there is a huge off-limits area in the ship that nobody has been inside since the launch all those years ago
- food supplies are running out
- major theme: desperation
- premise: even when the odds seem impossible, teamwork can get you through
- ship's scanners show some signs of technology on a nearby shuttle
- The ship's main computer doesn't allow for any course changes until it's reached it's destination
- mood: claustrophobic
- chief of sector police has secret orders from somebody else on the ship
- There are no known ships anywhere nearby
- Sector police (a master component/organization that exists)
  - Masters of covert operations
  - Seem almost inhumanly resistant to psychological effects (eg pain, fear, doubt etc)
- Resistance movement (master component/organization)
  - do not fully trust technology
  - passionately hate the secret police
a evo i jedne scene koju smo odigrali:
in a dingy, dirty mechanic's workshop...
It just so happens that on this particular evening, there's more going on in the workshop than just some tuning. Tonight is the night the local revolutionaries meet up to discuss plans of action.
The owner of the workshop looks around outside the door, then ducks inside and bolts it tight, then prepares to make the coffee. He makes the coffee, and brings the pot to the table on a grimy platter.
They all mouth friendly pleasantries as they settle down to business. The resistance has met here once a month for quite some time. Perhaps too many times, because just as they are starting to relax, there is a heavy pounding at the door the resistance members scramble to hide their gear, and some of them panic.
Outside, whoever is there has obviously sussed out something is going on, because a tear gas grenade comes flying through the window. In the confusion, some of the resistance members head for a secret escape hatch.
Ushering the last of his resistance cell down the hatch, Sheryas, the idealistic mechanic of the resistance reaches for the gas mask and grabs the rifle he hid there just for these cases.
Yelling out "For the resistance!", Sheryas jumps out of the window and starts running and shooting at the unseen enemy, trying to draw them away. Sheryas keeps running from the unseen enemy, shooting blindly, hoping that he can draw them away. Sheryas' attempts to draw off fire prove successful, as his comrades escape into the nderground.
Sheryas, however, is not so lucky. While he is shooting blindly, the unseen enemy are deadly accurate. Rubber bullets are flying everywhere...
At the same time, one of Sheryas' pals from the resistance emerges from the secret tunnel. It turns out that tunnel actualy leads about 10m behind the unseen enemy's back. He quickly takes out his gas grenade and tosses it below their feet.

Sheryas manages to squeeze off a few shots into the mist created by the granades, not noticing he had help from his fellows. He continues running into the dark corridors, not even looking where he is going, until at one moment he collapses to the floor, panting and trying to get his breath back. He is still holding his rifle clenched in his fingers, happy to have had it...

Sheryas headed out of the scene, thinking he had saved his allies. However, in saving Sheryas from the unseen enemy, the resistance exposed themselves again to incoming fire...
Tu smo stali, za sada... I svi jedva cekamo da otkrijemo sta ce se desiti sheryas-u i ostatku resistance-a...

Za vise informacija, samo pitajte (da li ovde ili na pm, svejedno), a dalje scene cu vam postovati ovde kada se dese :D

EDIT: ninja poopravka formatiranja!
Dervish the odusevljeni