Upotreba medijuma

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Ko, jel' ja?
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Upotreba medijuma

Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Neko me je pitao kako se koristi medijum, i posto postoji vec dosta pogresnih misljenja o tome postovacu vam tutorial koji je napisao Automaton na tu temu.
automaton wrote:ah yes, ok, here we go:

The way I use matte medium is quite simple. The brand I use is pébéo, it's a French brand of artists supplies, rather than a miniature-related brand. I just found it at an art shop a while ago, and it looked good Wink And it seems to work well - but I haven't actually tried any other brands so I'm not sure how it compares! It's not very expensive though, which is a bonus - my 125ml bottle cost about $8, and 125ml is a lot when you consider that GW paints are only 12ml!

The medium itself is like a clear gel, it's quite thick and viscous, gloopy - it looks sort of milky white in the bottle but don't worry about that, it's quite clear when used in the small amounts any of us would require.

The main purpose of the medium - what it is really designed for - is thinning paints, just as you might thin them with water. All of the paints we use are basically certain colours of pigment suspended evenly in a medium. So by adding more matte medium, the pigments are further dispersed, making the paint more translucent: the more medium you add, the more spread out are the pigments, and the more see-through the paint becomes. The translucency of paint is very important for creating smooth colour transitions when painting – many layers of very dilute paint to shade and highlight surfaces allow smooth blending and a clean, soft painting style.

The advantage of using matte medium instead of water comes with the viscous nature of the medium: it allows you to thin your paints without losing their viscosity. What I mean is that it makes your paint more translucent, without becoming so watery.

This can be good for a couple of things:

First, it means that you can have greater control over the paint, which can be good in situations where you are painting a small area, or a surface is very textured – the high viscosity – thickness – of the paint means that it won’t run into all the cracks so easily, because it isn’t so watery.

Second – and this is the main advantage and use in my opinion – the viscosity of the medium means that when you thin your paint with it, the pigments of the paint are more evenly and uniformly dispersed than they would be if you just thinned with water. This means that the paint is less likely to ‘break’, and separate into different colours – something that often happens when using Vallejo model colour paints, especially – and also, it means that the pigments will not all sink to the bottom of the well in your palette, as happens with very watery mixtures, meaning that it need not be constantly stirred to achieve even distribution of colour. This is especially true of metallics: it is very difficult to achieve an even distribution of the metallic ‘flakes’ in your dilute metallic paint, if you thin with water only.

If you are not sure exactly what I am talking about, then try this quick experiment: put some water in one of the wells on your palette (you should always use a palette with ‘wells’, the little depressions which hold the paint and allow you to make very dilute mixtures). Put in a decent amount of water – half fill the well. Get one of your metallic paints – boltgun metal or mithril, say – and mix a little bit of the paint with the water, to create a dilute mixture. Mix it well, so that the paint is spread evenly – as normal when thinning paints. Now, stop mixing and leave the paint alone for 30-60 seconds. After this time, you will see a change: the mixture just looks like grey water. There will be a few little flakes floating on the surface, but the rest of them have sunk to the bottom. Mix it again, and you will immediately see the difference – but the flakes will just sink to the bottom again very quickly!

So, this is what I am talking about – thinning paints with water can be problematic, because sometimes the pigment will not be evenly suspended in the mixture, as it should be. So this is where the matte medium comes in – because of its viscosity, it can allow you to create a more viscous mixture, with the pigments spread more evenly, while still being very dilute and translucent. This is especially useful when you want to use dilute metallics.

It is not necessary to use the medium all the time though – some paints are more prone to breaking or separating than others, and I really don’t use the pigment all that much – certainly not every time I thin paints. Water is just fine usually, and is what I use most! But adding a little matte medium can be useful on occasion – if your paint and blending seems a little rough of mottled, even when it is very dilute, and you are struggling to get an even finish or smooth transition, then try mixing in some matte medium with the paint on the palette, as it can often create a smoother finish. And remember, paint mixtures need not have water only or matte medium only – the medium is perfectly soluble with water, so you can add different amounts of medium and water to make more or less viscous mixtures. I don’t think I would ever use straight medium to thin paint – the medium really is too thick and viscous for that! It would be like trying to paint with honey haha.

There is another thing you can try, which is mixing the matte medium with inks: because the medium is matte, I find that it removes a lot of the glossy/shiny finish you get after using inks on a surface. I also find that it helps by slightly breaking the surface tension, allowing the inks to stay in the recesses better. But I very, very rarely use inks these days, and I am not as sure of these properties, so you would be best to just try experimenting yourself first.

Well, I hope this was useful to some of you, and that it wasn’t too long and boring haha. If you have any questions or things that need clarifying, just ask me! Very Happy

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Post by Megabaja »

a de ima da se kupi medijum? i gde kupujete cetkice i kako ih odrzavate, BRE?
Pamti, pa vrati...

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Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Medijum mozes kupiti u bilo kojoj radnji koja prodaje slikarski materijal, takodje i cetkice.

Ako vec zelite da kupite medijum, prvo procitajte ovaj tekst da bi znali cemu zapravo on sluzi i da li vam uopste treba.
Ako i dalje zelite da ga kupite, preporucujem vam da uzmete mat medijum.
Akrilni naravno, to se podrazumeva.
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Post by Shunka »

Ja sam danas pazario nekog dzaba medijuma, treba mi za slikanje. Provericu kako dejstvuje na figurama.

Medijum je, osim gorenavedene primene, sjajna stvar za washeve. Pomaze boji da se zadrzi tamo gde se slije. Recimo u svim WM/HORDES tutorijalima za farbanje savetuje se da se wash rastvara u smesi medijuma i destilovane vode.

Dakle, javicu sta sam uradio veceras, ako ista.
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Post by teclis »

kod zelenog venca imas najveci izbor slikarskih radnji gde se mogu naci i medijum i cetkice sa 10 nula :P
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Post by Shunka »

Prvi put u zivotu sam posteno isprobao mogucnosti medijuma i ja sam odusevljen!
Napravio sam mesavinu Black Ink - voda - medijum, i time washovao celu figuru. Wash se sasvim lepo razlio gde treba, i ostao je takav kada se osusio!
Tako da od sada nece sve moje figure biti braon!

Mada, braon je ipak najbolja osnova - pruza najvise mogucnosti za dalji razvoj. Jedino sto se tesko izvlaci iz braon boje je plava. I donekle siva.
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by bijesno_lane »

hmmm... ima netko tk obi mi nabavio neki totalno matt medium? manja kolicina, nije potrebno sada 2 dcl :lol:
i neku 4-0 ili manju cetkicu ako ima...

da isprobam... Lovu dobijete u Novom Sadu, posaljem po nekome tko ide tamo (5 igraca je reklo doci).

evo danas sam isao na conf smedju boju sa GW crvenom i uz glaze medium... i malo mi je "lakirana" ako me razumijete... pa da vidim "svojim" okom da li je to normalno ili nije... ako me razumijete. Jer bojam "haljetak elfovski" pa ono, sjajno-ne-sjano mi nije sada bitno, ali ubuduce...
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Ja koristim Talens matt medium.
Iz prostog razloga, jer mi ga je dao drugar.
Trebalo bi da se moze naci u bilo kojoj radnji slikarske opreme, kao i cetkice.
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by bijesno lane »

bash... pogledat cu malo po nasim radnjama.

pa se javim.

inace, evo radim s valleyo medumom i imam neke zamjerke... naime, nekako mi je medium "preuzeo" boju... ne znam kako da se izrazim... iako radim sa izuzetno tankim slojevima... i nanio sam vec 10 ultratankih slojeva boje, jer zelim bas izvuci lijepi prijelaz posto je velika povrsina, poceli su se pojavljivati "tragovi/smjerovi" cetkice... nije u boji, jer je boje izuzetno malo, vec kao da je u medijumu...

ima li tko takva iskustva i rjesenje?

Pitam ovdje jer kod nas je stanje s bojanjem takvo kakvo je... citaj, "mediju??? sto je to???"
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by Shunka »

Procitaj prvi post - cak i kada radis sa medijumom, razvodnis boju. Pa ti nece ostajati tragovi cetke.
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Stavi manje mediuma u boju, mozda to pomogne
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by bijesno lane »

stavljao sam i vode, ali jako malo... ocito je to.. .dodat cu jos malo vode... probat cu u oomjerima 1:1:1 pa cu vidjeti kako mi ispada... bas sam printao na poslu neke upute o tome...
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Ako to ne upali probaj sa duplo manje mediuma nego boje.
I naravno uvek dodati vode jer je medium sam po sebi prilicno gust.
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by bijesno lane »

samo cekaj da te za zlato pocnem gnjaviti... O:)

nabavi osam sve boje koje koristis, samo cu ici na zutiju...
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

bring it on :lol:
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by bijesno lane »

is it just me, ili bojama treba s medijumom *ebeno dugo da se osuse... zasto? pa evo bojim ja elfa, i tako... i pustim ga 1 sat da stoji. i dodjem, primim, saram nesto po njemu, i vidim 8O da su ostali tragovi prsta na jednom mjestu. Nakon 1 SATA susenja.. halo? A tanki sloj...
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Pravo da ti kazem, nisam imao slicnih problema.
Znam da retarder znacajno usporava susenje boje (to mu je i namena).
Jedino sto ti mogu reci je da pokusas da stavljas manje mediuma.
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by bojan »

bijesno lane wrote:is it just me, ili bojama treba s medijumom *ebeno dugo da se osuse... zasto?...
Zato sto je medium na glicerinskoj bazi pa treba mnogo vise vremena da ispari od obicne vode.
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by bijesno lane »

vidis vidis... uopce se toga nisam sjetio... glavno da sam imao i kemiju i "boje" na faksu... ](*,) :whistle:
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by vamsi »

Jes' stara tema, sa' ce 2 godine,, ali posto sam ja nov u svemu ovome tako mi je i svaki post koji procitam nov, pa se nemojte ljutiti.
Nego, da te pitam nesto Ivane, da li koristis medium za Rackhamove boje (ako ga jos uvek koristis)?
Neke od njih naprosto nece da se nanose i stalno beze pod cetkicom. Kako resavas taj problem?
Ja sam probao sa tim Talensovim mediumom, doduse bez vode, i nece - opet bezi.

A i mala digresija, neko je pomenuo da je nabavio sve boje koje ti koristis za zlato, pa ako nije tajna da ih navedes koje su :)

Glupost se uvek gura u prve redove da bi bila vidjena, a mudrost u poslednje da bi gledala.

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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Nego, da te pitam nesto Ivane, da li koristis medium za Rackhamove boje (ako ga jos uvek koristis)?
Neke od njih naprosto nece da se nanose i stalno beze pod cetkicom. Kako resavas taj problem?
Ja sam probao sa tim Talensovim mediumom, doduse bez vode, i nece - opet bezi.
Taj problem je, cini mi se, ne resiv. Tim bojama nema pomoci, ima ih nekoliko (na svu srecu ne puno).
A i mala digresija, neko je pomenuo da je nabavio sve boje koje ti koristis za zlato, pa ako nije tajna da ih navedes koje su
Bestial brown, Srofulous brown (vallejo), zuta i bela. Dodam i ljubicasti wash.

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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by Mrzimsvee »

Evo jos nekog saveta:

For those of you who might find themselves dissatisfied with the GW's 6 available washes you can always make your own. By making your own you can get a wider palette of colors and can customize your washes and glazes to better match your armies.

The recipe is easy. 3 parts Liquitex Matte Medium to 3 parts distilled water to 1 part paint. This will give you a sure-fire mixture that will do what GW's washes do so beautifully. I have a dropper bottle that is premixed 1:1 matte medium to distilled water and when I use it to make a custom wash I dispense it 6:1 mixture to paint.
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every sin...is punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by vamsi »

A gde da nadjem Liquitex Matte Medium?
'El moze bilo koji medijum za acrylic ili mora bas Liquitex?
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by Mrzimsvee »

Sad sam pogledao na njihovom sajtu, to je akrilni medijum koliko se meni cini.
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every sin...is punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by vamsi »

Thanks a lot.
Glupost se uvek gura u prve redove da bi bila vidjena, a mudrost u poslednje da bi gledala.

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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by novot »

I Vamsi, kakva su iskustva sa medijumima ? J josh uvek chekam nesrecni Vallejo matt medium i to me tako nervira ](*,)
Samo ono što činimo iz ljubavi, činimo slobodno, pa ma koliko patnje iz toga proizašlo.

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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by vamsi »

Pa...ko sto rece Ivan - za Rackhamove boje ne pomaze nikako.
Koristio sam samo par puta ovako, sa ostalim bojama, ali nisam nesto zadovoljan. Mozda je do firme koju ja imam, Talens, a mozda i do mene. Uglavnom je belicast, iako bi trebao da izgubi belinu kad se pomesa sa nekom bojom, on je zapravo malo pobeli. Mozda je Valjehov bolji.
Nego ima Valjeho jos par zanimljivih stvari: Cuo sam da je njihov crquel dobar, a i Ivan kaze da ima njihov medijum sa metalik "sljokicama", tako da od svake boje mozes da pravis metalic. Jesi i to porucio?
Ja sam kupio DecoArt-ov, i ne svidja mi se zato sto su "sljokic"e prevelike, ne daje onu suptilnost.
Glupost se uvek gura u prve redove da bi bila vidjena, a mudrost u poslednje da bi gledala.

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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by novot »

Mrzim shljokice :evil: Ma pusti metalike, ionako ih ima kol'ko ti dusha zeli, josh samo treba da se zezam da ih i pravim :lol: Mene vishe zanima kombinacija medijum+ pigmenti. Trebalo bi da medijum (verujem da je mat najprikladniji, poshto ne zelim da mi podloga shljashti) sluzi kao fiksativ za pigment. E sad, kada dobijem MEDIJUM, mozda cu moci i da isprobam kako to sve radi :wink:
Samo ono što činimo iz ljubavi, činimo slobodno, pa ma koliko patnje iz toga proizašlo.

Istina rađa mržnju. Ko govori istinu, često se zamera drugima.
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Zapravo kao fiksativ sluzi matt varnish. Mada, probao sam sa mediumom i ok je.
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by novot »

Evo kratak opis Vallejo matt medium-a:
"Vallejo Model Color Matt Medium extends colours, increases their brilliance, fluidity and transparence and softens the blending of brush strokes. It heightens the flexibility of the colours and their adhesion to the surface and is the perfect medium for glazes. It does not yellow or change tonality of the colour and it can also be used as a binder for dry pigment. "
Isto pishe i za Satin i Gloss medijume, ali ne i za lakove (varnish). Toliko od preporuka proizvodjacha ;)
Samo ono što činimo iz ljubavi, činimo slobodno, pa ma koliko patnje iz toga proizašlo.

Istina rađa mržnju. Ko govori istinu, često se zamera drugima.
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by Mirijevac »

Kakva sluz za laksativ ?
Bozze, kako mi nedostaju ovi intelektualni razgovori ...
papi pauer !!!

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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by Yowza »

Obzirom da je tema "oživljena", može li mi netko objasniti kako koristiti Vallejo Metallic Medium? Kupio sam ga na rasprodaji, kaže mi čovjek od kog sam kupio da ga moram 20-30+ min mućkati prije korištenja, i u kojem omjeru ga je dobro pomiješati prilikom korištenja?
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Pa rekao bih da se koristi kao i svaki drugi medijum. Ne moraš ga toliko mućkati. A koliko ga stavljaš u boju, to ćeš morati sam da proceniš. Predpostavljam pola ili manje u odnosu na boju.
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by srebrni vitez »

Пре неки дан сам "згуснуо" разређену фарбу коју сам користио за вош додавањем мало* лепка за дрво. Смеса је савршено послушна и остаје тамо где треба када се осуши.

*Под "мало" баш мислим на мало. На врх четкице.
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by Myth »

Pitanje za iskusnije farbace, koji bi medijum preporucili?
Trenutno koristim Vallejo Medium Thinner i nemam neke zamerke na njega. Uzeo sam i Vallejo Glaze Medium, ali ga jos nisam koristio.
Ocigledno je da se sa upotrebom medijuma dobija na kvalitetu farbanja, pa planiram da ga koristim intenzivnije.

Hvala i pozz!
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Re: Upotreba medijuma

Post by teclis »

Myth wrote:Pitanje za iskusnije farbace, koji bi medijum preporucili?
Trenutno koristim Vallejo Medium Thinner i nemam neke zamerke na njega. Uzeo sam i Vallejo Glaze Medium, ali ga jos nisam koristio.
Ocigledno je da se sa upotrebom medijuma dobija na kvalitetu farbanja, pa planiram da ga koristim intenzivnije.

Hvala i pozz!
Ja koristim GWov medijum, prilicno je dobar. Nisam probao Vallejov dodushe, pa ne mogu da ti kazem dal je bolji ili gori.
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