Giest: The Sin-Eaters
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- Dawngreeter
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Giest: The Sin-Eaters
To je ime WoD igre za 2009. godinu. I to je ujedno jedino sto znamo.
Osim sto mozda nije zaista ime. Na kraju Hunters knjige pise "Geist Summer 2009". Postoji par far-our teorija, tipa da mozda referencira "Zeitgeist" ili tako nesto, ali mislim da je 99% sigurno da ce biti novi Wraith.
Osim sto mozda nije zaista ime. Na kraju Hunters knjige pise "Geist Summer 2009". Postoji par far-our teorija, tipa da mozda referencira "Zeitgeist" ili tako nesto, ali mislim da je 99% sigurno da ce biti novi Wraith.
Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? Does it make you happy?
- Dawngreeter
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Re: Geist
Wraith je patio od previse uskog fokusa, sto je donekle bila boljka i starog Changeling-a. Bio je odlicna igra, ali previse uska za mass appeal. Zato je i propala (i zato je stari Changeling bio na granici propadanja svo vreme). U medjuvremenu su naucili na takvim greskama. Takodje, bice limited igra, sto znaci da je po prirodi stvari eksperiment od samo pet knjiga za koji nije strasno da ne bude uspesan. Promethean je bio do jaja, ali nije zapalio rulju. Pomerio je neke granice, odlicno odradio svoju zamisao ali nije naisao na divlje odusevljenje. Changeling, sa druge strane, jeste zapalio mase. Videcemo za Hunter-a.
Trenutne pretpostavke, imajuci u vidu ono malo sto smo saznali iz novog Huntera (joj kako mrzim ljude koji su vec dobili knjigu), je da ce vrlo moguce biti neka fuzija izmedju Wraith i Demon tematike. Naravno, sve je samo nagadjanje, ali treba uzeti u obzir da se za naslov koristi nemacka rec sigurno sa nekim razlogom. Pogotovo kada je u pitanju takva rec koja se jako tesko prevodi na engleski. Ima smisla pretpostavljati da finiji detalji znacenja reci Geist koja pokriva takve termine kao sto su duh, um i spirit igraju bitnu ulogu u tematici koju ce igra oslikavati.
Trenutne pretpostavke, imajuci u vidu ono malo sto smo saznali iz novog Huntera (joj kako mrzim ljude koji su vec dobili knjigu), je da ce vrlo moguce biti neka fuzija izmedju Wraith i Demon tematike. Naravno, sve je samo nagadjanje, ali treba uzeti u obzir da se za naslov koristi nemacka rec sigurno sa nekim razlogom. Pogotovo kada je u pitanju takva rec koja se jako tesko prevodi na engleski. Ima smisla pretpostavljati da finiji detalji znacenja reci Geist koja pokriva takve termine kao sto su duh, um i spirit igraju bitnu ulogu u tematici koju ce igra oslikavati.
Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? Does it make you happy?
Re: Geist
Wraith je jedan od najboljih rpg-ova koje sam ikada citao.Inteligentan,mracan i sofisticiran,Predpostavljam da su upravo to i bili kvaliteti koji su ga pokopali.
Ljudi uglavnom traze eurotrash vampire,keltske vukodllake (clanove Greenpeace-a) i uber cool lovce sa matrix cvikerima i zgromi-sprzi-spali disciplinama za izivljavanje svojih fantazija.
Ljudi uglavnom traze eurotrash vampire,keltske vukodllake (clanove Greenpeace-a) i uber cool lovce sa matrix cvikerima i zgromi-sprzi-spali disciplinama za izivljavanje svojih fantazija.
Star Trek, Star Wars, and basically every other science fiction series uses hyperspace. 40K, however, uses the Warp, which is the gay pink-purple alternate-reality that explains both interstellar travel and why there are ugly demons running around in sci-fi land. Comparing the two, hyperspace is like DSL, while the Warp is like trying to connect to the internet on dial-up with a frayed wire in the small town of Atalaxupalpatinowahasibixo, Mexico.
- Dawngreeter
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Re: Geist
Pa mislim da nista preterano novo ne bi rekli kada bi zakljucili da RPG mnogo vise sluzi za prozivljavanje fantazija nego zarad duboko intelektualne umetnicke ekspresije. Mada mislim da dubokomisaonost ima prodju kada je ispravno postavljena. NA priemr Nobilis. Ili, da ostanemo na White Wolf teritoriji, novi Changeling. A ni Promethean nije imao losu prodaju, samo nedovoljnu da bi ga prosirili izvan pocetnih pet knjiga.
Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? Does it make you happy?
Re: Geist
A o cemu je bila rec u Wraith-u?
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
90% svega je sranje, a to ukljucuje i preostalih 10%
Re: Geist
Za mene RPG knjige nisu puki prirucnici za tamo neku igru a la "kauboji i indijanci,samo za stolom".Ja ih tretiram kao artefakte.
To znaci kao zaokruzenu celinu koja ima vise aspekata.Neki od parametara koji su mi vazni:
-originalnost sadrzaja
-promisljenost interakcije mehanike i narativa
-evokativnost graficke opreme
-upotrebljivost u igrackoj praxi
-jasnoca definisanja atmosfere i konzistentost u odrzavanju iste
Dualizam na liniji fizicki proizvod/kvalitet sadrzaja je inherentan kod ovakvih izdanja,verovatno mnogo vise nego kod mainstream izdavastva.
Uostalom White Wolf je i izgradio celu svoju fransizu upravo na (za to vreme radikalnoj) ideji da RPG knjige mogu biti i lepe i korisne.
Svako od nas bira svoje igra.Makar je to jedna od stvari koje mozemo sami da biramo.Ja biram da to budu igre koje izazivaju nelagodu i zacudnost kod ljudi koji ih igraju.Meni upravo to predstavlja izvor zabave.To ne moraju nuzno biti RPG sistemi kao takvi.Taj efekat se moze postici i u D&Du uz malo promisljanja.Wraith je medjutim sistem koji upravo pociva na nelagodi kao svom temelju.
Sad, naravno da ja nisam egzemplar RPG konzumerizma i da moje licne idiosinkrazije nisu reper za komercijalnu uspesnost nekog sistema.To je upravo i bio slucaj sa Wraithom.
To znaci kao zaokruzenu celinu koja ima vise aspekata.Neki od parametara koji su mi vazni:
-originalnost sadrzaja
-promisljenost interakcije mehanike i narativa
-evokativnost graficke opreme
-upotrebljivost u igrackoj praxi
-jasnoca definisanja atmosfere i konzistentost u odrzavanju iste
Dualizam na liniji fizicki proizvod/kvalitet sadrzaja je inherentan kod ovakvih izdanja,verovatno mnogo vise nego kod mainstream izdavastva.
Uostalom White Wolf je i izgradio celu svoju fransizu upravo na (za to vreme radikalnoj) ideji da RPG knjige mogu biti i lepe i korisne.
Svako od nas bira svoje igra.Makar je to jedna od stvari koje mozemo sami da biramo.Ja biram da to budu igre koje izazivaju nelagodu i zacudnost kod ljudi koji ih igraju.Meni upravo to predstavlja izvor zabave.To ne moraju nuzno biti RPG sistemi kao takvi.Taj efekat se moze postici i u D&Du uz malo promisljanja.Wraith je medjutim sistem koji upravo pociva na nelagodi kao svom temelju.
Sad, naravno da ja nisam egzemplar RPG konzumerizma i da moje licne idiosinkrazije nisu reper za komercijalnu uspesnost nekog sistema.To je upravo i bio slucaj sa Wraithom.
Star Trek, Star Wars, and basically every other science fiction series uses hyperspace. 40K, however, uses the Warp, which is the gay pink-purple alternate-reality that explains both interstellar travel and why there are ugly demons running around in sci-fi land. Comparing the two, hyperspace is like DSL, while the Warp is like trying to connect to the internet on dial-up with a frayed wire in the small town of Atalaxupalpatinowahasibixo, Mexico.
Re: Geist
U Wraith u je rec o zivotu posle smrti.
Star Trek, Star Wars, and basically every other science fiction series uses hyperspace. 40K, however, uses the Warp, which is the gay pink-purple alternate-reality that explains both interstellar travel and why there are ugly demons running around in sci-fi land. Comparing the two, hyperspace is like DSL, while the Warp is like trying to connect to the internet on dial-up with a frayed wire in the small town of Atalaxupalpatinowahasibixo, Mexico.
Re: Geist
Napravicu zestoki offtopic.
Ali kad smo vec kod zivota posle smrti:
Ne pamtim kad sam video nesto podjednako idiotski. Mozda onaj trailer za Hamleta sa Svarcijem.
Ali kad smo vec kod zivota posle smrti:
Ne pamtim kad sam video nesto podjednako idiotski. Mozda onaj trailer za Hamleta sa Svarcijem.
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
90% svega je sranje, a to ukljucuje i preostalih 10%
- Dawngreeter
- Posts: 2616
- Joined: Sun Apr 21, 2002 12:05 am
- Location: Villa Straylight
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Re: Geist
Jako tesko ce se za to naci bolja igra od starog Wraith-a, svakako. Mada bih predlozio da bacis oko na Promethean, ako vec nisi, sa adekvatnim fokusom na animirane stvorove koji uce o ljudskosti, moze biti jako blizu.CirKhan wrote:Ja biram da to budu igre koje izazivaju nelagodu i zacudnost kod ljudi koji ih igraju.
Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? Does it make you happy?
Re: Geist
Jesam(zapravo uzeo sam svih pet knjiga).Mada nisam siguran da cu ga skoro/ikada i voditi.Promethean zahteva ozbiljne igrace koji umeju da misle svoje likove.I odredjenu dozu empaticnosti.Takodje je stelovan tako da se igra kao dugotrajna kampanja,sto u startu stvara organizacioni problem za vodjenje.Mada bih predlozio da bacis oko na Promethean, ako vec nisi
Sad reci ti meni gde da nadjem tri igraca koji ispunjavaju gorepomenute prerekvizite i da zele da investiraju barem godinu dana svog igrackog zivota na ovakav frp?
Star Trek, Star Wars, and basically every other science fiction series uses hyperspace. 40K, however, uses the Warp, which is the gay pink-purple alternate-reality that explains both interstellar travel and why there are ugly demons running around in sci-fi land. Comparing the two, hyperspace is like DSL, while the Warp is like trying to connect to the internet on dial-up with a frayed wire in the small town of Atalaxupalpatinowahasibixo, Mexico.
- Dawngreeter
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Re: Geist
Ne moras nista da mi pricas, u istoj sam situaciji. Bio sam apsolutno siguran da kupujem knjige koje nikada necu koristiti jos i pre nego sto sam kupio osnovnu.
Ne znam gde da nadjes tri igraca, al' znam gde da nadjes jednog
Ne znam gde da nadjes tri igraca, al' znam gde da nadjes jednog
Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? Does it make you happy?
- Dawngreeter
- Posts: 2616
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Re: Geist
Objavili simbol:
Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? Does it make you happy?
- Dawngreeter
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Re: Geist
A sada imamo i puno ime. Giest: The Sin-Eaters. Nobody saw it coming.
Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? Does it make you happy?
Re: Giest: The Sin-Eaters
Mislis li da je ime inspirisano,sa pokojnim Hitom Ledzerom?
Film je inace interesantan,pored toga sto je sustinski tresh.
A mozda ce uzeti za osnovu i folklornu praksu preuzimanja grehova prilikom upokojenja mrtvaca,koja je sve do nedavno opstajala u nekim delovima zapadne evrope?
Film je inace interesantan,pored toga sto je sustinski tresh.
A mozda ce uzeti za osnovu i folklornu praksu preuzimanja grehova prilikom upokojenja mrtvaca,koja je sve do nedavno opstajala u nekim delovima zapadne evrope?
Star Trek, Star Wars, and basically every other science fiction series uses hyperspace. 40K, however, uses the Warp, which is the gay pink-purple alternate-reality that explains both interstellar travel and why there are ugly demons running around in sci-fi land. Comparing the two, hyperspace is like DSL, while the Warp is like trying to connect to the internet on dial-up with a frayed wire in the small town of Atalaxupalpatinowahasibixo, Mexico.
- Dawngreeter
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Re: Giest: The Sin-Eaters
Sumnjam da je direktno time, ali mislim da sasvi msigurno jeste izmedju ostalog i time. Meni je prvo na pamet pao The Grudge 2, koji takodje sumnjam da je bas izvorno stivo za RPG. Mislim da ce verovatno na ovaj ili onaj nacin obuhvatiti sve moguce sin-eating reference, i filmske i folklorne, ako je suditi po Hunter-u koji je stvarno sjajno obuhvatio relativno sirok dijapazon predmetne tematike.
Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? Does it make you happy?
Re: Giest: The Sin-Eaters
Nadam se da mislis na Hunter: The Vigil,ne na Hunter: The Reckoning,posto je to ubedljivo najvece smece koje je WW ikada izbljunuo (a bilo je toga...).
The Vigil nisam imao prilike jos da vidim,ali ono sto znam da mi se dopada je to sto su potencirali low key lovaca.Doduse i vampiri u Rekvijemu su prilicno low key u poredjenju sa Maskaradom.
The Vigil nisam imao prilike jos da vidim,ali ono sto znam da mi se dopada je to sto su potencirali low key lovaca.Doduse i vampiri u Rekvijemu su prilicno low key u poredjenju sa Maskaradom.
Star Trek, Star Wars, and basically every other science fiction series uses hyperspace. 40K, however, uses the Warp, which is the gay pink-purple alternate-reality that explains both interstellar travel and why there are ugly demons running around in sci-fi land. Comparing the two, hyperspace is like DSL, while the Warp is like trying to connect to the internet on dial-up with a frayed wire in the small town of Atalaxupalpatinowahasibixo, Mexico.
- Dawngreeter
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Re: Giest: The Sin-Eaters
Da da, Vigil naravno. Razbili su kako su ga sjajno odradili.
Ne bih bas rekao da je Reckoning bio najvece WW smece ikada, imao je on momente. Ma koliko ti momenti u globalu bili potpuno irelevantni. Imao je taj neki "end of the world" feel, guns blazing, sto se malo uzjebalo u izvodjenju jer razlika izmedju njih i cudovitsa koje su lovili je bila krajnje disktuabilna. Al' kao. Poeni za to sto je snaznije od ostalih igara gurao u prvi plan character koncepte koji su bili sasvim obicni ljudi.
Ne bih bas rekao da je Reckoning bio najvece WW smece ikada, imao je on momente. Ma koliko ti momenti u globalu bili potpuno irelevantni. Imao je taj neki "end of the world" feel, guns blazing, sto se malo uzjebalo u izvodjenju jer razlika izmedju njih i cudovitsa koje su lovili je bila krajnje disktuabilna. Al' kao. Poeni za to sto je snaznije od ostalih igara gurao u prvi plan character koncepte koji su bili sasvim obicni ljudi.
Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? Does it make you happy?
Re: Giest: The Sin-Eaters
Uff,kakvi crni obicni ljudi,sa svim onim cudesima.Poeni za to sto je snaznije od ostalih igara gurao u prvi plan character koncepte koji su bili sasvim obicni ljudi.
Negde sam citao kako su inicijalno dizajneri hteli da naprave huntere kao gritty investigative likove sa malo ili nimalo nadnaravnih moci,i da to u stvari bude ono sto je u NWoD-u Tales from the 13. precinct,ali da se WW popismanio i potpuno promenio koncepciju.
Manje-vise obicni ljudi su bili u Hunters Hunted,tj. nivo moci na raspolaganju je bio vrlo low-key,a bogme ni moja omiljena matera inkvizicija (Society of Leopold) nije bas bila zgromi-sprzi-spali mada je sa druge strane imala mnogo cool pravila za mucenje.
Po meni je taj nesretni Hunter: The Reckoning trebao da izgleda kao They Live,ili ona ekipa iz Stir of Echoes (ako me secanje nevara) koja se sastaje po nekim mracnim budzacima i razmenjuje iskustva i teorije.
Star Trek, Star Wars, and basically every other science fiction series uses hyperspace. 40K, however, uses the Warp, which is the gay pink-purple alternate-reality that explains both interstellar travel and why there are ugly demons running around in sci-fi land. Comparing the two, hyperspace is like DSL, while the Warp is like trying to connect to the internet on dial-up with a frayed wire in the small town of Atalaxupalpatinowahasibixo, Mexico.
- Dawngreeter
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Re: Giest: The Sin-Eaters
Evo, konacno znamo o cemu je precizno Geist. Geist-ovi su "duhovi" natprirodnih stvorenja. Pravljeno kao prva igra koja je u potpunosti, po svim aspektima, u svakom svom delu, potpuno WoD crossover. Kazu da su cak kantirali i pravilo da igra treba da bude za likove koji su na relativno slicnom power level-u sa ostalim igrama. Globalna multiverzalna zavera stvorenja koja su u prethodnim zivotima mogli da budu bilo koji naprirodni aspekat WoD-a.
Ovo moze da bude ili raspamecujuce do jaja ili najgora stvar ikada. Ne vidim ga nigde izmedju.
Ovo moze da bude ili raspamecujuce do jaja ili najgora stvar ikada. Ne vidim ga nigde izmedju.
Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? Does it make you happy?
Re: Giest: The Sin-Eaters
Tacno.Ovo moze da bude ili raspamecujuce do jaja ili najgora stvar ikada. Ne vidim ga nigde izmedju.
Ja, posto sam po prirodi skeptik pre verujem da ce biti djubre, ali ajde da zadrzim benefit of the doubt za sada.
Star Trek, Star Wars, and basically every other science fiction series uses hyperspace. 40K, however, uses the Warp, which is the gay pink-purple alternate-reality that explains both interstellar travel and why there are ugly demons running around in sci-fi land. Comparing the two, hyperspace is like DSL, while the Warp is like trying to connect to the internet on dial-up with a frayed wire in the small town of Atalaxupalpatinowahasibixo, Mexico.
- Dawngreeter
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Re: Giest: The Sin-Eaters
Ju kako sam naseo. I to sa cetri dana zakasnjenja... Tek jutros sam primetio da je to bila prvoaprilska sala.
Najbolja fora je sto ja i dalje mislim da tako nesto moze da bude do jaja ako se ispravno odradi.
Najbolja fora je sto ja i dalje mislim da tako nesto moze da bude do jaja ako se ispravno odradi.
Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? Does it make you happy?
- Dawngreeter
- Posts: 2616
- Joined: Sun Apr 21, 2002 12:05 am
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Re: Giest: The Sin-Eaters
Izasao novi WW Quarterly, samo sto se sada zove Epitaph. Cool stvari unutra, vredi download-ovati. Dobar intervju sa CCP game designerkom (pretpsotavljam da radi na WoD Online ali o takvim stvarima vec neko vreme odbijaju da pricaju) koja daje fenomenalan komentar o Twilight serijalu. No, pored svega toga, teaser za Geist.
You promised.
I lied. It sounds almost gleeful.
I peel back the caul on my face and sit up. My shirt is riddled with bullet holes and caked with
dried blood. Mine. I pull it, and it rips the hair from my chest as it comes free. I don’t know how
long I’ve been here. My body is whole, but not unblemished. A hole in my shoulder, one in my
legs, and violent bruises on my torso…but I can move. No bullets. Where did they go? Did they
vanish, pulled into the Underworld to await some violent shade that dragged his gun down with
him? Did my body absorb them? Did my other half take them away?
I did not, it replies.
I stumble to my feet. I’m in a crypt. Makes sense; I was in a cemetery when she shot me. I don’t
remember much — I remember she was dark-skinned, maybe Latino or Arabic. She wore some-
thing around her neck that gleamed, not just in the moonlight, but with emotion. Love, I think.
Regret. She was a Sin-Eater, I’m sure of that much, but she didn’t seem familiar…
Yes, she did.
All right, then. Who was she?
I don’t know her. I know the one that rides her. I know the Unrequited Lover.
I wonder how he knows her, but I don’t wonder too long. If I ruminate on the question, I’ll
know the answer, and just at the moment, I don’t care. I’m more interested in the poor bastard
dying at the other end of the cemetery. My caul — my ticket back to this world — is melting
away in my hand like gelatin under a faucet. I saw the last thing he saw: headlights. And then
pain. And then nothing. No so very different from me, from what I saw years ago, except I
lived. He did not. His name was Allen Michael Brexton, and he had a wife and three children.
He thought of them as he died.
You said you wouldn’t bring me back.
I lied, it says again. I needed you back. I need you to find her again.
Her, it insists. The Unrequited Lover. Find her, and help her reach her end. And then you can die,
if you wish.
Her end? I’m not sure what it means. The geist inside me remains a mystery in many ways. I
only know its name, one single word… “Regret.”
Oh. You…knew her.
I did, it says. And now you must. If she is to have any peace.
Why should I care if she does? But I already know the answer.
Because until she does, you won’t, it says.
I peel off my shirt and go looking for Mr. Brexton’s body. If it’s still there, I’ll be taking his wal-
let. There might be money, yes, but more important, there might be Love.
And I’ll need that.
You promised.
I lied. It sounds almost gleeful.
I peel back the caul on my face and sit up. My shirt is riddled with bullet holes and caked with
dried blood. Mine. I pull it, and it rips the hair from my chest as it comes free. I don’t know how
long I’ve been here. My body is whole, but not unblemished. A hole in my shoulder, one in my
legs, and violent bruises on my torso…but I can move. No bullets. Where did they go? Did they
vanish, pulled into the Underworld to await some violent shade that dragged his gun down with
him? Did my body absorb them? Did my other half take them away?
I did not, it replies.
I stumble to my feet. I’m in a crypt. Makes sense; I was in a cemetery when she shot me. I don’t
remember much — I remember she was dark-skinned, maybe Latino or Arabic. She wore some-
thing around her neck that gleamed, not just in the moonlight, but with emotion. Love, I think.
Regret. She was a Sin-Eater, I’m sure of that much, but she didn’t seem familiar…
Yes, she did.
All right, then. Who was she?
I don’t know her. I know the one that rides her. I know the Unrequited Lover.
I wonder how he knows her, but I don’t wonder too long. If I ruminate on the question, I’ll
know the answer, and just at the moment, I don’t care. I’m more interested in the poor bastard
dying at the other end of the cemetery. My caul — my ticket back to this world — is melting
away in my hand like gelatin under a faucet. I saw the last thing he saw: headlights. And then
pain. And then nothing. No so very different from me, from what I saw years ago, except I
lived. He did not. His name was Allen Michael Brexton, and he had a wife and three children.
He thought of them as he died.
You said you wouldn’t bring me back.
I lied, it says again. I needed you back. I need you to find her again.
Her, it insists. The Unrequited Lover. Find her, and help her reach her end. And then you can die,
if you wish.
Her end? I’m not sure what it means. The geist inside me remains a mystery in many ways. I
only know its name, one single word… “Regret.”
Oh. You…knew her.
I did, it says. And now you must. If she is to have any peace.
Why should I care if she does? But I already know the answer.
Because until she does, you won’t, it says.
I peel off my shirt and go looking for Mr. Brexton’s body. If it’s still there, I’ll be taking his wal-
let. There might be money, yes, but more important, there might be Love.
And I’ll need that.
Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? Does it make you happy?
Re: Giest: The Sin-Eaters
evo jos jednog teasera za Geist:
It feels like when I died, all over again.
I can feel that I’m afraid, but it’s a faraway sensation, like I’m looking down on it from a high bridge. My fear is down there, drifting slowly on the river, real but not reachable.
Everything goes slow. I realize that my watch has stopped: I can feel the cold metal back against my wrist, and there is no tick of the second-hand to beat out in time with my pulse.
My pulse has stopped, too. I am between heartbeats. The stillness is rising up in me, a perfect wave of cold motionless.
Its fingers rest on my shoulders. Again, I don’t flinch at their touch. I didn’t then because I didn’t know any better. I don’t now because its fingers are a part of me, like my hand moving on its own.
I see the three men in front of me, now gray and indistinct. The caul is over my eyes — shapeless, but casting a shadow in my mind, a shadow shaped like a key.
The voice rushes in my ears, a tumble of dry leaves and mouse bones.
Let me.
I nod, and I turn the key.
It feels like when I died, all over again.
I can feel that I’m afraid, but it’s a faraway sensation, like I’m looking down on it from a high bridge. My fear is down there, drifting slowly on the river, real but not reachable.
Everything goes slow. I realize that my watch has stopped: I can feel the cold metal back against my wrist, and there is no tick of the second-hand to beat out in time with my pulse.
My pulse has stopped, too. I am between heartbeats. The stillness is rising up in me, a perfect wave of cold motionless.
Its fingers rest on my shoulders. Again, I don’t flinch at their touch. I didn’t then because I didn’t know any better. I don’t now because its fingers are a part of me, like my hand moving on its own.
I see the three men in front of me, now gray and indistinct. The caul is over my eyes — shapeless, but casting a shadow in my mind, a shadow shaped like a key.
The voice rushes in my ears, a tumble of dry leaves and mouse bones.
Let me.
I nod, and I turn the key.
- Dawngreeter
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- Joined: Sun Apr 21, 2002 12:05 am
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Re: Giest: The Sin-Eaters
I jos jedan, 10 dana pred Free RPG Day kada izlazi quickstart za Geist.
It took me two hours to find just the right dead woman. Couldn’t be white, because that’s too obvious. On the other hand, couldn’t be too dark, too ethnic, because then she wouldn’t catch their eye. Go for something in the caramel range, that always works.
I almost didn’t notice that she was right because she was kind of bundled up. Never made sense to me in a suicide. You’re going to throw yourself off the bridge, what are you wearing a heavy coat for? You don’t want to be uncomfortable on the last day of your life? Joke’s on you, lady — the other side is cold, too. And maybe you did get to take that coat with you, but it’s not like it actually does you any good when it’s part of your Corpus. Surprise surprise, now you’re cold forever.
So when you think about it, I’m helping her out.
I draped her at the feet of one of the lions: Patience or Fortitude, I forget which one is which. I made sure to smear out her plasm so you had a good and proper stain all down the pedestal.
Anyone sees one of the lions with a kill, they’re gonna flinch. No mistaking this for some hobo. It’ll be easy to pick them out.
Grunt work’s over. Now comes the fun part: waiting.
It took me two hours to find just the right dead woman. Couldn’t be white, because that’s too obvious. On the other hand, couldn’t be too dark, too ethnic, because then she wouldn’t catch their eye. Go for something in the caramel range, that always works.
I almost didn’t notice that she was right because she was kind of bundled up. Never made sense to me in a suicide. You’re going to throw yourself off the bridge, what are you wearing a heavy coat for? You don’t want to be uncomfortable on the last day of your life? Joke’s on you, lady — the other side is cold, too. And maybe you did get to take that coat with you, but it’s not like it actually does you any good when it’s part of your Corpus. Surprise surprise, now you’re cold forever.
So when you think about it, I’m helping her out.
I draped her at the feet of one of the lions: Patience or Fortitude, I forget which one is which. I made sure to smear out her plasm so you had a good and proper stain all down the pedestal.
Anyone sees one of the lions with a kill, they’re gonna flinch. No mistaking this for some hobo. It’ll be easy to pick them out.
Grunt work’s over. Now comes the fun part: waiting.
Is it bright where you are? Have the people changed? Does it make you happy?