Da li jos neko ima problem sa cookies na "novom forumu"?
Od kada se desio switch na ipadu ne mogu da uklonim onaj mali pop koji nas obavesatava da forum koristi cookies.
Samim tim na zalost ne mogu ni da koristim forum na ipadu
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Novi Forum i Tablet/Cookies?
Moderator: lord warrior
Re: Novi Forum i Tablet/Cookies?
Ja sam to imao na telefonu, misim i na desktopu, ali sam sam kliknuo ono dugme i sve je bilo ok.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.
Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.
And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.
Glory to Arstotzka!
- lord warrior
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- Posts: 1169
- Joined: Wed Mar 27, 2002 9:15 pm
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Re: Novi Forum i Tablet/Cookies?
Iskljucio sam obavestenje, nece vise praviti problem.
Deception is a Right · Truth is a Privilege · Innocence is a Luxury
Re: Novi Forum i Tablet/Cookies?
To je sad ok. Pop-up se vise ne pojavljuje. No meni sad ne otvara pod forume? Imam pristup glavnoj stranici i na bilo sta da kliknem nista se ne desava. Probao sam i u chrome-u i u safari-ju . Ima li nekoga sa iPadom da potvrdi da ima probleme ili pak da mu sve normalno radi?
- lord warrior
- Server Admin
- Posts: 1169
- Joined: Wed Mar 27, 2002 9:15 pm
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Re: Novi Forum i Tablet/Cookies?
Probaj da promenis temu na Prosilver.
Deception is a Right · Truth is a Privilege · Innocence is a Luxury
Re: Novi Forum i Tablet/Cookies?
Nije pomoglo ...
Ovo je stvarno neverovatno .... apslotuno ni jedan link sa home page-a mi ne radi kad otvaram forum na iPadu ....
Drugi forumi rade normalno, problem se javlja samo sa Zmajem ...
Ovo je stvarno neverovatno .... apslotuno ni jedan link sa home page-a mi ne radi kad otvaram forum na iPadu ....
Drugi forumi rade normalno, problem se javlja samo sa Zmajem ...
Last edited by žubor on Wed Feb 01, 2017 11:01 am, edited 1 time in total.
Re: Novi Forum i Tablet/Cookies?
Samo da dodam da ne radi ni na iPhone-u. Drugim recim postoji problem sa iOS-om.