confrontation frp, ili kako vec...?

Sve o Rackhamovim fantazijskim igrama (Confrontation, Hybrid, Rag'narok i Cadwallon)

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sto mu gromova
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confrontation frp, ili kako vec...?

Post by sto mu gromova »

video sam da je "ko jel' ja?" na temi cadwallon pomenuo cadwallon frp, a i ja sam malo pre prelistavao neke brojeve cry havoc-a i gledao neke crteze (svrshio sam kad sam video crtez u broju 4. u gro planu je templar of inquisition sa bakljom a iza njega dvojica kolega od kojih jedan bukvalno drzi u ruci nekog tipa i tera ga da prochita neshto iz neke knjige koju drzi u drugoj ruci. jezivo dobar crtez) pa sam se trenutno uzeleo nekog frp-a.
da li neko zna neshto vishe o tome (cadwallon frp), da li je izashla knjiga, kad ce izaci, u kakvom formatu (knjiga+box sa figurama, samo knjiga...), i :oops: koliko ce to zadovoljstvo da koshta?
verujem da ce biti xtra, i neshto nalik whfrp-u, bar po sistemu.
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Post by Balder »

Koliko je meni poznato jos nije izasao, a informacije o doticnom sam nalazio na voidgamers-u, tako da tamo mozes da nadjes Preview pravila, pa cak i neke delove iz same knjige, skenove, i sl...
I tako :)
I ja se nadam da ce uskoro da izadje :D
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Post by Mirijevac »

Predlazem da kad izadje Cadwallon, ogranizujemo jednu sesiju, ali samo za igrache od 30-50 godina. Igrachi 50+ godina bi trebali da budu u drugoj grupi da nas ne bi usporavali !
papi pauer !!!

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Post by Mucous »

Evo da se i ja javim kao jedan od neuspjelih BETA testera istog...

Nisam uopče dobio materijal ni ja ni još jedan frend kojeg su odabrali, a načuo sam od frendice (koja je dobila fileove) da je sama igra vrlo zbunjujuća i da uopće nije roleplaying, nego igra s figurama(poput heroquesta).

Sam roleplay je dosta pojednostavljen, nešto kao igre na kompjuteru...

Je li gosn. Rover dobio svoja pravila?
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Post by Balder »

Toga sam se i plasio, da ce ispasti neki Hack'n'Slash... A da ne mislite vi na Hybrid... :P Mada ja nemam pojma kakav je Hybrid, ali iz Oliverove price, ovako :P Nemam pojma...
Ipak se i dalje nadam da ce Cadwalon biti najobicniji FRP...
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Post by Dervish the neki »

nope, Baldere, dzabe se nadas - svi playtesteri kazu da je mesavina boardgame-a i nekih elemenata rpg-a. sto i nije toliko lose - uvek dobro dodje jos jedan kvalitetan boardgame sa prelepom knjigom punom confrontation fluff-a. :D

EDIT: naravno, ako hocete najobicniji rpg za arklaash, uputicu vas na:
The Shadows of Yesterday - jedan od najboljih fantasy rpg-a ikada, koji bi, uz malo tweak-ovanja, bio savrsen za ovo.

Dervish the optimisticni
There really isn't a polite way to say:
"your game fucking sucks and I'm going to take my chances with the Rifts game run by the autistic kid"

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Post by Balder »

A zar nije Hybrid na tu foru... Neki Board Game, FRP, sa figuricama... :) Ili sam ja bas neupucen :P
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Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Ovako, hybrid je najobicniji boardgame (postoje neka dodatna pravila u sestom broju cry havoca za akcioni rpg, citaj 'hack and slash').
Cadwallon rpg je zamisljen kao frp sa figuricama (predpostavljam da uvek mozes da izbacis figure). Postoje i game tile-ovi za isti koji mogu da se koriste i za hybrid pa cak i d&d.
Vrlo je moguce da je to sto su beta testeri dobili da isprobaju vrlo pojednostavljeno, jer treba da istestiras pravila a ne da uzivas igrajuci (za to kupi knjigu kad izadje :D ).
Prema tome dobro bi bilo sacekati avgust kada frp izlazi na engleskom (u junu na francuskom) pa videti.
Sa nestrpljenjem ovo ocekujem jos od kad sam prvi put cuo za to, i ne gubim nadu.
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Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Ovo je sa agramovog foruma
Caleb je napisao/la:
Ok guys, this is from the german forum from the french forum, as usual. Here goes:

The players incarnate a member of a party. The party is hired by the duke of Cadwallon to maintain the balance of law in the city, a difficult assignment due to the power hungry guilds.

The Scenario we played was classic, the group consisted of a wolfen warrior priest, an akkylanian woman, a guide from Alahan, a dwarf engineer who had a strange steam machine, a drune and a griffin aristocrat. The group, after a battle between pirates and members of the guild of usuerers, found a cemetary map, on which a suspicious grave/tomb was marked. The adventure started here.

In theory, every rackham figure can be used in the game (as a char or npc). Thanks to the ethnic diversity of cadwallon, every race can be part of the same party quite easily. Due to time constraints, the demo was made with premade characters, but you can naturally make your own.

Game Principles:
At the beginning of every round, the playes select one of six possible "attitudes." These are: aggressive, agile, elegant, opportunistic, subtle and disciplined. Every player shows which attitude he/she has chosen through the number on a die. Every player places 3 dice in Actions and Reactions for this round. Dice can be carried over to the next round, max. 6. The number of dice you get are determined by the unused dice from last round, plus 3, with a minus 1 in case you changed your attitude from round to round.
As soon as the dice are placed, the round begins. The players play in order of the number of dice they have, from most to least

The Action dice allow: a movement/Action of one of the attitudes. If the action selected is from the mode that you selected at the beginning of the turn, you can use 2 dice and use the best result. You can also use the die for a non detailed action such as drinking a potion, kicking the dwarf player for being dumb, etc.

The Reaction dice make it possible to react to suprises and events in the round.

The Test: In order to pass a test to complete an action, the player has to roll over the difficulty set by the game master (rackham hasn’t thought of a snazzy name yet). You roll a specific number of dice, use the best, and add a bonus depending on your selected attitude.

Example: The courages alahan shoots at a huge rat! On his character sheet , you can find under the Attitude column/agility +4 a value of 1 in shooting. The 1 means that he has 1 base die for shooting tests. Because the character picked agility for his attitude this round, he gets an extra die. He throws a 2 and a 5. He picks the 5, adds his 4 points of agility and gets a 9 total. The game master will have set the difficulty for this specific gun/shot, etc.
The shot hits, the gun has a strength of 5. He rolls 5 dice, therefore, and gets a 6,5,5,5 and 2. The result that is selected determines the level of wound. Logically, you would take the 6, but for every double (triple, etc) the str goes up by one, so a triple 5 is actually a 7. The rat explosdes. When he wants to reload next round, the Alahaner has to use 3 action dice since his gun has a RECH level of 3.

This principle applies to all the different actions you can take.

Cadwallon - closing thoughts
The party's mission was to investigate the tomb in the graveyard. The game was divided into 2 scenes, one was going into the graveyard being patrolled by a goblin and the second consisting of going into go investigate the tomb. Due to time constraints, it wasn't possible to have a good rp'ing discussion with the duke or guild chief or to head to a tavern. The players could only really do the "action" part of the game.
Discussion, business, etc aren't left out however, there are skills and such for these actions. We should wait and see how the rest of the game goes to really see what it's really like. The basic rules look solid.

Cadwallon is a roleplaying game with figures. Naturally, the purist rp'ers will feel odd about that while the table top players will be more able to play it than a pure rpg.

People are saying that it's a new innovative "hybrid" rpg table top game. Don't knock it til you've tried it I would say.
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Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Evo jos i ovo
Sébastien Célerin, one of the Creators of Cadwallon je napisao/la:
First of all, I'd like to put our gaming community's mind at rest now. Cadwallon will be a true Role Playing Game... WITH miniatures! You'll see that the difference is subtle but great.

In Cadwallon, your miniature is at the centre of the character's creation process. You like the Wolfen Prowler miniature? It will be your character, either as a native city mercenary or as a nomadic craftsman attracted by this mysterious city. It is possible to incarnate any possible species (Human, Wolfen, Orc...) from any culture (akkylanian, cadwëan, sessairs...). The miniature, depending on its size and its base, also affects technical aspects of the game, such as hit points or movement.

At the beginning, during the character creation process, the player may choose one or more occupations, each at a certain rank (the equivalent to levels). A new character starts with 3 rank points. The player can opt for diversity and get 3 occupations at rank 1, or he can be specialized in one occupation at rank 3. The occupations are divided into 6 families: Confrontation, Incantation, Revolution, Divination, Exploration and Interaction. Hmm... Those words remind me of something. The players take the role of members of a Free League, adventurers of all kinds in the service of the Duke of Cadwallon. After taking the oath to this man that no one really seems to know, the Free Leaguers enjoy a special status, with rights and duties totally different to those of the rest of the Cadwëans. They are, in some way, above all laws. For instance, if one commits a crime, he need just pay a fine instead of go to jail or mount the scaffold. However, the militia, more or less the police of Cadwallon, have complete authority over Free Leaguers who must answer to the Duke for their actions. The Duke can call them at any time for important matters, such as the defence of the city when it is threatened. The last attack, made by the Akkyshan elves, is still known as the "Battle of the Earth Wall".

In between missions for the Duke, the members of a Free League (each group of player characters is a League) must earn a living for themselves. Indeed, even though they are at the service of the Duke, they are only paid on a mission-by-mission basis. The Free Leaguers can make a living from robbery, duels, intrigues or treasure hunting (the Jewel of Lanever is full of unexplored undergrounds). Each League ends up finding their favourite way of living. We all know that the actual city, full of more or less honest activities, has been built on the ruins of a powerful elven city, itself hiding the remains of a more obscure past. Many civilizations have lived in this place, leaving behind a huge number of tunnels and galleries, full of surprises for careless Free Leaguers. Who knows what marvels and monstrosities are buried below Cadwallon?

The Jewel of Lanever is an independent city, originally based on an ideal of freedom. This independence was gained though force (against the hordes of Darkness) and through negotiation (against the alliance of Light), and this wasn't done smoothly.

If Cadwallon is ruled by the Duke, it is also under the influence of the Guilds (Usurers, Ferrymen, Blades...), powerful entities, economically as well as politically. Jealous of the privileges of the Free Leagues (sometimes wishing for their disappearance), the Guilds are nonetheless interested in using them. In game terms, the number of possible scenarios is enormous.

A few words on the game system. Still a work in progress, the rules should be innovative on many points. Thus, a character is defined by some characteristics (fierceness, agility, elegance, subtlety, opportunism and discipline) that also represent "attitudes", ways of acting and behaving. A fierce character will generally be very offensive not only in combat but also when he tries to negotiate a contract.

Beside the attitudes, there are a number of talents, such as Attack, Hide, Impress... Briefly, to see how successful an action is, you throw some d6, you choose the best and add your characteristic bonus. The final result must beat the difficulty threshold.

Each turn, one character has a number of dice equal to the sum of the 2 highest ranks. A player with a rank 1 occupation and a rank 2 occupation will have 3 dice. the dice are divided into 2 reserves : the action one (for action, movement...) and the reaction one (for reaction to others characters' actions or to a surprise...). This system then gives the players a large set of tactical choices with plausible constraints (a thief busy lock picking in a dark alley will not be able to react efficiently to an attack). Each character acts one after each other, starting with the highest number of action dice.

Along with attitudes and talents, there are knowledges, what the character knows about the world, and a list of contacts. A character could therefore have Misericord as a contact. She could occasionally save him from a bad situation or give him valuable information, but she may also one day ask him to accompany her into a Syhar laboratory deep in Bran-Ô-Kor... knowing that a member of a Free League cannot leave Cadwallon, as he must be ready to serve the Duke!

To simplify outrageously, you could describe this RPG as half talk (investigation, intrigues) and half action (the final combat against an evil sect trying to destabilize the city, for instance). Rackham provides the opportunity to play the important scenes of a scenario with miniatures, but also with the help of "boards" to represent a city district, the inside of a house, an underground area...

Some districts of Cadwallon are dominated by one race or another. This gives us the promise of various boards for the game. And as we know the quality of the artistic work of Rackham, they're going to be beautiful pieces. Along with a nice and well tested game system, these game pieces can only increase the tactical feeling of combat and its interest. Furthermore, in order to simulate the reactivity of the NPCs towards the player characters' actions and in order tomake things easier for the game master, an alert level system is proposed. All hostile or fairly provocative actions (for instance, the Free Leaguer walking the upper city with arms in hand) increases the alert level. When it gets to a certain level... fight!!!

Finally, as a conclusion to this quick presentation of the game, let's speak about the release and the follow-up. Cadwallon is still in development and in its test phase. The final publication date is not yet settled, but it is certain that a special line of Cadwallon miniatures will be available, including those that we have already admired for a while at some Rackham events. (These miniatures will also be playable in Confrontation and Rag'narok.)
Like any other good RPG, Cadwallon will have its own set of supplements: campaigns making the game plot evolve, boxes of miniatures or new game boards. Cry Havoc will also present new elements of the background or rules specific to Cadwallon, of interest to both players and miniature collectors alike.

Well, in a few lines this is an incomplete overview of the game, that seems to me very promising, in some ways innovative, and that I'm eager to see growing.
Nadam se da je sad sve malo jasnije :D

Ko, jel' ja? the cadwallon frp guru :D
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Post by Awakened »

Cudna igra... Po ovome sto sam procitao, ne bi je igrao kod kuce, ali verovatno u klubu bi... Sta cete, treba sacekati konacni proizvod...
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Post by Balder »

Pa tome se i ja nadam... Da ce biti najobicniji FRP samo malo inforsiranim figurama... Uostalom, i D&D je tesko igrati bez figura... Barem neke vrste... We'll see :)
Nadam se da si u pravu...
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Post by Balder »

50e!!! :)
Mnogo... Mada nemam pojma da li se uz knjigu dobija jos nesto... Mozda kad bi gosn' Novot bio dovoljno ljubazan da prevede sta je to nabrojano... Da li neke dodatne stvari ili samo sta knjiga sadrzi... :P
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Post by sto mu gromova »

gos'n novot? =;
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Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

sto mu gromova wrote:gos'n novot? =;
Na nekoj svadbi je, tako da ne verujem da ce se javljati veceras.
Bas me nervira sto ne znam francuski. Odlucio sam da upisem kurs u septembru.
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Post by Balder »

Ja trazim da kupim one diskove Learn French, pa da vidim kako ce da ide... Pa mozda upisem kurs... :)
I izvinjavam se GOS'N Novotu :P :)
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Post by Hristy »

Hmm.... Pa zar ne bi (dok sachekamo ovo) mogli npr da napravimo FRP D&D pravila ali da ga ubaciom u Conf svet. Jes' trebalo bi tu da se radi, ali nije neizvodljivo! I kakva je ono diskriminacija da igraju samo ljudi od 30-50!? Ocu i ja!!! :cry:
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Post by Shunka »

Pa samo nadji nekog koga nece mrzeti da to vodi a uz to dovoljno poznaje setting!
Nekako ta knjiga ce biti bitna zbog dovoljne kolicine fluffa da se postavi neka razumna prica za kampanju koja nece biti u neksladu sa do sada utvrdjenim stavkama settinga...
A inace kod nas nema mnogo ljudi zainteresovanih za proucavanje Aarklasa.
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
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Post by Mirijevac »

Hristy wrote:Hmm.... Pa zar ne bi (dok sachekamo ovo) mogli npr da napravimo FRP D&D pravila ali da ga ubaciom u Conf svet. Jes' trebalo bi tu da se radi, ali nije neizvodljivo! I kakva je ono diskriminacija da igraju samo ljudi od 30-50!? Ocu i ja!!! :cry:
Nemoze, nemash dovoljno godina ! :D
papi pauer !!!

"Your Mother Is A Hamster And Your Father Smelt Of Elderberries"
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Post by Balder »

Mislim da je lakse sacekati avgust, nego raditi setting za D&D... Doduse, to sam rekao i kad sam cekao AGoT FRP, pa na kraju ispalo da su pravila totalno razocarenje... :P
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Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Hristy wrote:Hmm.... Pa zar ne bi (dok sachekamo ovo) mogli npr da napravimo FRP D&D pravila ali da ga ubaciom u Conf svet. Jes' trebalo bi tu da se radi, ali nije neizvodljivo! I kakva je ono diskriminacija da igraju samo ljudi od 30-50!? Ocu i ja!!! :cry:
Mislim da bi mnogo lakse, a i zanimljivije, bilo da to uradis po warhammer pravilima, s tim da ta dva sveta mnogo vise lice nego bilo sta iz d&d-a. Inace, Shunka je u pravu, nedostatak fluff-a je glavni problem, ali ako zelis samo dobru zabavu nije to bas toliki hendikep (uvek mozes sve to da izmislis), a u cry havocu vec ima dosta toga da mozes da stvoris neku sliku o svetu (ostalo je na tebi). Za kraj, uopste ne mora to da se igra u Kadvalonu, moze bilo gde na Arklashu (recimo Akilaniji :D )

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Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Evo kakvog takvog prevoda onog flajera (sa en. foruma)
I put the whole thing through google's translator, but it's pretty understandable:
formerly cursed and given up, cadwallon was conquered by companies of mercenaries. heirs to these avid adventurers of glory and richness, the frank members of a league take care from now on of the hello of quotes robbers.

discover Cadwallon. Join the frank members of a league. be worthy of the first defenders of quotes. Explore the old ruins and bore their secrecy.

Cadwallon is a tactical role play in the world of confrontation. its 352 color pages propose: more than 75 talents left again out of 36 trades inspire D' Aarklash; revelations on the universe of Confrontation and Rag' Narok; 200 magic spells and miracles; magic of the tarot of exclusiveness for Cadwallon; More than 50 inhabitants who can lend strong hand to the players; More than 300 illustrations, including 200 original; More than 100 places specific: seats of the guilds, taverns famous, arenas… Cadwallon required of A six faces, pencils and gums. Price: 49,90E

The situations of exloration, infiltration and the combat can be materialize using the plates of play Reversible Gaming Tiles especially concus for Cadwallon and of the figurines of the Confrontation range. Plates of play represntant the interiors and outsides of the low city (Reversible Gaming Tiles set A and B, May 2006) and the high city (Reversible Gaming tiles set C and D, July 2006). Especially concus for Cadwallon, they can be use with any play figurines on plate, like Hybrid. A folding screen pout the leader of play joining together all the necessary tables has good a maitrise tactical rules.

Figurines dediees has Cadwallon, completely compatible with Confrontation and Rag' Narok. Many desponibles supplements as of the autumn, of which Secret, the Guide of the Leader of Play. A scenario and thirty portraits have to download free on, the day out of the Handbook of the Players. Also find scenarios and assistances of play in cry havoc, the review dediee with the universes rackham.

Folding screen of the leader of play affert to the first 2000 purchasers
-50 inhabitants who can lend a hand for the players
-200 spells and miracles
-75 endowments and 36 jobs
-the magic of the tarots
-100 specific places
-300 pics, 200 never released
-bbackground revelations
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Post by sto mu gromova »

ja se slazem sa ivanom. moze se izmodifikovati whfrp i umesto karijera i karaktera ubaciti jedinice iz conf-a (ne karaktere). ja imam pravila za whfrp pa bi mogli da se nadjemo jednog dana i da napravimo raspored u karijerama.
manje-vishe svi znaju neku osnovu sveta i ostalih rasa tako da mislim da ne bi trebalo da bude nekih problema. naravno gm bi trebalo da ima malo vishe informacija o svemu, ali opet mogli bi da se igramo a ne da cepidlachimo, neshto tipa:
to ne ide tako
ja sam prochitao onako
a zashto ovo ovako a ne onako.....
mislim,... to bi trebalo da bude frp, gde je manje-vishe sve moguce.
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Post by novot »

Dakle, Zlaja je pitao nesto o gaming tile-ovima, koji izlaze sledeceg meseca. Sto se tice cene, ona je 20 jevra, a za to se dobije 15 obostranih ploca, dimenzija 12x12 (pazite, ne centimetara vec inca 8O 8O 8O ), koje su namenjene FRP sistemima uopste, a posebno D&D-ju i Cadwallon-u. Tu su i neki dodatni delici (nisam bas siguran koji, ali predpostavljam vrata, kovcezi, stolovi...). Sada (u junu) izlaze tiles 1 i tiles 2.
Ono sto sam ja dobio u propagandnom materijalu izgleda ekstra, a stvarno mi se cini da moze da se koristi za sve i svasta. Cena je malko visoka, ali...
Samo ono što činimo iz ljubavi, činimo slobodno, pa ma koliko patnje iz toga proizašlo.

Istina rađa mržnju. Ko govori istinu, često se zamera drugima.
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Post by Balder »

A kakav je kvalitet?
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Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Each set is supplied with 15 reversible gaming tiles
Squares scale : 2,5 x 2,5 cm
Tiles dimension: 30 x 30 cm
Outdoor tiles: Recto-Day/Verso-Night
Indoor tiles: different Recto-verso
Compatible with Donjon & Dragon®, Cadwallon®, Hybrid®
Ljudi koji su to kupili kazu da je kvalitet ekstra i da, ima nekih dodataka (merdevine, kovcezi i sl.).
Sto se cene tice ispada da jedan tajl kosta 1.3 evra, sto i nije tako mnogo kad se uzme kvalitet u obzir.
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Post by Balder »

Pa ako je bas toliko kvalitetno, onda se isplati... A kako su uradjeni chest-ovi i to? Kao counter-i (na kartonu), na plastici, ili onako na kartonu, pa se zakace na plastiku... Ili... Sta ja lupam? :P
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Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

...ili... nemam pojma :D (mozda kao kaunteri za konf)
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Post by novot »

Dakle, posto svi nagadjaju, evo da i ja kazem nesto :D Dakle, vrlo verovatno da je prikaz accessorise-a odozgo, buduci da su i prostorije-hodnici-ekstrijeri prikazani odozgo. Inace prva dva seta nose naziv Lower city 01 i Lower city 02. Koga zanima, imam flajere za sva junska izdanja na kompu, pa ko zeli, neka pogleda.
Samo ono što činimo iz ljubavi, činimo slobodno, pa ma koliko patnje iz toga proizašlo.

Istina rađa mržnju. Ko govori istinu, često se zamera drugima.
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Post by Balder »

Bas cu da pogledam kad budem dos'o u klub...
Nego, da nije malo mnogo onih 50e za Cadwalon FRP? Koliko sam ja shvatio, to je samo knjiga...
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Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

@novot: tile-ovi su majska izdanja (mozda su pozurili sa njima), svi dodaci su vrlo verovatno dvodimenzionalni (nagadjam).

@Balder: pa jeste, ali forgotten realms campain setting knjiga kosta 40e tako da... Pravila za konf su 30e a imaju duplo manje strana itd. (kao da je potrebno neko ubedjivanje :D )

Inace procitao sam negde da na jesen izbacuju GM guide za Kadvalon.
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Post by Balder »

Da... A Core Rulebook-ovi za D&D-u su 30e... Na kraju ispada da je WotC jeftina firma... :o 8O
Ok... Definitivno je jefitiniji od lopovskog GW-a i jos lopovskijeg zastupnika za GW kod nas :D
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Post by novot »

Ne bih da ometam vasu diskusiju, ali da primetim da je tema ipak Cadwallon iliti Confrontation FRP. Stoga, vratite se na temu, molim :!:

Inace, Aarklash je kontinent-svet na kojem se citava prica vezana za Confrontation/Hybrid/Rag'narok/Cadwallon odigrava. Dirtz je samo jedan od pretendenata iliti aspiranata u trci za vlascu na tom kontinentu.
Buduci da kategorizacija dobro-lose postoji u svakom FRP sistemu, kao i u epskofantasticnom wargamingu, mozemo uslovno uzeti kao tacno tvrdnju da je Dirz los- sa stanovista vecine drugih naroda, ali ne i sa tacke gledista samog Dirza :wink: :lol: :lol: :lol: .
Samo ono što činimo iz ljubavi, činimo slobodno, pa ma koliko patnje iz toga proizašlo.

Istina rađa mržnju. Ko govori istinu, često se zamera drugima.
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Post by Balder »

Da... Na temu... Kao sto sam poslednje pitao, koliko ce biti glavnih knjiga za Cadwallon FRP? Kao u D&D 3, ili manje, vise?
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Post by djurka »

Ne bih da ometam raspravu realno/nerealno... mene isto zanima u koliko ce knjiga biti pravila za taj FRP?
Zasto su kamikaze nosali kacige?
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Post by Pendargon »

frp nije frp u pravom smislu te reci... dolazice u boxed setu, sa sve game tileovima i svim neophodnim knjizicama, cena ce biti 49,90 eura ( sto en zaokruzise na 50, nemam pojma...)
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Post by sto mu gromova »

mene zanima da mi vi mene kazete gde ima da se kupe jevtino kavurma, chvarci... to mene brine...

nego dule chini mi se da nisi u pravu shto se box-a tiche. koliko sam ja video , knjiga i game tile-ovi se prodaju zasebno. knjiga 50e i jedan set tile-ova 20e.
i bice samo jedna knjiga pravila (shto je po meni najnormalnije).
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Post by Pendargon »

de si to video... mnogo mi je bre 50 jevreja samo za knjigu, a kamoli 20 za tilove... pa bre hibrid box je tu negde, a tamo dobijes i tileove...
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Post by sto mu gromova »

na prvoj strani imash link koji je postavio ko jel' ja?, to je za knjigu, a cenu za set tile-ova imash na rackham-store-u.
i da ne zaboravim, u kompletu ima 15 razlichitih tile-ova koji su sa jedne strane dnevna verzija a sa druge nocna.
to ti dodje manje od 1,4e po komadu shto i nije mnogo.

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