Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by BoltaFodda »

Da li su dozvoljeni proksiji?

Pitam jel bi rado da donesem model koji je narucen u ovom trenutku a ne mogu da garantujem da ce da stigne na vreme i da cu da ga sastavim/obojim na vreme.
I myself am a self-proclaimed expert, if I do say so myself.
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by Rick »

You have enough bloody models!! You can't proxy Blightbringer.
Guns don't kill people. People that say "Guns don't kill people" kill people. With guns.
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by Pendargon »

no proxies in qualifying tournaments.
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by Rick »

Shame - I was looking to proxy intelligence, awareness and talent with blind luck. Kinda screwed now.
Guns don't kill people. People that say "Guns don't kill people" kill people. With guns.
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by CrimmyJimmy »

Ukoliko ima mesta, prijava - Dejan ( Menoth )

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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Pendargon wrote:no proxies in qualifying tournaments.
[gloating zbog ofarbane cele armije = on]
Kad cemo da ubacimo i obavezne ofarbane figure? :)
[gloating zbog ofarbane cele armije = off]

P.S.: Bez brige, znam da je nerealno to ocekivati kod nas, samo se malo salim & hvalim :).
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by STOKA »

Da li neko ima na zajam od Cygnara Stormblade unit sa 1 UA gunerom???
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by Rick »

I can lend you that. Do you mean;
  • The stormblades with the UA
    The Stormblades with 1 WA
    The Stormblades with UA and 1 WA
Do you still want a Nemo?
Guns don't kill people. People that say "Guns don't kill people" kill people. With guns.
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by Pendargon »

Samo da podsetim da je rok za slanje lista sutra uvece!
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by takasunmc »

Ovako dva pitanja.

1. Sto se turniri ne odrzavaju nedeljom? Subota je nekima radni dan.

2. Nisam bas skontao ovo sa warcaster/warlock dodacima. Uzmimo Cryx npr. Scarloc se vodi kao warcaster dodatak, a svaki warcaster moze imati samo jedan dodatak. Stoga ako uzmemo sledeci primer moje tri liste.

1. Skarre
2. Mortenebra
3. Lich3

Scarloc ide u solo deo liste, koji je zakljucan i uvek isti za sve tri liste. Nadam se da se niste izgubili, za sad. Sad dolazimo do kljucnog problema. Skarre moze da ima Scarloca, ali Mortenebra i Lich 3 ne mogu zato sto vec imaju svoje Scarloke. Samim tim ja ne mogu da igram sa ova dva kastera, zato sto Scarlock ne moze da ide sa kasterima koji imaju svoje Scarloce. Mogu bez solo liste, ali trebaju mi modeli iz solo liste. Mislim nije meni problem imam ja druge kastere, ali ovo vidim kao rupu u pravilima, mozda to vazi i za neke druge warloce/warcastere.
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by STOKA »

Ja sam napravio gresku prilikom pravljenja liste i prevideo ono za 15pt, tako da mi nisu potrebni stormblejdovi

@Rick, sry m8 i make mistake by forming 2nd list :( , but i need Defender if u have ( my was upgrade in Triumph last time, thx to u XD )

... Ili bilo ko ima na zajam Defendera bice dobrodoslo :)
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by Histericni Istoricar »

Imam ja jednog.
U jednog Bocu, mi verujemo!
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by STOKA »

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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by Pendargon »

Posto nas je 16, razdvojio sam ljude u 2 grupe po 8, pazeci da se frakcije ne poklapaju, ostali su randomizovani.
Pobednici GRUPA se automatski kvalifikuju za finalni turnir krajem godine. Nakon sto prodje 3 partije unutar grupa, koje ce dati 2 pobednika, pobednici mogu da odigraju 4-tu (finale) za bolji seeding na finalnom turniru (i prestiz, naravno :-P). Ukoliko ih mrzi, odlucivace sledece : broj cp , pa ako je to isto, broj kaster kilova, itd...

Grupe :
Grupa 1 :
1. Ota
2. Luka Dragacevic
3. Boltafodda
4. Shunka
5. Dejan Menoth
6. Zekina Banda
7. Stoka
8 Sili

Grupa 2 :
1. Dzon Vejn
2. Bjelajac
3. Richard
4. Stef
5. SerbianRaven
6. Steva Krkelic
7. TakasunMc
8: Zerglord

Parovi prvog kola (da bi mogli da vezbate)
Grupa 1 :
Par 1 : Luka (Khador) vs Zekina Banda (Convergence)
Par 2 : Boltafodda (Legion) vs Ota ( Retribution)
Par 3 : Shunka (Mercenaries) vs Sili (Trollbloods)
Par 4 : Dejan (Menoth) vs Stoka (Cygnar)

Grupa 2 :
Par 1 : Dzon Vejn (Circle) vs Stef (Khador)
Par 2 : Serbianraven (Menoth) vs Richard (Legion)
Par 3 : Bjelajac (Retribution) vs TakasunMC (Cryx)
Par 4 : Steva Krelic (Cygnar) vs Zerglord (Legion)

Molim sve one koji mi nisu poslali objective uz svoje liste da to urade sto pre.
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by Knight »

Dule, da li su na snazi poslednje errate? :)
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by Pendargon »

naravno da jesu
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by Knight »

Cestitke pobednicima grupa! :)

Hvala mojim protivnicima na prijateljskim i zabavnim partijama.
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by BoltaFodda »

Hvala mojim protivnicima za 3 partije koje su sve bile vrlo neizvesne, i samim tim vrlo zabavne.
I myself am a self-proclaimed expert, if I do say so myself.
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by Pendargon »

less praise, more reports people :-P
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by Shunka »

Ja se sjajno proveo na turniru, iako mi je konačna pobeda izmakla!

Igrao sam dve liste, obe su imale sledeće modele:

Gaston Crosse
Dougal McNaile
Gorman di Wulfe

U prvoj je caster bio Broadside Bart, i vodio je Vanguarda za svoje warjack poene, u drugoj Magnus the Traitor, koji je vodio svog Nomada.

Prva partija, protiv Silija:
Ovde nema mnogo štošta da se kaže, osim da su Magnus i drugari maltretirali trolove i sistematski ih odstreljivali jednog po jednog, dok su oni zbunjeno gledali u kolosa pokušavali da dokuče kako se to ubija (najjednostavniji odgovor - izabereš drugu listu, gde su Doomshaper, Mulg i Dire Troll Mauler, a ne Grim Angus potpomognut bacačima kopalja). Partija se neslavno završila tako što je Grim ostao sam samcijat, i ne znajući šta bi drugo pokušao da se skloni od Nomada te nastradao od freestrike-a.

Druga partija, protiv BoltaFodde, Bart vs. Saeryn:
U prvom krugu dva Scytheana su istrčala na centar, plaćenička družina mala ali odabrana je krenula odmah da ih zasipa paljbom, ali Bart se nije dosetio da odmah zove feat ili bar Batten Down the Hatches, jer čim mi na njih pucamo znači da će nam oni odmah u sledećem krugu biti za vratom. Tako se i desilo, jedan Scythean jurnuo na kolosa i otkinuo mu celu desnu stranu i začeo levu, drugi na Vanguarda koji se namestio da ga dočeka. Vanguard je tu malo bolje prošao promašio ga je charge napad ostali nisu naneli bitnu štetu. Ostatak Legije se komotno napreduje ka centralnoj liniji i zastavama, Saeryn zvala feat. Moj drugi krug imam dva Scytheana u grlu ne znam kako da ih rešim... Čak sam ispao glup ne mogu da dodelim fokusa Buccaneeru predaleko je otišao od Barta... Nema veze, prvo Gorman baci crno ulje na Scytheana ispred kolosa, i naravno usere stvar zakači i samog kolosa. Buccaneer uspe da obori zauljenog Scytheana, nakon čega ga ospu Ayana, Holt i Gastone, i zahvaljujući tome što je već popio par topovske đuladi u prvom krugu uspeju da ga dokrajče. Bart stane iza nesposobnog kolosa i zove feat (sada već prekasno da bi bio koristan) i Batten Down The Hatches. Eiryss ode na levu zastavu gde nema nikoga i skoruje poen. U Legijinom krugu desi se da imaju problem sa Fury menađmentom i preživeli Scythean frenzira, i još malo zagrebe Vanguarda. Nosači kotla su stigli na poziciju kod centralne zastave, međusobno krenu da se guraju u kotao naprave jednog Shreddera, drugi Shredder ubije Eiryss i zauzme levu zastavu, desnu zauzme Spell Martyr. Seraph pljuje po kolosu ali uspeva samo da ga nežno zagrebe. Treći Shredder ubije Gormana. Legija skoruje na sve tri zastave. Buccaneer odšeta da contestuje levu zastavu, obori Shreddera mrežom. Ayana harmuje Sytheana Holt odstrani Spell Martyra sa desne zastave. Kolos juriša na Scytheana, da kontestuje centralnu zastavu i uspeva da ga sa jednom zdravom i jednom sakatom rukom odvoji od života. Ali on oživi zbog spella. Nema veze, Bart juriša na njega, prikolje ga sabljom, dobije +1 ARM jer je Blood-quenched, likuje i baci Batten Down the Hatches. Gaston se ispromašuje na Forsakena na brdu, a oslobođeni Vanguard trči do desne zastave i skoruje. 3:2 za Legiju. Legija u svom krugu baca dva Forsakena i jednog Shreddera puna Fury-a na Kolosa, ali opet nanesu samo par poena štete. Seraph odleti iza kolosa i pljuje u Barta, ali on čuči na ARM 20 tako da opet samo par poena štete. Doduše kritično ga hituje pa ga i zapali. Nosač kotla ode da kontestuje desnu zastavu. U mom krugu kolos ubije Serapha, Holt i Gaston napucavaju neke nosače kotla i druge nebitne ljude, Bart opet buffuje ARM i sedi iza kolosa... Skorujem i odem na 3:3. Poslednji krug za Legiju, pokušavaju da ubiju Barta po svaku cenu, Saeryn priđe i sruči mu dva Hellfire-a u lice, ostavi ga na tri rane do smrti. Jedan Shredder juriša kroz freestrike, kolosal ga pokupi i zdrobi. Ubacuje se u kotao sve što je preostalo, naprave još jednog Shreddera, on isto juriša kroz freestrike ali sa kolosove razvaljene strane, uspe da prođe ali badava, ne probija Bartov oklop. Skorujem, 4:3. Ostaje još da preživim svoj krug, bacam za vatru na Bartu, vatra gori, damage roll, progori ga, ali uspem da prođem tough roll. Skorujem i pobeda.

Finalna partija u sledećem postu.
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by PainBringer »

Ja sad moram da napomenem da postaje trend da igrači sa Petlovog Brda osvajaju turnire u januaru, bez ikakve prethodne pripereme :D WHO CARES ABOUT THE METAGAME!
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by Knight »

For King and country!
Taking Cygnar to a tournament after a loOong break

Nothing like a nice tournament to start a new year with Swans :)
I'm a little rusty with different event rules so i had to brainstorm it a bit - this was Commander’s Crucible event with 35pts lists, at least 2 different battlegroups worth at least 20 "natural" points and no more than 15 pts of support that goes into each game and contain no more than 1 unit. Having that in mind i came up with this:
list I
list II
support module:
And Bunker as my objective.
Basically having pretty much the same gameplan with both lists - shoot stuff off the table, feat for the win smile emoticon Having acces to magical ranged attacks and bypassing stealth, I felt like this was a good plan for me.
Tournament started on time and I quickly scouted the tables for terrain setup: Right off the bat I realized i could face a problem on one of the tables with huge forest not quite in the middle that will split the board and dictate play - I had to make sure not to list lock myself into eCaine in case i had to play on that table. Other than that, i liked what i saw - not too much hills overall (only defensive buff i can't negate).
And we're off to the games!
Round I
Cygnar Vs Legion
A friend that goes by nickname Zerglord - i have to convince him to convert Carnivean into Mutalisk :)
We got one of the tables where terrain will be pretty much irrelevant for both of us, scenario was Recon and his objective is Bunker. I picked eCaine here to make sure Siege could play on those forests later should the need arise; My opponent had eAbsylonia and Bethayne lists and went with Bethayne against me. Which was fine with me since his threat ranges were shorter overall, with only issue being his light cavalry. I elected to go first in order to position for 2nd turn and put my upkeeps up: blurred Ace setting up in some cover behind a house on the right flank, stuff running up the middle. Arcane shield on Rowdy and big fella went toward the zone. His stuff came forward, Ashen veiled cavlary came and took some potshots on rangers taking one out. My second turn was juicy for me - Eiryss managed not only to take that buff down but rolled high enough to take one rider down, Ace took a shot into Scythean and took out shepherd behind him with trickshot: Caine boosted three times damage on pistols (one shot from goblin) and rolled really high, then switched blur on himself and stayed in the clear outside of his range(s). Defender touched the zone and shot the same warbeast. Ol'Rowdy decided it is time to play the role of jammer/bait, imprinted himself and ran to the left flank, making sure the charge lanes to important stuff are blocked or at least threatened with freestrikes. Sure enough he ate a healthy dose of charges in the following turn, with Calvary and Neraph going for him. Imprint was nice touch here - he killed one of the riders thus saving himself some boxes in the process. It's time for turn 3, a.k.a. feat turn smile emoticon His warlock was too far back with enough transfers i knew that's a no go this turn, but beast were exposed and pretty dinged up from previous turn of shooting. Blur was maintained, pulled one from squire and gobbo activated for an extra attack: rangers ran to make sure i'm hitting on anything but snakeeyes, and bullets started flying. Once again damage rolls were huge - i took out Carinvean and then finished off Scythean, in the process building the strength up to the bunker-busting capabilities so of course Bunker went down as well enabling me to start scoring. On his turn Legion went all in for a caster kill since the scenario loss was inevitable in my next turn. Defense 20 weathered that storm and at that point assassination was on the table for me. We played fast, so we had enough time between rounds to grab a bite to eat, which was a nice bonus.
Round II
Cygnar vs Legion
This time it's Richard bringing blight to our forests: I'm sure he will play eLylyth into me, scenario is Incursion. After some deliberation i went with eCaine but i selected my list pretty much with coin-toss since I'm torn between him and Siege - Siege has better game overall against him with mage sight enabling me to actually use 'jacks against him, but i know there is no way in hell I'll get assassination off: Caine will pretty much use his battlegroup for cover from wreckmarkers, but he can give me the win wia assassination.
Sure enough, it's Lylyth across the board, with all the usual suspects. I won the roll and elected to play second - plan was to try for some points on scenario with my jacks, then counterattack after he eats them - once again terrain was pretty much irrelevant for both of us, with Richard taking the side with only cover. There is a house far on the right flank that is important for me - with move+gatecrasher my caster can hide his highly flammable backside away from possible attacks so i can have truesight up rather than arcaneshield and Richard set up his warlock on that flank so i can threaten him.I misplayed 2nd turn with Ace going for a shepherd wia trickshot, so of course he is in range for retaliation on legion's next turn. Legion juggled for position and took Ace down, but did not go for any scenario points- this was huge for me. On my turn i took down Nightlurker, gatecrashed back behind that house and took 3 points with the rest of my army: now Ol'rowdy was suddenly a force to be reckoned with with arcane shield up controlling the middle flag. not for long tho - legion turn 4 chewed my army up, with feat and boosts taking pretty much everything important down. (O'l Rowdy ate 2 bolts from boltthrower and was knocked down in the process) One of the ravagores managed to draw los to mu caster in cover, and deviation was not kind - Caine started burning. In order to pull this off Richard had to walk into my range - so I'm beginning turn 4 with my caster on fire camping 0 and in range for the assassination. Fire did not go out and the roll was high, leaving me at 4.pulled one from the Squire (gobbo was gone at this point) Last surviving ranger ran up to mark the 'lock, and Caine activated. He had 2 transfers and i needed 4s to hit - initial 2 shots connected dealing some damage that he took. This is where i lose the game on a bad decision - after the 2 initial shots connected, i should have boosted next 3 and to hit rolls and take the girl down on anything except horrible damage rolls - I went for 4s to hit on 2dice and missed triggering evasion, and Richard promptly moved in a way that broke Los for me. I used up the rest of my feat to take out one Ravagore and took some aspects out on another, then i mover up to 4CPs. I pretty much expected this to be game over - now Legion gets to activate with clear line on my caster, but EPIC turn is about to take place. Richard proceeded to miss 5 boosted attack rolls on Caine (needing 8 for 2 rolls and 9 for 3 rolls), and was then forced to run with the rest of his forces in to prevent me from winning on scenario. This game will be won or lost on a fire roll in my maintenance phase :) does not go out. Damage roll is low so i had to check the card - Richard got exactly enough damage to take Caine down, so i did not manage to rob him. It was a blast to play!
I can no longer claim the 1st place (this was Serbian Masters qualifier so a win would be nice) but I'm still playing for fun and bragging rights.
Onto round 3!
Round III
Cygnar vs Circle of Orboros
3 rounds, 3 matchups with damage transfers in the assassination equation...not exactly unexpected - format of the tournament slightly favored Hordes over Wm, and with this being a qualifier i fully expected all players with options (multiple forces) to go with their best bet.
Dzon Vejn is a longtime friend and we game together multiple tabletop games some 10 to 15 years - i knew I'm up for a fun and challenging game.
He picked Krueger and i had to go with Siege which was a non issue - Siege actually plays much better into this match-up. Funnily enough i avoided that dreaded table Siege was kept in reserve for. Scenario was Outflank. He won the roll and elected to go first, so i got to pick a side with a hill that stretched into one of the scenario circles - a nice place to set up with Siege. First turn Orboros moved up and set up his defensive tech with forests and buffs, and I settled for setting up a castle on my own - 2 Defenders &Siege in a foxxole on a hill. Rest of my forces positioned in the middle with Rangers and Eiryss staying just outside the other zone. One of the chargers moved up with arcane shield on him to act as a bait. Circle did not took the bait but went to work on my other resources - Woldwarden got 6 leaps on chain lightning and took my rangers out, and the other charger got some damage from woldstalkers that Zephyred into range. So far not good for the Swans...but. Nenad is extremely tired from the previous day so he decided to risk it - Krueger advances to get tornado off, then he put tendrils on a wolf that warped speed and with that can charge into Defenders (moved Krueger up so he could force)- one Defender was almost goner with some boxes left and both are engaged. Krueger was sitting pretty within my range behind some created forest, and I felt i had him - pulled the extra from Squire, gobbo gave Siege extra shot and with proper use of Mage sight+ Fox Hole, i feated and got 2 shots in. Dice roll for damage was big enough that was game over. My opponent knew this was coming - he bet it all on that tornado and it missed.
Ranged assassinations are alive and kicking ;)
At the end of day, i'm pretty content - had a blast playing, can't wait for the next one.
Menoth and Cryx in the finals, which was a nice surprise.
Looking back at the games and my lists - Caine does not need that Defender, should have went with Hunter + Sentinel - sentinel is just tanky enough to jam nicely in scenarios, and that shield guard would have come in handy. JWC Pulled his weight but i expected no less - i was prepared to aim for pieces that could solve that arcane shield.
That forest table i was concerned with? Some elves got 2 wins out of that with smart play and good matchups - Vyros ruled there.
Now I'm off to brainstorm for next tournament - 42 points, 3 lists, opponent declines one of those and then you pick one of remaining two, character restrictions are in effect. Let's go Swans! :)
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by takasunmc »

PainBringer wrote:Ja sad moram da napomenem da postaje trend da igrači sa Petlovog Brda osvajaju turnire u januaru, bez ikakve prethodne pripereme :D WHO CARES ABOUT THE METAGAME!
Cek cek jos se mega finale nije odigralo. :grin: :)
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by RatGod »

Jeste, jeste i nisu bili tu :P

Mislis pocelo je kao na proslom PainBringeru :D
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by PainBringer »

RatGod wrote:Jeste, jeste i nisu bili tu :P Mislis pocelo je kao na proslom PainBringeru :D
Da, upravo na to sam i mislio - zato i napisah "u januaru" :D
takasunmc wrote:Cek cek jos se mega finale nije odigralo. :grin: :)
OK, zamerka uvazena: igraci sa Petlovog Brda i Nemanja osvajaju turnire u januaru :D
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Re: Prvi qualifier 2016 : 23.01.

Post by Rick »

Game with Steva was one of the most nail biting I've had for a while. I just wish he gave his dice to Nemanja.

In no particular order;
Qualifier 1 - Dejan
Qualifier 2 - Nemanja J
Reserves - Shunka/Rick

4800 dinars entered into the prize fund pot.

Congrats to everyone - it was one of the most chilled out and friendly events I've ever been involved in. The 2 group system worked perfectly. The next event will be in March and be a 3 list, 42pt SR format. DC 0 and opponents get to veto one of the three lists. Nemanja J has volunteered to run it and the sign up sheet will be posted up in February.
Guns don't kill people. People that say "Guns don't kill people" kill people. With guns.
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