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Post by Shunka »

Zar nije to Skitean a ne Ravagor?
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
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Post by Knight »

Za sada deluje da odlicno balansiraju stvari :) Videcemo doduse koji komboi ce isplivati posle par meseci igranja..
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Post by Rick »

Big change to the camping focus rules spoiled in the Ret insider.

FOC no longer adds to armour but players can spend 1 FOC, once per hit to negate 5 points of damage. I think it's a great change - before camping 1-2 FOC was pointless and camping 6-7 was annoyingly boring. This way tanks can't run into the middle of opponents armies and ignore the consequences but casters with 1-2 FOC won't necessarily die to damage spikes.
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Post by TheSerbianRaven »

Camping would have been a MUCH bigger issue with every jack getting a free focus.
Eiryss, Eiryss, Eiryss kako to zvuci, covece! Ali najbolje je sto ce Kreos ubiti tu Eiryss. Ubice je nezno, ali snazno! Da, to nije onaj Kreos sto je sebe proglasio za jadnika, ne ovo je novi Kreos, epski Kreos, super-grand-exemplar Kreos, kralj zena.
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Post by Rick »

The old 2 player battle boxes will be unavailable from June 1st and from August new 2 player battle boxes will be out.

Cygnar vs Cryx
Major Beth Maddox, Firefly light warjack, Lancer light warjack, Ironclad heavy warjack, Stormguard unit,
Bane Witch Agathia, Deathripper light warjack, Slayer heavy warjack, Reaper heavy warjack, 1 Bane Warrior unit
Trollbloods vs Skorne
Ragnor Skysplitter, the Runemaster, Troll Axer light warbeast, Troll Bouncer light warbeast, Troll Impaler light warbeast, Trollkin Fennblade unit
Beast Master Xekaar, Cyclops Raider light warbeast, Cyclops Savage light warbeast, Titan Gladiator heavy warbeast, Praetorian Swordsmen unit
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Post by bjelajac »

Spoilers everywhere...

Here's a few:

Ragnor Skysplitter, the Runemaster (new Warlock)
Stats: Average
Spells: Earth's Sanctury (target model digs in), Hex Blast, Pulverizer (+2 STR and Beat Back to target model), Shockwave (expensive zap with 4" knockdown if it hits)
Feat: -1 dice on incoming damage rolls for everyone
Source: No Quarter spoilers

Beastmaster Xekaar (New Warlock)
Average stats across the board.
Two reach weapon master whips
Maltreatment, Enrage (from Paingivers)
Witch Mark (meaning that if he hits with his whips he doesn't need to hit with subsequent spells)
Spells: Mortality, Deadweight, Pursuit, Psycho Surgery
Feat: Control area STR, MAT, RAT, THR debuff.
Source: No Quarter

Magister Helynna (New Warcaster)
Stats average
Gun and sword have force grip - may push 3" in any direction instead of damage
Spells: Deceleration, Force Strike (Zap), Hand of Destruction (upkeep - extra dice and drop lowest vs model/unit hit), Obliteration, Rhythm of Destruction (Tactical Supremacy for battlegroup)
Feat: +3 ARM to all friendly faction, repair all force fields, ignroe crippled systems
Source: No Quarter spoilers

Major Beth Maddox (new Warcaster)
Stats: Above average MAT, generally average
Spells: Assail, Dauntless Resolve (+3 ARM and Tough to target unit, upkeep), Electrical Blast, Onslaught, Snipe
Feat: POW bonus and Beat Back on melee weapons

Bane Witch Agatha (New Warcaster)
Average stats
Spells: Ghost Walk, Hellfire, Hellwrought (battlegroup single target ARM buff and hit back), Parasite, Vanish (cheap 3" place effect for caster)
Feat: Friendly Faction gains ghost walk and Stealth. Warjacks gain Reposition
Source: No Quarter

Lord Koslov, Viscount of Scarsgrad
Stats: Average
Good POW weapon master axe
Precision strike, side step
Spells: Avalanche, Chosen Ground (no knockdown pathfinder for battlegroup), Fury, Razor Wind, Tactical Supremacy
Feat: SPD bonus and Unyielding
Source: No Quarter Reveals

Malekus, the Burning Truth (New Warcaster)
Stats: Average
Large spray gun sets everything on fire
Ashen Veil
Spells: Banishing Ward, Immolation, Ignite, Open Fire (2 cost, target jack in battlegroup makes an attack. 1/jack/turn), Scourge
Feat: Fire doesn't go out, all fire attacks do an extra dice

Malko sam razočaran da je Runeshaper Caster samo Fury6, s obzirom da su i runeshaperi bili MA7 i Janissa MA8. Ostalo, ponešto za sve na Chain Attack FB strani. Svi battlebox statovi su up.
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Post by Zekina banda »

Reklo bi se da se dodatni napadi za oružja koja imaju ROF više od jedan višeneplaćaju fokusima.
Izgubio je sve ko nije razumeo da je pobeda bila nesto drugo
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Post by takasunmc »

Koliko vidim trude se da u igri koristi vise dzekova nego pesadije. Criksovska pesadina je drasticno izmenjena. Lich2 je upropascen, nije mi jasno zasto je njegov spel sa oblakom sada Upkip, a kod mebota ima isti takav spell, samo se drugacije zove, a nije upkip?? Menoti su sada brutalni, mada vidim da su i neke njihove preterano smesne stavi nerfovali, Eranti sada mogu da zrtvuju svog saborca samo u 3 incha od modela koji je pretrpeo stetu, a ne kao sto je bilo ranije, bilo koji model u grupi, bilo gde.

Nosioci zastava su sada stvarno bezveze, svi rade isto, i nemaju specijalne osobine. Nisam stigao da vidim have karte, pogledo sam za kador, cryx i menoth. Koliko sam video razbacivali su se sa Repositio. sposobnoscu, malo malo pa citam da neko to ima. Mislim da ovo nisu jos konacne karte, jer u gornjem desnom uglu pise 2016v1, ne na svima doduse.

Svakako bice zanimljivo. Kakvi su vasi utisci o vasim frakcijama, za mene je Cryx sada meh, i nece biti tako mocna frakcija kao ranije, mada sve to zavisi i od igraca.
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Post by Pendargon »

sve horde osim legije upropascene, warmachine Cygnar >menoth>cryx > Khador
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Post by Rick »

Cryx will still be very strong. You casters are all very powerful (including eLich) and you have really cheap arc nodes. As I said to you - Cryx lost a lot of stupid stuff. Losing the ability to move a Necrosugeon 6" place 3 mechanithralls 3" (and 30mm) further and have them activate and deliver hits 9" further was cryx's biggest loss - but then again it was dumb. Especially when those mechanithralls could easily be MAT 9 POW 21/22 with pDenny or POW 22 with plich or pSkarre (and have boosted to hit rolls with her). Effectively 1.5 points worth of models could total a full health 13pt Khador Behemoth from 19" away (non-linear) and face almost zero payback as killing them would simply lead to recycling and giving the same stupid threat ranges. Don't worry your faction's only slightly less broken. As MK3 stands - name a bad Cryx caster?

I think the competitive meta will shift slightly from the top three being Cryx then Legion then Cygnar to it being Menoth then Cryx then Cygnar.
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Post by Rick »

Pendargon wrote:sve horde osim legije upropascene, warmachine Cygnar >menoth>cryx > Khador
Legion took a massive hit.
eVayl hit hard
pVayl hit hard
Saeryn hit hard
pThagrosh hit
eLylyth hit (not sure how hard)
That is our entire competitive caster list.

Rhyas slighty buffed but still rubbish, twins still rubbish, pAbby (buffed as purification is less prevalent but not good), 3 Lylyth (a weaker version of pSorscha with no survivabilty), eThags (the same but with less threat range), Kallus still rubbish and with less meat mountain game now, Bethayne interesting - we'll have to see on this one but not top tier. I cannot see a top tier caster in Everblight now and the lack of damage buffs means that jack resurgence is a death knell. Legion competitive lists are now pLylyth with bolt throwers and Seraphs and eAbby.
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Post by TheSerbianRaven »

Ja sam uvek voleo zapostavljene Menotovce, tako da je za mene MKIII milina - Thyra, pReznik, Sevvy2... sve poboljsano. Reclaimer solo sada deluje super - dobar toolbox i jack marshal, sada kada jack marshal nesto konkretno radi. Malo smo dobili poboljsanje ne-reckonerskih jackova, vanquisher dobio reach, templar shield guard, vigilant je pokretna barikada, redeemer ima gratis 3 ranged napada.Cak cu preboleti nerf hora i vazala. I erranti se konacno ponasaju kao shock trupe, nikada mi nije imalo smisla da se baje u fullplate sa velikim stitovima sunjaju kroz krs i sume bez problema.
Eiryss, Eiryss, Eiryss kako to zvuci, covece! Ali najbolje je sto ce Kreos ubiti tu Eiryss. Ubice je nezno, ali snazno! Da, to nije onaj Kreos sto je sebe proglasio za jadnika, ne ovo je novi Kreos, epski Kreos, super-grand-exemplar Kreos, kralj zena.
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Post by Resurrection »

Rick wrote:Cryx will still be very strong. You casters are all very powerful (including eLich) and you have really cheap arc nodes. As I said to you - Cryx lost a lot of stupid stuff. Losing the ability to move a Necrosugeon 6" place 3 mechanithralls 3" (and 30mm) further and have them activate and deliver hits 9" further was cryx's biggest loss - but then again it was dumb. Especially when those mechanithralls could easily be MAT 9 POW 21/22 with pDenny or POW 22 with plich or pSkarre (and have boosted to hit rolls with her). Effectively 1.5 points worth of models could total a full health 13pt Khador Behemoth from 19" away (non-linear) and face almost zero payback as killing them would simply lead to recycling and giving the same stupid threat ranges. Don't worry your faction's only slightly less broken. As MK3 stands - name a bad Cryx caster?

I think the competitive meta will shift slightly from the top three being Cryx then Legion then Cygnar to it being Menoth then Cryx then Cygnar.
All valid points.
For me it's not about toning down but about change of playstyle.
Maybe I get used to running bunch of jack instead of infantry but we'll see.

We managed with expensive arcnodes so now they becoming cheap with less def doesn't change anything except that i have to have more because they lost that def.
Slayer chassis jacks still lose arms to pow 10.

Maybe light jack spam becomes viable.
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Post by takasunmc »

Cryx je definitivno dobar, samo treba videti koje su to nove sjajne igracke u frakciji, kao i kod svih ostalih. Kao sto rekoh, morace dosta partija da prodje, dok se sad ne skapira ko je glavni baja u okviru frakcije, i koji kasteri su sada suprotnost drugim kasterima iz ostalih frakcija. Bice svakako zanimljivo, jedino mi je bzv. sto su cryx dzekovi i dalje od papira.
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Post by bjelajac »

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Post by Rick »

My take on MK3;
In principle I think this is a sound and solid concept that has not been executed very well with regards to Hordes. PP’s agenda in MK3 was to get rid of the rules bloat and uniform the rules (which it will probably do – as it did from MK1 to MK2). It also wanted to balance the models, which again means making other stuff the new shiny (again which it did in the MK1/MK2 change). It also wanted to make Jacks more relevant (which it said it wanted to do before in MK2 but ultimately failed). To this last end it has made Jacks more accurate, less focus hungry, and cheaper. It has also made the damage output of many models less, meaning that Jack armour is more difficult to crack and in some cases you will need to ‘bring a jack to kill a jack’.
The increase of warjack points to now include an entire battle group will artificially mean that jacks will be more prevalent anyway and the requirements to be able to deal with 3-4 jacks will be essential. Mechanics and buffing models will be in many lists. The majority of infantry (outside of Cryx probably) will be there simply to stifle the alpha strike, attract guns and jam your opponents and elite infantry (jack and caster killers) will inevitably form a second line.
This is all good, really clever and well thought out - but my calculations and instincts tell me that this has not been planned well with regards to Hordes. Everyone knew that Jacks always lost out against beasts. Threat ranges, buffing and the fury mechanic meant that in all but a very few cases Hordes won that battle. So by bringing more jacks and upping the battle group points PP saw themselves playing too much into Hordes strengths and so they then started on Hordes. First of all reduce fury management - this means that the risk is greater. Next weaken beasts in comparison to jacks (speed reductions, armour reductions, POW reductions and fury reductions) but to protect them against swarms of infantry give them larger AoEs and rules that helped against infantry. For some reason they also wanted to weaken animi and many of the best ones became range: Self. Next they also wanted to promote Hordes infantry and so while keeping beast costs relatively high made a lot of infantry cheaper. But how is this going to work in practice? Everything tells me that Hordes has been adjusted as a reaction to PP getting warmachine to where they want it to be. By enforcing larger battle groups via free points PP has changed the meta and in order to not have Hordes’ beasts overwhelm jacks they have weakened them and so Hordes play can’t play the lists they want to but rather combined arms lists that won’t fit the meta change. At a tournament level while I think it will be a very good period for warmachine to play their full range of models I think Hordes will end up playing very small selections of lists with the same models repeated in each as these are now the ones that can compete.
Please note that while many may think I am a Legion player I always intended to swap over to Cygnar this summer with the new SR2016 rules release. Cygnar are in a very decent place in MK3 and so this is not a case of my toys aren’t good any more and so I will moan.
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Post by TheSerbianRaven »

Not sure Hordes has been hit that bad. For one, with focus camping gone, damage transfer is looking even better. Especially when you factor in more warbeasts per army, and the ability to siphon fury from dead critters. The animi that got the "self" nerf are now also cheaper and the average heavy beast can still generate more fury than a warjack can spend focus. True, during the game you have to be mindful of frenzying, but you can still max them out on your endgame turn. Although now that animi are bona fide spells, spell-jamming models are going to be even more attractive, not to mention the lamentation spell!
Eiryss, Eiryss, Eiryss kako to zvuci, covece! Ali najbolje je sto ce Kreos ubiti tu Eiryss. Ubice je nezno, ali snazno! Da, to nije onaj Kreos sto je sebe proglasio za jadnika, ne ovo je novi Kreos, epski Kreos, super-grand-exemplar Kreos, kralj zena.
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Post by Pendargon »

Rick wrote:
Pendargon wrote:sve horde osim legije upropascene, warmachine Cygnar >menoth>cryx > Khador
Legion took a massive hit.
Tell that to Skorne and trolls and keep a straight face lol. All of hordes are crapped on compared to warmachine, and legion got out lightest, i think
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Post by ZergLord »

Legion's cheese got removed, and that's the only big hit that I've noticed.
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Post by Rick »

Pendargon wrote:
Rick wrote:
Pendargon wrote:sve horde osim legije upropascene, warmachine Cygnar >menoth>cryx > Khador
Legion took a massive hit.
Tell that to Skorne and trolls and keep a straight face lol. All of hordes are crapped on compared to warmachine, and legion got out lightest, i think
I am not saying Skorne came out well. Troll warlocks all look like they were changed sideways. Legion beasts came out OK, troops fine but all the strong casters were hit and it's a game of casters more than anything else. Remember across the board Legion lost one defence and arm on all it's key models. That is huge. Time will tell but as I said above - I think they did it wrong. As a Cygnar player ( :wink: ) Hordes doesn't seem very scary any more.
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Post by Knight »

Let's wait to see changes to core rules as well.
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Post by PainBringer »

Rick wrote:
Pendargon wrote:
Rick wrote:
Pendargon wrote:sve horde osim legije upropascene, warmachine Cygnar >menoth>cryx > Khador
Legion took a massive hit.
Tell that to Skorne and trolls and keep a straight face lol. All of hordes are crapped on compared to warmachine, and legion got out lightest, i think
I am not saying Skorne came out well. Troll warlocks all look like they were changed sideways. Legion beasts came out OK, troops fine but all the strong casters were hit and it's a game of casters more than anything else. Remember across the board Legion lost one defence and arm on all it's key models. That is huge. Time will tell but as I said above - I think they did it wrong. As a Cygnar player ( :wink: ) Hordes doesn't seem very scary any more.
Kao jedan od retkih igraca Trolova na ovom forumu - ja sam prilicno zadovoljan ovim promenama. Najveci problem kod Trolova je gubitak jednog Fury poena na nekoliko zveri, ali su zato te iste zveri postale drasticno jeftinije, a neke od njih poboljsane na neocekivan nacin (Eartborn sada ne moze da se makne iz zone skoro nikako, a jos je otporan na vatru, koroziju, kiselinu i "zimu" sto ga cini potpuno imunim na napade nekih modela). Promena Tough pravila mene licno ne buni - mada su neke od jedinica sada Steady, plus neki od kastera sprecavaju obaranje modela. Calandra je bolja, Grissel je bolja, eGrissel je bolja, Doomshaper-i su doziveli promene, ali mislim da nema dramaticno velikih razlika. Gunnbjorn je dobio odlican feat i nekoliko poboljsanja, cak se i to desilo :D

Sampioni ce se vrlo verovatno ponovo igrati - jer nekoliko kastera ima mogucnost da ih digne DEF u borbi prsa u prsa na 16 (pa i vise) + u svim listama je moguce igrati Wrong Eye i Snapjaw-a. To znaci da ce veliki broj armija morati da nadje nacin da pogodi DEF16, Star-Crossed modele u borbi prsa u prsa. Dosta kastera i solo-a daje opcije koje ce pomoci da se Sampioni stignu do borbe prsa u prsa uz minimum gubitaka.
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Post by Knight »

Posle citanja mnogo spojlera i insajdera : mk3 trebalo bi da bude fantasticno iskustvo, pogotovu na pocetku dok se oblikuje meta (tj dok nemate okle da skinete listu :P )
Ako imas vecinu modela za svoju frakciju imas 100% nekoliko kompetitivnih kombinacija. Ako si kupovao "na budzetu" pa imas samo 2 turnirske liste, velika je sansa da si u problemu....i have no problems with that 8)
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Post by sharpshooter »

Ziveli Khadori i novi man-o-war deathball!
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Post by atma »

Je li to to?
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Post by Rick »

atma wrote:Je li to to?
Yes, for the lazy

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Post by Dzon Vejn »

Danas sam shvatio sta se desava sa war room aplikacijom i zasto nemam update... Izbacili su war room 2 :).

Elem, nakon update-a, i brzinskog listanja armija koje sam igrao i figura koje imam, evo sta je promenjeno:

na losije:
- Shifting stones sada teleportuje 8" a ne 8" + baza
- Mohsar vise ne moze u 1. krugu da prospe sprej po protivniku (fali mu 1" sada)

- Moj omiljeni gnarlhorn je izgubio svoj animus, sad ima neki totalno nebitni, ali je znatno jeftiniji u poenima
- Druidi imaju 1 DEF manje, ali zato imaju novi knockdown spell koji ih cini jos korisnijim nego pre. Pored toga imaju i nevidljivost kada su concealed, sto potpuno ponistava -1 DEF.
- Kruger1 ima oslabljen chain lightning, sto i nije mnogo bitno uzevsi u obzir njegov feat, i sada ima novi spell koji ga cini korisnijim
- Pureblood nije vise leader vukova, ali zato ima novi cool ability
- Nuala nema vise 3" movement za jedinicu (zato Mohsar ne moze da spusti sprej u 1. krugu), ali su abilitiji koje sada ima zapravo mnogo bolji za unit

To je bio spisak oslabljenih stvari koje sam odmah primetio. A sada spisak poboljsanih stvari:
- Obe Morhvanne sada mogu lepo da rade sa upkeep spellovima
- Kruger2 je dobio novi spell, sto je drasticno pojacavanje
- Prasici su dobili jos tough i jos pride popravljaju beastove. Znaci mega korisni
- Crockdock je sada jeftiniji nego pre
- Blooweaverke su sada jeftinije, i jos sa onom solo bloodweaverkom postaju vrlo zanimljive

Od armija koje sam imao sastavljene, jedna je ostala identicna, u Kromacovoj listi sam morao da izbacim drvo, koje sam ionako ubacio zato sto sam imao 1 poen viska, a u Kruger2 listi sada imam cak 5 poena lufta kad ubacim sve iz stare liste.

Ostaje mi da dalje listam malo detaljnije i stvari koje jos nemam. Za sada mi se cini da ja faction doziveo slabo-srednji overal boost, a da je izgubio one over-the-top comboe koje je imao (tipa 10" teleport koje je sada 8" ili 18"5 charge koji je sada 16.5").

Nova casterka me nije odusevila, ali to je verovatno zato sto ja nisam ljubitelj castera sa 6 fury-ja.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Post by TheSerbianRaven »

Zaboravio si na wild argusa. Novi animus mu je strasno dobar! Zamisli da ti useta recimo eKromac sa tim na sebi!
Eiryss, Eiryss, Eiryss kako to zvuci, covece! Ali najbolje je sto ce Kreos ubiti tu Eiryss. Ubice je nezno, ali snazno! Da, to nije onaj Kreos sto je sebe proglasio za jadnika, ne ovo je novi Kreos, epski Kreos, super-grand-exemplar Kreos, kralj zena.
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Post by Dzon Vejn »

Nisam jos sve pregledao... Tj. vecinu nisam :).
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Post by Pendargon »

wormwood bog
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Post by Dzon Vejn »

Feral sada ima primal animus muawahahaha. Sa druge strane, druid wilder ne moze da castuje dva animusa, ali zato leci beastove. Kamencici sada isto lece sve koji su blizu, ne samo 1 model. Lord of feast je pojeftinio (sto je OK sa obzirom da sada ne moze da ima 360 line of sight). Svi kerovi imaju 1 manje movement, mislim da to nije preterano bitno. Alfa vuk je drasticno oslabljen, samim tim i unit (nemaju vise 2 udarca svaki), ali su sa druge strane dobili gang i jos neke lepe abilitije. Tharn :eek: uniti :eek: imaju :aaa: though :aaaaa: svi :psypop: - Morhvanna2 postaje bolja iz minuta u minut :).

Nekako sam stekao i utisak da su svi uniti koji su se slabije koristili (nisu se koristili) pojeftinili u poenima, tako da postanu primamljiviji.

Sve u svemu, izmene mi se ne cine drasticnim. Vise mi se cini da su regulisali over-the-top comboe u zamenu za neke nove opcije u frakciji (npr. sada ima XYZ stvari koje lece stvari) i da su uradili generalno ojacavanje unita koji su se slabije vidjali na tabli, sto je takodje normalno za firmu koja se bavi prodajom figura :).
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Post by Rick »


Had a little wargasm on the 29th
Guns don't kill people. People that say "Guns don't kill people" kill people. With guns.
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Post by Pendargon »

you cheese :-P
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Post by Nemanja »

Next week they will be in Belgrade...
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Post by deka »

Next week they will be in Belgrade...
Ko? Rik?

:) :) :)
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Post by Nemanja »

Stigle su, razgledam i uzivam. Doduse, verovatno cu se odreci svoje porudzbine, da bi sto vise ljudi dobilo stvari.
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Post by milosh »

Da li su izasle knjige za posebne frakcije za mk3 jer u knjizi pravila stoje neke reference npr. za vise informacija pogledajte Forces of Hordes...
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Post by bjelajac »


Prema prvim najavama, trebalo bi da krenu da se pojavljuju krajem godine.
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Post by milosh »

Ok znaci tek tada ce izaci tematske liste i ostali propratni materijal
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