Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by Ota »

Sa 16 igraca moras imati 4 parije. WM turniri su stila "there can be only one", znaci pobednik je jedini neporazen igrac.
Vreme i ucinak u svom krugu poboljsavas sa prikladnom listom. Moja prva turnirska lista za limit od 10 minuta na 35 poena je bila sastavljena od 8 modela racunajuci i kastera. I da vidis niti jednom nisam za ceo turnir probio limit ( i naravno igrao sam samo sa 1 kasetrom/ listom iako sam imao 2).

Moj savet je da ko nema dovoljno iskustva ne pravi neke "net uber liste", jer ovde balans tim listama je vreme. Tako da kada neko spamuje pesadiju ili sta god mora da zna da brzo igra sa tim.
Znaci sastavite svoju listu ( ne sa PP foruma) za koju imate ideju sta radi i udri. Pa da vidis kako je 7min za 25pts ok.
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Ma jok bre, kakav PP forum, nisam citao nista od toga. Sastavio sam listu od onoga sto imam od modela.

Imao sam ovu listu:
6 druida
3 kamena + 1 onaj upgrade
1 heavy beast
1 light beast
mag, onaj Kromac
3 ona vukojahaca

To je 16 cika ukupno. Sad ja nemam pojma da li je to mnogo ili malo za 25 poena?

Problem predstavlja trenutak kad protivnik pita: "a kako bacis +2SPD na vuka", pa ja moram da mu objasnim i pokazem na ipadu. Pa mi to onda smanji dodatno vreme, koje mi je i ovako malo. Da bi odigrali u 7 minuta (mislim na nas koji ne znamo skoro ni jedno pravilo, ti si verovatno na tom prvom turniru vec znao osnovne stvari), desavace se sigurno da igramo pogresno stvari (ne sa nekom namerom, nego jednostavno zato sto ne znas kako nesto radi). A to mi je mnogo glupo, i tako nikad necu nauciti da igram.

Npr. juce sam ja mislio da warpath radi na maga, a Luka je mislio da charge radi "od centra ka centru" baze, sto je netacno. Da ne ulazim tek u broj ostalih gresaka koje smo imali. A koje nisam imao u sledecoj partiji sa Momom (koju nismo igrali na vreme), kada svaki "dispute" / nepoznato pravilo sednem i prelistam u bookmarku sta koji znaci / kako koje radi.

Ti si generalno potpuno u pravu, vremenski limit treba da postoji. Ja samo postavljam pitanje koliko je limit od 7 minuta realan za vecinu igraca koji verovatno nece znati ni osnovne stvari (myself included).
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Histericni Istoricar
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by Histericni Istoricar »

Dzon Vejn wrote:
Problem predstavlja trenutak kad protivnik pita: "a kako bacis +2SPD na vuka", pa ja moram da mu objasnim i pokazem na ipadu. Pa mi to onda smanji dodatno vreme, koje mi je i ovako malo.
To je zato sto ne citate nista, vreme se zaustavi kada neko zapitkuje, a onda krene da se trosi njegovo vreme. Pa neka on zapitkuje.
U jednog Bocu, mi verujemo!
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Na ovom turniru nema moje / tvoje vreme. Ima mojih 7 minuta / tvojih 7 minuta i zajednickih 60 (ako se ne varam 60).
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Pritom stvar koju sam zaboravio - mi ovde govorimo o 2 partije koje su u jos 11 poena vise... to je barem jos jedan veliki jack, u najmanju ruku. Koji takodje treba da stane u tih 7 minuta.

edit: probacu da predjem na all beast armiju, pa da vidim da li tako mogu da se uklopim u vreme.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by Ota »

Histericni je dobro rekao.
Neko zapitkuje, zaustavljas svoj tajmer krece njegov za njegov sledeci potez i dajes mu karticu, pa neka pita do mile volje. Jebi ga ne moze covek da dodje na sahovsko takmicenje i da pita kako se igra Sicilijanska ili ko zna koja odbrana.
Ovde moze sve da pita ti moras da mu pokazes informacije ali njemu se oduzima od vremena citanje istih (takva su pravila). Isto su radili i za tough roll ili bilo koji prekid tvog poteza zbog pravila. Pa da vidis kako protivnik ne odugovlaci sa tough bacanjima, sve leti ko podmazano.
I sto kaze histericni, jebi ga moraju se znati pravila makar osnovna i svoje vojske da bi igrao turnir u ovom sistemu.

Inace nema sta je mnogo a sta malo modela, koliko god igrac moze da postigne to je to. Lik koji je uzeo master(s) na adeptikonu je jedan od turnira igrao sa 90 pesadinaca i ne zmam cime jos u 10 min krugu. I to mu je bilo OK, ni jednom nije time out-ovao.
Djenrale uzalud te traze,
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Aaaa, to je caka - znaci kad te pita nesto, oduzima mu se njegovo vreme od sledeceg kruga. Da, tako ima smisla.

Izmenicu malo listu pa cu probati opet. Probacu sa manjim brojem modela za pocetak. Javicu se kad sam sledece nedelje free, pa da probam opet. Ali mislim da ce ovo generalno biti veliki problem na turniru, jer imamno mnogo ljudi koji ne znaju pravila / nisu navikli na 7min igranja.

I dobro, sad sam se vec podsetio sta rade moji modeli barem, pa racunam da ce ici malo brze.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by Shunka »

Što Rick reče, poslednji turnir koji je Historični pokušao da organizuje je propao. Neka sada Rick organizuje kako on misli da treba, na nama je da se pojavimo.

Možemo da imamo i opuštenije turnire, samo je na nama da se organizujemo.

A što se liga tiče zaista smo mnogo puta pokušavali pa nije ispalo ništa. Takvi smo igrači da ne možemo da se obavežemo čak ni jednom u dve nedelje da se pojavljujemo. Zato što život.
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
90% svega je sranje, a to ukljucuje i preostalih 10%
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by Dzon Vejn »

It's not a question if I would come or not (I would), rather if it could be made a bit better experience for everyone.

But I agree with Shunka - Rick's tournament = Rick's rules. Only wanted to try to improve ;).

I haven't played 3 games in total yet, since last tournament (a year ago?) :D. Will try to reduce list model-wise, and maybe play lightning guy, because I'm already familiar with him. Will see how everything works out. And when someone asks something, I'll insist on using his timer, not mine :D.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by Rick »

Shunka wrote:Neka sada Rick organizuje kako on misli da treba
Yes and no.

Me doing this is a selfish endeavour. Next December I want to play a day where I have 3 rock hard games. I haven't had a day like that since the UK in 2012 and I miss it. Two kids and all that means my options for travelling to the UK to game are limited. I think Nemanja, Nikica, Uros, probably Dejan and maybe one or two others would also like that. Stef, Miroslav and Dalibor are good players and have all the models but like to play what they've just bought or just painted and are more "what the hell - it doesn't matter". Maybe we can make bullies out of them.
The idea is that the 4 events give new players, casual players and potential players a pathway to the December masters. The 1st event friendly, small easy but with some restrictions. Event 2 35pts SR2015 - 2 lists now with Death clock. Event 3 (Novi Sad maybe?) can also be 35pts but introduce specialists and maybe the active duty roster to mix things up. Event 4 - 42pts some other variants included - all leading to the fully fledged Masters event which would be 50pt Divide and Conquer, Death Clock, specialists etc etc etc. It's a learning curve to get players up to full speed. For a brand new player they would need to master only 2 warcasters and the rest is fine tuning the lists and learning the advanced rules and learning the other factions.

Right now as it stands I can beat any of the experienced players in the game and they can beat me. I want to win but I have to play so well and make no mistakes in order to do so. That's what makes this game SO good. I am hoping other players buy in to this. Warmachine is a highly competitive game and currently each and every faction (with the exception of Minions if I had to be brutally honest) has the possibility of beating any other faction if the player is competent enough. The same cannot be said of most other games at a tournament level.
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by Shunka »

Yeah... I also like playing new stuff I just painted! Also I have a caster ADD, it's hard to concentrate on just one or two...
But other then that I love playing hard games. So count me in hoping that this plan will work and we'll have the fully fledged Masters thingie!
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by BoltaFodda »

Ima li neko ideju gde da kupim stopericu koja meri 7 min?

Nemam smartfon, appovi nisu opcija.
I myself am a self-proclaimed expert, if I do say so myself.
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by Rick »

BoltaFodda wrote:Nemam smartfon, appovi nisu opcija.
Call yourself an engineer.....
Guns don't kill people. People that say "Guns don't kill people" kill people. With guns.
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by Rick »

Hey Guys - just a 'not so' gentle reminder.
Be at Zmaj at 11:45 please - we start deploying at 11:55.
If you give a bye away in the first round it will spoil the rest of the tournament for you.
Guns don't kill people. People that say "Guns don't kill people" kill people. With guns.
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by TheSerbianRaven »

BTW, one of the Novi Sad players will need a loan of two Dervish warjacks for the tournament. Can anyone bring them?
Eiryss, Eiryss, Eiryss kako to zvuci, covece! Ali najbolje je sto ce Kreos ubiti tu Eiryss. Ubice je nezno, ali snazno! Da, to nije onaj Kreos sto je sebe proglasio za jadnika, ne ovo je novi Kreos, epski Kreos, super-grand-exemplar Kreos, kralj zena.
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by Rick »

I don't have any Dervishes and I don't think Dejan has any either. Neither of us play Amon - sorry.
Guns don't kill people. People that say "Guns don't kill people" kill people. With guns.
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by TheSerbianRaven »

Well, Menites are used to improvising...
Eiryss, Eiryss, Eiryss kako to zvuci, covece! Ali najbolje je sto ce Kreos ubiti tu Eiryss. Ubice je nezno, ali snazno! Da, to nije onaj Kreos sto je sebe proglasio za jadnika, ne ovo je novi Kreos, epski Kreos, super-grand-exemplar Kreos, kralj zena.
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by PainBringer »

Mislim da je red da napisem kratak izvestaj i postavim kompletnu listu koju sam igrao.

Za pocetak, lista:

Faction: Trollblood
Points: 25/25
Madrak Ironhide, World Ender (*5pts)
* Pyre Troll (5pts)
* Earthborn Dire Troll (10pts)
Krielstone Bearer and 3 Stone Scribes (3pts)
* Krielstone Stone Scribe Elder (1pts)
Trollkin Warders (Leader and 4 Grunts) (8pts)
Janissa Stonetide (3pts)

U partijama od 36 poena dodao sam kompletnu konjicu: Trollkin Long Riders (11pts)

Buduci da su potezi imali vremensko ogranicenje, a i da se ja vracam igri posle duze pauze, cilj je bio napraviti listu koja moze da se kompletno aktivira u 7 (10) minuta i koja je fokusirana na jednu ili dve stvari. U ovom slucaju, to su oklop i damage output. Pesadija dostize ARM 21 vrlo lako (kamen + battle driven), dok u ekstremnim slucajevima dostize ARM 23. Svi modeli imaju visok oklop i 8 rana, tako da imaju sansu da dugo ostanu u igri. Istovremeno, damage otput je prilicno veliki, jer pored weapon master modela, lista zestoko koristi jednu od Madrakovih magija - Blood Fury - koja daje dodatnu kocku na DMG. Pored toga, kamen i animus Pyre Troll-a omogucavaju dodatnih +3 na DMG, sto dovodi do toga da Earthborn Dire Troll moze da bez problema raznese kolosala u paramparcad u svega nekoliko napada (buduci da moze da preuzme POW modela u 1" od njega).
Janissa Stonetide je jos jedan bitan element, jer ona neprekidno pravi zid koji, pored toga sto smeta protivnicima prilikom napada, omogucava modelima iz liste da (uz pomoc EBDT-ovog animusa) dostignu jos vece ARM vrednosti.

Plan je relativno prost - nema nikakvog specificnog caster kill komboa, vec se armija naprosto pomera napred, zeleci da udje u borbu prsa u prsa i onda pobije sve sto moze. Pokazalo se da je ova lista bila pilicno dobar izbor, iz razloga koji su objasnjeni u nastavku teksta.

Runda 1: Menoth (Petar iz NS), 25pts

Protivnik void Amona kao warcaster-a, uz dva tri laka jack-a i dva teskasa (Castigator i Crusader, ako se dobro secam). Vrlo rano, moj EBDT dolazi u priliku da jurisa Castigatora i unistava citavog teskog jack-a u dva-tri napada (bonusi na DMG su sjajna stvar!). Na drugom boku, Crusader se upusta u bitku sa Warder-ima, a to ide vrlo sporo. Protivniku polazi za rukom da eliminise KSB jedinicu, ali Amon prilazi preblizu, sto Trolovi ne prastaju - partija se zavrsava Caster kill-om.

Runda 2 - Menoth (Moma), 25pts

Moma igra Testament-a, uz podrsku mnogo pesadije (Temple Flameguard, Idrians), konjice i jednog teskog Jack-a. Warder-i ulecu u borbu sa pesadijom (koja moze malo toga da uradi protiv oklopa 19/21, 8 rana i Tough osobinom), uspevam da unistim jack-a vrlo lako, ali gubim citavu jedinicu sa kamenom. Ispucavam feat prerano, bez pravog efekta. Moma u narednom krugu koristi svoj feat, sto dovodi njegovog castera u borbu sa mojim - vrlo je neprijatno, jer trpim par pogodaka, a onda postaje jos neprijatnije, jer u Madraka jurisaju dva konjanika koji su vraceni iz mrtvih (bilo bi ih troje, ali je EBDT pojeo jednog). Madrak uspeva da prezivi, zahvaljujuci tome sto jedan od konjanika ne uspeva da ga udari - ovo je bila cista sreca. U narednom potezu, Pyre Troll napada Testamenta i dobija monstruozan rezultat za DMG u oba napada. Ponovo caster kill.

Runda 3 - Menoth (Dejan), 36pts

Dejan igra pSeverius-a, kojeg prate hierophant, Avatar, Reckoner, Revenger, vazal, hor, paladin Vilmon i puna jedinica Bastiona. Pocinje veoma lose za mene, jer gubim konjicu previse lako, a laki warjack uspeva da zaglavi EBDT-a (i to citava dva ili tri kruga). U ocajnickom pokusaju da se izvucem, uspevam da uz pomoc Madrakovog feat-a i Warpath carolije izvucem EBDT-a i jurisam na Avatara, unistivsi ga. Warder-i ovde igraju vrlo vaznu ulogu - jer uspevaju da prezive napade Bastiona i uklone poslednje prezivele clanove jedinice. Reckoner unistava EBDT-a (DMG je stravican), ali Madrak uspeva da unisti celog warjack-a u narednom krugu. U ovom trenutku i jedna i druga strana svedene su samo na caster-e i par modela. Hor gine u ocajnickom pokusaju da nesto uradi, pobedjujem na scenario poene.
Ovo je verovatno bila najzesca partija na citavom turniru, puna obrta i dobrih kocaka i poteza i sa jedne i sa druge strane.

Runda 4 Cryx (Nemanja), 36 pts

Nemanja igra eSkarre tier listu, u kojoj je citava gomila Satyxis modela, pracena sa dva teska Warjack-a i jednim bonejack-om. Jurisamo jedan na drugog i zaglavljujemo se negde na mojoj polovina stola - obe armije na velikoj gomili. Nemanja uspeva da ubije jednog Long Rider-a i rani ostale, ali visoke ARM vrednosti su ovde nepremostiva prepreka. Uspevam da u unistim dosta modela tokom poteza u kojem koristim feat, sto posao cini znatno laksim. Konjica ipak umire na kraju, ali su redovi vestica znatno istanjeni. EBDT ubija jednog od jack-ova, drugog ce dokrajciti Warder-i. Na kraju, Skare ostaje u dometu nekoliko modela: dva Warder-a, Madraka i EBDT-a. Warder-i jurisaju, ona odlucuje da ne koristi Admonition i tu se partija zavrsava.

Opsti utisci vezani za listu:
- Visok ARM stat moze da bude nepremostiva prepreka za neke armije. U svakoj od partija, barem jedan Warder je docekao kraj - ova jedinica je vrlo neprijatna, jer moze da dugo sedi na zastavi/cilju i trpi batine (usput, ume da uzvrati). Mogu da lako "vezu" protivnicku jedinicu, ali ce se i protivnici truditi da ih vezu necime (recimo velikom jedinicom single-wound modela koja ima visoku odbranu).
- Ogromni bonusi na DMG omogucavaju da se uprkos losim kockama neprijateljskim modelima opet nanesu sasvim pristojna ostecenja. Vecinu modela koje sam napadao, ubio sam iz prvog pokusaja.
- Potencijalni problem su bilo kakve liste koje uticu na aktivaciju, ili onesposobljavaju modele (pDenny, na primer), kao liste koje takodje imaju pristup visokom DMG output-u.

Opsti utisci vezani za turnir:
- Bilo je sjajno, sa svakim od protivnika sam odigrao dobru i zabavnu partiju
- Organizacija je bila dobra i cela stvar se zavrsila u predvidjeno vreme
- Mnogo novih igraca
- WM je ponovo oziveo i poceo da se aktivno igra
Last edited by PainBringer on Sun Jan 25, 2015 2:15 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by Rick »


1. Miroslav (Trollbloods) 4pts
2. Nemanja (Cryx) 3pts
3. Luka (Khador) 3pts
4. Dejan (Menoth) 3pts
5. Nikica (Cryx) 3pts
6. Nenad Nikolic (Orboros) 2pts
7. Stef (Khador) 2pts
8. Petar S (Cygnar) 2pts
9. Momcilo (Menoth) 2pts
10. Boris (Khador) 2pts
11. Shunka (Mercenaries) 2pts
12. Deka (Khador) 1pt
13. Petar K (Menoth) 1pt
14. Nikola (Menoth) 1pt
15. Uros (Everblight) 1pt
16. Stefan (Cryx)

Congratulations to Miroslav and Trolls. Well played everyone and thanks for coming out in the rain. A special mention to the guys from Novi Sad and a big thank you to Dule and Djeordje from the Zmaj for all the help.
Guns don't kill people. People that say "Guns don't kill people" kill people. With guns.
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by TheSerbianRaven »

Nice to see the only Belgrader I played with (Luka) was as strong opponent as he seemed at the time. I didn't know what to make of Doom Reavers with eVlad (used to seeing them with one version of the Butcher or another), but those boostable weaponmasters tore through my jacks, especially on the feat turn. A second Devout instead of the revenger might have improved my chances, since Defencive Strike seemed to be the only thing to give Luka pause. Not to mention that with Vlad safely in the rear, and only a token berserker on the field, Reznik's feat was useless.

I played the remaining three rounds against other NS players, and while that was a bit of a dissapointment, at least Rick seemed genuinely apologetic (a French tournament organizer would probably just have smugly said "C'est la vie!" and left it at that! ;) ).

The second round was a bit of a cock-up, since Pera K. was counting 1CP/2CP for controlling/dominating the friendly flag, and seemed to win on 5 CP. Since we only noticed the mistake after we cleared our figs, we figured we'd call it a draw, but since Rick pointed out that it's almost the same as both of us loosing, i ceded the game to my opponent, for the good of the Menite faith.

The third round I fought with Boris, and even though we fought more than 10 matches in the past two months with almost the same lists as we brought to the tournament, this match was particularly bloody. In the end, Sorcha and a focusless Juggernaut had just managed to destroy Reznik, who had he survived would have squished the Khadoran caster. And the reason they COULD charge is that on some level I seem to consider the lives of my choir members to precious to use them as a last-minute screening force.

The last match was against Stefan and ended with Terminus dead in the second round, after my Revenger redeemed himself by arcing Perdition which killed a Bane Thrall and positioned my vanquisher+vassal for two direct hits on the over-sized caster. And even with 3HP and on fire, he MIGHT have survived had he not charged a Devout and got defensively struck.

All in all, even despite our modest accomplishments, we had a great time, and spent the ride home talking about how we could diversify our game, increase the NS player base, and maybe perform less ... modestly ... next time.
Eiryss, Eiryss, Eiryss kako to zvuci, covece! Ali najbolje je sto ce Kreos ubiti tu Eiryss. Ubice je nezno, ali snazno! Da, to nije onaj Kreos sto je sebe proglasio za jadnika, ne ovo je novi Kreos, epski Kreos, super-grand-exemplar Kreos, kralj zena.
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by arborsomniorum »

Everything about this tournament was great, and that is opinion from the guy who was the last place on it. I really hope that Rick will repeat those tours, as we were thrilled to be part of it.
All in all, some of the pics, you can see part of the atmosphere of the tour (with bad camera, though): ... -campaign/
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Re: Tournament Saturday 24th Jan 2015 - "The Campaign"

Post by RatGod »

E ovako da i ja napisem po nesto. Ovo je prvi WM/H turnir na kom sam ucestvovao i bilo mi je sjajno, zabavno, prijatni protivnici i 16 ljudi to je nesto sto nisam ocekivao, ali nadam se da cemo uspeti da zadrzimo ako ne i povecamo taj broj za sledece turnire :D

Moja lista je bila :

min Iron Fangd sa UA
Doom Reaveri ( apsulutni sampioni turnira ) sa UA
Kayazi eliminatorke
Man Hunter

Za 36 poena sam dodao Spriggana i war dog-a.

Sa listom sam odigrao jedno 5 partija pre turnira cisto da shvatim kako sve funkcionise a i posto je na vreme ( podrzavam ) moralo je to sve glatko da ide.
Uz mog mentora Otu koji mi je objasnio kao partije WM/H funkcionisu odlucih se za jednostavnu taktiku, da imam dovoljno modela da mogu da igram scenarije ali da bude sto je moguce ofanzivnija u prva dva poteza sa velikim dmg output-om, pa da posle mog feat poteza protivnik ima 10 poena manje pa onda ce se i greske koje napravim oprostiti. I da naravno cuvam castera. I upravo ova poslednja stavka je ona na koju sam veoma ponosan a to je da nisam izgubio nijednom na caster kill, ali to nije sve od 4 partije 3 pobede ( not bad za prvi turnir ).

Prva partija protiv Nikole, momka iz NS sa Menoth-om. Navescu ovde pa da se ne ponavljam dalje ja ne znam sta rade druge frakcije, ali zato mi je mentor rekao samo pitaj sta je feat i sta puca a ostalo cuti i trpi :D, i tako i bi. Nikola je imao gomilu nekih jack-ova, dva teska dva laka. Kaze on meni sta sta radi, i ja njemu no sad bas ne bi mogao da ponovim :P. On odabere da ide prvi, krene napred sa jackovima, stane iza ogradica i puca sa jednim teskim (recimo da je Vanquisher ) medjutim nista od dmg, ja odmah featujem dodelim poene doom reaverima koji se zalete i ubiju drugog teskog jacka i dosta dmg nanesem lakom koji je arc nod ( ali nije samo to ono st oje bitno, nego stoje moji doom reaveri ispred lakog jacka iza koga je caster ). njegov potez on odabere da stoji i puca ( mozda je mogao da zrtvuje choir ), opet kocke nisu na njegovoj strani i ubije 2 Doom reavera. Moj drugi potez caster kill i to je to. Kratka partija ali izuzetno prijatan protivnik :D

Druga partija ZLOGLASNI Nikica i njegov Cryx vodi nekog velikog castera sto leti. Ja opet odmah featujem da bi naneo neki dmg, tu sam i njega malo zatekao i sada on igra sa malo manje bane thrallova, i bez nekog crva jacka ( jedinog kog ima u listi ), uspevam da u drugom potezu vezem njegovog castera koji ide napred i lema sa 2 Iron Fanga, posto ja vec imam 3 poena na scenario on odlucuje da se ih preleti i time pati od free strike-ova, nije bitno za dmg ali pod Hand of Fate rolam 3 kocke i nadam se da dobijem 2 iste i da ga knock downujem, to se i desi prekida mu se caster potez on ubije nesto ali ja u mom dotrcim do objektiva sa casterom i pobeda na scenario. U ovoj partiji naucim da odmah sada pazarim Gormana, posto je model prejak ubio 4 Ironf fang pikeman-a kao da ih nikad nije bilo :D

Treca partija Nemanja Cryx ( sta je ovo svi poznati igraci ove igre na mene i svi vode Cryx ), i ovo je trenutak kad meni WM postaje ekstra igram partiju opet protiv Cryxa a oni nemaju NI JEDAN ISTI MODEL U LISTI, i rade potpuno drugcije. On vodi neku Skaru sto mi ne daje da udaram, dva jacka i gomilu nekih cica sa bicevima koje izuvaju a imune na blast. Partija je isla u oba smera ja sam neke stvari sjebao ( ocekivano ) ali dosta toga naucio :D I izgubim 5 : 3 na scenario protivniku isto bilo ekstra kaze nije imao skoro tezu partiju.

Cetvrta partija protiv Stefa, igrao sam pripremnu protiv njega. Medjutim on je tad vodio drugu listu i castera sada je tu Butcher 3 ( sto mi je licno ekstra posto imam model i taman da vidim sta radi ). Ja igram prvi zauzmem tablu a stojim van dometa. On se pomeri napred sa konjicom i nekim trolovima Mercovima. I to je to feat i jedan Doom Reaver se zaleti na konjicu i ubije 4 modela :D, a ostali na Trolove gde Stefa nece kocka za tough.
Onda je vec bilo lakse, i Stef pravi neke greske usled umora, zalece se sa Butcherom medjutim vlad mu dolazi glave jer je propatio od nekih silni dmg od Iron Fangova ( tu je nesto pogresno sracunao, od za njegov neki stat def ili armour nisam siguran ), ali gledali su ga jos berserker i u B2B je bio spriggan te bi svejedno to bio kraj.

I eto na kraju 3 pobede 1 poraz, naucio dosta. Mega prijatna atmosfera, i hteo bi da se zahvalim svim protivnicima, ucesnicima, Ricku i Klubu Zmaj za odrzavanje WM/H ponovo nadam se da ce zaziveti sad.
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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