Four Star Syndicate lista

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Four Star Syndicate lista

Post by DreamOmen »

Imam pitanje koliko je ovo dobra lista za 35 poena. Iskreno mislim da nije previše dobra za turnire, ako je dobra najmanje, ali mi izgleda zabavno. Damiano mi je veoma interesantan kao warcaster još mi je i njegov back story dobar.

Captain Damiano

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Re: Four Star Syndicate lista

Post by Rick »

Thematically it looks great but in my opinion it is only so so. I am playing Damiano a lot this year and there are things to take into consideration.
Firstly the feat. +3 strength on melee. Therefore with flanking cav are your heavy hitters with halbardiers doing good damage on the charge. As Rocinate is a late game piece you are limiting your damage skews. Nyss or other weapon master infantry provide a much more versatile threat. Dead eye and paymaster work on the cav's and at 35 points they are fine for it. Riflemen are for 50pt games where crowd control is an issue. Take kell balioch if you want more shooting at 35. You have no way to give parhfinder to you cav and this couldgive your opponent a way to halt your charge. You will struggle with stealth and 75% of your list dies to blast damage.
I like all kayazy with damiano and maybe a second heavy. Ogrun bokurs are very good with client bonuses and the feat. With your list I would drop either croes or the riflemen. Take saxon or rhupert, aiyana and holt and probably eEiryss. You cover upkeeps, arm cracking and rough terrain. Without support even lists with a lot of attacking models struggle to be effective.
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Re: Four Star Syndicate lista

Post by TheSerbianRaven »

Croe ti je prilicno skup za 35 poena, narocito kada vec imas jeftine riflemene koji su prilicno dobri sa deadeye/moneyshot kombinacijom. Nyss hunteri bi bila dobra zamena, k'o sto Rick rece, jer su weaponmasteri, brzi, a sa deathmarchom jos gora pretnja.
I Rupert ti je obavezan! Sa set defense, stealhead halberdasi imaju dobar potencijal kao screening jedinica, ali ce im trebati tough!
Eiryss, Eiryss, Eiryss kako to zvuci, covece! Ali najbolje je sto ce Kreos ubiti tu Eiryss. Ubice je nezno, ali snazno! Da, to nije onaj Kreos sto je sebe proglasio za jadnika, ne ovo je novi Kreos, epski Kreos, super-grand-exemplar Kreos, kralj zena.
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Re: Four Star Syndicate lista

Post by Shunka »

I ja se slažem da je bolje da utopiš jednu jedinicu za neke support soloe - Rhupert, Gorman di Wulfe, Ayana i Holt su uvek dobri.
Ja volim sa Damianom da vučem jedinicu Gun Mageva, zbog Dead Eye sinergije. Ali oni ne igraju za isti contract kao i Cutthroats...
Šta imaš na raspolaganju od modela?
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Re: Four Star Syndicate lista

Post by DreamOmen »

I haven't expected a reply in English, but thanks :)

Nisam još kupio ništa za ovu vojsku, samo razmišljam šta bi moglo. Poslušao sam vaše savete i došao sam na ovo.

Captain Damiano

Steelhead Halberdiers
Steelhead Heavy Cavalry
Steelhead Riflemen

Rhupert Carvolo
Stannis Brocker

i možda Kell Bailoch.

Iskreno neidem toliko na vojsku koja će da osvaja turnire, više da je tematcki ok sa Damiano-om. Samo sam mislio da se nadam da će biti bar ok, da nije previše loša i da je zabavno igrati sa ovakvom vojskom. Hteo sam da povedem Stannis i ranije, samo nisam mogao da ga uklopim u poene.
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Re: Four Star Syndicate lista

Post by Shunka »

U mom iskustvu Stanis nije vredan svojih poena. Možda bolje umesto njega da uzmeš epic Alexiu. Za iste poene radi mnogo više toga, i jako lepo sarađuje sa Damianom kao meta za Surefoot spell.

Isto tako, Gorman di Wulfe je bolja investicija od Kella Bailocha. Kell nije loš izbor sam po sebi, ali Gorman radi mnogo više stvari - na početu baca dimne oblake da zaštiti tvoje jedinice i castera, a kasnije kada se malo raščisti bojno polje može najstrašnije da maltretira protivničke modele tako što ih zaslepljuje, što je užas za kolosale i ostale velike zgromitelje svega.

A što se tematičnosti tiče, možda bolje da izabereš neku drugu fakciju ako želiš vojsku koja deluje kao vojska. Merc liste skoro uvek završe kao gomila bitanga i vucibatina skrpljenih s' koca i konopca - ogruni, patuljci, vilenjaci, trolovi, nekromanseri klošari, odmetnuti alhemičari, avanturisti probisveti, silovatelji ubice, kurve i licimuri, čega sve tu nema...
Tako da ako razmišljaš o investiciji, najbolje je da odabereš fakciju koja ti se dopada, a ne jednog castera, jer onda možeš da menjaš dva-tri castera koja ti se dopadaju a imaju poptuno različiti playstyle bez da puno menjaš ostatak liste.
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Re: Four Star Syndicate lista

Post by DreamOmen »

Sviđaju mi se plaćenici tako da je ovo vojska koju želim da napravim trenutno. Tematcki mi ovo najviše odgovara.
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Re: Four Star Syndicate lista

Post by Rick »

DreamOmen wrote:I haven't expected a reply in English
No one expects a reply in English!
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Re: Four Star Syndicate lista

Post by Shunka »

Pa dobrodošao onda među nas prodane duše!
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
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Re: Four Star Syndicate lista

Post by DreamOmen »

Hvala na dobrodošlici :)

Mislio sam da je Stannis dobar sa Steelheads-ima.
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Re: Four Star Syndicate lista

Post by Rick »

At 35 points my Damiano 4* list is going to look something like this;

Captain Damiano (*6pts)
* Rocinante (9pts)
* Sylys Wyshnalyrr, the Seeker (2pts)
Alexia Ciannor & the Risen (Alexia and 9 Risen Grunts) (5pts)
Kayazy Eliminators (Leader and Grunt) (3pts)
Steelhead Halberdiers (Leader and 9 Grunts) (6pts)
Steelhead Heavy Cavalry (Leader and 4 Grunts) (10pts)
Eiryss, Angel of Retribution (3pts)
Reinholdt, Gobber Speculator (1pts)
Rhupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord (2pts)

Rhupert is handing out tough or +1 def to the halbardiers until the alpha strike and then it is probably path finder to the cavalry. Alexia and the Risen are moving forward picking up bodies and creating thralls. Eiryss is there to take off nasty upkeeps and disrupt jacks. Reinholdt and Sylys are with Damiano so he can play forward a little more. Death March on the halbardiers, Sure foot on the Kayazy or Eiryss if they get a high MAT model move to engage OR on Damiano himself if your opponent has knock down or ranged assassination capabilities. Paymaster and dead eye on the cav or Rocinante from turn 2. I wouldn't bother with Warpath unless I see a chance for Rocinante to pull off a caster kill.
If the halbardiers take the charge then you retaliate hard and death march can go on the risen. With Vengeance you are more likely to get the charge and you hit their front line with the SHH and run a couple of them to engage heavies which you then wallop with the flanking cav. Alexia is there to block charge lanes to Damiano with the Risen - to swing the attrition war and create unusual threat vectors with Thralls. The eliminators with sure foot can be a road block for nasty models or can charge through everything to kill high value solos or even casters with gang and the feat.
This is an attrition list with Rocinante, Damiano and his entourage and Alexia getting through to the end. If likely to face a colossal then Sylys can be swapped for Gorman to blind or to lower armour for the cav to hurt. At 50 pts I would add a mule or mangler, stannis and a bokur.

A decent alternative I will try is;

Captain Damiano (*6pts)
* Mangler (8pts)
* Nomad (6pts)
Alexia Ciannor & the Risen (Alexia and 9 Risen Grunts) (5pts)
Kayazy Assassins (Leader and 9 Grunts) (8pts)
* Kayazy Assassin Underboss (2pts)
Kayazy Eliminators (Leader and Grunt) (3pts)
Kayazy Eliminators (Leader and Grunt) (3pts)
Lady Aiyana & Master Holt (4pts)
Gorman di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist (2pts)

With 2 heavies, Gorman, Aiyana & Holt and the feat this has great armour cracking but also stealth galore, high def high mat infantry. With Warpath and Death March it is very mobile and can deal with a real variety of lists that the other can't.

You lists is basically a Free Company list which is fine but generally regarded as not the strongest way to play Damiano. Give it a few games and see how you get along. As Damiano loves infantry pAlexia is a great choice with him.
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Re: Four Star Syndicate lista

Post by DreamOmen »

Verujem da je ta lista bolja i da dobro radi, ali se neuklapa tematcki u ono što bi ja vodio. Hteo bih da vodim što više ljudi. Ne bi vodio puno onih koji nisu ljudi.
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