2016 Serbian Masters Event (Qualifiers only)

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2016 Serbian Masters Event (Qualifiers only)

Post by Rick »


When: Sunday 18th of December at 12pm
Where: Gilda Club, Nov Sad

Rules Set: http://files.privateerpress.com/op/2016 ... es2016.pdf
With the following options/changes:
• Dyad (Two 75pt lists, D&C 0, 40 points of specialists for Vanguard if both casters are on the ADR list)
• Proxies of the following are not allowed:
ooo Warcasters/Warlocks
ooo Character Jacks and Beasts

• All Warcasters/Warlocks and any Warcaster/Warlock unit models must be fully painted and based
• 60 minutes Death Clock
Current Errata: http://files.privateerpress.com/op/erra ... y-1016.pdf
Default Objective if non-selected: Arcane Wonder

• (Q1) Nemanja Jovanovic (Cryx)
• (Q1) Dejan Damjanovic (Protectorate)
• (Q2) Richard Brown (Cygnar/Everblight)
• (Q2) Nikola Ivkovic (Protectorate)
• (Q3) Nenad Jelovac (Cygnar)
• (Q3) Aleksandar Gruba (Khador)
• (Q4) Miljan Otic (Retribution/Orboros)
• (Q4) Stevan Krkelic (Cygnar)

• Round 1 “Entrenched” (Scenario 1) 12:15 (Random Draw)
• 14:00 Lunch
• Round 2 “Extraction” (Scenario 5) 14:30
• Round 3 “Take & Hold” (Scenario 3) 16:30
• 18:00 Awards

Draw: 1st round to be randomly drawn, mirror matches and local ties are accepted. After that Highest control winner vs lowest control point winner and second highest control winner vs third highest control point winner. Same for the losers. Caster Kill = 3 CPs, Death Clocking = 0 CPs

• Winner – 2016 Masters Trophy
• 1st, 2nd 3rd & 4th
• Best Painted Caster
• Wooden Spoon
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Re: 2016 Serbian Masters Event (Qualifiers only)

Post by Pendargon »

Aaaah, the balance of Mk3 strikes even in serbia, all those hordes factions competing :-)...
Have a great tournament guys, and we want to see some reports!!!
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Re: 2016 Serbian Masters Event (Qualifiers only)

Post by Rick »

Come on, Ota might turn up with Orboros, I might play Everblight.

On a completely unrelated topic - what pairs well with eHaley?
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Re: 2016 Serbian Masters Event (Qualifiers only)

Post by Pendargon »

eCaine :-P.
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Re: 2016 Serbian Masters Event (Qualifiers only)

Post by Rick »

I am ill but have to be in the office today and so I thought I would do a thought exercise on how I plan to plan for next Sunday. It’s a random first opponent and so this is one of those situations where this ‘plan’ will not survive first contact with the enemy – but whatever. If any of the other players feel I am giving away secrets – I am, but only my own ignorance of the game which you can happily use to your advantage.
OK so I need 2 lists. Cygnar currently has a great amount of good casters but there are probably 3 that stand out. Haley 2, Haley 3 and Epic Caine. Haley 2 gets around a lot of the Cygnar main problems in that she can shutdown enemy jacks and mitigates Cygnar’s problem of lacking decent damage buffs on top end casters. In an all warmachine event she is almost a no-brainer. Haley 3 has such a strong denial game that she is almost as strong as her previous incarnation and can – in certain circumstances can force eHaley into bad piece trades. eCaine is great into a lot of the denial casters and has a feat that give you at least a 15pt advantage - but always faces the risk of assassination and with many shield guards in the game and a threat reduction is less of an all-out assassin than in MK2. Playing two of these three is probably the safest and most logical options. But let’s look further;

Ota – Retribution
Expected casters: Rahn and Kaelyssa

Ota’s probably the tournament favourite and the player to beat in this event. Normally I would expect to see Ossyan but with 3 cygnar players I expect Ota to pair Kaelyssa with Rahn. Her feat and backlash, alongside the utility of her gun makes her a great anti-cygnar drop. Mage Hunters to kill trenchers on their mini-feat and maybe A&H to Harm Stormwall before they pepper him and kill the caster with Backlash means that this is a very difficult match for standard cygnar drops. She actually might be a better drop than Rahn into most of this event’s matchups and of course in having Rahn, Ota is presenting a list chicken dilemma where you don’t want to play into him without a colossal and so you end up putting your colossal into Kaelyssa and then have to protect it the entire game. Rahn is no pushover and is probably the best caster in the game at delivering the assassination wins that Ota prefers.

I like eCaine into Kaelyssa but not into Rahn and I like eHaley into Rahn but not into Kaelyssa. Other options include Kara Sloan which could be better than Caine into Kaelyssa and have the range to take out Rahns arc nodes before the assassination run. Stryker 1 could be good into both with the attrition game. Not sure I fancy many others.

Nemanja - Cryx
Expected casters: Denny1 and Skarre1

Both of these casters offer a to-hit and damage fixer and a feat round with little retaliation. Against Cygnar I would expect to face Skarre as Denny is usually a little more focus strapped and stealth is not that strong into eCaine, Sloan, Haley 3. It is very difficult to win an attrition game against either of these lists and they always have assassination potential with Skarre also having backlash. A strong gun line can force Skarre to feat early and that is very useful as I have seen firsthand and recently how Skarre completely negates the feat of Stryker 1 and Maddox and several others. Ultimately I would really prefer a counter control feat such as Haley 2 but maybe Brisbane is also an option.

Steva – Cygnar
Expected casters: Haley 2 and Haley 3

This is perhaps the most problematic match up for me as I am teching against a player with all my tools and most experience and practice with those tools. Using Steva’s list from the 4th qualifier as a template I see myself facing lots of problems. Haley 2 & Stormwall is a great combo and with Lanyssa there too that is a 14” threat (if Haley doesn’t TK) and 6 attacks when it gets there. Caine2 isn’t bad into her but she can play very far back and so he trades his feat for Thorn and sees if he can survive the double alpha of her feat. Haley 3 is there to probably play into gun and assassination lines or scenarios where a larger model count could be handy.

By including either Caine2 or Sloan in my line up it would mean that Steva would probably be forced to drop eHaley but I don’t know if that does me any favours. A pStryker/Stormwall might be a decent drop into Haley2 as he can out threaten her guns and (hopefully) survive the charge if the feat is timed correctly but avoiding TK to mess up counter play is going to be very difficult. Haley 2 mirror match?

Stoka – Cygnar
Expected casters: Haley 2 and Caine2

Obviously as Stoka is not a part of my meta I don’t know his game that well but I know he’s a fan of eCaine. I know he has Stormwall and I expect a similar eHaley list to Steva’s and probably a gun mage/ranger eCaine list. Shadow fire on Ace means that hiding behind a colossal is risky and dude spams are a non-option.

With both Stoka and Steva I am really tempted to go with an armour spam and a counter gun line. In both cases I see very much a list chicken situation and so I am hoping to dodge the Cygnar mirror matches but have a little something up the sleeve in case they come up.

Sale – Khador
Expected casters: Irusk 2 and Butcher 3

Again though we communicate regularly I don’t know Sale’s game that well. With the models he has and can borrow I expect two very strong lists. If I get the casters right I actually expect a couple of meaty jacks and also 2+ full units as fury targets or to tie up dangerous models. Fire for Effect might mean Conquest or the Behemoth and with B3 I would expect Kodiaks, Juggernauts and again maybe conquest being used as a B3 delivery system.

I would actually like to run Stryker 3 into either of these lists. 2 units of storm lances to smash the infantry and with Fury and the feat and all the buffs to dismantle the jacks too. Wouldn’t necessarily work but it would be great to play. Obviously Haley2 if the lists are jack heavy and Caine2 if they are troop heavy would work fine as well. If there were 2-3 Khador players I would consider taking a list with Madelyn Corbeau to hose the B3 assassination run but the plan will be to kill him mid-field if he’s dropped into me.

Nikola & Dejan – Protectorate
Expected Casters: High Reclaimer, Kreoss1, Kreoss2, Reznik1 or Thyra

HR is the new eLich and I expect he’ll be the big gun for Nikola. LOS denial and a feat which allows all the formation tricks to be used to line up charges/sprays etc and Hard of Fate to really hammer it home – the High Reclaimer is a beast. I fully expect to see a colossal in one or both of his lists and of course the choir to deny a ton of stuff or ramp up the damage output. Dejan is a big Reznik fan and that guy has real game. The biggest problem for Dejan is of course lack of MK3 practice. I think he needs 2 Redeemers and maybe a Reckoner, Guardian and Scourge of Heresy alongside full Idrians. As Brand of Heresy is an enemy upkeep having one of the Redeemers on Tristan would be ideal but I’m not sure if Dejan has the model. Something like this:
(Reznik 1) High Executioner Servath Reznik [+28]
- Redeemer [11]
- Reckoner [16]
- Scourge of Heresy [16]
- Guardian [15]
- Hierophant [3]
Choir of Menoth (max) [6]
Initiate Tristan Durant [4]
- Redeemer [11]
Idrian Skirmishers (max) [15]
- Idrian Skirmisher Chieftain & Guide [5]
Wrack [1]

It has all kinds of movement shenanigans, hits like a ton of bricks and shoots a heavy off the table each round if the opponent plays coy. With Brand of Heresy Reznik can run all the jacks but if he loses the Guardian having the Redeemer outsourced might be useful.
For a second list both have access to Thyra and Kreoss1 with Nikola maybe reaching for Kreoss2 and his Exemplar spam. All these casters have good game.

For my own part, I like playing the unusual and so a no-brainer for others is a no go for me. I think I might go Sloan over eCaine. Not the 7 hunter list but something more balanced. I recently saw how good a trencher buster was and so might go that way. I am also enjoying the Cav a lot and so I am might try and go with Stryker3 or Maddox as a fast moving armour cracking list. Then again eHaley......
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Re: 2016 Serbian Masters Event (Qualifiers only)

Post by Pendargon »

Stryker 2. Pummel your road to stardom, or roll 17 and 18 and die a hero's death :-)
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Re: 2016 Serbian Masters Event (Qualifiers only)

Post by TheSerbianRaven »

Rick wrote:...Nikola maybe reaching for Kreoss2 and his Exemplar spam...
Exemplar AND Daughter spam. :P
And my Kreos2 has 4 consecutive victories in qualifier tournaments,although those were all in MKII, when infantry spam won games and he had the armor-piercing special attack to stab large casters who failed their assassination run (Vlad3, Butcher3...).
Eiryss, Eiryss, Eiryss kako to zvuci, covece! Ali najbolje je sto ce Kreos ubiti tu Eiryss. Ubice je nezno, ali snazno! Da, to nije onaj Kreos sto je sebe proglasio za jadnika, ne ovo je novi Kreos, epski Kreos, super-grand-exemplar Kreos, kralj zena.
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Re: 2016 Serbian Masters Event (Qualifiers only)

Post by Rick »

Prize Support Update

1st Prize. Masters Trophy, 4'x4' UrbanmatZ rubber backed Battlemat http://www.urbanmatz.com/p/211/concrete-area-4x4, Best in faction pin, Cadbury's chocolate
2nd - 4th place Cadbury's chocolate
Best in Faction Pins (Sale, Nemanja and Ota don't need to work too hard for these)
Prize for best painted warcaster (tbc)
Wooden Spoon prize for lowest attending player
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Re: 2016 Serbian Masters Event (Qualifiers only)

Post by takasunmc »

Da dodam na spisak nagrada i majce za prvo drugo i trece mesto ;) .
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Re: 2016 Serbian Masters Event (Qualifiers only)

Post by Rick »

Round 1

Nemanja (Cryx) vs Dusan (Minions)
Stoka (Cygnar) vs Sale (Khador)
Rick (Cygnar) vs Ota (Retribution)
Nikola (Menoth) vs Dejan (Menoth)

Round 2
Ota (Retribution) vs Nemanja (Cryx)
Sale (Khador) vs Nikola (Menoth)
Rick (Cygnar) vs Dejan (Menoth)
Stoka (Cygnar) vs Dusan (Minions)

Round 3
Ota (Retribution) vs Sale (Khador)
Nikola (Menoth) vs Nemanja (Cryx)
Rick (Cygnar) vs Dusan (Minions)
Stoka (Cygnar) vs Dejan (Menoth)

Final Result
1st Ota (Issyria/Kaelyssa)
2nd Sale (Vlad1/Butcher3)
3rd Nikola (High Reclaimer/Thyra)
4th Nemanja (Skarre1/Denny1)
5th Rick (Haley2/Kara Sloan)
6th Dusan (Carver/Arkadius)
7th Stoka (Caine1/Seige)
8th Dejan (Reznik1/Amon)

Congratulations to Ota and thank you to Guilda for being such great hosts.
All great games, played in a really nice spirit and with really good burgers in between. Will try and get some battle reports done later.
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Re: 2016 Serbian Masters Event (Qualifiers only)

Post by Mrzimsvee »

Bravo Ota!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every sin...is punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."
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Re: 2016 Serbian Masters Event (Qualifiers only)

Post by TheSerbianRaven »

Congrats to everyone and thanks to the BG players for making the trip. If I'd known you like the burgers so much, I would have made arrangements to have them drugged delivered. O:)
I'm quite happy with our performance. Last year we only had one player attending the masters, this year we had four and managed to have two players in the top 3. :efortless:
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Re: 2016 Serbian Masters Event (Qualifiers only)

Post by arborsomniorum »

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Re: 2016 Serbian Masters Event (Qualifiers only)

Post by Rick »

I feel a team tournament challenge coming on
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Re: 2016 Serbian Masters Event (Qualifiers only)

Post by Knight »

Bravo Ota :)
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