[ETC 2016] General discussion

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[ETC 2016] General discussion

Post by RatGod »

Ovde ce biti postavljanje stvari vezane za ETC 2016 koji se odrzava u ATINI.

Ovo je za sad kako ce se resavati slow play :

... and finally for the Elephant in the room.....


Slow-Play management/policing/refereeing

First off this is super hard to police without having plenty of referees available to keeping track of game times, and 'manage' certain players protectively and in real-time. As such WE NEED MORE REFEREES! So get asking around your community and get in touch with either the head referees or chairmen regarding an suitable candidates you may have.

Moreover regardless of how much of pain they are, completed timesheets are still an important tool for us the referees to gauge the possibility of slow-play when there has not been a referee present at the board in question.

We, the referee corps and the chairmen, are all in agreement that the minimum number of mandatory turns required to to be completed in any game is 5. If a game does not achieve this, is at risk of not achieving this requirement, or it is felt that an opponent is attempting to slow-played out the possibility of a 6th or even 7th turn (i.e there are less than a handful of models left but the turn is taking excessively long), then it should be brought immediately to the attention of the referees. After which it will decide in conference with at least 2 head referees, based upon the following, but not exclusive, criteria, if any infractions for slow-play are to be incurred and therefore which penalties are required.

1. Number of ref calls by a player - see the earlier penalty regarding "excessive rules questions".

2. Number of models in an army, including summoned units. This can have an effect, especially if 2 big armies are facing each other. As such it is down to the referees to decide if it was unintentional or not. At the same time we, the head referees and the chairmen, all believe 100% that every player should be training and practising to ensure that they can play their army fast enough to ensure the game finishes naturally, or that they achieve at least 5 complete turns. Thus teams need to be aware of this when creating their lists and if a list is liable to fail to achieve the mandatory requirement of 5 turns minimum, THEN DON'T BRING IT TO THE ETC!

3. Time taken to deploy; this should be always be logged by both players. Unlike turns which involve the interaction of both players, the deployment does not. Excessive deployment time can therefore be an indicator of slow-play by a particular player.

4. Player turn lengths - we all know this is un-policeable from a passive standpoint (i.e a referee is not there 100% of the time watching both players) as even with timesheets it doesn't say which player was slowing a particular turn down (the 'best slow-players' often do it in their opponents turn). As such if though a player is calling out someone slowing down turns then we the referees need to 'camp-out' the board so as we can police it first hand. This obviously becomes difficult with players coming with rules questions (if we had more referees though this would be easier....). Therefore if it is a rules question both players MUST bring ALL the relevant literature, including FAQs, and their timesheet (so the referee call can be correctly marked) to the referee so that said referee dose not have to leave the table he is 'watching'. If it is a call on distance, LOS, etc then the players will be sent to another referee. There are not that many cases of slow-play, it is usually the same players, so I think we can actively police it IF we are tough on players coming with rules queries for referees and enforce the aforementioned requirements.

Slow-Play Infractions

Given all the above, if any player is deemed to be suspected of slow-playing by the referees, then said player will be immediately warned to speed up. If the player does subsequently manage to ensure that the game completes the minimum mandatory number of 5 turns, then pending any further action deemed necessary by at least 2 head referees (see both above and below), the player and his team will *only* incur an official team warning or, if other infractions have been previously incurred, the relevant penalty (see In-Event Penalties). Thereafter any instance of slow play as deemed by the referees can well instantly incur further penalties, cumulatively within even a single round if required.

As mentioned previously if a player has been deemed to be guilty of deliberate and purposeful slow-play that they are guilty of cheating and will incur a penalty deemed appropriate by the head referees as previously discussed (both in this section and the main 'In-Event Penalties' section).

Furthermore if a player is deemed to be guilty of slow-play after already incurring his first slow-play infraction, then that games result will be immediately and/or retroactively become 0-20 in his opponents favour in addition to any further In-Event Penalty

!!!!Remember ANY AND ALL IN-EVENT PENALTIES ARE TEAM CUMULATIVE - this means that if Dave from the Grand Duchy of Banjoland incurs an infraction, resulting in an official team warning, then later Jonny from the Grand Duchy of Banjoland also incurs an infraction, then the Grand Duchy of Banjoland has incurred its 2nd infraction and the team is penalised -10pts.

Penalties for any aforementioned offence including slow-play are as follows:

1st infraction - official team warning.
2nd infraction - 10pts
3rd infraction - 20pts
4th infraction - 40pts.... etc etc

In addition if an individual player is responsible for 3 infractions they are expelled immediately from the ETC event and are barred from intending the following years ETC (aka a 1 "year cool off" period).

Finally remember all the above penalties will be applied to the result of the current or subsequent round (depending on the time they are incurred) of the ETC and as such are able to affect the outcome of the aforementioned round. This means that the total score from the round may not be 160pts. As such in instances where a team has received penalties the margin for victory is a 10pt difference between the 2 teams.

i.e The Grand Duchy of Banjoland scored 82pts versus The Confederacy of Pastafarianism 78pts. But the Grand Duchy of Banjoland had incurred a -20pt In-Event penalty; the the final score would be 62pts to 78pts and as such the Confederacy of Pastafarianism would win the round.

Given all the above obviously, therefore, it is ENTIRELY AND SOLELY down to the discretion of the head referees, and the head referees ONLY, if a player is slow playing deliberately. It is not for players, captains, coaches, chairmen, or anyone else to decide upon. Any attempts to force or influence the referees decision will be viewed upon as breaking the rules regarding gentlemanly conduct, sportsmanship, and the not adhering to the spirit of the ETC.

Once again some people may find these penalties to be harsh or excessive, but we are merely responding to growing concerns and complaints amongst the greater ETC community. That said we don't think any of these penalties are exactly surprising or unnecessary.
Last edited by RatGod on Wed Mar 30, 2016 12:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: ETC 2016

Post by joggy »

drugom recju, ETC ide sigurno u onom gorem pravcu, gde ce politika a ne igra odlucivati pobednika
"Narod u demokratiji ne može da pogreši. Kakva god da je odluka naroda to je odluka Boga." Vulin.
"Potrebno je da vozilo koje vrši transport ima onu ruku napred, da prebacuje... Imaju proizvođači, ja sad ne znam ko su“ Velja.
„Na Beka su pucali amateri, jednom je čak spala kapuljača“ Nesa.
srebrni vitez
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Re: ETC 2016

Post by srebrni vitez »

Нек уведу шаховске сатове.
"Пoкa цapь Hикoлaй вoйнy вoeвaл,
Pacпутин eму жeну пoeбaл!"
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Re: ETC 2016

Post by RatGod »

Da bi smo ucestvovali u raspravi, prvo treba da imamo tim B-)
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: [ETC 2016] Generalna diskusija

Post by RatGod »

Team Slovenia armylists:
TEAM : Slovenia
PLAYER 1: Boris-PapaOrk-Kunilo
ETC Primary Detachment: Codex: Chaos Daemons, Faction: Chaos daemons

HQ1 - Warlord: Kairos Fateweaver [300 pts]
HQ2-1: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Exalted Reward (30) - [150 pts]
HQ2-2: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Lesser Reward (10) - [130 pts]
HQ2-3: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Lesser Reward (10) - [130 pts]
Troop1: 11x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (99) [99 pts]
Troop2: 3 x Nurglings (45) [45 pts]
FA1: 9x Screamer of Tzeentch [225 pts]
ETC Secondary Detachment: Hive Fleet Detachment (Tyranids)
HQ1: Hive tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2x Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (30), Electroshock grubs (10) [240 pts]
HQ2: Hive tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2x Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (30), Electroshock grubs (10) [240 pts]
HQ3: Hive tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2x Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (30), Electroshock grubs (10) [240 pts]
Troop 1: 1x Mucolid Spore Cluster (15) [15 pts]
Troop 1: 1x Mucolid Spore Cluster (15) [15 pts]
Troop 1: 1x Mucolid Spore Cluster (15) [15 pts]
PRIMARY TOTAL [1079 pts]
ARMY TOTAL [1844 pts]
Type Of Alliance: Come the Apocalypse +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
PLAYER 2: Aljoša– Wolf Of The West– Sodec
ETC Primary Detachment: Codex Tau, Faction Tau, Hunter Contingent
Core - Hunter Cadre:
HQ1 - Warlord: Comamnder(85pts), Command and Control Node (15pts), Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite (20pts), Neuroweb System Jammer (2pts), Puretide Engram Neurochip (15pts), Shield Generator (25pts), Stimulant Injector (15pts), XV8-02 Crisis 'Iridium' Battlesuit (25pts) [202 pts]
Elite1: XV104 Riptide: Early Warning Override (5pts), Ion Accelerator (5pts), Stimulant Injector (35pts), Twin-linked Smart Missile System [225 pts]
Troop1: 10xKroot Carnivores, Sniper Rounds (10pts) [70 pts]
Troop2: 5x Fire Warrior, Pulse Rifle [45 pts]
Troop3: 5x Fire Warrior, Pulse Rifle [45 pts]
FA1: 4x Pathfinder [44 pts]
FA2: 4x Pathfinder [44 pts]
FA3: 4x Pathfinder [44 pts]
HS1:TX7 Hammerhead: Blacksun Filter (1pts), Railgun with Submunitions (5pts),Distruption Pod (15pts),Twin-linked Smart Missile System [146 pts]
Auxilary 1 - Firebase Support Cadre:
Elite2: XV104 Riptide: Early Warning Override (5pts), Ion Accelerator (5pts), Stimulant Injector (35pts), Twin-linked Smart Missile System [225 pts]
HS2: 3x XV88 Broadsides: 3x Early Warning Override (15pts), Twin-linked High-Yield Missile Pod, Twin-linked Smart Missile System [210 pts]
HS3: 3x XV88 Broadsides: 3x Early Warning Override (15pts), Twin-linked High-Yield Missile Pod, Twin-linked Smart Missile System [210 pts]
Auxilary 2 - Optimised Stealth Cadre:
Elite3: XV95 Ghostkeel: Fusion Collider,Twin-Linked Fusion Blaster (10pts) [140 pts]
Elite4: 3x XV25 Stealth Battlesuits: Fusion Blaster (5pts), Target Lock (5pts) [100 pts]
Elite5: 3x XV25 Stealth Battlesuits: Fusion Blaster (5pts), Target Lock (5pts) [100 pts]
PLAYER 3: Filip-OneOfThem-Kunilo
ETC Primary Detachment: Codex: Democles War Zone Kauyon, Faction: Space Marines
Chapter Tactics: White Scars
HQ1 – Kor’sarro Khan(125) [125 pts]
HQ2 – Librarian (65); Psyker lvl 2 (25), Power Maul (0), Auspex(5), The Hunter’s Eye (20) [115 pts]
Troop1: Bike Squad (63); two additional Space Marine Bikers (42), two Grav Guns (30), one additional Attack Bike (40) [175 pts]
Troop2: Bike Squad (63); two additional Space Marine Bikers (42), two Grav Guns (30) [135 pts]
Troop3: Bike Squad (63); two additional Space Marine Bikers (42), two Grav Guns (30), sergeant with Melta Grenade (5) [140 pts]
Troop4: Bike Squad (63); two additional Space Marine Bikers (42), two Grav Guns (30), sergeant with Melta Grenade (5) [140 pts]
Troop5: Bike Squad (63); two additional Space Marine Bikers (42), two Grav Guns (30), sergeant with Melta Grenade (5) [140 pts]
Troop6: Bike Squad (63); two additional Space Marine Bikers (42), two Grav Guns (30), sergeant with Melta Grenade (5) [140 pts]
FA1: Drop Pod [35 pts]
FA2: Drop Pod [35 pts]
FA3: Drop Pod [35 pts]
HS1: Centurion Devastator Squad (165); Centurion sergeant with Grav-cannon and Grav-amp (25), Omniscope (10), two Grav-cannon and Grav-amp (50) [250 pts]
HS2: Centurion Devastator Squad (165); Centurion sergeant with Grav-cannon and Grav-amp (25), Omniscope (10), two Grav-cannon and Grav-amp (50) [250 pts]
HS3: Thunderfire Cannons In Dedicated Transport 1 [100 pts]
Dedicated Transport 1: Drop Pod [35 pts]
PRIMARY TOTAL [1850 pts]
ARMY TOTAL [1850 pts]
PLAYER 4: Markus – Maxamato - Juran
ETC Primary Detachment: Codex Craftworld Eldar, Faction Eldar; Combined Arms Detachment
HQ 1: Autarch (70), Fusion Gun (10), Banshee mask (5), Laser Lance (10), Skyrunner Jetbike (15) [110pts]
Elite1: 5 Wraithguard (160), 5x D-scythe (60) [210pts] in Transport 1
Troop1: 5 Windrider (85), 5x Scatter Laser (50) [135 pts]
Troop2: 5 Windrider (85), 5x Scatter Laser (50) [135 pts]
Troop3: 3 Windrider (51), 5x Scatter Laser (30) [81 pts]
FA1: Hemlock Wraithfighter [185pts]
HS1: 6 Dark Reaper (150), 5x Starshot Missiles (40), Dark Reaper Exarch (15) – Warlord, Starshot Missiles (8) [213 pts]
HS2: Vaul's Wrath Support Battery (30), D-Cannon (25) [55 pts]
HS3: Vaul's Wrath Support Battery (30), D-Cannon (25) [55 pts]
LoW 1: Wraithknight [295 pts]
Transport1: Wave Serpent (115), Ghostwalk Matrix (10), Shuriken cannon (10) [135 pts]
ETC Secondary Detachment: Codex Dark Eldar, Faction Dark Eldar, Allied Detachment
HQ1: Archon (60), Webway Portal (35) [95 pts]
Troop1: 5x Kabalite Warrior (40) [40 pts]
ETC Secondary Detachment: Codex Inquisition, Faction Inquisition, Inquisitorial Detachment
HQ1: Ordo Xenos Inquisitor (25), 3 Servo Skulls (9) [34 pts]
Imperial Bunker (55), Ammo Store (15) [70 pts]
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers, Allies of Convenience, Desperate Allies
PLAYER 5: Mark-Lowhunter-Štokelj
ETC Primary Detachment: Codex Astra militarum, Faction Astra Militarum, Combined Arms Detachment
HQ1.1: Company Comand Squad (60) [60 pts]
HQ1.2: Ministorum Priest (25) [25 pts]
HQ1.3: Ministorum Priest (25) [25 pts]
HQ1.4: Primaris Psyker (75); Psyker lvl 2 (25) [75pts]
HQ1.5: Primaris Psyker (75); Psyker lvl 2 (25) [75pts]
HQ1.6: Primaris Psyker (75); Psyker lvl 2 (25) [75pts]
Troop1: Infantry Platoon [244pts]
-Platoon command squad (30)
-Infantry Squad (50)
-Infantry Squad (50)
-38x Conscripts (114)
Troop2: Veteran Squad (60) [60pts]
FA1: Scout Sentinel Squadron (35) [35pts]
HS2: Wyvern Battery (65); one additional Wyvern (65) [130pts]
ETC Secondary Detachment: Sanctus Reach (Red Waaagh), Faction Astra Militarum, The Steel Hoost
HQ1: Tank Comander (30); Knight Comander Pask (40), Punisher (140); Lasscanon (10), Sponsos Multi Meltas (20), Dozer Blade (5) [420pts]
-Punisher (140); Lasscanon (10), Sponsos Multi Meltas (20), Dozer Blade (5)
HS1: Leman Russ Squadron, Leman Russ Executioner (155), Plasma Cannon Sponsons (30) [185pts]
HS2: Leman Russ Squadron, Leman Russ Executioner (155), Plasma Cannon Sponsons (30) [185pts]
HS3: Leman Russ Squadron, Leman Russ Executioner (155), Plasma Cannon Sponsons (30) [185pts]
HS4: Hydra Battery (70) [70pts]
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
PLAYER 6: Žan-generalsava-Počkar
ETC Primary Detachment: Codex Grey Knights, Faction Grey Knights, Nemesis strike force
HQ1-Warlord: Librarian (110), Psyker level 3 (25) [135]
Troop1: 7x Terminators (231), Psycannon (20), 4x Nemesis force halberd (8), Nemesis Deamon hammer (10) [269]
HS1: Nemesis dreadknight (130), Personal teleporter (30), Heavy incinerator (20), Gatling psilencer (30), Nemesis Deamon hammer (5), Nemesis greatsword (10) [225]
HS2: Nemesis dreadknight (130), Personal teleporter (30), Heavy incinerator (20), Gatling psilencer (30), Nemesis Deamon hammer (5), Nemesis greatsword (10) [225]
LoW1: Kaldor Draigo [245]
ETC Secondary Detachment: Codex Imperial Knights, Faction Imperial Knights, Oathsworn Detachment
LoW1: Knight Paladin [375]
Low2: Knight Warden [375]
PRIMARY TOTAL [1099 pts]
ARMY TOTAL [1849 pts]
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers

PLAYER 7: Işık "Pizzaguardian" Belül

ETC Primary Detachment: Codex Skitarii - Codex Cult Mechanicus - Codex Imperial Knights - Adeptus Mechanicus War Convocation - Faction : Skitarii - Faction Cult Mechanicus - Faction Imperial Knight
ETC Secondary Detachment: Codex Blood Angels - Flesh Tearers Strike Force - Faction : Blood Angels
ETC Tertiary Detachment: Dataslate Officio Assasinorum - Officia Assasinorum Detachment - Faction : Officio Assasinorum

Cult Mechanicus Battle Congregation Detachment

HQ1 -Warlord: Tech Priest Dominus (105) Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land (0) Eradication Ray (0) Phosphor Serpenta (0) Digital Weapons (0) Infoslave Skull (0) Stasis Field (0) [105]

Troop 1 : 3 Kataphron Breachers (150) Torsion Cannon (0) Hydraulic Claw (0) Hydraulic Claw (0)[150]
Troop 2 : 3 Kataphron Destroyers (165) Heavy Grav-cannon (0) Heavy Grav-cannon (0) Heavy Grav-cannon (0) Cognis Flamer (0)[165]

Skitarii Battle Maniple

Troop 1 : 5 Skitarii Rangers (65) Arc Rifle (0) Arc Rifle (0) Omnispex (0) Arc Maul (0) Arc Pistol (0) Conversion Field (0) Digital Weapons (0) Pater Radium (0)[65]
Troop 2 : 10 Skitarii Vanguard (100) Plasma Caliver (0) Plasma Caliver (0) Plasma Caliver (0) Omnispex (0) The Phase Taser (0) Conversion Field (0) Digital Weapons (0) Phosphor Blast Pistol (0)[100]

Elite 1 : 5 Sicarian Infiltrators (185) Flachette Blasters and Taser Goads (0) Conversion Field (0) Digital Weapons (0) Infoslave Skull (0) Phospheonix (0)[185]
Elite 2 : 5 Sicarian Ruststalkers (160) Conversion Field (0) Digital Weapons (0) Prehensile Dataspike (0) The Skull of Elder Nikola (0)[160]

FA 1 : 2 Sydonian Dragoons (90) Phosphor Serpenta (0) Phosphor Serpenta (0)[90]

HS 1 : 1 Onager Dunecrawler (90) Icarus Array (0) Cognis Heavy Stubber (0) Cognis Manipulator (0) Mindscanner Probe (0)[90]

Imperial Knight Oathsworn Detachment

LoW 1 : Knight Warden (375) Meltagun (0) Twin Icarus Autocannon (0) [375]

ETC Secondary Detachment: Codex Blood Angels - Flesh Tearers Strike Force - Faction : Blood Angels

HQ 1 : Techmarine (50) Asupex (5) Hand Flamer (10) [65]
Troops : 5 Scouts [55]

FA1: Drop Pod [35]
FA2: Drop Pod [35]
FA3: Drop Pod [35]

ETC Tertiary Detachment: Dataslate Officio Assasinorum - Officia Assasinorum Detachment - Faction : Officio Assasinorum
Elite 1 : Culexus Assasin (140)


Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers.
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
Posts: 1353
Joined: Sun Jan 29, 2006 6:29 pm

Re: [ETC 2016] Generalna diskusija

Post by RatGod »

TEAM : Croatia


Player 1: Ivan Katic - Djuro - Team Captain

Army Name: "Blue Oyster Club"

WTC Primary Detachment: CAD Detachment - Dark Angels Faction
WTC Secondary Detachment: Formation - Dark Angels Librarius Conclave - Dark Angels Faction
WTC Tertiary Detachment: Inquisitorial Detachment

WTC Primary Detachment: CAD Detachment - Dark Angels Faction

HQ1: Dark Angels Librarian (65),Force Axe(0),Bolt pistol(0),Space Marine Bike(20),Melta Bombs(5),Additional Mastery Level(25) [115]
HQ2: Techmarine(65),Space Marine Bike(20) [85]

ELITE1: Ravenwing Command Squad (120), 3 extra black knights (120), 2xRavenwing grenade launchers(0), Ravenwing Company Banner(20) [290]

TROOP 1: Scouts Squad [55]
TROOP 2: Scouts Squad [55]

FAST ATTACK 1: Ravenwing Dark Talon [160]
FAST ATTACK 2: Ravenwing Darkshroud [80]


WTC Primary Detachment [1055]

WTC Secondary Detachment: Formation - Librarius Conclave - Dark Angels Faction

HQ1: Ezekiel [145]
HQ2: Dark Angels Librarian (65),Force Axe(0),Chainsword(0),Space Marine Bike(20),Melta Bombs(5),Additional Mastery Level(25) [115]
HQ3: Dark Angels Librarian (65),Force Axe(0),Bolt Pistol(0),Space Marine Bike(20),Melta Bombs(5),Additional Mastery Level(25) [115]
HQ4: Dark Angels Librarian (65),Force Axe(0),Bolt Pistol(0),Space Marine Bike(20),Melta Bombs(5),Additional Mastery Level(25) [115]
HQ5: Dark Angels Librarian (65),Force Axe(0),Bolt Pistol(0),Space Marine Bike(20),Melta Bombs(5),Additional Mastery Level(25) [115]

WTC Secondary Detachment [605]

WTC Tertiary Detachment: Inquisitorial Detachment

HQ1: Corteaz(yeah baby) [100]
HQ2: Ordo Xenos Inquisitor (25), Rad Grenades (15), Psychotorke Grenades (15), Liber Heresius(15) [70]

ELITE1: Inquisitorial Henchmen Warband, 2x Warrior Acolyte(8), Psyker(10) [18]

WTC Tertiary Detachment [188]

Total: [1848 pts]
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers

PLAYER 2: Igor ''Disco King'' Peršin

Army Name: "Bulging Erections"

WTC Primary Detachment: Baronial Court Formation: Imperial Knight Faction
WTC Secondary Detachment: Firebase Support Cadre Formation; Tau Faction

WTC Primary Detachment:Baronial Court Formation

LOW1: Knight Gallant (325); Warlord High Baron; Sanctuary(15)=[340]
LOW2: Knight Warden [375]
LOW3: Knight Errant [370]
LOW4: Knight Crusader [425]

WTC PrimaryDetachment [1510]

WTC Secondary Detachment Firebase Support Cadre Formation

HS1:XV88 Broadside Team (65), Early warning overide (5)= [70]
HS2:XV88 Broadside Team (65), Early warning overide (5)= [70]

ELITE: XV104 Riptide battlesuit (180), Ion Accelerator (5), Early warning overide(5)= [190]

WTC SecondaryDetachment [330]


type of alliance:Desperate Allies

PLAYER 3: Igor Krulik

ARMY NAME : "Never seen before"

WTC Primary Detachment: CAD Detachment - Tyranids Faction
WTC Secondary Detachment: Leviathan Detachment - Tyranids Faction
WTC Tertiary Detachment: Living Artillery Node formation Tyranids Faction

WTC Primary Detachment: Cad Detachment - Tyranids Faction

HQ1: (WARLORD)Hive tyrant(165), 2 x Brainleech Devourers(30), Wings(35), Electroshock Grubs(10)= 240 pts [240]

Troop 1: Genestealers x 5 [70]
Troop 2: Hormagaunts x 10, 3 extra hormagaunts (15) [65]

Elite 1: Venomthrope 45 [45]

Fast Attack 1: Harpy 135 pts [135]

HS1: Mawloc 140 [140]

WTC Primary Detachment [695]

WTC Secondary Detachment: Leviathan Detachment - Tyranids Faction

HQ 1:Hive tyrant(165), 2 x Brainleech Devourers(30), Wings(35), Electroshock Grubs(10)= 240 pts [240]
HQ 2:Hive tyrant(165), 2 x Brainleech Devourers(30), Wings(35), Electroshock Grubs(10)= 240 pts [240]
HQ 3:Hive tyrant(165), 2 x Brainleech Devourers(30), Wings(35), Electroshock Grubs(10)= 240 pts [240]

Troop 1: Mucolid Spore Cluster 15pts [15]
Troop 2: Mucolid Spore Cluster 15pts [15]
Troop 3: Mucolid Spore Cluster 15pts [15]

WTC Secondary Detachment [765]

WTC Tertiary Detachment: Living Artillery Node formation - Tyranids Faction

HS1: Exocrine 170 [170]
HS2: Biovore 40 [40]
HS3: Biovore 40 [40]
HS4: Biovore 40 [40]

Troop 1: Tyranid warriors x 3 (90), barbed strangler(10) [100]

WTC Tertiary Detachment [390]

Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers

PLAYER 4: Domagoj ''Štrebo'' Mitrović
Army Name: "Dykes on Bikes"

WTC Primary Detachment: Scarblade Strike Force Detachment Space Marines Faction Kauyon Supplement
WTC Secondary Detachment: Blood Angels Allied Detachment Blood Angels Faction

WTC Primary Detachment: Scarblade Strike Force Detachment; Space Marines faction; Kauyon Suplement

Core Choice: Formation Hunting Force
HQ1: WARLORD Captain (90), Space Marine Bike(20),Artificier Armour(20),Power Lance(15) [145]
Troop1:Bike Squad 3 bikes, 7 extra bikes (147)[210]
Troop2:Bike Squad 3 bikes, Melta gunx2(20) [83]
FA1:Attack Bike Squad 1 bike, Multi melta(10) [50]
FA2:Scout Bike Squad 3 bikes, Melta bombs(5) [59]

Auxiliary Choice:Formation Speartip Strike
FA3: Land Speeder Squadron 1 ls, heavy bolter [45]
FA4: Attack Bike Squad 1 bike [40]
FA5:Attack Bike Squad 1 bike [40]
Command Choices:
Formation Librarius Conclave 1
HQ2: Librarian (65),Force Axe(0),Bolt Pistol(0),Space Marine Bike(20),Melta Bombs(5),Additional Mastery Level(25) [115]
HQ3: Librarian (65),Force Axe(0),Bolt Pistol(0),Space Marine Bike(20),Melta Bombs(5),Additional Mastery Level(25) [115]
HQ4: Librarian (65),Force Axe(0),Bolt Pistol(0),Space Marine Bike(20),Melta Bombs(5),Additional Mastery Level(25) [115]
Formation Librarius Conclave 2
HQ5: Librarian (65),Force Axe(0),Bolt Pistol(0),Space Marine Bike(20),Melta Bombs(5),Additional Mastery Level(25) [115]
HQ6: Librarian (65),Force Axe(0),Bolt Pistol(0),Space Marine Bike(20),Melta Bombs(5),Additional Mastery Level(25) [115]
HQ7: Librarian (65),Force Axe(0),Bolt Pistol(0),Space Marine Bike(20),Melta Bombs(5),Additional Mastery Level(25) [115]
Formation Librarius Conclave 3:
HQ8: Librarian (65),Force Axe(0),Bolt Pistol(0),Space Marine Bike(20),Melta Bombs(5),Additional Mastery Level(25) [115]
HQ9: Librarian (65),Force Axe(0),Bolt Pistol(0),Space Marine Bike(20),Melta Bombs(5),Additional Mastery Level(25) [115]
HQ10:Librarian (65),Force Axe(0),Bolt Pistol(0),Space Marine Bike(20),Melta Bombs(5),Additional Mastery Level(25) [115]

WTC PrimaryDetachment [1707]

WTC Secondary Detachment :Blood Angels Allied Detachment
HQ1: Sanguinary Priest(60), Space Marine Bike(20),Melta bomb(5)[85]
Troop1: Scout Squad [55]

WTC Secondary Detachment [140]

Total: [1847 pts]
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers


PLAYER 5: Ivan "Bobo" Belačić

ARMY NAME: "Ebony and Ivory"
WTC Primary Detachment: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Eldar
WTC Secondary Detachment: Craftworld Warhost - Codex: Eldar Craftworlds Aspect host
WTC Tertiary Detachment: Allied Detachment Codex: Dark Eldar

WTC Primary Detachment:
Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Eldar

HQ (Warlord) - Farseer (100), Skyrunner (15), Spirit Stone of Anath’lan (15) - [130 pts]

Elite: 5 Wraithguard (160), D-Scythe (50) - [210 pts]

Troop1: 5 Windrider (51+2x17=85), 5 scatter laser (5x10=50) - [135 pts]
Troop2: 5 Windrider (51+2x17=85), 5 scatter laser (5x10=50) - [135 pts]
Troop3: 5 Windrider (51+2x17=85), 5 scatter laser (5x10=50) - [135 pts]
Troop4: 5 Windrider (51+2x17=85), 5 scatter laser (5x10=50) - [135 pts]

Heavy Support: Nightspinner - [100 pts]

LOW: Wraithknight, Ghostglaive and Scattershield - [295 pts]

WTC Primary Detachment [1275]

WTC Secondary Detachment:

Aspect host:
+1 Ballistic skill
Fast attack1: 5 Warp Spiders (19x5=95), Exarch (10) - [105 pts]
Fast attack2: 6 Swooping Hawks (16x6=96), Exarch (10) - [106 pts]

Heavy Support: 5 Dark Reapers (25x5=125), Exarch (15) - [140 pts]

WTC Secondary Detachment[351]

WTC Tertiary Detachment:
Allied Detachment Codex: Dark Eldar

HQ : Archon (60), Armour of Misery (15), Webway portal (35) - [110 pts]

Troop: 5 Dark Eldar Warriors (5x8=40) - [40 pts]

Fast attack: Raider (55), Nightshield (15) - [70p]

WTC Tertiary Detachment [220]

ARMY TOTAL [1846 pts]

Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers


Player 6: Lyzz Foster - Ms_Daemonette -

ARMY NAME: "Look a Girl"
WTC Primary Detachment: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex Chaos Deamons
WTC Secondary Detachment: Allied Detachment - Codex: Chaos Space Marines

WTC Primary Detachment: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex Chaos Deamons

HQ 1 - Warlord: Kairos Fateweaver [300 pts]
HQ 2-1: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25) - [120 pts]
HQ 2-2: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25) - [120 pts]
HQ 2-3: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Exalted Reward (30) - [150 pts]

Troop 1: 11x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (99), Icon of Chaos (10) [109 pts]
Troop 2: 11x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (99), [99 pts]

FA 1: 8x Screamer of Tzeentch [200 pts]
FA 2: 7x Screamer of Tzeentch [175 pts]
FA 3: 7x Screamer of Tzeentch [175 pts]

WTC Primary Detachment [1448 pts]

WTC Secondary Detachment: Allied Detachment - Codex: Chaos Space Marines

HQ: Belakor [350 pts]

Troop1: 10 cultist [50pts]

WTC Secondary Detachment [400 pts]

ARMY TOTAL [1848 pts]

Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers

PLAYER 7: Borna- BoZz- Bratanić

ETC Primary Detachment: Codex Khorne Daemonkin, Blood host Detachment


HQ1: Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage [275]


HQ2 - Warlord: Chaos Lord (75) Axe of khorne(30) Goredrinker(30), Juggernaut of Khorne(45) Sigil of corruption(25) [205]

ELITES 1: 5X Possessed [150]

Troop 1: 8 Bloodletters, bloodreaper(5) [85]
Troop 2: 8 Bloodletters, bloodreaper(5) [85]
Troop 3: 8 Cultists [58]
Troop 4: 8 Cultists [58]

FA1: 3 Chaos spawn [96]


FA1: 5 Flesh hounds[80]
FA2: 5 Flesh hounds[80]
FA3: 4 Chaos bikers(98) Melta gun(10), Melta gun(10) [118]
FA:4 4 Chaos bikers(98) Melta gun(10), Melta gun(10) [118]

HS1:Soul Grinder,(135) Warp gaze(25) [160]
HS2:Maulerfiend(130), Lasher Tendrils(10)[140]
HS3:Maulerfiend(130), Lasher Tendrils(10)[140]

Type Of Alliance: None.
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
Posts: 1353
Joined: Sun Jan 29, 2006 6:29 pm

Re: [ETC 2016] Generalna diskusija

Post by RatGod »

TEAM : Spain
PLAYER 1: Julián Piriz (Saulion) - Captain
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Hunter contingent - Codex: Tau empire - Faction: Tau empire
PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Hunter Contingent Core Formation1: Hunter cadre

HQ 1 - Warlord: Tau Commander (85) Crisis "Iridium" Battlesuit(25) Drone controller (8) [118 pts]

Troop 1: 10x Kroot carnivores [60 pts] Troop 2: 10x Kroot carnivores [60 pts] Troop 3: 5x Strike Team [45 pts]

Elite 1: 3xCrisis Battlesuit (66) 3x2 Missile pod (90) [156 pts] FA 1: 4xDrones [56 pts]

HS1: 3xBroadsides Balltlesuit(195) 3xEarly warning override (15) [210 pts]

HS2: 3xBroadsides Balltlesuit(195) 3xEarly warning override (15) [210 pts]

Auxiliary Formation 1: Retaliation Cadre

HQ 2: 1x Tau Commander(85) Drone controller (8) Puretide Engram Neurochip (15) Command and Control Node (15) Multi-spectruim sensor suite(20) 2x Marker drones (24)[167 pts] Elite2: 3xCrisis Battlesuit (66) 3x2 Missile pod (90) 3x Target Lock 15) [171pts]

Elite3:3xCrisis Battlesuit (66) 3x2 Cyclic Ion Blaster (90) 1 Target Lock (5)[161pts]

Elite4: 1xCrisis Battlesuit (22) 2 Flammer (10) [32 pts]

Elite5: 1xReptide Battlesuit (180) Fusion Blaster(0) Ion Accelerator(5) warning override(5) [190pts]

HS3: 3xBroadsides Balltlesuit(195) 3xEarly warning override (15) [210 pts]

PRIMARY TOTAL [1846 pts]
ARMY TOTAL [1846 pts]

PLAYER 2: Miguel Angel Alvarez (Mike)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Necron Decurion Detachment - Codex: Necrons - Faction: Necrons
ARMY NAME: "HarvestFest!!"

Core: Reclamation Legion

HQ 1 - Warlord: Nemesor Zahndrekh [150 pts] Troop 1: 10x Necron Warriors [130 pts] Troop 2: 10x Necron Warriors [130 pts] Troop 3: 6x Necron Inmortals, Gauss Blaster [102 pts] FA 1: 4x Tomb Blades (72), 4x Twin Linked Gauss Blaster, 4x Nebuloscope (8), 4x Shield Vanes (8) [88 pts] FA 2: 4x Tomb Blades (72), 4x Twin Linked Gauss Blaster, 4x Nebuloscope (8), 4x Shield Vanes (8) [88 pts]

Auxiliary 1: Canoptek Harvest
FA3: 3x Canoptek Scarabs [60 pts]
FA4: 3x Canoptek Wraiths (120), 2x Whip Coils (6) [126 pts]
HS1: Canoptek Spyder [50 pts]

Auxiliary 2: Canoptek Harvest
FA5: 3x Canoptek Scarabs [60 pts]
FA6: 3x Canoptek Wraiths (120), 2x Whip Coils (6) [126 pts]
HS2: Canoptek Spyder [50 pts]

Auxiliary 3: Canoptek Harvest
FA7: 3x Canoptek Scarabs [60 pts]
FA8: 3x Canoptek Wraiths [120 pts]
HS3: Canoptek Spyder [50 pts]

Auxiliary 4: Canoptek Harvest
FA9: 3x Canoptek Scarabs [60 pts]
FA10: 3x Canoptek Wraiths [120 pts]
HS4: Canoptek Spyder [50 pts]

Auxiliary 5: Canoptek Harvest
FA1: 3x Canoptek Scarabs [60 pts]
FA2: 3x Canoptek Wraiths [120 pts]
HS5: Canoptek Spyder [50 pts]

PRIMARY TOTAL [1850 pts] ARMY TOTAL [1850 pts]


PLAYER 3: Gabriel Fernández (Draven)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Dark Angels - Faction: Dark Angels
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT 1: Company of the Great Wolf Detachment - Codex: Champions of Fenris - Faction: Space Wolves
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT 2: Inquisitorial Detachment - Codex: Inquisition - Faction: Inquisition
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT 3: Nemesis Strike Force - Codex: Grey Knights - Faction: Grey Knights

HQ 1: Librarian (65), Psyker level 2 (25), Jet Pack (15), Force Axe (0) - [105]
TROOP 1: Scout Squad (55), 5 x Bolter (0) [55]
TROOP 2: Scout Squad (55), 5 x Bolter (0) [55]

ELITE 1: Ravenwing Command Squad (120), 2 additional Ravenwing Black Knights (80), 4x Plasma Talons (0), Apothecary (30) with Ravenwing Company Banner (20) and Ravenwing Grenade Launcher (0) - [250]

FA 1: Ravenwing Darkshroud (80) - [80] FA 2: Ravenwing Darkshroud (80) - [80]

LOW1: Azrael (Warlord) (215) - [215]


HQ 2: Rune Priest (60), Space Marine Bike (20), Rune Axe (0) - [80]

ELITE 2: Iron Priest (55), Thunderwolf (50), 4x Cyberwolves (60), Bolt Pistol (0) - [165]
ELITE 3: Iron Priest (55), Thunderwolf (50), 4x Cyberwolves (60), Bolt Pistol (0) - [165]
ELITE 4: Iron Priest (55), Thunderwolf (50), 3x Cyberwolves (45), Bolt Pistol (0) - [150]
ELITE 5: Iron Priest (55), Thunderwolf (50), 3x Cyberwolves (45), Bolt Pistol (0) - [150]


HQ 3: Ordo Xenos Inquisitor (25), Rad Grenades (15), Psychotroke Grenades (15) - [55]


HQ 4: Librarian (110), Psyker level 3 (25), Nemesis Warding Stave (0) - [135]

TROOP 1: Strike Squad (110) - [110]




ARMY TOTAL [1850] Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers


PLAYER 4: Oriol Valls (Vettel)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Gladius strike force - Codex: Space Marines - Faction: White scars

ARMY NAME: "+575"

Core Formation 1: Battle demi-company

HQ 1: warlord: Kor'sarro khan [125 pts]

Troop 1: Tactical Squad (70) Meltagun (10) Combi-melta (10) [90 pts] in Transport #1
Troop 2: Tactical Squad (70) Meltagun (10) Combi-melta (10) [90 pts] in Transport #2
Troop 3: Tactical Squad (70) Meltagun (10) Combi-melta (10) [90 pts] in Transport #3

Elite 1: command Squad [90 pts] in Transport #4
Elite 2: Dreadnoughts [100 pts] in Transport #5

FA 1: Assault Squad (70) 2 flamers (10) [80 pts] in Transport #6

HS 1: Devastator Squad (70) 2 Multi-melta (20) [90 pts] in Transport #7

Transport 1: Drop Pod [0]
Transport 2: Drop Pod [0]
Transport 3: Razorback [0]
Transport 4: Razorback [0]
Transport 5: Drop Pod [0]
Transport 6: Drop Pod [0]
Transport 7: Rhino [0]

Core Formation 2: Battle demi-company

HQ 2: Chaplain (90), The Haunter's Eye (20) [110 pts]

Troop 4: Tactical Squad (70) Meltagun (10) Combi-melta (10) [90 pts] in Transport #8
Troop 5: Tactical Squad (70) Meltagun (10) Combi-melta (10) [90 pts] in Transport #9
Troop 6: Tactical Squad (70) Meltagun (10) [80 pts] in Transport #10

Elite 2: Dreadnought [100 pts] in Transport #11

FA 2: Assault Squad (70) 2 flamers (10) [80 pts] in Transport #12

HS 2: Devastator Squad (70) 4 Heavy bolter (40) [110 pts] in Transport #13

Transport 8: Razorback [0]
Transport 9: Razorback [0]
Transport 10: Razorback [0]
Transport 11: Drop Pod [0]
Transport 12: Drop Pod [0]
Transport 13: Razorback [0]

Auxiliary Formation 1: Storm Wing

HS3: Stormraven gunship (200), twin -linked assault cannon (0), twin-linked multi-melta (0), extra armour (5) [205pts]

FA 4: Stormtalon gunship (110) , Skyhammer missile launcher (5) [115pts]
FA 5: Stormtalon gunship (110) , Skyhammer missile launcher (5) [115pts]



PLAYER 5: Koldo Gonzalez
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Eldar Craftworlds - Faction: Eldar
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Aspect Host - Codex: Eldar Craftworlds – Faction: Eldar
ARMY NAME: "Scatter Powa"


HQ 1 - Warlord: Autarch (70), Skyrunner (15) and Melta Gun (10) [95]

HQ 2-Farseer (100), Skyrunner(15), Witchlance (5), Remmants of Glory "The Spirit Stone of Anath'lan" (15) [135]

Troops 1 - 5 Windraiders (85) with 5 Scatter lasers (50) [135]

Troops 2 - 5 Windraiders (85) with 5 Scatter lasers (50) [135]

Troops 3 - 5 Windraiders (85) with 5 Scatter lasers (50) [135]

Troops 4 - 5 Windraiders (85) with 5 Scatter lasers (50) [135]

Troops 5 - 5 Windraiders (85) with 5 Scatter lasers (50) [135]

Troops 6 - 5 Windraiders (85) with 4 Scatter lasers (40) [125]

FA 1 - 5 Warp spiders (95), Exarch (10) [105 pts]

LoW1: Wraithknight, two Wraithcannons (0) and 2 scatter lasers (30) [325]

FORTIFICATION: Skyshield Landing Pad (75) [75 pts]


FA 2 - 5 Warp spiders (95), Exarch (10) [105 pts]

FA 3 - 5 Warp spiders (95), Exarch (10) [105 pts]

FA 4 - 5 Warp spiders (95), Exarch (10) [105 pts]

Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers

PRIMARY TOTAL [1535 pts]

ARMY TOTAL [1850 pts]

PLAYER 6: Daniel García (Soymonster)

ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Adeptus Mechanicus war convocation - Codex: Cult Mechanicus – skitarii – imperial knigths - Faction: Cult Mechanicus – skitarii – imperial knigths
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT 1: Flesh Tearers Strike Force Detachment - Codex: Shield of Baal - Faction: Blood Angels

HQ 1: WARLORD - Tech Priest Dominus(Mechanicus)(105), Eradication Ray(0), phosphor Serpenta (0), digital weapons (0), Info Slave Skull (0), conversion field (0), the Scryerskull perspicatus (0) - [105]
TROOP 1: Kataphron Destroyer(Mechanicus)(165),3 heavy grav cannon (0), 3 cognis flamer (0) [165]
TROOP 2: Kataphron Destroyer(Mechanicus)(165),3 heavy grav cannon (0), 3 cognis flamer (0) [165]

TROOP 3: Kataphron Breachers(Mechanicus)(150),3 Hydraulic Claw (0) [150]

TROOP 4: Skitarii Vanguard(Skitarii)(55),Omnispex(0), 2 plasma caliver(0), Vanguard Alpha: Conversion field(0),, arc maul(0),, digital weapons(0),, the skull of elder nikola (0) [55]
TROOP 5: Skitarri Rangers(Skitarii)(65), Omnispex(0), 2 plasma caliver (0), Vanguard Alpha: Conversion field(0), arc maul(0), digital weapons(0), phosphoenix (0), [65]

ELITE 1: Sicarian Rustalkers(Skitarii)(160), princeps: prehensile dataspike (0), conversion field(0), pattern radium (0), digital weapons (0) - [160]

ELITE 2: Sicarian Infiltrators(Skitarii) (185), flechette blasters and tasers goads(0) Princeps : Infloslave skull (0), digital weapons(0), conversion field(0), the omniniscent mask (0) - [185]

FA 1: Sydonian Dragoon(Skitarii) (45), Phospor serpent(0) - [45]

HS1: Onager Dunecrawler(Skitarii)(90), Icarus Array(0) cognis heavy stubber(0) mindscanner probe(0) cognis manipulator(0) - [90]

LoW1: Knigth Warden (375) , stormspear rocket pod (0) [375]


HQ 2: Techmarine (50), auspex (5) - [55]

TROOP 4: Scout Squad(55), sergeant: Melta bombs(5) [60]

FA 2: Drop Pod (35) - [35]

FA 3: Drop Pod (35) - [35]

FA 4: Drop Pod (35) - [35]

FA 5: Drop Pod (35) - [35]

FA 6: Drop Pod (35) – [35]


ARMY TOTAL [1850] Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
Posts: 1353
Joined: Sun Jan 29, 2006 6:29 pm

Re: [ETC 2016] Generalna diskusija

Post by RatGod »


PLAYER 1 ( Cap): Manuel "manolo - manol Druss - El liberator - Turgescent Leader - Protector Maximus - Biggest White Skark Of ancient times" - LUCAS-CANTOS

ETC Primary Detachment: CAD Codex Tyranids . Faction Tyranids
ETC Secondary Detachment: Codex Tyranids, Campaignbook Shield of Baal: Leviathan - Hivefleet Detachment. Faction Tyranids
Type of Alliance : Battle Brothers


HQ1 - Warlord: Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), twin-linked Devourer w/ Brainleech Worms (15), twin-linked Devourer w/ Brainleech Worms (15), Thorax Weapon: Electroshock Grubs (10) [240]
HQ2 - Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), twin-linked Devourer w/ Brainleech Worms (15), twin-linked Devourer w/ Brainleech Worms (15), Thorax Weapon: Electroshock Grubs (10) [240]

Troops1 : Mucolid Spore - [15pts]
Troops2 : Mucolid Spore - [15pts]
Troops3 : Mucolid Spore - [15pts]

Fortification: Imperial Bastion (75), Comms Relay (20) [95 pts]


HQ3 : Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 TL Devourer with Brainleech Worm (2x15), Electroshok Grubs (10) - [240pts]
HQ4 : Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 TL Devourer with Brainleech Worm (2x15), Electroshok Grubs (10) - [240pts]
HQ5 : Hive Tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2 TL Devourer with Brainleech Worm (2x15), Electroshok Grubs (10) - [240pts]

Troops4 : Mucolid Spore - [15pts]
Troops5 : Mucolid Spore - [15pts]
Troops6 : Mucolid Spore - [15pts]

Elite1: Venomthrope [45]

Heavy Support1: Mawloc [140]
Heavy Support2: Mawloc [140]
Heavy Support3: Mawloc [140]

TOTAL : 1850 pts

PLAYER 2 : Jean-Vincent "JV The loose - Plane Lover" Gérard.

ETC Primary Detachment: Codex Necron.

Reclamation Legion Formation:
HQ1 - Warlord: Zandhrek [150] - (LOW) -

Troop1: 10x Warriors [130]
Troop2: 10x Warriors [130]
Troop3: 5x Immortals, Gauss Blaster [85]

FA1: 7x Tomb Blades(126),TL gauss blaster(0) 6x Shieldvanes(14), 7x Nebuloscope(14) [152]
FA2: 7x Tomb Blades(126),TL gauss blaster(0) 6x Shieldvanes(14), 7x Nebuloscope(14) [152]

Canoptek Harvest
FA 4: 6xWraiths (6x40=240) [240 pts]
FA 5: 3x Canoptek Scarabs (3x20=60) - [60 pts]
HA 1: Canoptek Spyder (50) [50 pts]

Canoptek Harvest
FA 4: 6xWraiths (6x40=240) [240 pts]
FA 5: 3x Canoptek Scarabs (3x20=60) - [60 pts]
HA 1: Canoptek Spyder (50) [50 pts]

Canoptek Harvest
FA 4: 6xWraiths (6x40=240) [240 pts]
FA 5: 3x Canoptek Scarabs (3x20=60) - [60 pts]
HA 1: Canoptek Spyder (50) [50 pts]

Fortification: N/A
TOTAL : 1849 pts
PLAYER 3 : Olohmë, number ouane for ever, Turgescent Champion,

ETC PRIMARY DETACHMENT : Faction Imperial Knight - Detachment Household
ETC SECONDARY DETACHMENT : Combined Army Detachment Craftworlds
Type of Alliance : Allies of convenience

Low 1 : IK Warden (375) Sanctuary (15) melta (5) Warlord [395]
Low 2 : IK Crusader [425]
Low 3 : IK Paladin [375]


HQ 1: Farseer (100) Skyrunner (15) [115]

TROOPS 1 : 3 Windriders [51]
TROOPS 2 : 3 Windriders [51]
TROOPS 3 : 3 Windriders [51]
TROOPS 4 : 3 Windriders [51]

Low 4 : Wraithknight (295) 2xHeavy wraithcannon (0) 2xStarcannon (40) [335]

Fortification: N/A

TOTAL : 1849 pts
PLAYER 4 : Sébastien "ArC_AnGe " (aka Necronseb aka Topgun aka Le sillure) Jeoffroy

ETC Primary Detachment : Codex Dark Angels, Faction Dark Angel
ETC Secondary detachment: Dataslate Conclave Dark Angel, faction Dark Angel
ETC Tertiary Detachment: Champions of Fenriss : Company of the Great Wolf , Faction Space Wolf
ETC Quaternary Detachment: Inquisitorial detachment, faction inquisition
Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers.

ETC Primary Detachment : Codex Dark Angels, Faction Dark Angel
HQ1 : - Warlord -Samael [200]
FA1 : Darkshroud [80]
FA2 : Darkshroud [80]
EL1 : Ravenwing command squad(120), 1 extra member(40) [210]
EL1a: apothecary(30)
EL1b: ravenwing standard(20)

ETC Secondary detachment: Dataslate Conclave Dark Angel, faction Dark Angel
HQ2: Ezekiel [145]
HQ3: Librarian(65), lvl2(25), bike(20), force axe(0), melta bomb(5), combigrav(10), auspex(5) [130]
HQ4: Librarian(65), lvl2(25), bike(20), force axe(0), melta bomb(5), combigrav(10) [125]
HQ5: Librarian(65), lvl2(25), bike(20), force axe(0), melta bomb(5), combigrav(10) [125]

ETC Tertiary Detachment: Champions of Fenriss : Company of the Great Wolf , Faction Space Wolf
HQ6 : Wolf Lord (105), Thunderwolf (50), Runic Armor(20), Wolf Claws (20), Powerfist (25), Feelclaw’s teeth (15), 2 fenrissians wolves(2x8) [251]
HQ7: Wolf Lord (105), Thunderwolf (50), Runic Armor(20), stormshield(15), krakenbone sword(35), melta bomb(5), 2 fenrissians wolves(2x8) [246]
HQ8: Rune priest(60), bike(20),lvl2(25), runic axe(0), runic armor(25), meltabomb(5) [135]
Elite2 : servitor [10]
Elite3 : servitor [10]

ETC Quaternary Detachment: Inquisitorial detachment, faction inquisition
HQ9: Coteaz [100]

Fortification: N/A
TOTAL : 1847pts

PLAYER 5 : Florian "Yrian" L.

Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers

[Hunter Cadre]

HQ1: Commander (85), Drone Controller ( 8 ), Neuroweb System Jammer (2), Command and Control Node (15), Multi-Spectrum Sensor Suite (20), Puretide Engram Neuroship (15), Vectored Retro-Thrusters (5), XV8-02 Crisis 'Iridium' Battlesuit (25), 2 MV7 Marker Drones (24) : [199] Warlord
TROOP1 : Kroots (60), hound (5) : [65]
TROOP2 : Kroots (60), hound (5) : [65]
TROOP3 : Kroots (60), hound (5) : [65]
ELITE1: [164]
ELITE1a : XV-8 Crisis (22), 2 Missiles Pods (30), Target lock (5), 2 MV7 Marker Drones (24) : [82]
ELITE1b : XV-8 Crisis (22), 2 Missiles Pods (30), Target lock (5), 2 MV7 Marker Drones (24) : [82]
FASTATTACK1 : 4 Pathfinders (44) : [44]
HEAVYSUPPORT1 : KV-128 Stromsurge (360), Pulse Driver Cannon (15), Early Warning Override (5), Velocity Tracker (20), twin-linked Airbursting Fragmentation Projector (5), Smart Missiles System (0) : [405]

[Optimised Stealth Cadre]

ELITE2 : [453]
ELITE2a : Ghostkeel Sh'avre (130), cyclic ion raker (0), twin-linked Fusion Blaster (10), Early Warning Override (5), Target lock (5), 2 Stealth drones (0), BKR (1) : [151]
ELITE2b : Ghostkeel Sh'avre (130), cyclic ion raker (0), twin-linked Fusion Blaster (10), Early Warning Override (5), Target lock (5), 2 Stealth drones (0), BKR (1) : [151]
ELITE2c : Ghostkeel Sh'avre (130), cyclic ion raker (0), twin-linked Fusion Blaster (10), Early Warning Override (5), Positionnal Relay (5), 2 Stealth drones (0), BKR (1) : [151]
ELITE3 : [100]
ELITE3a : XV25- Stealth (30) : [30]
ELITE3b : XV25- Stealth (30) : [30]
ELITE3c : XV25- Stealth (30), Fusion Blaster (5), Target lock (5) : [40]
ELITE4 : [100]
ELITE4a : XV25- Stealth (30) : [30]
ELITE4b : XV25- Stealth (30) : [30]
ELITE4c : XV25- Stealth (30), Fusion Blaster (5), Target lock (5) : [40]


HQ1 : Ethereal (50) : [50]

TROOP1 : 5 breachers (45) : [45]

HQ1 : Ethereal (50) : [50]

TROOP1 : 5 breachers (45) : [45]

FORTIFICATION : Bastion (75), Comms Relay (20) : [95]


TOTAL : [1850]


PLAYER 6: Pierre – chtiofonce (le blond) - Griffoin

ETC Primary Detachment: Codex Adeptus Astartes: Space Marines, Faction Space Marines, White Scars Chapter Tactics – Gladius Strike Force


HQ 1: Kor'sarro khan [125 pts]

Troop 1: Tactical Squad (70) Meltagun (10) Combi-melta (10) melta-bombs (5) Chainsword (0) [95 pts] in Transport #1
Troop 2: Tactical Squad (70) Meltagun (10) Combi-melta (10) melta-bombs (5) Chainsword (0)[95 pts] in Transport #2
Troop 3: Tactical Squad (70) Grav-cannon and Grav-Amp (35) Chainsword (0) [105 pts] in Transport #3

Elite 1: Ironclad Dreadnought (135), Hurricane Bolter (0), Heavy Flamer (0) [135 pts] in Transport #4
FA 1: Assault Squad (70) flamer (5) melta-bombs (5) [80 pts] in Transport #5
HS 1: Devastator Squad (70) 2x Grav-cannon and Grav-Amp (70) Chainsword (0) [105 pts] in Transport #6

Transport #1: Drop Pod [0]
Transport #2: Razorback, Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (20), Dozer Blade (5) [25]
Transport #3: Razorback, Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (20) [20]
Transport #4: Drop Pod [0]
Transport #5: Razorback, Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (20) [20]
Transport #6: Rhino, Dozer Blade (5) [5]


***WARLORD*** HQ 2: Chaplain (90), Combi-Gravgun (10), Auspex (5), Eye of the Unseen (20) [125 pts]

Troop 4: Tactical Squad (70) Grav-cannon and Grav-Amp (35) Chainsword (0) [105 pts] in Transport #7
Troop 5: Tactical Squad (70) Grav-cannon and Grav-Amp (35) Chainsword (0) [105 pts] in Transport #8
Troop 6: Tactical Squad (70) Grav-cannon and Grav-Amp (35) Chainsword (0) [105 pts] in Transport #9

Elite 2: Ironclad Dreadnought (135), Hurricane Bolter (0) [135 pts] in Transport #10
FA 2: Assault Bike (40) Multi-melta (10) [50 pts]
HS 2 Devastator Squad (70) 4x Missile Launchers (40) Chainsword (0) [110 pts] in Transport #11

Transport 7: Razorback, Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (20) [20]
Transport 8: Razorback, Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (20), Dozer Blade (5) [25]
Transport 9: Razorback, Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (20), Dozer Blade (5) [25]
Transport 10: Drop Pod [0]
Transport 11: Razorback, Twin-Linked Assault Cannon (20) [20]


FA 3 : Land Speeder (45), Heavy Flamer (0) [45]
HS 3 : 2x Whirlwinds (65), Dozer Blade (5) [135]

TOTAL : 1850pts


WTC Primary Detachment: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex Chaos Deamons
WTC Secondary Detachment: Allied Detachment - Codex: Chaos Space Marines

Primary Detachment:

HQ 1 - Warlord: Kairos Fateweaver [300 pts]
HQ 2-1: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Exalted Reward (30) - [150 pts]
HQ 2-2: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 3 (50), Exalted Reward (30) - [125 pts]
HQ 2-3: Herald of Khorne (55), Juggernaut of Khorne(45), Lesser Rewards (10), Greater Rewards (20) - [130 pts]

Troop 1: 11x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (99) - [99 pts]
Troop 2: 10x Pink Horrors of Tzeentch (90) - [90 pts]

FA 1: 9x Screamer of Tzeentch [225 pts]
FA 2: 16x Flesh Hounds of Khorne [256 pts]

Skyshield - [75]

[1450 pts]

Secondary Detachment:

HQ: Belakor [350 pts]

Troop1: 10 cultist [50pts]

[400 pts]

Total [1850 pts]
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
Posts: 1353
Joined: Sun Jan 29, 2006 6:29 pm

Re: [ETC 2016] Generalna diskusija

Post by RatGod »

Team London
PLAYER 1: Colm – Cheeserino – McCarthy
ETC Primary Detachment: Codex: Eldar Craftworlds, Craftworld Warhost
HQ 1: Farseer (100); Skyrunner (15) Spirit Stone of Anath’lan (15) [130] (WARLORD)
HQ 2: Warlock (35); Skyrunner (15) [50]
Troop 1: Windriders (51); Additional Windrider (17) 4 Scatterlasers (4x10=40) [108]
Troop 2: Windriders (51); 3 Scatterlasers (3x10=30) [81]
Troop 3: Windriders (51); 3 Scatterlasers (3x10=30) [81]
Fast 1: Vyper [40]
Fast 2: Warp Spiders (95); Exarch Upgrade (10) [105]
Fast 3: Warp Spiders (95); Exarch Upgrade (10) [105]
Fast 4: Warp Spiders (95); Exarch Upgrade (10) [105]
Fast 5: Warp Spiders (95); Exarch Upgrade (10) [105]
Fast 6: Warp Spiders (95); Exarch Upgrade (10) [105]
Fast 7: Warp Spiders (95); Exarch Upgrade (10) [105]
Fast 8: Warp Spiders (95); Exarch Upgrade (10) [105]
Fast 9: Warp Spiders (95); Exarch Upgrade (10) [105]
Fast 10: Warp Spiders (95); Exarch Upgrade (10) [105]
Fast 11: Warp Spiders (95); Exarch Upgrade (10) [105]
Fast 12: Swooping Hawks (80); Exarch (10) Additional Swooping Hawk (16) [106]
Fast 13: Swooping Hawks (80); Exarch (10) Additional Swooping Hawk (16) [106]
HQ 3: Autarch (70); Skyrunner (15) Laser Lance (10) [95]
Fortification: n/a
PLAYER 2: Tom – Kojak - Carr
ETC Primary Detachment: Codex Adeptus Astartes: Space Marines, Faction Space Marines, Iron Hands Chapter Tactics – Gladius Strike Force
HQ1: Warlord: Chaplain [90] (WARLORD)
Elite1: Command Squad (90) 3 Melta-guns (3x10=30) [120] in Transport 1
Fast1: 5 Assault Marines (70) 2 Flamers (2x5=10) [80] in Transport 2
Troop1: 5 Tactical Marines (70) Melta-gun (10) [80] in Transport 3
Troop2: 5 Tactical Marines (70) Melta-gun (10) [80] in Transport 4
Troop3: 5 Tactical Marines (70) Melta-gun (10) [80] in Transport 5
HS1: 5 Devastators [70] in Transport 6
Transport1: Drop Pod [0]
Transport2: Drop Pod [0]
Transport3: Drop Pod [0]
Transport4: Drop Pod [0]
Transport5: Drop Pod [0]
Transport6: Drop Pod [0]
HQ2 – Captain [90]
Elite2: Command Squad (90) 3 Melta-guns (3x10=30) [120] in Transport 7
Fast2: 5 Assault Marines (70) 2 Flamers (2x5=10) [80] in Transport 8
Troop4: 5 Tactical Marines (70) Melta-gun (10) [80] in Transport 9
Troop5: 5 Tactical Marines (70) Melta-gun (10) [80] in Transport 10
Troop6: 5 Tactical Marines (70) Melta-gun (10) [80] in Transport 11
HS2: 5 Devastators [70] in Transport 12
Transport7: Drop Pod [0]
Transport8: Drop Pod [0]
Transport9: Drop Pod [0]
Transport10: Drop Pod [0]
Transport11: Drop Pod [0]
Transport12: Drop Pod [0]
Troop7: 5 Scouts (55) Boltguns (-) [55]
Troop8: 5 Scouts (55) Boltguns (-) [55]
Troop9: 5 Scouts (55) Boltguns (-) [55]
WTC Secondary Detachment: Codex Adeptus Astartes: Space Marines, Faction Space Marines, White Scars Chapter Tactics, Kauyon Detachment – Allied Detachment
HQ3: Librarian (65) Force Axe (-) The Hunter’s Eye (20) [85]
Troop10: 5 Tactical Marines (70) Meltagun (10) [80]
Fast3: Drop Pod (35)
HS3: 3 Centurion Devastators (165) 3 Grav-cannon and Grav-amp (75) Omniscope (10) [250]
WTC Tertiary Detachment: Codex Inquisition, Inquisitorial Detachment
HQ4: Ordo Xenos Inquisitor (25) 3 Servo Skulls (3x3 = 9) [34]
Fortification: n/a
Type of Alliance: Battle Brothers
PLAYER 3: Sohail – TenDex – Madadi
WTC Primary Detachment: Codex: Dark Angels, Combined Arms Detachment
HQ 1: Librarian (65); Mastery Level 2 (25) Force Stave (-) Space Marine Bike (20) [110]
Troop 1: Scouts (55); Sniper Rifles (5) [60]
Troop 2: Scouts [55]
Elite 1: Ravenwing Command Squad (120); Apothecary (30) Additional Black Knight (40) 3 Plasma Talons (0) Grenade Launcher (0) [190]
LOW 1: Azrael [215] (WARLORD)
WTC Secondary Detachment: Codex: Space Wolves / Champions of Fenris Supplement, Unleash The Wolves
HQ 2: Wolf Guard Battle Leader (50); Thunderwolf Mount (50) Runic armour (25) Stormshield (15) Power Fist (25) [165]
HQ 3: Rune Priest (60); Master Level 2 (25) Force Axe (-) Space Marine Bike (20) [105]
Elite 2: Iron Priest (55); Thunderwolf Mount (50) 3 Cyberwolves (3x15=45) [150]
Elite 3: Iron Priest (55); Thunderwolf Mount (50) 3 Cyberwolves (3x15=45) [150]
Elite 4: Iron Priest (55); Thunderwolf Mount (50) 3 Cyberwolves (3x15=45) [150]
Elite 5: Iron Priest (55); Thunderwolf Mount (50) 2 Cyberwolves (2x15=30) [135]
WTC Tertiary Detachment: Codex: Dark Angels, Librarius Conclave (Digital Formation)
HQ 4: Ezekiel [145]
HQ 5: Librarian (65); Mastery Level 2 (25) Force Stave (-) Space Marine Bike (20) [110]
HQ 6: Librarian (65); Mastery Level 2 (25) Force Stave (-) Space Marine Bike (20) [110}
Fortifications: N/A
Type of Alliance: Battle Brothers
PLAYER 4: Neil – Eggman – Powell
WTC Primary Detachment: Codex: Necrons, Decurion Detachment
HQ1: Overlord (90); The Veil of Darkness (25) [105] (WARLORD)
Troop 1: Necron Warriors [130]
Troop 2: Necron Warriors [130]
Troop 3: Immortals [85]
Fast 1: Tomb Blades (54); 3 Particle Beamers (3x2=6) 3 Nebuloscopes (3x2=6) 3 Shield Vanes (3x2=6) [72]
Fast 2: Tomb Blades (54); 3 Particle Beamers (3x2=6) 3 Nebuloscopes (3x2=6) 3 Shield Vanes (3x2=6) [72]
Fast 3: Tomb Blades (54); 3 Shield Vanes (3x2=6) [60]
Fast 4: Canoptek Wraiths (120); 2 Additional Wraiths (80) [200]
Fast 5: Canoptek Scarabs [60]
HS 1: Canoptek Spyder [50]
Fast 6: Canoptek Wraiths (120); 2 Additional Wraiths (80) [200]
Fast 7: Canoptek Scarabs [60]
HS 2: Canoptek Spyder [50]
Elite 1: Triarch Stalker [125]
Elite 2: Triarch Praetorians (140); 3 Additional Praetorians (3x28=84) [224]
Elite 3: Triarch Praetorians (140); 3 Additional Praetorians (3x28=84) [224]
Fortification: n/a
Player 5: Lucas – Spoon – Despoonease
WTC Primary Detachment: Codex: Chaos Demons, Combined Arms Detachment
HQ 1: Kairos Fateweaver [300] (WARLORD)
HQ 2: Keeper of Secrets (170); Exalted Reward (30) Level 3 Psyker (50) Greater Reward (20) [270]
Troop 1: Nurglings [45]
Troop 2: Nurglings [45]
Troop 3: Pink Horrors (90); Additional Pink Horror (9) [99]
HS 1: Daemon Prince (145) Wings (40) Mark of Slaanesh (10) Level 3 Psyker (75) Armour (20) 2 Greater Rewards (2x20=40) [330]
HS 2: Daemon Prince (145) Wings (40) Mark of Slaanesh (10) Level 3 Psyker (75) Armour (20) 2 Greater Rewards (2x20=40) [330]
HS 3: Daemon Prince (145) Wings (40) Mark of Slaanesh (10) Level 3 Psyker (75) Armour (20) 2 Greater Rewards (2x20=40) [330]
Fortification: Imperial Bastion (75); Comms Relay (20) [95]
Player 6: Chris – Southpark Jesus – Gent
WTC Primary Detachment: Adeptus Mechanicus: War Convocation
Troop 1: Skitarii Vanguard (55); Additional Vanguard (9) 2 Plasma Caliver (0) Omnispex (0) Arc Maul (0) Arc Pistol (0) Pater radium (0) [64]
Troop 2: Skitarii Rangers (65); 2 Plasma Caliver (0) Omnispex (0) Arc Maul (0) Arc Pistol (0) Skull of Eldar Nikola (0) [65]
Elite 1: Sicarian Ruststalkers (160); Prehensile Dataspike (0) Omnicient Mask (0), Digital Weapons (0), Conversion field (0) [160]
Elite 2: Sicarian Infiltrators (185); Flechette Blasters and Taser Goads (0), Infoslave Skull (0), Phosphoenix (0), Conversion field (0), Digital Weapons (0) [185]
Fast 1: Sydonian Dragoon (45) Phosphor Serpenta (0) [45]
Heavy 1: Onager Dunecrawler (90) Icarus Array (0), Cognis Manipulator (0) [90]
HQ 1: Tech Priest Dominus (105) Volkite Blaster (0) Phosphor Serpenta (0) Digital Weapons (0) Infoslave Skull (0) Stasis Field (0) Raimant of The Technomancer (0) [105] (WARLORD)
Troop 3: Kataphron Destroyers (165) Heavy Grav Cannons (0) [165]
Troop 4: Kataphron Destroyers (165) Heavy Grav Cannons (0) 2 x Cognis Flamer [165]
LOW 1: Imperial Knight Warden (375) Melta-gun (0) Stormspear Rocket Pod(0) [375]
LOW 2: Imperial Knight Crusader (425) Ironstorm Missile Pod (0) [425]
Fortification: N/A

PLAYER7 : Sirus - Dogstar34 - Chappell-

Primary Detachment: Ravenwing Strike Force - Codex Dark Angels, Faction Dark Angels
Secondary Detachment: Company of the Great Wolf Detachment - Champions of Fenris, Faction Space Wolves


HQ 1: Sammael [200p]

ELITE 1: 6 Ravenwing Command Squad (240) + Ravenwing Company Banner (20) + Ravenwing Apothecary (30) [290p]

FA 1: 3 Ravenwing Bike Squad (75) + 2 Meltagun (20) [95p]
FA 2: 3 Ravenwing Bike Squad (75) + 2 Meltagun (20) [95p]
FA 3: 3 Ravenwing Bike Squad (75) + 2 Gravgun (30) + Combigrav (10) [115p]
FA 4: 3 Ravenwing Bike Squad (75) + 2 Gravgun (30) + Combigrav (10) [115p]


HQ1: Wolf Lord in Power Armour (105) + Runic Armour (20) + Storm Shield (15) + Power Fist (25) + Thunderwolf Mount (50) + 2 Fenrisian Wolves (16) [231p]
HQ2: Wolf Guard Battle Leader in Power Armour, (50) + Runic Armour (25) + Storm Shield (15) + Power Fist (25) + Thunderwolf Mount (50) + 2 Fenrisian Wolves (16) [181p]
HQ3: Rune Priest in Power Armour (60) + Runic Armour (25) + Space Marine Bike (20) [105]

ELITE 1: Iron Priest (55) + Thunderwolf Mount (50) [105p]
ELITE 2: Iron Priest (55) + Thunderwolf Mount (50) [105p]
ELITE 3: Iron Priest (55) + Thunderwolf Mount (50) [105p]
ELITE 4: Iron Priest (55) + Thunderwolf Mount (50) [105p]

ARMY TOTAL: [1847p]
Type of alliance: Battle Brothers
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
Posts: 1353
Joined: Sun Jan 29, 2006 6:29 pm

Re: [ETC 2016] Generalna diskusija

Post by RatGod »

TEAM : Hispania
PLAYER 1: Carlos del Rio (Pachi) - Captain
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Hive Fleet Detachment - Faction: Tyranids
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Chaos Daemons - Faction: Chaos Daemons

PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Hive Fleet Detachment (Tyranids)

HQ 1: Warlord: Hive tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2x Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (30), Electroshock grubs (10) [240 pts]
HQ 2: Hive tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2x Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (30), Electroshock grubs (10) [240 pts]
HQ 3: Hive tyrant (165), Wings (35), 2x Twin-linked devourer with brainleech worms (30), Electroshock grubs (10) [240 pts]

Troop 1: 1x Mucolid Spore Cluster (15) [15 pts]
Troop 2: 1x Mucolid Spore Cluster (15) [15 pts]
Troop 3: 1x Mucolid Spore Cluster (15) [15 pts]
Troop 4: 1x Mucolid Spore Cluster (15) [15 pts]

FA1: 3x Spore Mine Cluster (15) [15 pts]
FA2: 3x Spore Mine Cluster (15) [15 pts]


HQ 1 - Kairos Fateweaver [300 pts]
HQ 2-1: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Exalted Reward (30) - [150 pts]
HQ 2-2: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 3 (50), Disc of Tzeentch (25), Exalted Reward (30) - [150 pts]
HQ 2-3: Herald of Tzeentch (45), Psyker level 2 (25), Disc of Tzeentch (25) [95 pts]

Troop 1: 3 x Nurglings (45) [45 pts]
Troop 2: 3 x Nurglings (45) [45 pts]

FA 1: 7x Screamer of Tzeentch [175 pts]

FORTIFICATION: Skyshield Landing Pad (75) [75 pts]



ARMY TOTAL [1845 pts]

Type Of Alliance: Come the Apocalypse


PLAYER 2: Álvaro Rodríguez Sánchez (Sallan)
Primary Detachment: Necron Decurion Detachment, Codex Necrons, Faction Necrons

Reclamation Legion:

HQ1:Warlord: Catacomb Command Barge (135): Warscythe (20),Gauntlet of fire (10) = [165]

FA1: Tomb Blades 6 (108), Twin-linked Gauss blaster, Nebuloscope (12), shieldvanes (12) [132pts]
FA2: Tomb Blades 6 (108), Twin-linked Gauss blaster, Nebuloscope (12), shieldvanes (12) [132pts]

Troop1: Immortals [85pts]
Troop2: Warriors [130pts] in Transport 1
Troop3: Warriors [130pts]

Transport1: Ghost Ark [105pts]

Canoptek Harvest 1
FA1: Canoptek Scarabs [60pts]
FA2: Canoptek Wraiths (120), 3 additional Wraiths (120), [240]
HS1: Canoptek Spyder [50pts]

Canoptek Harvest 2
FA1: Canoptek Scarabs [60pts]
FA2: Canoptek Wraiths (120), 2 additional Wraiths (80), [200]
HS1: Canoptek Spyder [50pts]

Canoptek Harvest 3
FA1: Canoptek Scarabs [60pts]
FA2: Canoptek Wraiths (120), 2 additional Wraiths (80), [200]
HS1: Canoptek Spyder [50pts]



PLAYER 3: Sergio González (HaeDeN)
ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Space Marines - Faction: Ultramarines
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT 1: Allied Detachment - Codex: Space Marines & War Zone Damocles Kauyon - Faction: White Scars
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT 2: - Formation: Skyhammer Anihilation Force - Faction: Ultramarines
ARMY NAME: Heroes of Cocytus

PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Space Marines (Ultramarines)

HQ 1 - Warlord: Chief Librarian Tigurius [165 pts]

Troop 1: Tactical Squad (70) Meltagun (10) Combi-melta (10) [90 pts] in Transport #1
Troop 2: Tactical Squad (70) Meltagun (10) Combi-melta (10) [90 pts] in Transport #2

FA 1: Drop Pod [35 pts]
FA 2: Drop Pod [35 pts]
FA 3: Drop Pod [35 pts]

HS 1: Centurion Devastator Squad (165) 3x Grav-cannon and Grav-amp (75) Omniscope (10) [250 pts]
HS 2: Centurion Devastator Squad (165) 3x Grav-cannon and Grav-amp (75) Omniscope (10) [250 pts]

Transport 1: Drop Pod [35]
Transport 2: Drop Pod [35]

SECONDARY DETACHMENT 1: Space Marines (White Scars)

HQ 1: Librarian (65) Force Axe (0) Bolt Pistol (0) The Haunter's Eye (20) [85 pts]

Troop 1: Scouts Squad (55) Boltguns (0) [55 pts]

HS 1: Centurion Devastator Squad (165) 3x Grav-cannon and Grav-amp (75) Omniscope (10) [250 pts]

SECONDARY DETACHMENT 2: - Formation: Skyhammer Anihilation Force (Ultramarines)

FA 1: Assault Squad (85) Melta bombs (5) [90 pts]
FA 2: Assault Squad (85) Melta bombs (5) [90 pts]

HS 1: Devastator Squad (70) 3x Multi-melta (30) [100 pts] in Transport #1
HS 2: Devastator Squad (70) 2x Heavy Bolter (20) [90 pts] in Transport #2

Transport 1: Drop Pod [35]
Transport 2: Drop Pod [35]

PRIMARY TOTAL [1020 pts]

ARMY TOTAL [1850 pts]

Type of alliance: Battle Brothers

PLAYER 4: Niko, "El Griego", Nieuwoudt

PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Codex Dark Angels (CAD) Faction Dark Angels

SECONDARY DETACHMENT: Champions of Fenris (Company of the Great Wolf Detachment), Faction Space Wolves

TERTIARY DETACHMENT: Codex Adepta Sororitas (Allied), Faction Adepta Sororitas

Type of Alliance: Battle Brothers (and sisters)


HQ 1: Librarian (65),Auspex (5),Bolt Pistol(0), Force Axe (0), Space Marine Bike (20),Level 2 (25) [115]

TROOP 1: Scout Squad, 4x Scouts (44), 1x Scout Sargent (11), 5x bolt guns(0) [55]
TROOP 2: Scout Squad, 4x Scouts (44), 1x Scout Sargent (11), 5x bolt guns(0) [55]

ELITE 1: Ravenwing Command Squad,5x Black Knight (200), Ravenwing Apothecary (30), Ravenwing Company Banner (20), Ravenwing Grenade Launcher (0), [250]

FAST ATTACK 1: Ravenwing Darkshroud (80), Heavy Bolter (0) [80]
FAST ATTACK 2: Ravenwing Darkshroud (80), Heavy Bolter (0) [80]

LORD OF WAR 1: (warlord) Azrael [215]

SECONDARY DETACHMENT (Company of the Great Wolf Detachment): [735]

HQ 1: Rune Priest (60), Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25), Space Marine Bike (20), Rune Axe (0),Bolt Pistol (0) [105] pts

ELITE 1: Iron Priest (55), Bolt Pistol (0), 4x Cyberwolf (60), Thunderwolf (50) [165]
ELITE 2: Iron Priest (55), Bolt Pistol (0), 4x Cyberwolf (60), Thunderwolf (50) [165]
ELITE 3: Iron Priest (55), Bolt Pistol (0), 4x Cyberwolf (60), Thunderwolf (50) [165]
ELITE 4: Iron Priest (55), Bolt Pistol (0), 2x Cyberwolf (30), Thunderwolf (50) [135]


HQ 0.1: Ministorum Priest (25), Laspistol (0), Close Combat Weapon (0) [25]
HQ 0.2: Ministorum Priest (25), Laspistol (0), The Litanies of Faith (15), Close Combat Weapon (0) [40]

HQ 1: Saint Celestine (135) [135]

TROOP 1: Battle Sister Squad, 4x Battle Sisters (48), Sister Superior (12), Melta Bomb (5) [65]

PRIMARY Total: [850]
SECONDARY Total: [735]
TERTIARY Total: [265]

TOTAL [1850]

PLAYER 5: José Ginés Marco Peñas (Riddick)

ARMY PRIMARY DETACHMENT: Combined Arms Detachment - Codex: Craftworlds eldar - Faction: Eldar
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT 1: Seer Council - Codex: Craftworlds eldar - Faction: Eldar
ARMY SECONDARY DETACHMENT 2: Aspect host - Codex: Craftworlds eldar - Faction: Eldar


HQ 1: Autarch (70), skyrunner (15) banshee mask (5) laser lance (10) - [100]
HQ 2: WARLORD Farseer (100), skyrunner (15) - [115]

TROOP 1: windriders (51), 3x scatter laser(30) [81]
TROOP 2: windriders (51), 3x scatter laser(30) [81]
TROOP 3: windriders (51), 3x scatter laser(30) [81]
TROOP 4: windriders (51), 3x scatter laser(30) [81]

Lord of War: wraithknight, (295) 2x heavy wraithcannons (0), 2x scatter laser (30) - [325]

Fortification: skyshield landing pad (75) - [75]


HQ 1: Farseer (100), skyrunner (15), the spirit stone of antah`lan (15) - [130]
HQ 2: Farseer (100), skyrunner (15) - [115]
HQ 3: warlock council (35) 6x additional warlocks (210), skyrunners (105) - [350]


ELITE 1: Warp spiders (95), warp spider exarch (10), - [105]

ELITE 2: Warp spiders (95), warp spider exarch (10), - [105]

ELITE 3: Warp spiders (95), warp spider exarch (10), - [105]





Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers

Player 6: Tifusar
Army Name: Coconut Knights of NI

WTC Primary Detachment: Baronial Court Formation: Imperial Knight Faction
WTC Secondary Detachment: Firebase Support Cadre Formation; Tau Faction
Type Of Alliance: Desperate alies

WTC Primary Detachment: Baronial Court Formation

LOW1: Knight Gallant (325); Warlord High Baron; Sanctuary(15)=[340]
LOW2: Knight Warden [375]
LOW3: Knight Errant [370]
LOW4: Knight Crusader [425]

WTC PrimaryDetachment [1510]

WTC Secondary Detachment Firebase Support Cadre Formation

HS1:XV88 Broadside Team (65), Early warning overide (5)= [70]
HS2:XV88 Broadside Team (65), Early warning overide (5)= [70]

ELITE: XV104 Riptide battlesuit (180), Ion Accelerator (5), Early
warning overide(5) Counterfire defence system (5 pts)= [195]

WTC Secondary detachment 335 pts

Army list total 1845

Player7: Marinko 'Soulfern' Brkic-Tot

WTC Primary Detachment: Codex Harlequins Masque Detachment
WTC Secondary Detachment: Codex Harlequins Heroes Path Formation
WTC Tertiary Detachment: Codex Dark Eldar Haemonculous Covens Corpsethief Claw Formation

Primary Detachment: Codex Harlequins Masque Detachment [882 pts]

ELITE 1: Death Jester [60 pts]

TROOP 1: Troupe 4 Players (95), additional player(15), Harlequin's Embrace x3 (15), Harlequin's Kiss x1 (5), Troupe Master (0 pts)(WARLORD), Harlequin's Embrace (5) , Haywire Grenades (5) [140 pts]

TROOP 2: Troupe 4 Players (95), additional player(15), Harlequin's Caress x4 (32), Troupe Master (0 pts), Haywire Grenades (5) [147pts]

TROOP 3: Troupe 4 Players (95), additional player(15), Harlequin's Kiss x3 (15), Troupe Master (0pts) ,Harlequin's Kiss (5), Haywire Grenades (5)[135]

FA 1: 3 Skyweavers = 3 * 50(150) + Zephyrglaive x3 (30) + Haywire Cannon x3 (15) [195 pts]

FA 2: 2 Skyweavers = 2 * 50(100) + Zephyrglaive x2 (20) + Haywire Cannon x2 (10) [130 pts]

HS 1: Voidweaver [75 pts]

WTC Secondary Detachment: The Heroes Path [335 pts]

ELITE 1: Death Jester [60 pts]

ELITE 2: Shadowseer (60) + Haywire Grenades (5) + Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25) + Neuro Disruptor (10) + The Mask of Secrets (15)) [115 pts]

ELITE 3: Solitaire (145) + Cegorach's Rose (15), [160 pts]

WTC TERTIARY DETACHMENT: Corpsethief Claw Formation [630 pts]

HS : 5 x Talos 120 * 5 (600), 3 x Ichor Injector (30) [630 pts]

ARMY TOTAL: 1847 pts.
Type of alliance: Battle Brothers
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
Posts: 1353
Joined: Sun Jan 29, 2006 6:29 pm

Re: [ETC 2016] Generalna diskusija

Post by RatGod »

TEAM : Rogueblades
PLAYER 1: Borna- BoZz- Bratanić

ETC Primary Detachment: Codex Khorne Daemonkin, Blood host Detachment


HQ1: Bloodthirster of Insensate Rage [275]


HQ2 - Warlord: Chaos Lord (75) Axe of khorne(30) Goredrinker(30), Juggernaut of Khorne(45) Sigil of corruption(25) [205]

ELITES 1: 5X Possessed [150]

Troop 1: 8 Bloodletters, bloodreaper(5) [85]
Troop 2: 8 Bloodletters, bloodreaper(5) [85]
Troop 3: 8 Cultists [58]
Troop 4: 8 Cultists [58]

FA1: 3 Chaos spawn [96]


FA1: 5 Flesh hounds[80]
FA2: 5 Flesh hounds[80]
FA3: 4 Chaos bikers(98) Melta gun(10), Melta gun(10) [118]
FA:4 4 Chaos bikers(98) Melta gun(10), Melta gun(10) [118]

HS1:Soul Grinder,(135) Warp gaze(25) [160]
HS2:Maulerfiend(130), Lasher Tendrils(10)[140]
HS3:Maulerfiend(130), Lasher Tendrils(10)[140]

Type Of Alliance: None.

PLAYER 2: Luka – Turk – Rukavina

ETC Primary Detachment: Codex Space Marines, Faction White Scars

Gladius Strike Force

HQ1 - Warlord: Kor'sarro Khan (125), Moondrakken (25) [150]
HQ1: Chaplain (90), Space marine bike (20) [110]

Troop 1: 5 Tactical Marines (70), gravgun (15) in Transport [85]
Troop 2: 5 Tactical Marines (70), gravgun (15) in Transport 2 [85]
Troop 3: 5 Tactical Marines (70), gravgun (15) in Transport 3 [85]
Troop 4: 5 Tactical Marines (70), gravgun (15) in Transport 4 [85]
Troop 5: 5 Tactical Marines (70), gravgun (15) in Transport 5 [85]
Troop 6: 5 Tactical Marines (70), gravgun (15) in Transport 6 [85]

FA1: 5 Bikers (105) meltagun (10), melta bombs (5) [120]
FA2: 4 Bikers (84) meltagun (10), melta bombs (5) [99]

HS1: 5 Devastators (70), 4 heavy bolter (40) [110]
HS2: 5 Devastators (70), 4 heavy bolter (40) [110]

Transport1: Razorback,Twin-linked Heavy bolter [0]
Transport2: Razorback,Twin-linked Heavy bolter [0]
Transport3: Razorback,Twin-linked Heavy bolter [0]
Transport4: Razorback,Twin-linked Heavy bolter [0]
Transport5: Razorback,Twin-linked Heavy bolter [0]
Transport6: Razorback,Twin-linked Heavy bolter [0]
Transport7: Razorback,Twin-linked Heavy bolter [0]
Transport8: Razorback,Twin-linked Heavy bolter [0]

10th Company Task Force
5 Scouts (55), sniper rifle (5) [60]
5 Scouts (55), sniper rifle (5) [60]
5 Scouts (55), sniper rifle (5) [60]

ETC Primary Detachment: Codex Space Marines [1389]

ETC Secondary Detachment: Adeptus Astartes Skyhammer Annihilation Force

5 Devastators (70), 4 multi melta in Transport 1 (40) [110]
5 Devastators (70), 4 multi melta in Transport 2 (40) [110]
5 Assault marine (70), jump pack(15) [85]
5 Assault marine (70), jump pack(15) [85]
Transport1: Drop pod [35]
Transport2: Drop pod [35]

ETC Secondary Detachment [460]

Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers

PLAYER3 : Sirus - Dogstar34 - Chappell- CAPTAIN

Primary Detachment: Ravenwing Strike Force - Codex Dark Angels, Faction Dark Angels
Secondary Detachment: Company of the Great Wolf Detachment - Champions of Fenris, Faction Space Wolves


HQ 1: Sammael [200p]

ELITE 1: 6 Ravenwing Command Squad (240) + Ravenwing Company Banner (20) + Ravenwing Apothecary (30) [290p]

FA 1: 3 Ravenwing Bike Squad (75) + 2 Meltagun (20) [95p]
FA 2: 3 Ravenwing Bike Squad (75) + 2 Meltagun (20) [95p]
FA 3: 3 Ravenwing Bike Squad (75) + 2 Gravgun (30) + Combigrav (10) [115p]
FA 4: 3 Ravenwing Bike Squad (75) + 2 Gravgun (30) + Combigrav (10) [115p]


HQ1: Wolf Lord in Power Armour (105) + Runic Armour (20) + Storm Shield (15) + Power Fist (25) + Thunderwolf Mount (50) + 2 Fenrisian Wolves (16) [231p]
HQ2: Wolf Guard Battle Leader in Power Armour, (50) + Runic Armour (25) + Storm Shield (15) + Power Fist (25) + Thunderwolf Mount (50) + 2 Fenrisian Wolves (16) [181p]
HQ3: Rune Priest in Power Armour (60) + Runic Armour (25) + Space Marine Bike (20) [105]

ELITE 1: Iron Priest (55) + Thunderwolf Mount (50) [105p]
ELITE 2: Iron Priest (55) + Thunderwolf Mount (50) [105p]
ELITE 3: Iron Priest (55) + Thunderwolf Mount (50) [105p]
ELITE 4: Iron Priest (55) + Thunderwolf Mount (50) [105p]

ARMY TOTAL: [1847p]
Type of alliance: Battle Brothers

PLAYER 4: Işık "Pizzaguardian" Belül

ETC Primary Detachment: Codex Skitarii - Codex Cult Mechanicus - Codex Imperial Knights - Adeptus Mechanicus War Convocation - Faction : Skitarii - Faction Cult Mechanicus - Faction Imperial Knight
ETC Secondary Detachment: Codex Blood Angels - Flesh Tearers Strike Force - Faction : Blood Angels
ETC Tertiary Detachment: Dataslate Officio Assasinorum - Officia Assasinorum Detachment - Faction : Officio Assasinorum

Cult Mechanicus Battle Congregation Detachment

HQ1 -Warlord: Tech Priest Dominus (105) Autocaduceus of Arkhan Land (0) Eradication Ray (0) Phosphor Serpenta (0) Digital Weapons (0) Infoslave Skull (0) Stasis Field (0) [105]

Troop 1 : 3 Kataphron Breachers (150) Torsion Cannon (0) Hydraulic Claw (0) Hydraulic Claw (0)[150]
Troop 2 : 3 Kataphron Destroyers (165) Heavy Grav-cannon (0) Heavy Grav-cannon (0) Heavy Grav-cannon (0) Cognis Flamer (0)[165]

Skitarii Battle Maniple

Troop 1 : 5 Skitarii Rangers (65) Arc Rifle (0) Arc Rifle (0) Omnispex (0) Arc Maul (0) Arc Pistol (0) Conversion Field (0) Digital Weapons (0) Pater Radium (0)[65]
Troop 2 : 10 Skitarii Vanguard (100) Plasma Caliver (0) Plasma Caliver (0) Plasma Caliver (0) Omnispex (0) The Phase Taser (0) Conversion Field (0) Digital Weapons (0) Phosphor Blast Pistol (0)[100]

Elite 1 : 5 Sicarian Infiltrators (185) Flachette Blasters and Taser Goads (0) Conversion Field (0) Digital Weapons (0) Infoslave Skull (0) Phospheonix (0)[185]
Elite 2 : 5 Sicarian Ruststalkers (160) Conversion Field (0) Digital Weapons (0) Prehensile Dataspike (0) The Skull of Elder Nikola (0)[160]

FA 1 : 2 Sydonian Dragoons (90) Phosphor Serpenta (0) Phosphor Serpenta (0)[90]

HS 1 : 1 Onager Dunecrawler (90) Icarus Array (0) Cognis Heavy Stubber (0) Cognis Manipulator (0) Mindscanner Probe (0)[90]

Imperial Knight Oathsworn Detachment

LoW 1 : Knight Warden (375) Meltagun (0) Twin Icarus Autocannon (0) [375]

ETC Secondary Detachment: Codex Blood Angels - Flesh Tearers Strike Force - Faction : Blood Angels

HQ 1 : Techmarine (50) Asupex (5) Hand Flamer (10) [65]
Troops : 5 Scouts [55]

FA1: Drop Pod [35]
FA2: Drop Pod [35]
FA3: Drop Pod [35]

ETC Tertiary Detachment: Dataslate Officio Assasinorum - Officia Assasinorum Detachment - Faction : Officio Assasinorum
Elite 1 : Culexus Assasin (140)


Type Of Alliance: Battle Brothers.

Player5 : Yann "Neokhaine" GAUTHIER

Primary detachement : Eldar CAD
secondary detachement: Aspect host formation
Third detachement : Inquisition

Primary detachement : Eldar CAD

HQ 1: Farseer (100) : Skyrunner (15) [115] Warlord
HQ 2: Farseer (100) : Skyrunner (15) [115]

TROOPS 1: 7xWindriders (119), 7x Scatter lasers (7*10=70) - [189]
TROOPS 2: 5xWindriders (85), 5x Scatter lasers (5*10=50) - [135]
TROOPS 3: 3xWindriders (51), 3x Scatter lasers (3*10=30) - [81]
TROOPS 4: 3xWindriders (51), 3x Scatter lasers (3*10=30) - [81]
TROOPS 5: 3xWindriders (51) - [51]

Elite 1: 56 WraithGuard (160), 5 D-scythes (5*10=50), in transport 1 - [210]

HS1: Vaul’s Wrath Support Battery: 1 Support Weapons (10), 1 D Cannons (25) - [55]
HS2: Vaul’s Wrath Support Battery: 1 Support Weapons (10), 1 D Cannons (25) - [55]

LORD OF WAR: Wraithknight: 2xHeavy wraithcannon (0) [295]

Transport 1 : Wave Serpent (110), twin-linked shuriken catapult (0), twin-linken shuriken canon (0) - [110]

Secondary Detachment: Aspect Host

FA1 : 5 Warp Spiders (95), Warp Spider Exarch (10) - [105]
FA2 : 5 Warp Spiders (95), Warp Spider Exarch (10) - [105]
FA3 : 5 Warp Spiders (95), Warp Spider Exarch (10) - [105]

Third detachement : Inquisition

HQ1: Ordo Malleus Inquisitor (25), 3 Servo Skulls (3*3=9) - [34]

Total: 1841 pts

Type of alliance: Allies of Convinience
Player6: Marinko 'Soulfern' Brkic-Tot

WTC Primary Detachment: Codex Harlequins Masque Detachment
WTC Secondary Detachment: Codex Harlequins Heroes Path Formation
WTC Tertiary Detachment: Codex Dark Eldar Haemonculous Covens Corpsethief Claw Formation

Primary Detachment: Codex Harlequins Masque Detachment [882 pts]

ELITE 1: Death Jester [60 pts]

TROOP 1: Troupe 4 Players (95), additional player(15), Harlequin's Embrace x3 (15), Harlequin's Kiss x1 (5), Troupe Master (0 pts)(WARLORD), Harlequin's Embrace (5) , Haywire Grenades (5) [140 pts]

TROOP 2: Troupe 4 Players (95), additional player(15), Harlequin's Caress x4 (32), Troupe Master (0 pts), Haywire Grenades (5) [147pts]

TROOP 3: Troupe 4 Players (95), additional player(15), Harlequin's Kiss x3 (15), Troupe Master (0pts) ,Harlequin's Kiss (5), Haywire Grenades (5)[135]

FA 1: 3 Skyweavers = 3 * 50(150) + Zephyrglaive x3 (30) + Haywire Cannon x3 (15) [195 pts]

FA 2: 2 Skyweavers = 2 * 50(100) + Zephyrglaive x2 (20) + Haywire Cannon x2 (10) [130 pts]

HS 1: Voidweaver [75 pts]

WTC Secondary Detachment: The Heroes Path [335 pts]

ELITE 1: Death Jester [60 pts]

ELITE 2: Shadowseer (60) + Haywire Grenades (5) + Psyker Mastery Level 2 (25) + Neuro Disruptor (10) + The Mask of Secrets (15)) [115 pts]

ELITE 3: Solitaire (145) + Cegorach's Rose (15), [160 pts]

WTC TERTIARY DETACHMENT: Corpsethief Claw Formation [630 pts]

HS : 5 x Talos 120 * 5 (600), 3 x Ichor Injector (30) [630 pts]

ARMY TOTAL: 1847 pts.
Type of alliance: Battle Brothers
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Commissar Weasel
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Re: [ETC 2016] Generalna diskusija

Post by Telion »

"MISSION SUCCESSFUL! Once again, I...Cato Sicarius..."
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Re: [ETC 2016] General discussion

Post by Telion »

Rulespack and FAQ files are FINAL versions.
"MISSION SUCCESSFUL! Once again, I...Cato Sicarius..."
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Re: [ETC 2016] General discussion

Post by Telion »

Ovde mozete skinuti i pogledati sve liste koje ce timovi voditi na ovogodisnjem ETC-u u Atini. :)

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Re: [ETC 2016] General discussion

Post by Mrzimsvee »

40k ETC 2016 1st round draw;
1 France vs Sweden
2 Serbia vs Denmark
3 Scotland vs N. Ireland
4 England vs Australia
5 Romania vs Norway
6 Hungary vs Ukraine
7 Italy vs Canada
8 Wales vs Turkey
9 Greece vs Spain
10 Ireland vs USA
11 Slovenia vs Switzerland
12 Belgium vs Germany
13 Russia vs Belarus
14 Poland vs Finland
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every sin...is punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."

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