Raport sa ETCa

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Raport sa ETCa

Post by Iskusinjo »

Krenuli smo razdvojeni sa troje kola, menjali planove svakih sat vremena voznje, pravili eksuzije do Beca i Praga, i konacno stigli na prvenstvo par sati pre samog pocetka.

Od 6 protivnika, uspeli smo da pobedimo dva, a sa nekima je malo falilo da odigramo nereseno.

Prvu partiju sam igrao protiv novozelandsog DE.

Njegova lista:
http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/26 ... achen.png/

Moja lista:

Sve sto je mogao, covek je postavio iza brda i van dometa benismenta, jer sam zauzeo suprotni cosak i nisam se pomerao odatle (dogovor pre turnira je bio da ne gubimo poene). Magijom sam mu ubio 3 kocije, jednog heroja na pegazu, nesto harpija i nesto kopljara. Da povrati poene, krenuo je svim silama napred, ali je njihov NPC na vreme dosao do naseg stola i naterao ga da se vrati nazad jer su nas u ostalim partijama razvalili. Ubio mi je pola malih strelaca. Samo 13 - 7.

Druga partija, australijski WE:

Ponovo se postavimo dijagonalno jedan od drugog, s tim da mu sve osim 3 jedinice strelaca i drijade nisu sakrivene iza brda. Partija je trajala krace nego postavka. Ubio sam mu drijade i jedne strelce, a on meni pola jednih. Magicne faze su bile ocajne. Sve sto mu ubijem sa benismentom i semsom, on ozivi. Sa sve bener of sorseri i 4 kanala, nisam uspeo da u 5 krugova prebacim 6 kocaka za madjijanje (on je uvek imao samo jednu ili dve manje za dispel), a u trenutku kada je trebalo da mu ubijem i bsba, kada sam dobio 11, a on imao 5, mali mag je dobio miskast i ubio 3 od 4 ziva strelca u bsbovoj jedinici sa 2d6 snage 7, a veliki podbacio. Steta, samo 11 - 9 za mene. Ponovo gubimo, sa nesto manjom razlikom.

Treca partija, letonski (ruski) haos patuljak:

Zagradim sebi jedan bok planinom i orlovima iza nje, sve jedinice postavim uz izvicu naspram njega, u jednoj liniji. On se isto postavlja uz svoju ivicu i meksikan stendof pocinje. U prva dva kruga mu ubijam kadaija i helkenon magijom i strelama, on meni jednog orla divertera i 10tak lavova u jednoj jednici pucanjem i mojim IFom. Protivnik je krenuo napred. Razdvojio je vojsku (patuljci nisu ispratili bul kentaure) i nakon brze konsultacije sa kapetanom Dragomirom mu krecem u susret sa jednim lavovima. Oni sa protekcijom i tajmvorpom kidaju te strasne kentaure kao siroce napolitanku, prolaze kroz njih i jurisaju u sledecoj rundi na glavni blok sa karakterima, ali dobijaju druge patuljke u bok. Isekao sam mu tu prednju jedinicu za sve pare, ubio bsba, ali je mag njegov glavni mag uporno ostajao na jednoj rani i nije mi dao da se reformisem. Na kraju, izgubim kombat za 1, i na tvrdoglavih 9 bezim sa table. 13 - 7. Gubimo sa malom razlikom.

Cetvrta partija, severnoirski Marvel ogre, od pre koji dan poznat kao Captain Serbia. Covek se ogrnuo nasom zastavom jer je osetio da ce mu doneti srecu. Nosio ju je do kraja turnira i stvarno je imao dobar osecaj.


Bunker postavka, on ide napred. Do 6. njegovog poteza mi je ubio 4 orla, a ja njemu mornfenge, bulove i divertere. U poslednja dva poteza kao da nisam imao magiju, a u poslednjem njegovom potezu mi pregazi punu jedinicu lavova, koji su pali tvrdoglavost na 9 sa rerolom :roll: sa ajrongatima i zakuca mi se u moju bunker jedinicu strelaca sa svim karakterima. Na kraju, od sitne pobede za mene 2 - 18 za njega. Uf, luck of the Irish. Pobedili su nas za nesto sitno.

Peta partija protiv svajcarskog haotika:


Najkraca partija u istoriji. Ako izuzmemo postavku, trajala je 7 minuta. Ubijem mu u prvom potezu hc, on izleti sa magom da povrati poene i lvl 4 sorserer mu popije benisment uglavu. 15 - 5 za mene, jer mi se nije dalo da mu vijam t5 cozene sa 3+ vordom koji su stajali iza brda sa ostatkom njegove vojske. Konacno smo pobedili! Igraci koji su igrali samo za sebe, a ne za tim, su poceli da igraju etc stekerski vorhamer. Prva pobeda od 2010.

Sesta partija protiv Velsana. Slicna lista, samo sto umesto cozena ima veliku konjicu.

Ubijam mu HC i jedne voriore benismentom, on meni 3 orla. Na kraju, u poslednjem njegovom potezu, natera lavove u beg na ld9 sa gejtvejom. TRECI PUT NA TURNIRU MI BEZE U POSLEDNJEM POTEZU NA LD9!!! i partija se zavrsava sa 11 - 9 za mene. Pering je bio skoro pa savrsen, nedisciplinovani su se doveli u red, Vels smo razbili i konacno uspeli da se odlepimo sa samog dna tabele + smo bolji od svih komsija koji su ucestvovali na turniru.

Konacni plasman je 27. mesto od 34. :D

Slike i dozivljaje kacim kasnije, kad se rasanim.
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Re: Raport sa ETCa

Post by Hertz »

:applause: :applause: :applause:

FoW ETC 2012 Team Serbia ;)
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Re: Raport sa ETCa

Post by igor »

Thx za manji report, steta sto te generalno nije htela kocka.
Nego reci ti meni, sta su ostali iz ekipe uradili, ako te ne mrzi daj rezultate svih ostalih..
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Re: Raport sa ETCa

Post by Iskusinjo »

Dakle, Darko iz Kragujevca je sa patuljcima uzeo 70, moja malenkost sa HE 65, Dragomir sa Bretonijom 64, Skaven 62, Andrija Haotik 50ak, Kivi sa WE 49, Demon 48 i Dark Elf isto toliko cini mi se. Za poslednjih 4 igraca je moguca greska od + - 2 poena. :?

Cestitke FoW timu! 8-)

Evo malo slika:



















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Re: Raport sa ETCa

Post by Yogurt »

Bilo jesasvim kool i zabavno. Nije kao obican turnir sa obicnim listama. Liste su napravljene sa raznim ciljama i protiv odredjenih armija. Na primer ima dosta lista sa zmajevima koji su odlicni protiv nekih armija i treba da se uparuju protiv odredjenih vojska ali isto tako ako dobiju da igraju protiv topova onda su to lako izgubljeni pojeni. Nemoze svako da ima dobar match up od 8 armija. Trbalo nam je malo dok smo skontali kako da se radi uparivanje da bi izvukli partije koje nam odgovaraju. Evo moje reporte, nazalost su na engleskom jeziku da ne bi pisao dva puta.

ETC rundown:
Well here is my coverage of my ETC games. First off my list was different to something I took to tournaments as I was aiming to play certain armies and avoid others. We as a team came 27 out of 34 and everyone was happy with the result as we just kept on getting better and better each game.

This is an awesome tournament and I really really enjoyed myself. I met people from all over the world and some friendly faces I have not seen in a long while. I talked to other WE players who were cool dudes especially the kiwi guy.

First game against Mal from NZ with his Lizardmen. This was my first game in the ETC and in a team environment so I was pretty nervous and did not want to lose points for my team. We did not have a pairing system and NZ had a great pairing system. None of the matchups we wanted we played. I actually thought lizardmen were an ok opponent for me except that his list had a metal slaan. Metal is a bane for my treeman which then were unable to strangle root any of the skinks like planned. The treeman hid away from his LoS. He made a first move vanguard with his terradons which put them in the die spot in front of my shooting if I got first turn--- I did have +1 to go first and did not roll it so his terradons absolutely destroyed my 15 glade guard unit with drop rocks, the terradons then died but with a big advantage to him here. His risk paid off. I was looking to pick up a small win with my eagle heroes collecting a few points and they just died to his shooting. A single razordon shot managed to kill my BSB eagle rider . The other died to massed skink shooting.
This left one of my flanks totally exposed. The other flank was simply defended with a unit of dryads. They managed to collect 2 units of chameleons so I was up in points by turn 2. Then since my flank was exposed his skink priest was able to see the treeman and the slaan used his LoS and one by one the treeman fell. Then he just marched everything forward and I was just overwhelmed. I charged my last remaining eagle hero into a scar-vet and cast savage beasts but I could not kill him. That was my last resort and it did not work so on his last turn he was able to climb over the hill and kill the last unit of glade guard with the 2 mages with shooting.

RESULT 20-0 to him…not a very good start. About 1650 points victory. In hindsight I should have probably just flown all my eagle riders straight for the slaan and tried to kill him but I was just hoping to not lose to bad and this was my error. He was a nice guy and he is a really good player. He was ranked number one in NZ for a long time and I have faced him before at the start of 8th ed with my wood elfs also.

SECOND GAME: Roy I think from Australia. Awesome guy! He was playing ogres and we started to get our matchup process more sorted, well let’s just say we actually had some sort of match up process. This was a match I was happy with. I did not want to lose 20-0 so I deployed in a defensive position and he did the same. I then changed my mind and went into the offensive. I could have collected a fair few points as long as I avoided the ironblaster and not let the flaming mournfang into the treeman. The game revolved around a hill in the middle where I deployed in the right corner and he deployed in the top left. So for 2 whole turns nobody did anything until I managed to march my glade guard in my right corner up to the hill and let the arrows fly mostly at close range. Ogres die to shooting quiet easily. I went straight for the irongut unit with the points inside it. My 2 eagle nobles were holding down my 2 flanks from his mournfang charging. He managed to get a long charge 10+ inches into the noble who came a bit too close to try to do a next turn fly over and take out the ironblaster. I let him charge me as if he failed he would lose the ironblaster and probably the game so it was a risk worth taking. The noble died but a counter charge with another noble killed of the 4 mournfang with the flaming banner-> one problem solved I thought. Then the game revolved around him moving forward with his ironguts me shooting them and preventing his mournfang getting into the fray. I shot the ironguts down and in his turn with his slaugtermaster, firebelly and BSB charged a treeman which emerged from hiding and double strangle rooted the ironguts.
He then shot the cannon of the sky titans into my 3+ ward BSB and killed him which caused a panic test on my 15glade guard with wizards. Well he could have killed him earlier but the ironblaster had some bad rolls and kept missing. The mage bunker fled and my treeman also failed his stubborn which I was counting on passing. Oh well. The glade guard did not rally on my last turn but continued to run and in the ETC rules it is worth 50% VP’s (including characters). I then shot 30 arrows into the slaughtermaster, BSB and firebelly and also strangle rooted them but I failed to do a single wound! Any wound whould have killed a model since he had them all on one wound left...
RESULT 11-9 to me. Ok so I won a game on an international tournament… not bad. I could have done better. His Ironblaster did not have much luck with his shooting missing twice and me passing a 3+ ward once. He made a good choice of not shooting my treeman with his ironblaster like I thought he wood and instead he shot the BSB with the 3+ ward. The BSB was preventing his second unit of mournfang from doing anything all game.


We were on bottom tables now. 2 big losses from 2 teams who had a lot of warm up team matches and we had no team matches. We went home, had a team meeting and decided to make a strategy for our next game against Northern Ireland. This was the turning point. So we made a plan and had much better pairings. They had tough lists and I went up to tackle the daemon player. He had a bloodthirster with the collar of khorne and 2 lv 2’s one on beats and one on tzeench, 4 fiends, 1 fiend, 2x3 flamers and 2 big units of bloodthirsters.
Again I played corner hammer. I would have played differently but he got the first turn and I had to answer to his his fiends that were in hard cover and ready to charge my 15 glade guard. Well I shot them, mistake! I killed 2 but my eagle was not diverting them any more. I should have shot the bloodthirster. I moved my mages out of the unit of 15 glade guard, the life into 10 and the beasts behind another 10 to prevent his thirster after an over run from eagle to glade guard. The flamers were far enough away so that the beast weaver could not die even if he was running around on his own. His thirster was right behind the fiends and I baited him a bit with a charge into my eagle or into a 10 glade guard with champion or into a 15 glade guard with a champion, where I was ready to counter with my annoyance eagle rider and had my BSB handy. He did charge something of mine I cant remember what but whatever it was failed a terror test!!!
This failed terror test could have spelt doom as then he would charge some glade guard and over run into my beast weaver. I had a re-roll on my terror with ld 9 but that does happen. I was lucky here and my bad luck was cancelled with a saving grace in that he failed his re-direct! His magic phase he flies his beasts weaver up and amber spears my annoyance hero with irresistible force. My plan was on the brink of failure and I looked at the thirster now having not much opposition.

But I had a back up plan! That was to charge my treeman into his thirster. 2 treeman infact. One charged his flank and the other charged his rear. Double treeman the thirster! I have a nice pic of this somewhere so I will post it when I find it. It looked cool. His thirster takes 2 wounds and the lost combat by 5. He passes his instability and takes no wounds. This goes on for like 4 turns!!!!!
Yes 8 combat rounds of me healing the treeman and casting flesh to stone and wildform and things like this on them and the bloodthirster rolling 6’s or less for instability. I was winning combat every time. He then casts wildform on his thirster and kills one treeman. The second takes revenge and does the last fatal wound and the great demon is dead.
All was well however the bloodletters were fast approaching and I had to sacrifice a unit of dryads to keep them at bay since the treeman were enganged elsewhere the letters could have decimated the rest of my army. The flamers killed off a small unit of glade guard and then had the BSB charge them which killed them and then killed the disc riding lv2 but only after 4 rounds of combat! Lets just say anything that could take combat was left with combats involving bad luck for me. The fiends who charged the 15 glade guard got left with 1 wound after a stand and shoot reaction and the glade guard combat knifes. He then took the 2+ ward eagle hero for also 4 combat phases where he proceeded to kill the eagle hero… 
I am sad that I forgot the daemon players name but I do remember his nickname, he was called 5+. Now I just think this is fitting as he must have rolled about 90% 5+ saves. In one round where there was 3 combats I made 9 wounds which he saved 8 of those. In the end a small win for me 11-9! Ok I guess.


GAME 4 against Latvia. Well we made a huge mistake in the pairing system and I had to play against their skaven player. I wanted to play the high elf dude but I was left with a choice of skaven or a double light lizardmen list. I chose skaven for a few reasons… no one wanted to paly against them and because our skaven player can get an ok result aganst lizards and lastly because I will probably loose to both lists but at least agasint skaven he might just sit in the corner and shoot me and I might get a few points. I said to my captain straight away im going down and we need points from other games. This was good as other palyers claimed points. Someone in the team must always loose. My only hope was to cast dwellers on the grey seer on the bell. That was the only thing I could have done and a miscast with a 2 dice flesh to stone designed to draw his dice before the dwellers prevented me from casting it. Dryads tried to kill the grey seer in combat but did only 1 wound and by then plague was cast destroying 3 units of glade guard and some warp lightning killed more. I really did not enyoj this game. The guy I played was actually a cool guy and all but I just had no answer to the storm banner, dreaded 13th, plague and howling warpgale, of course he had all these spells and a magical abom.

My eagle riders were moving 2” pretty much the whole game. He did misfire often with things but it just delayed the inevitable and it did not do much wither way. I was not doing very well this tournament and so I proceeded to get very drunk and it made me feel better.


Game 5 against the Swiss. Well we kind of sat down again and had finally formulated a match up system and worked as a team. I played the dark elf player. I got paired against another team captain. This time we had most of us in positive match ups. Finally I played against dark elves and this is a match made in heaven for my woodies. He played well but this time he really could not do much. I shot down the witch elves and then the black guard and then I tried shooting down the xbow with the mage after a teleport and swift moves moved my whole army to the right flank and around the back of his army. I shot the 17xbow with 15 galde guard shots at close range and only killed 3, he turned around and shot into the forest and killed 7. I then failed my break test and did not rally in my turn again! I tried to cast dwellers on the cauldron 3 times and did not cast it. I lost a unit of dryads I had to sacrifice to make my plans work and an eagle, I did not lose anything else. He lost a lot of things including his general and peg rider and 3 blocks. So I had something to get my personal score better. With a bit more luck I would have had a 20-0 but I only had 17-3. Still a very good game and I apologized to him as this time I had the tools to take him. I also think I made some good moves here and I had a comment from a mate saying I played well so I was happy. I thought I played better against the ogres and daemons but the score does not say so. Thinking about it, it is easy to play well when you know what you have to do and your small amount of models don’t die from S8 banishment and or stupid weapons.


GAME 6: Gareth from Wales. The best scoring HE player 2 years in a row!!! He was a cool dude and we had a fun game. It started of pretty serious but after a few drinks from my home made brandy by me and him we got a bit drunk, well I did at least, and we just shared laughs of how dice can be so fickle. He had a Star dragon light council list. Basically he had 2 castings of banishment only from lv 2’s but somehow he always had more then 10 dice in his pool. When I looked at the list I thought that I should do well but when it came to the table I quickly saw how wrong I was with my prediction. It was a hard list and played well and saved points well. With his rolling of 10 dice he had to cast banishment on 5 dice and he then had to risk miscasts, which are not that uncommon. He miscast 3 times, once loosing banishment and 2 levels on one mage and the second time he killed his bsb and another mage being left with only one mage on 1 wound. How the game went was that he Moved his main mage bunker (swordmasters!) and his spear bunker into hard cover so I could not shoot well, and he moved his star dragon to one flank to threaten charges. I then placed the dryads in front of his dragon, an eagle behind that so that when he over runs he would simply go into the eagle not the mage bunker. From here I would countercharge and challenge with my annoyance hero with the 2+ flaming ward against his dragons breath. If he decides to charge the 10 man unit of glade guard I would challenge, stay and counter charge with the same annoyance hero. This was ok until banishment decided I was not going to have an annoyance hero.

So with the dragon 2” away from all my points I decided to charge my BSB into the dragon. I needed a good magic phase here to defeat the beast but I had 2 less power dice then his dispel dice. Still the dragon lost combat by a 4 and he proceeded to roll a 6. Well after a while I kept on winning or drawing combats. I charged a glade guard unit in the flank and what not and so I either won combats or I drew combats, this went on for a while while my treeman marched out of hiding to kill a few eagles and some redirectors while his units were turning around and running conserving points. My eagle noble died after a while as he would and I then had to charge the third eagle hero in there who was ready for the action with savage beats managing to go off. With 7 swings of the S9 great weapon straight for the dragons heart I only did 1 wound leaving it with 1 wound remaining. On his turn the eagle rider failed the 2+ ward and died as he should have, he had charged valiantly and knowingly that with some buff he should remain alive long enough so the dragon does not go into my 2 mages. The final score was a well deserved draw. 10-10 He played really well.


So in retrospect looking at the list I choose it was too fragile. It is ok to have some fragile things but I just had way too many fragile things. The wrong opponent can really ruin my day but the right opponent can be really ruined. I guess a lot of ETC lists were based on that concept. I was sad I did not get to play angainst more dark elf opponents, they were my big ambition. Other targets for big wins were HE with no light council, beastmen, certain daemons (We tried to match our HE player here at times tho), certain empire with no light council. I was confident I could pull out a small win against ogres and WoC and Bretons and draw with everything except Skaven and TK. Those 2 were my big bane. But it turns out anything that has a strong magic phase that deletes treeman and heroes easily is really strong against me. When reading through the lists I felt like there were always 2 opponents I really wanted, 3-5 that were ok and 1-3 that I dreaded.
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Re: Raport sa ETCa

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Re: Raport sa ETCa

Post by Iskusinjo »


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