Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

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Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by teclis »

Treba mi rezervni igrac za turnir sad u nedelju.

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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by Dellamorte »

e vidi jos nekog,nesto mi je iskrslo :( bas ako ne bude niko doso(kao rezerva) videcu da se iscimam nekako da dodjem
..we have purpose
ako pobedish u olimpijadi za retardirane ,to ne menja cinjenicu da si i dalje... :commisar:
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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by teclis »

Dakle jos neko?
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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by sstorm »

Mogu ja herr Teclis
Nisam neki Bretonski general al' umem da se radujem za medalju ;)
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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by teclis »

sstorm wrote:Mogu ja herr Teclis
Nisam neki Bretonski general al' umem da se radujem za medalju ;)

E odlicno! Onda racunam na tebe! Je l' si ti beshe vladin buraz?
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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by sstorm »

Taj sam, vidimo se u nedelju...

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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by vladamex »

Djole, mogu i ja u nedelju ako vam treba jos jedan :)

Mozemo i burazer (sstorm) i ja kombinovano sa jednom vojskom (HE ili Bretonija, po vasem ili nasem izboru) :)

A ako ste popunjeni sa mestom, doci cemo da navijamo!

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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by teclis »

vladamex wrote:Djole, mogu i ja u nedelju ako vam treba jos jedan :)

Mozemo i burazer (sstorm) i ja kombinovano sa jednom vojskom (HE ili Bretonija, po vasem ili nasem izboru) :)

A ako ste popunjeni sa mestom, doci cemo da navijamo!

Додји па цемо да искомбинујемо несто Ч=
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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by Joske »

teclis wrote:Додји па цемо да искомбинујемо несто Ч=
znam što si kucao ćirilicom :D
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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by Jagos »


60 - Nikola Nikolic
49 - Bogdan
49 - Marijan
43 - Kirgan
31 - Andrija
31 - Ota
31 - Nenad Nikolic
28 - Jagos
28 - Josip
26 - Slobodan
22 - Mladen
22 - Vladimir
22 - Igor
20 - No1
10 - No3
8 - Teklis

Jos jednom se izvinjavam Marijanu sto sam inicijalno pogresno prikazao bodove, nadam se da je sada sve korektno.
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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by Kirgan »

Smatram da bi Bogdanu i meni (jos nekome ako je bio) trebalo da se daju bodovi, jer to sto smo se susili a onda nismo ni dobili sve bodove, prosto nije u redu :evil:
Josef Quartjin (Enemy Within):

"Zbogom Wittgendorf-e na k...c te nabijem" Sommerzeit 13. 2512.
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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by teclis »

Kirgan wrote:Smatram da bi Bogdanu i meni (jos nekome ako je bio) trebalo da se daju bodovi, jer to sto smo se susili a onda nismo ni dobili sve bodove, prosto nije u redu :evil:
Jbg to sam ja kriv kao organizator sto nisam obezbedio rezervu.
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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Pa nebitno cija je krivica, zar ne trebaju da dobiju svi po max poena, ako nisu imali priliku da odigraju partiju?
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by Kirgan »

Ne mislim da to ima veze sa necijom krivicom, vec jednostavno nije u redu, prvo se susis, a onda pride izvisis za bodove.. sta reci da nije u redu nije. :evil:
Josef Quartjin (Enemy Within):

"Zbogom Wittgendorf-e na k...c te nabijem" Sommerzeit 13. 2512.
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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by joggy »

kako mislis? Nisi dobio 20 bodova za tu partiju koju si se susio? Kako imas 43 bodova iz 2 partije?
"Narod u demokratiji ne može da pogreši. Kakva god da je odluka naroda to je odluka Boga." Vulin.
"Potrebno je da vozilo koje vrši transport ima onu ruku napred, da prebacuje... Imaju proizvođači, ja sad ne znam ko su“ Velja.
„Na Beka su pucali amateri, jednom je čak spala kapuljača“ Nesa.
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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Pa to je ona fora po kojoj ti ne daju max bodova, nego neki "srednji" broj bodova, jer "nisi imao priliku da izgubis poene". Sto je potpuno retardirano. Nije on, kao igrac, kriv sto neko nije sposoban da mu obezbedi partiju. On je dosao da se igra. Protivnik mu se nije pojavio. To je 20-0 za njega. Jer u svakom drugom slucaju, taj sistem moze da se zloupotrebi (ne mislim da je to ovde bio slucaj, samo kazem da je tako).
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by Mrzimsvee »

Kako ste imali neparan broj igraca kad ovde pise 16 imena?
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every sin...is punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."
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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by Kirgan »

Prethodni Bg turnir, nije Bogdanu i meni uracunato, jer smo se susili (nije dan nam je bio plan) :evil:
Josef Quartjin (Enemy Within):

"Zbogom Wittgendorf-e na k...c te nabijem" Sommerzeit 13. 2512.
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Re: Warhammer 17. mart ETC turnir

Post by Mrzimsvee »

A prosli put, izvini nisam razumeo.
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every sin...is punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."

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