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Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2007 8:44 pm
by teclis
Oces da kazes da Grci znaju sta je sta u knjizi pre Engleza?
Ja mislim da je on rekao: "Nisam licno video knjigu ali ide verovatno ovako, tako barem kazu..."
Bilo je mnogo takvih lazi na

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2007 8:31 am
by Duc d' Elchingen
HE army book u ponudi na GW sajtu ako Advance Order

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 10:30 am
by teclis
Duc d' Elchingen wrote:HE army book u ponudi na GW sajtu ako Advance Order
da u to sam upoznat, i da sve ovo je tacno iz Grcke...
Ljudi, 4 rare choice: 4 DOW topa!?!?

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 11:36 am
by Dzon Vejn
Kao sto sam rekao na drugoj temi, to je 4x85=340 poena... a to je puno poena za nesto sto nije sigurno... topovi rade samo kod imperije jer imaju S10, D6W prave i imaju steam tenk podrsku.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:29 pm
by No 1
Ja mislim da su 4 elfovska bolta sigurno veći problem od 4 DOW topa.

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:37 pm
by orome pancevo
grdno se varas

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:38 pm
by Dzon Vejn
Mislim da su 4 orla gora od obe stvari ;)

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:40 pm
by Luka_Pancevo
Dzon Vejn wrote:Kao sto sam rekao na drugoj temi, to je 4x85=340 poena... a to je puno poena za nesto sto nije sigurno... topovi rade samo kod imperije jer imaju S10, D6W prave i imaju steam tenk podrsku.
I DoW-ovski imaju S10, samo D3 wounda, pa se ja ipak njih plasim vise nego boltera... :roll:

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 12:48 pm
by Pendargon
U mojoj knjizi, dow top je mnogo strasniji od boltera. kosta manje, ima vecu snagu, obojica prave d3 rane, ali top autounistava kocije, lakse probija zmajeve, treemane i ostale karakondzule, i relativno je precizniji (ako znas da gesujes).

Posted: Fri Oct 05, 2007 9:01 pm
by teclis
Dzon Vejn wrote:Mislim da su 4 orla gora od obe stvari ;)
to je tacno, moram da priznam...

Posted: Tue Oct 16, 2007 7:03 pm
by teclis
Army Rules – Speed of Asuryan = Always strike First
Valour of Ages = re-roll all failed psychology tests when fighting Dark Elves

Special Characters:

Tyron – no Fient anymore, no curse or +2 ward sv, Malhandir has 1 wound, 4+ ward and regeneration, I10, 1+ save, magic sword, Malhandir is no longer a monster so it can’t get shot, still M10, 4+ward and regen - yes, Sunblade +3 streangth and S4 Breath attack that can’t be dispelled, causes panic if you succeed to kill at least one enemy with it)

Teclis – no longer has unlimited range, no reroll, Book of Hoeth, ignores first miscast each turn, no more potions, Sword of Teclis = all its wound on 2+ with no armour save, memory wipe dispel scroll, can chose any lore, any double except miscast is an irresistible, knows all spells

Carayadryan – MR3, D3 wounds weapon, flaming attack, model which kills him gets D6 wounds no armour saves.

Korhil – +2 str axe, can ride Lion Chariot, He is immune to any kind of poison and has deadly strike (wound on 6 kills).

Alith Anar - -1 to hit him or unit he is with ranged attacks, Moonbow = bolt thrower that causes panic test in DE unit if wounded. Cheap. when he falls back from combat, the amount rolled for pursuit is halved (so even cavalry units are unlikely to run him down).

Eltharion – can ride Griffon. His sword: Ignores armoursaves, +2 strength on attack, He’s a level 2 mage, has a 4+ AS and a 5+ WS, the WS goes for him and the Griffon, He hates goblins and gets +1 to hit and +1 Strength when fighting the fat goblin on chariot character. Griffon has better profile then other griffons:


Prince - can ride Star Dragon, can ride Tiranoc chariot

Archmage – can ride Moon Dragon, can ride Tiranoc chariot

Commander - can ride Tiranoc chariot

Mage - can ride Tiranoc chariot.

Dragon Mage – 35pts to upgrade, fire magic only, Flaming Sword as default spell, +1 casting dice for him only, rides Sun Dragon, 2 attacks +1 casting dice for each Firespell he tries to cast, which doesn’t count against the limit of the power dice he’s allowed to use.


Griffon - same

Eagle - same

Dragons – take up extra hero slot

Star Dragon - WS7, St7, T6, Wo7, A6, 3+ scaly skin, Str 4 breath weapon which causes panic if kills an opponent.

Moon Dragon – WS6, St6, T6, Wo6, A5, 4+ scaly skin, Str 3 breath weapon - breath weapon which causes panic if kills an opponent.

Sun Dragon – WS5, St5, T6, Wo5, A4, 5+ scaly skin, Str 2 breath weapon – breath weapon which causes panic if kills an opponent.

Still has First of equals – 25 points magic banner for one unit. Command for all core is 10, 10, 5.

Archers - one rank shooting only, longbows, +1 lt armour

Spearman – lt armour, fight in 3 ranks

Seaguard - lt armour, +1pt for shield, normal bows.

Special: 6 slots

Silver Helms – no magic banner, +2 pts for shield = 2+ save.

Reavers – +4pts for bow, or +2 to exchange for bow.

Dragon Princes – St3, +1 attack – no Ithilmar barding

Shadow Warriors – Ws5, Bs4, hatred – eternal hatred of Dark Elves.

Tiranoc Chariot – 1 per slot.

White Lion Chariot – 1 per slot - +4 save, Lions = WS5, 2 Str 5 attacks each, Mv8?, White Lions crew = 2 more st5 attacks, no scythes, 16" charge, fear

White Lions – Woodsmen, St4, hv armoir, great weapons – Lion pelt = +3 to missile save, stubborn.

Swordmasters – WS6, St3, hv armour - +1 attack.

Phoenix Guard – St3, hv armour - +4 ward save, cause fear, halberds.

Rare: 4 slots

Bolt Thrower – 1 per slot

Eagles – 1 per slot


0 - Drain magic - +7 to cast - +3 to all casting values including your own, stacks.
1 - 18” 5+ ward, lasts one turn
2 - Curse of Arrow Attraction
3 – Stubborn (FOR ALL UNITS WITHIN 12 “ RANGE!!) - 8+ to cast
4 – Fury of Khaine
5 – Flames of the Phoenix
6 - Vaul’s Unmaking

Core magic items same –

Old Magic Items – Which ones are still here?

Magic Weapons-

Blade of Leaping Gold - yes - +3 attacks
Bow of the Seafarer - yes - mobile bolt thrower
Sword of Hoeth - yes - all hits wound automatically
Blade of Darting Steel - yes
Reaver Bow - yes - 3 str 5 shots
Blade of Sea Gold - yes - no armour saves
Foe Bane – yes, works now against 2+ wounds

Magic Armor-

Armour of Protection - yes
Golden Shield - yes - Same points, enemy rerolls successful hits!!
Armour of Stars - yes
Armour of Heroes - yes
Shadow Armour - yes
Helm of Fortune - yes
Dragonscale Shield - yes


Vambraces of Defence - yes - +4 ward, reroll armor saves
Golden Crown of Atrazar ?
Loremaster’s Cloak ?
Talisman of Saphery ?
Sacred Incense ?
Guardian Phoenix - yes
Amulet of Fire - yes

Arcane Items-

Book of Hoeth - yes
Annulian Crystal - yes
Starwood Staff ?
Sigil of Asuryan ?
Staff of Solidity ?
Jewel of the Dusk - yes
Silver Wand - yes

Enchanted Items-

Null Stone - yes
Healing Potion ?
Radiant Gem of Hoeth - yes = loremaster
Clock of Beards - yes.
Ring of Corin - yes - one use only - arcane item now - cheaper
Ring of Fury - yes
Blessed Tome ?
Amulet of the Purifying Flame - yes

Magic Banners-

Battle Banner - yes
Banner of the World Dragon ?
Banner of Sorcery -yes - same
Standard of Balance yes
Banner of Arcane Protection- yes - no anti undead or deamon rule. MR2 - cheaper
Lion Standard yes
Banner of Ellyrion - yes

Honors - gone - replaced most with items

Pure of Heart - gone!
Lion Guard - gone
Loremaster – yes - enchanted item
Swordmaster - yes - magic weapon
Seer - yes - arcane item
Channeller – gone

*What are the new Items- ?*

Magic Weapons-

Star Lance - on charge S+3 and ignores Armoursaves on charge
White Sword - on foot only, 2 hands required, S+2, Killing blow

Magic Armour-

Armor of Caledor - 2+ save, cannot be improved anymore.
pair of gauntlets that give a 6+ save and a 5+ ward against Str 4 or more attacks.


Talisman of Lorec - One use, reroll hit and wound, enemy must reroll successful armour and wardsaves (or any other saves). Bearer suffers a wound with no saves.
Talisman of Saphery - Turns your enemy's magic weapon into normal weapon of their type

Arcane Items-

Seer Wand ?
Vortex - ends enemy magic phase, ends all remains-in-play-spells and all saved powerdice. If I got it right enemy isn’t even allowed to use bound spells (spells bound in items as Ring of Fury.
Tricksters Pendant - enemy rolls twice on miscast table ( and you chose the result to take effect)

Enchanted Items-

Skeinsliver - +1 when determining who goes first
Pendant of Runic Revenge - Reroll successful rune forging and -1 on the rune miscast table if fails.
Forathil's Robe - ethereal, models on foot only

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2007 9:18 am
by No 1

Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2007 10:40 pm
by No 1
Army builder za HE u exelu

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 12:49 am
by Keeper of the flame
Meni kaže "The page cannot be found"

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 9:36 am
by orome pancevo
Isti slucaj.

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 11:33 am
by No 1
Jbg, radio je.

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 12:01 am
by orome pancevo
Jel nabavio ko knjigu u pdf-u?

Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 12:47 pm
by teclis
orome pancevo wrote:Jel nabavio ko knjigu u pdf-u?
Jeste, mrzimsveee

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:17 pm
by teclis
upravo sam updateovao Army Builder na najnoviju verziju i ima novih HE :D

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:48 pm
Ako sam ja lepo razumeo ako teclis ostane na jednoj rani dobija ward na 2+ ? 8O

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:56 pm
by Luka_Pancevo
SRBENDA wrote:Ako sam ja lepo razumeo ako teclis ostane na jednoj rani dobija ward na 2+ ? 8O
Da. Jos ako baci second sign of Amun(ili Amur ili whatever...) ima jos i rirol :roll:

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 7:58 pm
by Gorbash
Umm, meni se cini da nisu updateovali specijalne karaktere... Posto sad ne postoje Honouri, a Teclis ga ima po ovoj verziji... Takodje novi Teclis bi trebalo da ima T2 dok ovaj ima 3...

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:16 pm
by orome pancevo
teclis wrote:upravo sam updateovao Army Builder na najnoviju verziju i ima novih HE :D
Kako se to radi? :oops:

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:27 pm
by Luka_Pancevo
Sa trojkom - Mislim da jos nije izaslo... Mozda gresim.
Sa dvojkom - u gornjem desnom cosku imas View Updates, jer ti automatski proverava apdejtove jer imas ADSL.

Upravo sam ga skinuo :lol:

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:35 pm
by teclis
smesan je ima neke bagove npr. u staroj verziji (i u ovoj) kod Tiranoc kocije kaze da crew ima spear (na statu pise S3)... Ovde kod lavlje kaze na statu S5 + imaju great weapon (S6??? obicni white lionsi su S4 profil) , mada svaka verzija cim izadje treba popravke 8

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:39 pm
by teclis
Oj stari Teclise,
ti nikad ne umires,
jos kad ti bacim sekond sajn,
bices jak ko zmaj (n)

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:43 pm
orome pancevo wrote:
teclis wrote:upravo sam updateovao Army Builder na najnoviju verziju i ima novih HE :D
Kako se to radi? :oops:
Kada otvoris tvoju army listu u AB, u gornjem desnom uglu videces updates ili kada udjes u AB ides na locate files.

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:49 pm
by orome pancevo
Hvala,probao sam ali nema.Izgleda da jos nije izaslo za 3.1

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:53 pm
by Luka_Pancevo
teclis wrote:Oj stari Teclise,
ti nikad ne umires,
jos kad ti bacim sekond sajn,
bices jak ko zmaj (n)
Koliko ja vidim i novi ima 2+ward kod jedne rane ? Ili ne valja AB ?

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 8:59 pm
by teclis
Bogami ne valja AB sto se tice specijalnih karaktera, mada mozda se varam... Samo sto znam da teclis ima jes book of hoeth & svaku magicnu fazu je imun na miscast... Ipak taj 2+ ward proizilazi iz Curse of Anearion - pa ako Tyrion ima zasto ne bi i njegov brat blizanac Teclis (Aenarion - baja koji je ratovao sa demonima i poubijao 4 glavna demona GLAVNI BAJA :twisted: )

Posted: Tue Nov 27, 2007 9:18 pm
by BaGer
pa ako je taj data file onaj sa anarchistice onda u njemu nisu uradjeni novi specijalni karakteri, a AB kad ukljucis specijalne karaktere prikazuje one stare (isto je i za dwarfove npr.)

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:24 pm
by teclis
Dosao sam do super ultra giga kombo-a :D :

14 Swordmastera sa Bladelordom koji ima Talisman of Loec - RR to hit i to wound, one use only => 15 napada WS6 S5 sa re-rollovima :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

BTW za ovu opaku stvar od jedinice morate izdvojiti oko 250 poena...

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 6:35 pm
by Iskusinjo
Zar se RR ne odnose samo na Blademastera?! :-s

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:16 pm
by Keeper of the flame
Iskusinjo wrote:Zar se RR ne odnose samo na Blademastera?! :-s
Model koji nosi Talisman Of Loec može rerollati sve 'to hit' i 'to wound' rollove a protivnik koji je napadnut time mora rerollati 'all saves of any kind'. One use only i na kraju bearer dobiva wound, ili u ovom primjeru Bladelord umire.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 7:31 pm
by Iskusinjo
Tako sam i mislio.Bilo bi surovo da cela jedinica ima RRove. :P

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:16 pm
by sinister
Ok boys,
if I can, I'll try to get to you the new book.

I uderstand that you dont have it and the gay in our comunity that have it didn'd bring it to Belgrade!

So I'll do my best and I promesed it!!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:28 pm
by teclis
And if you don't make it, my book is probably comming in less of a month :D
Opet halucinacije (posle dugo provedenog vremena na kmljuteru :P ), pogresio sam za Talisman of Loec - mada uzeti princa na Star Dragonu sa Armourom of Caledor - 2+ armour + imun na vatru, The White Sword - +2S & Killing Blow, talisman da RR taj killing blow i uzeo bih mu Gurdian Phenix. To mu dodje dobar kombo

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:30 pm
by sinister
I will do my best!!!

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 9:49 pm
by No 1
Već danima imate novu knjigu na netu.

Posted: Mon Dec 03, 2007 10:01 pm
by teclis
No 1 wrote:Već danima imate novu knjigu na netu.
I nedeljama u HS...