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Posted: Mon Feb 09, 2009 10:49 pm
by Shunka
OK, the tournament...

First game (Nikica and the Coven) - Gorten played second and didn't cast solid ground. The first chicken slamed in and knocked him over. He actually managed to stay alive for a round (with 3 wounds), but died soon afterwards.

Second game (Dj. Bjelajac and Vladimir) - Mercenaries killed everything. Without any cassulties. Though I must admit that the dice gods favoured me heavily. The Khador army split - on one side it's Eyriss and the Widowmakers, on the other - Vladimir, Destroyer, Beast, Drakhun and a Manhunter. One of Thor's Blasters killed the Widowmakers in two rounds. Thor actualy got hit by a Widowmaker's bullet, suffering two wounds. Ayana and Holt won me the game by themselves. They went invisible for a few rounds, and then the Drakhun approached them. They engaged him in melee, and Holt killed him almost singlehandedly - he already had 6 wounds. One pistol shot did nothing, the other killed the horse. First blade gave him two wounds (I rolled 11) and the second blade finished him (I rolled 6,6,6 for damage). In the meantime Ayana cast Harm on the Beast, so the rest of the Merc army trashed him completely. Gorten then used his feat to move Vlad and his Destroyer so Eyriss could disrupt him. And she failed. On the upside, Vlad could do nothing that round but move in front of my army and cast Blood of Kings on himself. But his "Eyriss" disrupted Gorten (he didn't know then that was the false one). So on my fourth round I dealed with the Destroyer, much in the same way I dealed with Beast, and a Blaster proved that only the true Eyriss could miss Vlad the second time. Gorten killed a Manhunter who sneaked up on us from behind. Djordje's fourth round - Vladimir was completely on his own, but I made a mistake - with 9 inches of movement he could go around my warjack and approach Gorten. And he should've killed him, but dice betrayed him. Gorten was alive on 3 wounds. And I would've still lost if it wasn't for Holt, who ran Vlad to the ground with his pistols. And then he was quickly taken care of, finished by a blast from a Blaster.

Third game - A lot of things happened, but most of them weren't so interesting. I won because Gorman threw black oil towards Beast, who was out of range, and rolled just the two numbers I needed for the shot to scatter just between him and Sorscha. Which gave me enough time to deal with all of them. Actualy, Sorscha retreated that round, hiding behind a rock, and returned on the next one, Cycloned through some Forgeguard and Gorman, and was left standing there surrounded. Alexia tried and failed to kill her, so Gorten moved her in the clear and shot her dead. I also lost Thor and Eyriss to sniper fire. An autonomous Destroyer and maybe one Widowmaker survived on the other side. Jonne killed Yuri and Eyriss by shooting them in close range. Ayana and Holt held my left flank and killed only one Widowmaker. And Harmed, knocked over and severely wounded a MoW Kovnik.


Posted: Fri Mar 20, 2009 1:01 am
by Shunka
Odigrao sam dve partije u stilu "borba ubogih" danas.
Prva je bila ona detaljno isplanirana, Durgen protiv Zerkove.
I zaista smo se ubogo tukli. Sa jedne strane su Winter Gardisti polako odstreljivali jedinicu High Shield Gun Corps-a dok su ginuli pod pitama od Hernea i Jonnea, a sa druge je Zerkova polako napredovala i tu smo se nekako svi potukli. Man-O-Warci su tukli mog velikog dzeka, pa je tukao on njih, Koldun Lord je imao savrseno herojski ispad kada je mlazom mraza smaknuo pola jedinice Forge Guarde + Thora Steinhammera, pa je uleteo i Durgen da mlati cekicem, pa se Zerkova zajebala i pritrcala da mlati Durgena. Naravno, preziveo je na 5 rana i odvalio je iz udarca (mada je bila vec ranjena, bio ju je pogodio granatom par krugova ranije). Cisto radi reda igrali smo jos jedan krug da bi umrli svi rusi (Kodiakom se niko nije bavio kroz celu partiju, pa ni tada). Preziveli sa nase strane su bili Durgen, njegovi dzekovi (mada ispovredjivani) i Jonne (Herne je herojski umro na sablji umiruceg Grigorovica). Da je Vedran bolje igrao ocistio bi me sa table strasno, ovako je bilo zabavno.
Druga je bila ista ekipa sa Zerkovom protiv Stefa i Borke Kegslayera. Winter Guarda se celu partiju mlatila sa Kriel Warriorima na desnom krilu. Prezivela je na kraju Liutenantkinja iz WG i jedan Kriel Warrior. I jedni i drugi su prolazili gomilu tougha, promasivali se, gurali se... Svasta nesto... Heroji partije su bili Krielstone Bearer i njegovi pisari, koji su tako tvrdoglavo odbijali da umru da je to strasno. Na mom levom krilu se desavala prava stvar - Zerkova, ker i Ternion protiv Borke i besnih trolova. Man-O-Warci su se zrtvovali da ubiju Impalera, pa su onda preminuli, ker je kidisao i vracao se vise puta... Ternioni su zaledili prvo Axera. Pa u sledecem krugu Borku! Pomogao je Koldun Lord, koji je ubio gajdasa sikirom, pobesneo i bacio Ice Cage na Borku pa umro odmah zbog Mosh Pita. Od trojce carobnjaka jedan je bio u hth-u sa Kenijem, pa je pokusao da izadje i umro od bacve po glavi, preostala dvojca su dovrsila Ice Cage proceduru na Kegslayeru. A da bi se sve to desilo Zerkova je ucardzovala Slag Trola i ubila ga macem (dobro, ostale su mu bile dve rane nakon sto ga je Kodiak bacao naokolo)! I na osnovu toga nanela Borki neke rane Mr. Hanky-em. U sledecem krugu je odledjeni Axer prisao i odsekao pola Zerkove, sveo je na 2 rane. I moj poslednji krug. Dva carobnjaka pokusavaju da nekako sprejevima pokupe preostale pisare i nosaca kamena, ali naravno oni svi prodju tough. Poludeli Kodiak je dohvatio Kriel Warriora i uspeo da ga baci tacno na Borku. Zerkova odgurne Axera svojim spell-om za odguravanje stvari i uleti u Borku da ga sece macem dok je na zemlji. Naravno to se nije desilo. Iako sam bacio neke sulude kocke. Nije da nije postojala teoretska sansa, ali...
Naravno Borka ustane i sabije je u crnu zemlju.

Svidja mi se Zerkova, moracu jos da igram sa njom. Nekako Butcher kad uleti u nesto, to nesto premine. Ali kad Zerkova nekog isece macem na smrt, to je uspeh!