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Post by mladjano bugarce »

Everblight VS Kryx 500 p.

Na jednoj strani Everblight koji predvodi Rijas(Elfica ubica s velikim macem, bez spelova i sa fitom koji kaze dodatni napad i preskace modele koje ubije). Jedno vrlo zanimljivo pravilo za Rijas je death shadow - kada ubije modela ne moze biti targetovana spellom i shootingom, chargeovana i ima +4 na PH. Defense) Uz nju su tu jos i Predator(all good staff ignorise sve efekte kada se krece ili jurisa, stealth veliki charge range(ide do 14 Incha sa skokom), odlicno udara, skuplja trofeje), Karnivian(Everblight heavy beast 3 jaka napada + flame tamplate ranged attack, debeo jak i prilicno brz SPEED 6, ANIMUS +2 armor), 4 shredera(mali beastovi, ne mnogo jaki ali daju puno mogucnosti za redirect damage-a, odlican ANIMUS +1D+1A) Teraph( zver koja odlicno puca i ima jedan od boljih animusa u igri +2 incha movement), jedan forsaken(Solo koji ima posebno pravilo da skuplja FURY sa zveri) i 3 Irvasa(laka konjica 3 napada svaki, 2 shootinga ako stoje, imaju dodatni movement posle akcije ignorisu free strikes, 5 damagea obicni konjanici 8 leader)

Na drugoj Cryx horda sa vesticom Skare u glavnoj ulozi - jedan jack udarac, 8 bane knights, 8 Nis huntera placenika, 6 mehanitrals, 8 undead pirata i naravno skarlok.

Postavka vrlo strateska - mi naspram njih, Dule dobija rol i odlucuje da Everblight igra prvi. Vrlo takticki svi trcimo napred, Irvasi staju na brdo s desne strane. Ceo Krix se priblizava, zuje neki meci i strele ali visok defense Irvasa + animus shredera+brdo(+2DEF) cine svoje. Kao odgovor na to Irvasi odapinju strele a zatim beze nazad medju svoje trupe, ubijajuci pri tom dvojicu izdajnika.Teraph otvara vatru na mehanitralove i ubija par njih. Kao odgovor Cryx horda se priblizava, Skare sarificial strike-om sprzi predatora( ubija svoj model u btb kontaktu a za uzvrat model u 12 inca automatski popije damage roll str jednake armoru ubijenog modela). Ovaj udar ignorise defense i line of sight. Pirati pucaju na jednog shredera i ostecuju ga.
Pocinje Everblight Krug - vreme za "sve lili nista" pokusaj. Skare je na nekih 15-16 incha od rijas. Aktivira se Teraph i animusom pomeri Rijas za 2 inca. Zatim Rijas proglasi feat i jurisa na pirata koji se nalazi ispred Skare, ubija ga a zatim preskace obezglavljen les i nadje se ispred Skare. U dva udarca odseca joj glavu i postaje nevidljiva senka smrti... Manje vise kraj partije.
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Post by Pendargon »

Pa posto nas je everblight sasekao, resio sam juce da dam Skarre jos jednu sansu i izadjem na cygnar :-)
dakle skarre, skarlock, mechanithrallovi, Bane knightovi, unded pirati, Nyss hunteri 2x pistol wraith i ogrun bokur.
Sa druge strane Dzon Vejn, Lancer, Trencheri sa svojim Jackom i Finnom, The hated elf chick, jedinica stormbladea sa svim.
Cygnar pocinje prvi, ubija nekoliko mechanithrallova, stormbladei prilaze. U mom krugu mi se takodje priblizavamo, skarlock ubija mechanithralla za focus, i nysovi ubijaju 4 stormbladea svojim koncentrovanim volejom. Zatim steva ubija mog quartermastera sa hated elf chick, finn i trencheri gotovo redukuju do nule pirate, a Dzon Vejn ubija pistol wraitha. Onda ide moj krug. Sacrificial strike na Elf chick, sveopsti charge, i opste klanje u kome jedva prezivljava par stormbladea i par trenchera. I taman kada smo pomislili da imammo pobedu u dzepu, Dzon veejn aktivira feat i pobije mi skoro celu armiju 8O 8O 8O 8O . Srecom, baneovi su usto pobili ostatak trenchera i stormbladeova (max finn nije prosao tough :D :D ). Posle toga, ostaje mi samo ranjeni bokur, nesto nyssova i skarre, a njemu lancer i dzon vejn. Medjutim, ide moj krug, moj feat, sacrificial strike na bokuru, i str 22+3d6 na Dzona Vejna!!! Nazalost, moj los rol ga odnosi na 2 do smrti... On shvati da je postalo jako gusto i teleportuje se daleko...daleko... do kraja partije on je pobio nyssove, a skarre napravila Veliki krater od lancera, i tako su samo casteri ostali na tabli... Totalno unistenje :D :D :D :D i tvrd draw. I nadasve neizvesna i uzbudljiva partija. Feomenalno!!
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Post by Shunka »

Pojeo nas Everblight.
Ukratko, cela Khador armija je pokusala da se suprotstavi velikom Dragonspawnu, kako god se zvao (onaj sa kandzama i bodljama i sto bljuje vatru), ali ga nisu ubili kad je trebalo pa je on na kraju pojeo Komandanta Iruska...
Zanimljivo da je bilo i jako dobrih i jako losih roll-ova sa obe strane.
Khadorska armija treba da baca pite.
Irusk nije najkorisniji protiv armije koja masivno ignorise rough teren.
Kodiak nije dovoljno tvrd da tek tako stane na crtu nekome (a i zajebao se sto nije ispustio prethodno svoje izduvne gasove).
No dobro, ucimo se polako.
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
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Post by Pendargon »

I danas fenomenalan okrsaj dva zmaja, u 750 poena:
Sa moje strane su bili
2x pistol wraith
2x nightwrech
2x deathripper
Bane knights

A Mladji brat je imao :
Ice queen
4 x Gnid
Laku knjicu
One cudne troglodite i

Jedinstven clash veoma slicnih nod-armija (da, i horde to mogu), u kome su u beskonacnim tradeovima (on zrtcuje gnida da sprzi malo moje pesadije, pa ja zrtvujem nod da ubijem malo njegove konjice...) Uspeli da odigramo tvrd draw : 15-14 za Mladjeg Brata :-). Partija je bila jednostavno previse spektakularna za prepricavanje bez dijagrama, i jos jednom me je podsetila koliko je spektakularna igra WArmachine/Hordes. I naravno, kako su svi generali najpametniji posle bitke, ukapirao sam par sati kasnije(zapravo sad) da sam u jednom momentu imao apsolutno dobijenu partiju, a to nisam video.
Uljuljkalo me je skorasnje koriscenje Skare i Terminusa u svojoj jednostavnosti, da sam skroz zaboravio koliko je deneghra efikasan i brutalan i nadasve komplikovan caster. Mozda i najkomplikovanija za koriscenje od svih sa kojima sam igrao, i sto se kompetitivnosti tice, rame-uz rame sa skarre i, metacasterom Goreshadeom.
(za bokija: Trebao sam da popujem feat odmah u krugu posle tvog. Zahvatio bi Angelusa, Gnida i Troglodite, pa sam onda trebao da se povucem, resim carniveana onako kako i jesam, a deathjack se onda aktivira i pobije sve troglodite, angelus ne moze da ga stigne jer ima -2 na movement i NE MOZE DA CHARGEUJE u sledecoj rundi, i nyssovi se povuku dublje.)
Eh, da, i Angelusov thrust je special attack, tako onomad prvi put kada me je promasio, onaj drugi napad nije polovio armor, tako da bi DJ mozda bio ziv... Bygones... :D
Sve to ide u krivulju ucenja :D
Bilo kako bilo, epska partija koja definitivno zahteva revans, i ono sto mi je najmilije, uspesna proba da klasicna good old asassin armija igra savrseno i protiv hordi, i to cak hordi koje nas brzinski dominiraju (incredible, ain't it :D :D )
S ocekivanjem sledece nedelje... 8) A mogao bi i jednom da probam da nagazim na verske fanatike (Momo...o Momoooo :wink: )
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Post by Shunka »

Igrao sam dve partije protiv Duleta...
Prva je bila Mangled Metal - Butcher protiv Goreshadea.
Goreshade je takticki dominirao u pocetku.
Nisam znao da ne mogu da boostujem attack roll van svog poteza... Te je Butcherov spell Retaliation bio beskoristan... A racunao sam na njega.
Ali onda je dosao red na Butchera da pusti u promet svoju sikiru. I to nije upalilo. Kako, pitate se vi?
Pa prvo nisam uspeo da pogodim Bane Thrall-a. Bacio sam 1 i 2, jurio sam 4... No, resio ja da ga stavim na ignore i otisao Butcher dalje da bije jackove. Njih je pogadjao, ali su damage roll-ovi izgledali ovako: 1,1,2,3; 1,2,2,1; 1,3,1,1...
Dosao je Goreshade i napravio fleku od njega.

Drugu partiju smo igrali 500 poena regularno, i tu je bio Irusk... Drzao sam se posteno par poteza, moram priznati. Pobio skoro sve pirate... I sve mechanithrallove...
A onda - Cryxovski jack se Soulgate-uje do mog, i tuce ga. Kada je moj trebalo da uzvrati... Stavio sam dva focusa na njega. Trebalo je tri. Pogadjam ga na 6... Prvi put boostujem attack roll, pogodim, napravim 3 dmg. Drugi put ne boostujem, promasim. Nista od comboa... Za treci focus napravim jos jedan udarac, i tu uradim jos tipa 1 dmg... Strasno...
Posle su me okruzili Bane Thrall-ovi sa jedne, Bane Knightovi sa druge strane, i tu mi je bio kraj...
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
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Post by Pendargon »

Da, to je bilo apsolutno spektakularno... Prosto je neverovatno da butcher, fully loaded sa fokusom, nije uspeo da totaluje 2 cryxovska jacka (i to slayera i stalkera, koji su fragilni ko od stakla da su pravljeni). Sunka je lose rolao, ubilo se. I u drugoj partiji je nastavio sa serijama istih takvih bacanja, I partija je pukla kada se sleyer soulgateovao u Kodiaka i tukao ga 2-3 kruga dok isti nije umro, a sleyeru cak ni jedan sistem sem hulla nije bio ostecen. Strasno. Mada, Irusk se zaista muski drzao, i sa svojjim difficult ground mi je bas zadavao probleme ;-)
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Post by Pendargon »

Juce smo Steva i ja odigrali 2 super partije!
Prva je bila mangled metal, koja se zavrsila u trecem potezu tako sto je iron leach uchargeovao Strykera pod featom, i utukao ga u zemlju Daemortisom.
Druga partija je bila uistinu spektakularna:
Sa moje strane :
Goreshade (koji ozbiljno pretenduje da istisne sa prvog mesta mojih omiljenih castera Denny)
Bane knights
Revenant crew

Sa druge srane, boys in blue :
Dzon Vejn
Puna jedinica Stormbladea sa komandom

Pocelo je naporno za cryx, Dzon Vejn je odstrelio par baneova, a onda je Goreshade uspeo (ili bolje receno nije uspeo :lol: ) da 3 puta baci consumption na 5 i povredio ironclada za samo 4 damaga, a bloat promasi bokura i mehanicare. Onda Dzon Vejn feat, i ubije pile, bloata, sve pirate i svede baneove na 3. ijao. Ali goreshade se ne predaje. Ide njegov feat, pojave se Thralovi, koji uchargeuju ironclada i lancera, visestruko povredjujuci ironclada (nazalost ne i lancera, zbog set defencea). U njih utrcava bokur, ubijajuci dvojicu, i lancer ubija jos jednog, a stormbladeovi zavrsavaju bane knightove, doduse uz neke gubitke. Onda opet goreshade, beamuje deathjacka, koji prdne, ubije jednog mehanicara i par stormbladeova, pa onda udari ironclada i sravni ga sa zemljom. Goreshade uchargeuje bokura, ubija ga i napravi deathwalkerku, i js malo istuce lancera. Mehanicari pobegnu od straha od ogromnog deathjacka, da bi se kasnije rallyovali. Stormbladeovi uchargeuju deathjacka, nanesu mu neki relativan damage i umru od necroventa. John Vejn napucava deathjacka i uzima mu noge. Goreshade nastavi u juniora i zavrsi lancera, a Dzon vejn Pistoljima treshuje DEathjacka i pobegne daleko, daleko...
Epilog : Cryxu mrtvi Deathjack, Pile, bloat, Baneovi i Pirati, a cygnaru Ironclad, lancer, junior, bokur i stormbladeovi : (tj, ostali su na stolu samo goreshade i skarlock, a sa druge strane Dzon vejn i mehanicari)
10:10 i tvrd draw...
Naravoucenije partije : Deathjack je cudoviste , cak i kada se nalazi u centru protivnicke armije :-)
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Post by Knight »

I Nikola se navukao na Warmachine. :D

Cygan Vs Orboros Circle, 250 pts

Bio sam iznenadjen koliko malo pts-a se dobija u njihovom starteru. kasnije sam bio iznenadjen cinjenicom da tako jeftina ekipa pravi cuda po tabli 8)

Cygnar- Stryker+lancer+Centurion [na zalost nisam poneo Ironclada&Chargera]
Orboros - Zla cica assasin, dva kuceta i vuk. Nema sanse da se setim imena jedinica :lol:

Cygnar dobija roll i pusta Hordase da pocnu prvi potez. Momci trce napred, kao i moja ekipa koja manevrise oko centuriona. Stryker nabacuje na sebe Arc. Shield i kampuje na ostatcima fokusa. Ispostavilo se da je ovo dobra ideja :) Orboros pocinje krug aktiviranjem kastera koji uz pomoc trceceg kuceta teleportuje dva momka koji zatim rade staff centurionu - Paraliza i zatim 2 handed throw koji pogadja Strykera. OUCH!
Moj potez je protekao u pripremama da se prezivi 3 krug - ekipa ustane, Stryker popuje feat.

Turn 3: Centurion se ponovo proveo kao mala devojcica sa lizalicom koja susretne zle cike - ponovo je paralisan i oboren, Dmg je zanemarljiv zbog feat turna. Ovde konacno i Cygnar uspe da prozbori koju :) u mom krugu lancer i Stryker eliminisu jedno kuce, a Stryker usput obara spelom Warlocka.
Turn 4: Nikola koristi teleporte da ispresavija centuriona koji naravno opet lezi i nema stit [ Sada znam kako je bojanu sa njegovim dzekovima odbrane 11 i manje :) ] Moji momci ponovo obaraju staff po tabli i ulecu u drugu kucu ali je na zalost ne povredjuju preterano.
Turn 5: Feat turn za cicu, posle koga je na tabli ostao ispovredjivani Stryker. No suprises there. Ono sto je bilo zanimljivo je da ta zena zapravo ipak prilicno mekana, pa Stryker nije nastavio upkeep Arcane Shileda vec je uleteo u nju na sve ili nista. He came up 2 damage boxes short :roll:

Odlicna partija.
mladjano bugarce
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Post by mladjano bugarce »

Khador VS Menoth 500 poena

Khador Menoth

Vlad Severius
Widowmakers Arc node jack
Behemoth 10 bombasa sa monolitom
Ajris 5 vitezova on foot(postaju jaci kako
Mortar ih ubijas)
Drakun Hor
3 Konjanika 7 momaka sa flejmerima
Dartan Vilmon
10 flame guardova(sa kopljima)
i naravno ajris

Kao sto se vidi bili smo brojcano nadjacani. Partija pocinje kako se samo pozeleti moze. Rusi igraju prvi i krecu napred. Vlad baca wind wall, nasa Ajris pokazuje da je prava i ubija njihovu. Bombasi se sklanjaju od snajperista iza terena. Arc node prilazi Severius pokusa da sprzi konjicu bez ikakvog uspeha(ziveo armor 19!). Dartan sve vreme trci oko terena neranjiv osim za spelove.Krece moj krug i uz veseli kez krece masakr. Konjica jurisa na jacka i obara ga i povredjuje. Pite ubijaju hor i sve osim jednog viteza, u procesu strada i par flame guards. Medjutim Vlad je, nicim izazvan, prisao preblizu i Severius aktivira svoj fit i Vlad ostaje bez fokusa, Dartan dotrcava do Behemota a chain lighting ubija 3 widowmakera, flameguards jurisaju na konjicu a bombasi postaju neranjivi. UUPS!!! Rusi nanosi nesto stete Severiusu a Ajris mu ukida fokus, Drakhun staje pored bombasa a Vlad se sklanja u diff. ground. Dartan bije behemota, flejmeri ubijaju mortar, fejm garda konjicu, a bombasi uz par gubitaka od counterchargea Drakuna. Behemoth iz melija pogadja pitom i ubija severiusa ali zato uspeva da dva puta promasi Dartana. U sledecem krugu umiru preziveli rusi osim Behemota i Vlada kao i smrc, Ajris. Behemoth naravno promasuje Dartana(jednom rukom jer mu je druga otkinuta) i pitom ubija neke bombase. Vlad ubija jednog bombasa. Dartan ubija behemota. Vlad ubija par momaka sa flejmerima i ostaje okrvavljen na polju sa par Menethovaca, padne mrak, oni se zagrle i odu na pivo... NERESENO! Sjajna partija, bas je bilo dobro
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Post by xclub »

Evo i jednog ns reporta...

Khador Solo varijanta...

Baba i njeno pile
Man o war drakhun
Njemu postavljen Bokur
Ekipa Iron Fangova

Menoth Bozja...
Ekipa exemlara
Solo Senechal exemplar

Moram priznati da sam se pribojao harbringera.. Njenih deset fokusa... DESET FOKUSA.. bilo je zaista mnogo samo to cuti...

Prvi potez dobijem ja za igru... Cilj armije mi je da sa konjanikom jurisam, bokur da ga pokriva i obezbedi prodor, i da konjanik u drugom krugu uchargeuje u warcastera, i da bude kraj partije... Medjutim, imao je dosta jackova pored vodje a ja sam grupisao deo armije i na drugu stranu...

Prvi potez eiryss puca omasi... I osecam da ce brzo umreti, manhunter se namestio da bude ubijen pa da iron fangovi chargeuju u exemplare...

Behemoth trci i puca, a i pile trci... Konjanik istrcava 14 inca a bokur ga prati 10...

Glup potez,a li koncepcija mi je bila glupa...

NJegov potez, solo exemplar se namesta da bije eiryss, njen eiryss gadjao mog i ubio ga (jedina svrha eiryss je da ubije protivnicku eiryss)... Castigator se sprema na konjanika ali ga jos ne moze dohvatiti pa polagano, i repenter se krece, i devout prati harbringerku... A onda harbringer kasta spel, umesto da ti nesto zivo umre u 20 inca , ti mozes da primis d3 stete i onaj ne umire... i exemplari charguju na manhuntera i to je bio kraj partije za njega...

Vao kako sada da ga ubijem, kako da mu one exemplare a vec sam izgubio manhuntera... Pa ja sa fangovima krenem po exemplarima... Ubijem par komada, a on pocne da prima stetu, to mu je bila greska, primio je oko deset stete, a oni exemplari nisu vredeli toliko...

Krene behemoth po castigatoru, ostavi ga i bez ruke i glave i cudo mu napravi, konjanik mi utrcava u eiryss spreman da kada nju ubije dokrajci i castigatora... I to je uradio, a bokur totaluje castigatora... pile trci a baba se povlaci jer vidi exemplara blizu... Lep potez i ostavljeno mesto za charge u sledecem potezu na castera...

Medjutim u njegovom potezu on mi ubije bokura sa exemplarom... repenter opuca po konjaniku ali ga ne osteti, a devout se namesti da cuva harbringera... Exemplari ubise mi pola iron fangova a oni se bez po blama okrenuse i pocnu bezati... Sram ih bilo... No to nije obeshrabrilo konjanika u svom cilju...

E sada imam opciju da napadnem na castera ali mi devout pravi sigurnu stetu a ja imam samo deset damage boxova... Ko rizikuje profitira... Konj je harbringeru sa kitom (ne znam da li znate da su pp skulptori napravili onom konju i kitu) napravio cetrnaest stete... Ostade joj dve, jer se sa svojim fokusima bila izlecila skroz u proslom krugu... i onda dodjose tri napada konjanika.. I to je bilo to... POBEDA, ali bogami sam se bojao sve vreme bitke...

Sve cestitke protivniku, koji se mucio da mi poubija nesto ali mu to zaista nije poslo za rukom... imao je gresku, trebao je pustiti exemplare da umru a on da ostavi na casteru deset fokusa, nikada ga ne bih pogodio... Vise pameti drugi put....

Nadam se da cu uskoro imati prilike da se sretnem i sa nekim od Vas ...

Poz ,
Stefan X.
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Post by TheSerbianRaven »

Nije mi bila tolika greska sto je Herbingerka trpela umesto exemplara, nego sto sam bacio onaj preskupi, a ne bas bog-zna-kakav cataclysm spell. Da sam koristio skoro duplo jeftiniji tremor of faith, mogao bi da ti kao od sale bacim ono krme od jacka na ledja, ili da ubijem/knockdownujem Bokura. Baba nije mnogo uradila, jer je eiryss pucala na mutirano pile da ga distruptuje, pa matora nije mogla da chaneluje.

Moram priznati, da sam se setio da pogledam sta radi taj manowarski kauboj, drugacije bi osmislio napad. Ubitacno jak solo, verovatno zbog silnuih detalja na figuri. Nego, videcemo sutra sta ce biti na revansu, polepio sam exemplar errante.
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Post by xclub »

Slazem se Nidzo sutra od cetiri pet sam tamo...
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Post by Shunka »

Danas smo Rick i ja odrigrali jednu opustenu partijicu...

Madrak Ironhide sa 2 Axera, 2 Impalera, Fell Callera i jedinicom Championa protiv Iruska, Kodiaka, Juggernauta, Kossita, Winterguarde, Widowmakera i Manhuntera.

Trolovi su bili mnooogo tvrdi, ali ruski jackovi su bili tvrdji.
Sa druge strane, trolovi pobise sve one mekane ruske trupe. Kossiti su zaskocili tri trola, napravili im neku stetu, a onda ih je jedan Axer onako sasekao cetvoricu jednim udarcem.
Manhunter me je izdao i promasio sa oba udarca (a jurio je samo 7) i bio krvnicki nabiven na koplje zbog toga.

Winterguardu su polako tamanili kopljima i bacenom sikirom. Ostalo ih trojca pre nego sto su uspeli da naprave i pristojan CRA. Da ih na kraju ne bi ostalo uopste.

Moj mega-plan, koji je trebalo da dejstvuje na drugom krilu, nije upalio - Kodiak baca Juggya pod Superiorityem, on ucardja Kithkara, vodju Championa, i na tri kocke ne uspeva da baci 9 da ga pogodi sikirom. A ni pesnicom.

Pa je onda grenulo dugo i mucno grebanje po Juggernautu - svi napadi su ga pogadjali, ali retko koji je pravio bilo kakav damage. Do kraja partije je ostao radno-aktivan, a trebalo im je tri kruga samo da mu skinu ruku (to je nakon sto su Axer i dva Impalera uleteli da pomognu). Dok je Juggy jednog po jednog, polako, eleminisao udarcima sikire po glavi.

Drugi Axer se na pocetku udaljio od svog Warlocka, frenzirao, ubio Widowmakera, oni njemu skinuli ceo Spirit, on ubio jos jednog Widowmakera na cistu srecu, pa je uleteo Kodiak i prebio ga.

Poslednja dva Widowmakera su krenuli da beze, ali Madrak ubio jednog bacenom sikirom.

Irusk je pred kraj herojski nastupio i ubio Fell Callera i jednog Championa.

Rezultat - Madrak, Axer, dva Impalera i jedan Champion protiv jedva sposobnog Juggernauta, copavog Kodiaka, Iruska i Widowmakera koji se krije u sumi u nadi da ce izbeci sikiru.
Pobeda za Trollbloode.

Mislim da je trebalo da batalim Winterguardu i Kossite, i izvedem treceg Jacka.
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Post by xclub »

Sunka, pustio si ga , ali boze moj, tako se navlace novi igraci...

No sala....

Eto drago mi je da troolbloodovi mogu nekoga da ubiju... Narucio sam i ja fell callera...

Pa valjda ce biti nesto i od mojih... Premda dok ne skupim za MAulera... Mislim da ih necu opet izvoditi....
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Post by Shunka »

Danas smo odigrali Dule i ja opustenu i zabavnu partiju, Vladimir vs. Asphyxious.

Svelo se na to da smo bahato pokusavali da caster-killujemo, obojca.

Ja sam imao prednost - moj Manhunter se krio u sumici, gde su ga okruzili Cryxi, ali Gaspy je imao katastrofalan roll kada je pokusao da ga sprzi magijom. Ostade on citav.

Winter Guardu su bili satrli zlim magijama, njihove rakete su ispucane maltene u prazno, Widowmakeri su bili predaleko od akcije...
Vladimir resava da je jedina nada da Gaspy umre.
2 focusa daje Destroyeru, on sam zadrzava ostatak, izlece pred Cryx, priziva Signs&Portents i sa ostatkom focusa pusta svoj ubojiti vetar na Iron Licha... Vetar uspesno pronalazi svoju metu, zatim zadaje i neki damage...
Prilazi Destroyer, sa namerom da spusti na mrskog vraga jedan hitac iz bombarda - ali los attack roll i on promasuje.
Na kraju Manhunter pesice kroz sumu dolazi do prokletnika i bahato ga sece oberucke. Malo mu je falilo. Samo malcice.
Asphyxious na tri rane do unistenja.

Ja mislim da mi je tu kraj.

Princ Tzepesci stoji i gleda u neprijateljske redove, i ostaje mu samo da se moli Menothu.

Cryxovski caster se u par udaraca rasplacuje milo za drago Manhunteru, zatim baca na Vladimira parazite, da bi mu umanjio ARM.
Na njega nalecu Rengrave i njegov Bokur. Tuku ga. Zestoko. Ali ne dovoljno dobro - opet izdaje kocka.
Vladimir ostaje na jednoj rani.

Dule pokusava da ispravi ovu nepredvidjenu nelagodnost, ali sudbina je vec resila - on ce preziveti ovu rundu. Pile dolazi i grize ga - nista. Bloat thrall ga obliva svojim ekskrementima, ni to ne pomaze.

Vladimir se u svome krugu oseca bahato, priziva na sebe Blood of Kings, elegantno zabilazi svoje protivnike u borbi prsa u prsa, parirajuci njihove udarce svojim bodezom.
Ponovo se suocava licem u lice sa nemrtvim vestcem, i pusta na njega poslednji, smrtonosni, nalet vetra ostrog kao brijac!
Njegova lobanja se bezivotno kotrlja po zemlji, i Vladimir, zaslepljen svojim trijumfom zaboravlja da spusti mac na ogrunovu glavu...
Te vrlo neslavno gine odmah posle toga.

Ostatci Cryx armije sistematicno satiru ono nekoliko prezivelih Khadoranaca.
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Trollbloods vs Skorne 02/03/2008

Post by FGSerbia »

500 pt League Match

Home Player: Rick - Trollbloods
Grim Angus
Fell Caller
Krielstone Bearer - 6 Scribes
(489 Points - 17 Victory Points)

Away Player: Miroslav - Skorne
Titan Gladiator
Cyclops Savage
Cyclops Savage
Basilisk Krea
Paingiver Beast Handlers - 4
Gatormen Posse - 4
(491 Points - 19 Victory Points)

Round 1 - Trollbloods
The Trollbloods took up position with a line of champions and a line of Krielstone Scribes behind them. On their right stood the Fell Caller and Axer - waiting and anticipating the battle. Just to the right of them Grim Angus and both the Impalers took up position on a hill. Angus dumped all 6 fury onto the Krielstone and riled all 3 warbeasts for 2 fury each.

Round 1 - Skorne
With a forest blocking the centre of the board Skorne decided to do a pincer movement around the forest. Along the left side came the Gatormen, Titan Gladiator and 1 Cyclops Savage and the Beast Handlers. Hexeris moved to the right (away from Grim and the Impalers) with the other Savage and Krea. On the Titan he cast Death March and he Soul Slaved the Savage on the left. He then riled the warbeasts to recover the spent fury.

Round 2 - Trollbloods
The Fell Caller activated first and gave Grim a +2 RAT bonus with War Cry. Grim was impatient for action so moved forward ahead by himself to do some mischief. Using the Impaler's Far Strike Animus he managed to hit a gatorman and take it down to 1 wound. The rest of the force shifted slightly but just continue to set themselves for the upcoming fight.

Round 2 - Skorne
With the Beast Handlers there to enrage the Cyclops, Miroslav was tempted to have him charge Grim but wasn't convinced that Grim was within the 13" threat range. So instead he shifts position with all the figures on the left taking them over to their colleagues on the right behind the wood in the centre of the board. The result of this move is that they are away from the Impalers but no closer to the enemy after another round.

Round 3 - Trollbloods
Surprised but not altogether dismayed by this tactic Grim shoots and kills the leader Paingiver Beast Handler. Apart from that it is another quick round for the boys in blue. The Champs and Scribes shift position slightly in anticipation of this new attack direction. The enemy is still 18" away so there is nothing to fear as of yet!!

Round 3 - Skorne
Cautious of Grim's feat the Skorne force advances steadily but not at running pace. Hexeris is still upkeeping the 2 spells (though not much need for Soul Slave now) and moves further to the right, away from Grim's threat range - knowing that intervening models don't screen. The Gatormen also push through to the right hand side of the Skorne force. The Basilisk Krea sets up Paralytic Aura.

Round 4 - Trollbloods
Over half the game is gone and no VP's are scored yet - this is the most cautious game either player has played to date. Grim pops another beast handler securing the first VP to the Light Blues!! He then casts cross country on both the Impalers allowing them to move into the clear for attacks. They both throw their spears into a Cyclops critical slamming it!. It smashes into the Titan Gladiator and does - well pretty much nothing. Seeing the opportunity the Axer charges and using his thresher attack - kills the downed cyclops and has a chop at the Titan Gladiator - again doing little more than scratching his armour. The Champs and Scribes move back into their deployment zone and get themselves ready for a charge next round.

Round 4 - Skorne
Expecting the Angus Feat and Charge next round Miroslav activates the Gatormen and moves them closer into position. They then lay a swamp in front of the champs charge lane, this of course doesn't hinder the Gatormen. Activating the Krea it puts the paralytic mojo on the Axer making it easier to hit. The Gladiator activates next and attacks the Axer. Two claw hits later he sets up a chain attack throw. Unfortunately the Champs are further away than 7" and the Axer merely ends up face down in the newly created swamp and is relatively uninjured. This was a massive plus considering I was expecting him to be utterly murdered by the Gladiator. Hexeris moves closer to the battle and doesn't do much else - he's camping on 6 focus as the cyclops with Soul Slave has died last turn. Again the round ends with nothing big having really happened for either faction.

Round 5 - Trollbloods
The slow pace of the game must surely raise now?!?!? But can it? The start is not good for the Blues as one of the Impalers frenzies and takes a chunk out of the other one. It can do little in return so merely regnerates.
My charge lane is gone and so I must hold back again with my troops. The Axer activates and picks himself up out of the swamp. He regnerates as well for 2 points. With all my forces doing nothing I don't want Miroslav to have the initiative so I activate Angus and pop my feat meaning that he will not be getting any closer to me this turn. I take a shot at the Gatorman Bokur and roll snakes eyes. Annoyed by that I burn my last fury casting Man Trap on the Gladiator and after dealing 1 point of damage to it - sent it spawling on its arse.
This was probably the least effective round since round 1!!

Round 5 - Skorne
The realisation that there is only 1 round after this has come to Miroslav now and he starts to feel the pressure. Matters are made worse when the Krea frenzies (Hexeris didn't shed his fury) and bites a nice piece out of the Cyclops savage. The Gatormen and Hexeris can't get closer to the action so they line up in anticipation with the Gatormen laying a swamp in front of the 2 Impalers to stop them charging. Hexeris activates and then declares 'feat' as he has a plan! The Gladiator gets up and without moving throws the remaining cyclops at the Champs. Again he cannot reach the Champs but with reach the Cyclops can strike at the Champions after getting up from the throw and thus start the Hexeris' feat's chain reaction. The throw goes fine but the damage roll is 12 on 2d6, the cyclops is in a bad way. Still, being the stalwart trooper he kills one of the Champions. It gets up and attacks one of the Krielstone scribes behind it. The scribe is also hit but a roll on 5 on tough means that the chain reaction ends and the potential hell of Hexeris' feat is averted.

Round 6 - Trollbloods
This round is all about scoring points (it is a league match after all). Currently I am 3-0 up. OK - there is a heavily wounded Savage blocking my charge lane now. The Champs surround him and finish him off. The Scribes are too far back to do anything but the others aren't. There is a single paingiver blocking a charge lane for the Axer so Grim Snipes him. He then throws Man Trap on the Krea but a poor roll means it doesn't work. A bad activation for my Warlock in a critical round!! The Impalers activate next. A critical slam will send a strength 12 Titan over the Krea and into a heavily wounded Gatorman. Both throws hit but neither slam. The Titan is still there but is now not in a good way. It is the Axers turn. He charges the Titan and takes a good swing at it but again can't kill it. It is down to 3 damage and it's mind and spirit are gone. The Fell Caller desperately runs at the Gladiator but cannot reach it - it ends an inch too short!!. I have 5 victory points and now it is Miroslav's turn - if the dice are against me I could easily lose this.

Round 6 - Skorne
This is it, it's all or nothing. Hexeris has been a spectator up to now - it's time to change that. He fires deathbringer at the Titan Gladiator. It in turn damages both the Axer and the Fell Caller (it was only 1 point away from killing the Fell Caller and secretly I wish it had as it could have killed the Gladiator in turn). He then heals the Titan for 1 point in both it's spirit and mind. He then charges into the Champs. Being low on Fury and some bad rolling and all Hexeris has done is wound a unit. But this could be enough as the Gatormen are waiting. The Gladiator activates and kills the Axer - however poor postioning means that it can't attack the Fell Caller and wastes one of it's attacks for the round. It is left to the Krea to kill the Fell Caller. The only units left are the 4 Gatormen. 2 Charge the wounded Champ and two charge his non-wounded companions. It is not easy though as Hexeris is blocking a lot of the champs and the Gatormen will only have their reach attacks and not all 3 of their attacks. Ultimately it proves not enough. 2 more Champions are killed but not the unit. The final score is 5-4 to the Trollbloods.

Post Match Musing
The game was tense even though very little happened for 4 full rounds. My negative play gave me the victory but it could have cost me the game. Miroslav made several big mistakes (at least 1 in each round after the first) and it cost him dearly in VPs. By the beginning of the 5 round I knew I was going to avoid a head on confrontation to avoid Hexeris' feat - given the power of this Miroslav should never have played it in a round where the only attacking play was a single cyclops savage. In round 6 it would have been far far more deadly. I also made some serious blunders - by not moving my Fell Caller an inch closer I lost 3 VPs and left both the Fell Caller and Axer in a very compromising position, but as I played the waiting game my mistakes were less costly.
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Post by Shunka »

Uh, danas smo igrali Dawngreeter i ja protiv Ricka i Slartibartfasta.
Dva cudna saveza - Skorne i Khador protiv Orborosa i Mercenarya.
Nazalost, nisam bio prisutan do kraja partije - morao sam da uteknem kad je krvoprolice pocelo.
Ceznem da saznam sta se desilo na kraju.
Elem, kratak report onoga cemu sam prisustvovao:

Paingivers (6)

Zhevanna Agha + Scrapjack
Alten Ashley
Winterguard (7) + Rocketeer
Mortar Crew

Gorman di Wulfe
Steelhead Halebardeers (10)

Argus (2)
Alten Ashley
Totem Hunter
Gatormen (5)

Boj se odvijao maltene nevezano na dva krila.

Sa desne strane, oko reke, od nasih su tu bili Destroyer, Mortar i Alten.
Sa njihove Kaya sa svojim zverima.
Nas prvi krug - Alten izlazi i napucava Warpwolfa, promasuje.
Njihov prvi krug - Kaya gadja Altena magijom, on prezivljava na 1 rani. Kaya ostaje sama na gazu, zveri su se sakrile iza rusevina. Misli da je zasticena svojim Stealthom i jednim Furyem. Ali, baba zna!
Nas drugi krug - to sto baba zna ispostavilo se kao nebitno. Bombard promasuje i nanosi joj blast damage - 7 poena. Kaya pusta. Alten prilazi na 5 inca, puca iz puske i nanosi joj neki damage. Kaya transferuje. E, onda je zaskoce veseli Kossite Woodsmani. Njih cetvorica je tuku, samo gazda pogadja i ostavlja je na 1 do smrta.
Njihov drugi - Kaya se teleportuje, gadja Altena, promasi ga, zove Feat, ponovo ga gadja i napokon ga ubije. Warpwolf je resio da pregazi Kossite. Sve njih. A nije da mu se nisu namestili. Juri 6 da ih pogodi. Promasuje trojcu, ukljucujuci gazdu. Jedan od njih uspeva da ga pogodi zauzvrat, i ranjava ga dovoljno da mu iskljuci Spirit. Ali, Kossiti su ubogi pa padnu leadership i okrenu se da beze. Argusi odu napred i jedan zalaje na mog jacka.
Nas treci - Kossiti beze, jedan umire u procesu. Jack je resio da izignorise Arguse, nije dobio ni Focus, pa ispaljuje bombardu preko polja i ubija blast damage-om jednog Steelheada. Nije da je bitno.

Dakle, izgubili smo Altena i Kossite, zauzvrat smo izmaltretirali jadnu Kayu. A pomalo i Warpwolfa. Destroyer je zavrsio u nezavidnom polozaju, doduse.

Leva strana table.
Na sredini je suma. Na levoj ivici groblje. Izmedju cist prolaz, gde smo se najvise i peglali.

Nas prvi - Widowmakeri sa groblja gadjaju njihovog Altena, koji je zalegao iza kamenih stepenica i ne tice ga se sto metci zuje oko njega. Skorna zbijeno ide pravo napred (Morghul usteka Fury na Agonisera). Winterguarda, Scrapjack i Manhunter zauzimaju poziciju u sumi (pomogla baba gardistima), baba na vrh brda priziva vrane.
Njihov prvi - Alten bahato se penje na vrh stepenica i skida trecinu naseg Gladiatora. Totem Hunter se namesta da pobije Widowmakere. Sa njim je i Feralgaist. Gatormeni dolaze na poziciju tacno nasuprot sume, Steelheadi im cuvaju ledja. Vanguard stiti Ashlynn, Mula i Nomad trce napred, malo su iza Totem Huntera.
Nas drugi - Widowmakeri rese da zadrze poziciju i ubiju Altena. Zasluzio je. Winterguarda se namesta tako da upuca Gatormene, a da oni njih ne mogu ucardzovati. Rade svi jedan CRA da ubiju Bokora, ali on prezivi na jednoj rani (trebalo je da radim dva) Manhuntera sam nacisto zaboravio (tako mi i treba kada gledam na sto postrance, a on iza drveta). Baba se prebacuje u sumu, ubija dvojcu gardista sa ledja. Srapjack se namesta da izleti iz sume.
Skorna ide napred, malo lece svog Gladiatora, ali Canoneer izlazi previse napred da bi upucao Nomada (naneo mu je neki damage).
Njihov treci - pocinje klanje. Prevideo sam da Ashlynn moze da ubrza Gatormene. Oni dolaze da prebiju Canoneera. Uspesno. U njega ulazi Feralgeist i Canoneer se okrece i mlati po Krei. Totem Hunter dotrci i ubije dvojcu Widowmakera, preostala dvojca okrenu dupeta jer su se usrali od stra'. Steelheadi prilaze sumi. Dva Gatormena koja nisu stigla do Canoneera su na ivici sume ubili dvojcu gardista - ostalo ih je 4, ukljucujuci sefa i raketasa. Gorman je bacio neku kiselinu i promasio.
Treci nas potez - moj mega-plan zvani plandza. Da baba izvrsi casterkill. Ima 9 Focusa, jedan daje Scrapjacku. Greeter takodje ima plandzu - ubije Canoneera, pa Morghul ubije madjiom Feralgeista. A zabe i Gladiator da pobiju Gatormene. Sto je bitno da bi Scrapjack mogao ziv da protrci.
Agoniser se pomeri napred da onesposobi jackove. Paingiveri prilaze Canoneeru da ga iseku svojim bicevima, preostala dvojca malo podsticu beastove (dodaju Gladijatoru 2 na snagu i lece Kreu za 3 poena). Iscepaju oni Canoneera, izadje Feralgeist. Ali Morghul dobije napad nesposobnosti i promasi ga madjijom. I Dawngreeter, umesto da zadrzi 2 Furya za transfer, pokusa ponovo. Jureci 9. Bez boosta. A tamo blizu je neki Totem Hunter koga nemamo cime da resimo. Naravno ne uspe.
Ali tu su Krea i Gladiator da nam osvetlaju obraz. Krea ubija 2 krokodila (tu joj muz, pa se dobro bije), Gladiator slamuje, jedan gine, drugi je ziv na jednoj rani, a zatim i dovrsava Bokora. Trebalo nam je mnogo Furya, ali znacilo je.
Winterguarda ispaljuje 3 rakete i jedan metak na Steelheade. Gine njih 5-6. Dovoljno.
Scrapjack protrcava. Izmedju njih dvojce. Jedva dovoljno da onom drugom izadje iz meele range-a. Dakle to su 4 udarca na njega - svaki ga udara jednom kad mu udje, drugi put kad mu izadje iz dometa helebarde. Krokodil lezi, pa ga ne moze zakaciti. Od 4 udarca pogadja 1 i nanosi mu 2 damaga. Vidi Ashlynn, malo prego Gormana, ali je vidi. I u 8 inca je od njega.
Baba resi da je vreme doslo.
Zove Feat. Zahvati sve koje treba. Strangling Chains prvi put. Sa boostom na hit. Juri 12. Nista.
Strangling Chains drugi put. Ujuri 12. Nema da boostuje damage, ali sta je tu je. 7 damaga za Laelanku. Pa da je udari crna zemlja, jer se pomerila - i ja bacam tacno dovoljno visoke kocke da je ubijem.
I do the caster kill dance.
I bezim.
Nakon sto sam nagovorio ljude da nastave partiju bez mene.
Jedva cekam da saznam sta se desilo.
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Post by Slartibartfast »

Trajala je samo jos jedan krug, a onda smo i mi morali da palimo. U svakom slucaju, Bokur je uspeo da ubije Scrapjacka i ostane skoro pa sam naspram svega i svacega. Totem Hunter bezuspesno napada ranjenog baziliska (Drejka, cini mi se). U istom krugu Argusi nisu uspeli da urade nista, a Warpwolf je uspeo samo da pridje. Sa druge strane, Drake ubija Totem Huntera, a Destroyer promasuje vukove.

Zaista je bilo kasno, pa smo tu i prekinuli. U principu, vukovi su i imali malo sanse za opstanak, dok su Bokuru jedina podrska bili pogaseni jackovi. Sa druge strane su jos uvek stajali beasthandleri, Morgul, Gladiator, bazilisci, vestica, manhunter, mortar... Pobeda Shunki i Griteru, s time sto je caster kill definitivno bio prelomni trenutak u partiji.

U svakom slucaju, sledeci put probavam Everblight, verovatno u nedelju ako bude bilo mesta. Vidimo se onda.
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Post by Shunka »

Old Witch vs. Goreshade

Zhevanna Agha + Scrapjack
Mechanics (6)
Kossites (7)
MoW DC (3)

Bane Knights ( 8 )
Bane Knights ( 8 )
Mechanithralls ( 8 )
Bloat Thrall

Njihov prvi krug - oni trce ka nama. Goreshade ide prvi.
Nas prvi - Kossiti izkacu iza Mechanithrallova i ubijaju 5 komada i Skarlocka. Gorman pusta dim na DC, iza dima se zajedno sa njim kriju i mehanicari. Widowmakeri se kriju iza Mortara, Eyriss se unevidljivila iza nekog zidica. Baba i Scrapjack prave sebi oblak vrana, usred nekih rusevina.
Njihov drugi - Bloat gadja DC, i scatteruje tacno medju mehanicare. Pobije cetvoricu, ostali pobegnu. Gorman takodje bezi, ali se zaustavlja tik na ivici. Mechanithrallovi ubijaju 4 Kossita. Preostali beze. Goreshade i Harrower i dalje prednjace. Bane Knightovi polako okruzuju babino uporiste.
Nas drugi - Destroyer gadja i pogadja Bloata, ali nije dobio focus da boostuje damage, pa doticni prezivljava na jednoj rani. Widowmakeri plinguju krabicu, a Eyriss ga disruptuje. DC charguju i ubijaju jednog Bane Knighta. Scrapjack se krije na centru iza Destroyera, a baba zove feat kroz njega. Feat zahvata i Goreshada. Baba ubija i jednog Bane Knighta magijom. Gorman se zaustavio i okrenuo.
Njihov treci - Bane Knightovi svi stoje. Goreshade prilazi i ubija magijom Eyriss. Ostaje sam i nezasticen. Harrower ide bez focusa da se bije sa Manowarcima. Ubija jednog, i vezuje njihovog gazdu da ne moze da ide da bije Goreshada.
Nas treci - krug khadorske strateske dominacije. Destroyer boostovano pogadja Goreshada u glavu. Widowmakeri ga plinguju. Baba se sprema da ga davi lancima kroz arcantric relay. Ali. Na vreme sam se setio da imam i Mortar. Gadjam ga. I bacam 6,6.
Goreshade temeljito biva razlozen na sastavne delove.

I do the caster kill dance.

Uh, sutra Vladimir izlazi protiv Ashlynn, i to u ligaskom mecu, ni manje ni vise.
Last edited by Shunka on Sat Mar 08, 2008 7:17 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Post by Pendargon »

DEfinitivno momenat legende...
Shunka : Ma gadjam ja goreshadea mortarom, sta me kosta
Ja: Pogadjas ga na duplu 6
Shunka : Dupla 6
Damage : 9
Goreshade : Ouch :D :D :D :D
Usput, bilo je po 8 baneova i mechanithrallova.... :D :D :D

Kako su prosli Rick i Dawngreeter?
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Post by Shunka »

Nisam ni ja ostao do kraja.
Mislim da ce Soul Hunteri lepo da izgledaju kada se dovrse, a Lazaru verovatno uvaljujemo da farba Dawngreeterov Orboros.
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
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Post by Shunka »

Rick sada zna kako radi baba. A nemam Gormana. Necu tudjeg da vodim u ligaskom mecu, bre! Mogla bi da dodje bre Sorscha. Taman bih i stigao da je malcice prefarbam... Ili ipak Vladimir... Ne znam.

Soulhunteri lice na moje rane radove. Secas se Musinog Acherona?
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
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Post by Pendargon »

Necu tudjeg da vodim u ligaskom mecu, bre! Mogla bi da dodje bre Sorscha. Taman bih i stigao da je malcice prefarbam... Ili ipak Vladimir... Ne znam.
Pa... shorsha je mozda blagobolji izbor protiv trolova, zbog feata. Mozda navratim i sutra oko podne da vidim sta se dogadja... :D
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Post by Pendargon »

think as I'm writing this you've just texted me saying how you're not turning up today.
See... Told you he'll be afraid of the mighty Ashlynn... :D :D
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Post by PainBringer »

Today was a very interesting day... The army lists:

Rick (FGSerbia) - TrollBloods:
Grim angus
Krielstone bearers (6)
Fell Caller
Dire troll blitzer
Troll Impaler
Pyre troll
Thumper Crew
Alten Ashley

(this army has a name. It's "Alten Ashley and his guys". You'll see why.)

Miroslav (PainBringer) - Skorne:

Titan gladiator
Cyclops savage (2)
Paingiver beast handlers (4)
Basilisk krea
Gatormen (4)

Unlike our previous game, this one was aggressive from the very beginning. Alten Ashley was really trigger - happy: each turn, one of my warbeasts got one of its aspects killed. Usually, it was Spirit (I really wonder why...). Just to make things worse, he was placed at a spot that was very difficult to reach. So, after six turns, he shot five times - meaning that he basically killed almost two of my warbeasts. Alone. Later, I realized that I made great mistake in letting him live - I didn't think that he was going to be so dangerous. Now, I have learned my lesson.
Anyway, highlights of the game (besides Alten's shooting):
- I chose not to upkeep Death march on Gatormen. After that, two of them were shot down.
- Hexeris popped his feat at the beginning of turn 3. A lot of Trolls died, some beasts were damaged, but the effect could be more powerful - my Titan did not attack.
- Krea frenzied. I think this is self - explanatory.
- Later, Krea was killed and the Feralgeist took control of her. He attackd Hexeris, but did nothing. Paingivers and Hexers then killed both Krea and Feralgeist.
- One Cyclops, under the "Soul slave" spell, wiped out thumper Crew. Other Cyclops killed Pyre Troll.
- Troll Blitzer was also trigger - happy today. I hate little Trolls riding big Trolls. But, I still hate Alten Ashley more.
- Grim Angus is powerful Warlock. His spells and abilities give him a lot of flexibility. His feat is also very annoying. One more model to put on my "hate" list. Or maybe on a "buy" list. We'll see... Smile

Anyway, that was it. At the end, it was 12:6 for Rick. I've played against Alten Ashley for the first time and now I realize that I underestimated him. He is powerful, and if you play slow, clumsy army with a lot of warbeasts (like me), then he is going to be a problem. Same is with Grim Angus. He is powerful because he limits movement and knocks down - and that is something that Skorne army doesn't like at all. Not to mention his other crazy abilities.
I still think that Hexeris' feat is great, but there are two things that you need to worry about: 1) positioning and 2) terrain. Against Grim, it can be hard, because of his feat and knockdown spells.
I went to lick my wounds and then played completely insane and off - the -hook game against Dule (Cryx). But, that's other report.
P.S. I was really enjoying this game. I always enjoy games with Rick. I hope he will forgive me those death threats.
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Post by PainBringer »

Danas sam odigrao jos jednu zanimljivu partiju protiv Duleta i Cryx armije. U pitanju je bila prijateljska partija (500 poena), a evo i listi:

Bane knights (8 - 10, ne secam se tacno koliko)
Revenants (6, cini mi se)
Bloat thrall
Gorman (placenik)

Titan gladiator
Basilisk krea
Cyclops savage (2)
Paingiver beast handlers (4)
Gatormen (4)

Partija je bila puna potpuno neocekivanih dogadjaja, kao i apsolutno neverovatnih rolova. U prva dva poteza, obe armije se pomeraju uz poneku bacenu caroliju. U drugom potezu pocinje krvoprolice: Goreshade izvodi svoj feat i pojavljuje se gomila Bane Thrall-ova, niotkuda. Oni jurisaju na moju Krea-u i Gladiator-a i uniste ih u jednom potezu. Ja ostajem otvorenih usta, shvativsi je ovo potez u kome sam primio najvecu kolicinu stete ikada (tako ti i treba kad na tebe jurisaju weapon master-i). U narednom potezu, moj Warlock okida feat i baca Deathbringer na jednog od kiklopa. Krokodili jurisaju. Kiklop jurisa na Gormana i Goreshade-a. Sve u svemu, ginu svi Bane Thrall-ovi, jedan deo Knight-ova, Gorman, a Goreshade dobije prilicno stete. Ginu i neki moji Paingiver-i, kao posledica Deathbringer-a. Ideja je bila, da ako je ikako moguce, pokusam da dosegnem Goreshade-a njegovim jedinicama, koje se vracaju u igru kao rezultat mog feat-a (hvala na dodatnim savetima, Bojane). Od narednog poteza se desava svasta. Krokodili se okrecu i beze - jer ih je Bloat pogodio nekim cudom, ali ih stignu Knight-ovi i oderu ih od batina. Gusari mi prilaze s ledja i napadaju preostale Paingiver-e i Hxeris-a. Jedan se samoubije, pokusavajuci da ubije kiklopa i dobije 1 i 1 na kockama. Jedan Knight takodje uspeva da dobije 4 keca. Cak i onaj Harrower puca, ali promsuje. U mom potezu, ponovo radi DeathBringer i ubija neke Knight-ove, a onda se desava neverovatna stvar i moj nindza - kiklop prolazi pored nekoliko modela i izbegava SVE free strike -ove (citaj: promasuju ga), a onda ubija Goreshade-a. I to je to.
Onda smo igrali jos malo, cisto da vidimo sta bi bilo. Paingiveri ginu, Hexeris i kiklopi uspevaju da pobiju preostale Knight-ve i gusare. Bloat puca, a Skarlock "vristeci bezi ka ivici stola" (citat). Na kraju jedan kiklop stigne bloat-a i ubije ga. Drugog uspe da ubije sam Bloat (bar mi se tako cini). Na kraju, taj Bloat thrall uopste nije bio beskoristan.
Kuku majko, mislim da je ovo najkrvavija partija koju sam u zivotu odigrao.
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Post by Pendargon »

Slazem se da je bila apsolutna ludnica, sa mnogo extremno losih rolova sa moje strane, a definitivno je bio highlight partije kada je vec poprilicno izranjavani kiklop elegantno izveo piruetu izmedju 2 freestrikea snage 15 i jednog snage 16 (svi promasili), i dotukao goreshadea... :D :D
Mada, naravno, sve bi bilo drugacije da je pera otisao u policiju na vreme, tj, da smo znali kako ZAPRAVO radi Hexerisov feat sto sam objasnio ovde : ... &start=180

Nema veze, bila je sjajna partija
:wink: :wink: :wink:
Cekam te na revansu...
P.S. Ovo je druga uzastopna partija u kojoj mi gine goreshade zahvaljujuci protivnickim megaplanovima (prvo ga shunka rokne na double 6 mortarom, a onda kiklop kao prvak moskovskog baleta doleprsa do njega kroz freestrikeove i utepa ga...). Nadam se da se samo zagreva za Great escape, i uljujljkuje protivnike u false sense of security... :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
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Post by Shunka »

Nemoj tako, mozda bi ga baba zadavila lancima da je mortar omasio!
Uh, steta sto nisam prisustvovao...
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Post by FGSerbia »

I see Dawngreeter's been doing banners to order!!!
Did he do yours too Dule?
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Post by Pendargon »

No, he didn't... he did your banners...?
They are great!!!!
He's good with photoshop. I would like to make a request, but i dunno how to contact him :-)
I'll probably just catch him in sigil
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Post by FGSerbia »

I'm going for my 3rd win in a row against Skorne with DG tonight. I might try Mercs though - the Trolls get their armour stuck in their teeth - and besides the Krea gives the Dire trolls gas.

Note to self: stop humanizing 30mm metal models of Trolls - it's scary and sad in equal quantities.
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Post by Bathory »

Yesterday a game between Bathory (Menoth) and Joggy (Orboros) was played. The score was Menoth 20 - Orboros 10.

Glory to the vacum-cleaner unit!!!

edit: this was a league game so the post could be moved to a proper topic...
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Who was the Home player?
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Post by Bathory »

We didn't decided, but you could put me as the home player (supposing Joggy agrees :) ).
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Khador vs Mercenaries League match.

Post by FGSerbia »

The Lael Ultimatum!!

The taste of defeat still choked Ashlynn. That cold hearted bitch Sorscha had cut through her forces with such ease. The loss of Lael life had sickened Ashlynn and she knew she must revenge her people or hang up her Warcaster armour forever. When the news of a Khador scouting party incursioning into to Northern Cygnar had reached her ears she had leapt at the chance to chase them down. With moral so low the fort Captain did not take much persuasion. He had not ever expected to see her again - above ground anyway...

The three day journey seemed to pass in the blink of an eye. Ashlynn had kept a furious pace and the battalion of Steelhead Halbardiers, unsettled by the presence of Alexia Ciannor and her six silent traveling companions, had managed to keep up with her, but she could see they were getting tired now. The 3 other Mercenaries had said little on the journey. They all knew that the odds were against them, and yet for reasons of their own they had all decided to come. When at last Ashlynn called a halt it was on a rise overlooking a valley. In the distance a hasty Khadorian camp had been set up. By the looks of it some form of delay had kept them from returning home. "Do you see that insignia?" Alexia was standing next to her, though Ashlynn had not heard her approach.
"Yes, what of it?" she said back.
"That's the mark of their great commander - Irusk, I believe they call him". Her voice was as cold as the stare of her undead companions.
"So, we all expected a 'Caster right?"
"You have a rag tag bunch of exhausted misfits facing up against perhaps the most decorated general in Western Immoren, commanding well rested and well trained Winterguard. Do you have a plan?"
Ashlynn smiled. "I have a plan, it's to kill that snow sucking pig and all his well trained men".
Alexia's expression remained stone like. "Can I suggest a stratagem?"
Ashlynn drew her sword "Sure - though can it wait until after?"
"After What?"
"After this," with that she held Nemesis aloft and with all the air in her lungs screamed "Charge!"
She didn't even look behind to see who was following.

Khador - Shunka
498 pts 19 VPs
Kommandant Irusk
Winterguard (8)
Winterguard Officer and Standard Bearer
Winterguard Rocketeer
Winterguard Mortar Crew
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
Kell Bailoch
Ogrun Bokur

Highborn Covenant - Rick
495 pts 16 VPs
Ashlynn D'Elyse
Alexia Ciannor
Eiryss, Mage Hunter of Ios
Gorman Di Wulfe, Rogue Alchemist
Ogrun Bokur
Steelhead Halberdiers (10)

The Terrain and positioning is listed from the Highborn Covenants perspective. To the left inside the Khador half is a forest and there is another one on the right in the Covenant's half of the board. Just outside the Covenant's deployment zone on the left is a statue and on the right is a swamp. Centrally 5" outside the Khador Deployment zone is a small set of ruins and there is a large set of ruins right in the middle of the board.

Deployment - Khador
Khador deploy pretty centrally. Irusk has a clear line of sight across the board. Left of him is the Mortar Crew and left of that is the Juggernaut. The Juggernaut has no line of sight as it is behind the ruins. To the right (the HBC's right) is the entire regiment of Winterguard. They can easily run to get cover from the forest in the opposing half if they want to.

Deployment - Mercs
The Steelhead Halberdiers hold the centre of the table with Alexia and the Risen just behind them to the right. Gorman joins the group in the centre. The Bokur is assigned Alexia as a client. Ashlynn is situated on a hill to the left with her 2 jacks near her. The Vanguard is screening her.

Advanced Deployment - Khador
Seeing Ashlynn's position the Widowmakers and the Manhunter also take to the left side of the board. The Bokur is assigned to the Manhunter. The Widowmakers are on the edge of the forest in their half while the Manhunter is deep within it. The evil Eiryss double and Kell take position behind the small ruins.

Advanced Deployment - Mercs
The good Eiryss sets herself in the big ruins (they are that big). She is also elevated by the them.

Turn 1 - Khador
Irusk assigns 1 focus to the Juggernaut. It activates and runs forward. The mortar crew advance. Irusk activates and casts Superiority on the Juggernaut and Iron Flesh on the Winterguard. He then advances. The Winterguard move forward - not behind the forest but for the gap between it and the large ruins. Neither the Manhunter nor the Widowmakers move. Kell and evil Eiryss takes shots at good Eiryss and miss.

Turn 1 - Mercs
Ashlynn assigns 2 focus to the Mule. The Vanguard activates and moves forward. Ashlynn activates and casts Quicken on the Mule. She then advances to be behind the Vanguard again. The Mule then activates and moves forward. It fires its lobber at the Widowmakers skulking in the trees. The blast falls short but the scatter is in my favour and it travels forward and right into the Widowmakers. I boost the damage twice and kill both of them in the template range. The leader is dead. The remaining 2 fail their command check and turn to run. RESULT!! Good Eiryss returns fire at her evil counterpart and hits!! Unfortunately the damage roll is poor and the twin survives on 1 health.
The Halberdiers move forward, Alexia activates and creates a Thrall Warrior and gives the Risen the order to run. She and the Bokur then advance. The Risen rush forward. Gorman throws down some smoke near the Halberdiers.

Turn 2 - Khador
Irusk assigns 1 focus to the Juggernaut and upkeeps Iron Flesh and Superiority. The Widowmakers flee unhindered and the Manhunter and Bokur come to the edge of the Forest. Evil Eiryss (from now on known just as Eiryss) shoots and kills good Eiryss (from now on known as Risen). Kell moves forward and lacking targets shoots a Risen that has strayed into range (the smoke is blocking the Steelheads). The mortar now fires at the Risen but misses. The resulting scatter however kills 2 Risen and a Halberdier. The Winterguard advance further and the Rocket attachment kills another Halberdier and Risen. The Juggernaut runs again - changing direction and heading towards Ashlynn and the 2 Merc Jacks. Irusk advances and casts Inhospitable Ground.

Turn 2 - Mercs
Ashlynn doesn't upkeep Quicken. The 2 Warjacks advance. The Vanguard is preparing for the Manhunter and Bokur and the Mule fires at them but the scatter does not go kindly this time. Seeing the threat of the Manhunter and Bokur and Juggernaut, Ashlynn stays back and casts Feint on the Mule. I want another shot with that Steam Lobber! She also casts quicken on the Halberdiers. They rush forward but I had forgotten Inhospitable Ground. I lose the charge and can only get closer to the Winterguard. At least it will make that Mortar fire more risky. The Risen have been forced wide by the mass on my own troops so they advance. Alexia creates another Thrall Warrior and she and the Bokur and the Thrall Warrior advance. With only 3 Risen currently on the table she better take care! Gorman guards the gets into position and throws some more smoke.

Turn 3 - Khador
Irusk activates and moves to the gap between the large and small ruin near where his Warjack is. (Un)fortunately the Widowmakers are long gone and can't be rallied. He has up kept Superiority but let Iron Flesh lapse. He also doesn't upkeep Inhospitable Ground. Seeing the Vanguard he casts grind on it. He then declares "Feat". Eiryss moves into the same clearing and shoots the Vanguard with a disruptor bolt. The Manhunter activates and charges the Mule. This moves 3" nicely out of his way. The Bokur activates and runs to engage the Mule so it can't fire. The Juggernaut moves forward to prepare a charge next round.
The mortar fires next, it is looking for Alexia but the scatter is not favourable and the only damage is done to the nearby pond life as it lands harmlessly in the swamp. The rocket crew kill a Thrall Warrior and 2 move Halberdiers and the Winterguard manage to kill another 2 Halberdiers with combined fire. Alexia's ranks swell again. Kell fires at a recently created Risen but snakes eyes means that nothing is hit.

Turn 3 - Mercs
Ashlynn puts 2 focus towards the Mule, casts Quicken on herself and moves behind the large ruin. She pops her feat with everyone in range except the Mortar crew. We then go to work. The Vanguard attacks the Manhunter and would have killed him (twice - again with the shield) except for good rolling under Irusk's feat. The Bokur was not so lucky. A boosted attack under Roulette and boosted damage level the Bokur in 1 blow. Gorman activates and throws black oil but a really bad roll means that he only catches 1 Winterguard with it. The remaining Halberdiers charge killing 2 Winterguard. The Risen advance to engage some of the other Winterguard and Alexia creates another Thrall Warrior. The Bokur keeps her close company.

Turn 4 - Khador
This is where I hope the feat will help me survive - the crucial 7th action! Irusk upkeeps Superiority and gives the Juggernaut 3 Focus. He activates. Gorman has got too close and Irusk sees him. The first shot misses but the second sends the Alchemist into the ranks of the Undead. The Manhunter activates and attacks the Vanguard. However only 1 attack hits and it does little damage. The Juggernaut is not so tame though. It charges the Mule and even with the lowest 2 dice gets a critical hit on it. Not only does it disable the steam lobber but it has frozen the Mule. The second and third attack inflict further hefty damage to the poor jack. The mortar would need a direct hit on Alexia now to kill her and misses - the scatter falling harmlessly away. The Winterguard activate and charge the Halberdiers and Risen. Note to the new - Forfend under Ashlynn's feat is VERY VERY SWEET. The Kapitan and comrade are killed outright. Because of the feat only 1 Risen is killed (and I had gained 2 already). Eiryss misses Ashlynn (just!) with a disruptor bolt and Kell misses a halberdier. Time for payback!

Turn 4 - Mercs
Ashlynn keeps all her focus but upkeeps Quicken. The jacks are in trouble but that's not important anymore. (For reference the Vanguard did a couple of damage boxes to the Juggernaut). The Risen activate and clear charge lanes (losing 1 to a free strike). The Halberdiers, boosted Bokur and Thrall Warrior kill 4 more Winterguard leaving only 2 left. They don't flee but aren't looking too happy. Alexia is now getting upto speed, plenty of Risen around and another Thrall Warrior is born. There is only Ashlynn to go. Irusk is close by - probably within 8 inches but can she kill him? The 3 focus he's sitting on makes me doubt it. He can wait. Ashlynn moves round the other way and with her gun kills Kell Bailoch (I've never liked him). Irusk is within range so Ashlynn blows him a Kiss of Death. All remaining focus goes into it hoping to scare him but the result is a paltry 3 damage. And now she's out in the open!

Turn 5 - Khador
Irusk needs to kill Ashlynn to stand a chance. Alexia is practically at Warcaster level as it is (13 Risen on the board currently). He keeps all his focus. The juggernaut finishes off the Mule unaided (not important - but 3 VPs is 3 VPs). The 2 Winterguard miss the halberdiers. It's all up to Irusk and Eiryss. The Mage Hunter activates first. Luckily she is out of range - she loses her aiming bonus. Also her bolts don't ignore Quicken spells. She misses. Irusk is in range and what's more can boost. Needing only average on 3 dice one of the two shoots hit. But the damage roll is huge! Infact after armour, Ashlynn has only 1 wound left!! Irusk is hungry for the kill though a fires an Airburst at her. Unable to boost he misses with it. I am just about to begin my turn when I hear a cry - "The Mortar". It has yet to be fired. We both know it's going to miss but if he roll's a 1 on the scatter... The dice is thrown and a solitary Cyclops eye is staring at me. Is this it? The dice are thrown again but luck is a fickle beast and the damage roll comes up with a total of 4. On half POW that is not enough.

Turn 5 - Mercs
Ashlynn's living on borrowed time and doesn't fancy joining Alexia's social circle. In the distance the Vanguard clanks against the Juggernaut but no-one is listening. Alexia activates and gives the undead extra strength. The risen clear the charge lane to the 2 Winterguard and the Bokur moves in. His kills the first one on the charge and looks to slam the second into Irusk. The slam hits but no critical. The Winterguard are no more but Irusk is still standing. Ashlynn activates. Her gun sings out once more but once more the damage is pitiful. A second Kiss of Death fails to find its target. It's now upto the reserves. The 4 remaining Halberdiers (including the Sergeant) charge Irusk. The combined melee attacks hits home but again the damage lets me down. Irusk is now down to about 10 wounds. A Thrall Warrior charges Eiryss but misses his attack.

Turn 6 - Khador
Whatever happens Irusk sees his fate is sealed. Alexia has an army and is within charging distance. For the General it's all about who he can take with him on his journey through Uncaen. Eiryss activates. She is hungry for Ashlynn's blood. She moves to get a shot but the Thrall Warrior has found his range. Its sword bites true and 4d6+10 damage adds a second Eiryss to Alexia's motley crew. The mortar now fires - we simply roll for the scatter distance. It's 6" - Ashlynn's survived the 2nd test - only Irusk remains. He prepares another Airburst. Focus is pumped in. 10 needed on 3 dice to guarantee her death. But only 8 is rolled. 2 Focus brings the General little protection; it's time to put the Khadorians out into the cold.

Turn 6 - Mercs
The Halberdiers activate and miss. The Thrall warrior activates and misses. Alexia activates and moves within 6" of the lone General to better witness his transformation into one of her slaves. The Bokur moves in. 3 Flying Steel attacks are rolled but it needs only 1 and the general falls. The Highborn Covenant have their revenge. \:D/

The sheer presence of Alexia turned this battle even though the Risen didn't kill a single unit. She is like a creeping doom and by the fifth turn Ashlynn was merely a witness to Irusk's downfall. Even with this - Irusk had MANY chances to kill Ashlynn and I relied heavily on poor rolls. Her weakness is always apparent and it is very difficult to be aggressive with her. Mercenaries win rarely and it is a nice surprise - a really enjoyable game.

Ashlynn collapsed to the ground her body aching from the where the gun shot had almost penetrated her armour. The mortar crew had fled abandoning their weapon.
“So is he going to become one of yours?” she called out to the raven haired witch as she stood over the deceased war hero.
“No, he can rest easy I have enough traveling companions.” Was the reply.
“Where will you go to now, Alexia?”
But the necromancer was silent. He eyes looking north. “Perhaps Khador,” she thought and a cold smile danced along her lips. "They will need some new units after these recent loses….”
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Post by Shunka »

Excellent report!

I think that next time we should play a 1000 point Hordes match (Skorne vs. Trollbloods). Maybe even make it a 2 vs. 2.
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Post by FGSerbia »

Except for the first battle against Miroslav (aka The Time of the Great Cheating) I have not lost to Skorne. I usually defeat them with a Forest, they seem unable to beat that model. Also Alten Ashley doesn't work for Skorne does he...
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Post by Pendargon »

yeah. Kudos for great report, Rick. I also agree about Forest. There is something in that statline that Skorne just can't beat :-) :-) :D :D
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Post by FGSerbia »

An excerpt from a previous battle report.

"... the battle was looking lost I was down to only a couple of units and the Skorne advance was relentless. In a moment of inspiration I activated my Forest and declared 'Feat!'. This feat only seems to work against Skorne. The effects are quite perculiar - The Skorne player looks confused, scratches his head and does not make an effective movment for 2 to 3 turns. It was enough for me to pull victory from the jaws of defeat..."
Ahhh - happy days!
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Post by PainBringer »

FGSerbia wrote:Except for the first battle against Miroslav (aka The Time of the Great Cheating) I have not lost to Skorne. I usually defeat them with a Forest, they seem unable to beat that model. Also Alten Ashley doesn't work for Skorne does he...
By the ancestors, it wasn't like that! At least I think so... That's what I get for being fair and admit that I have made a mistake. I should have kept my mouth shut. Anyway, I hope that I'll be back on Sunday, to try making some doormats out of Troll skin. Money will come in the second half of the month - that means I'll finally have Cetrati and Hexeris. And after that, possibilities are endless: Rihnodon, Agonizer, Praetorians, Karax... maybe Ancestral Guardian. I even glued and primed my Paingivers! Beware, mortals!
By the way, I practiced a bit during my absence - my gaming table is finished, so I played a few games with my friend. Yes, that Forest is very irritating model, but I can think of something.
Oh, I forgot that I also have Trolls. And, I'll definitely order Grim Angus. And some other stuff. Just wait until I take a completely different approach! :)

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