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Post by FGSerbia »

I secretly believe that anybody that beats me must have done it through cheatin' means.

I hear stories of Trollbloods rising to dominance under the leadership of mighty Grim. This is the blues time!! End of the month the Caber throwers come out. See how your Skorne bowling skittles - er I mean Cetrati, do then.

(I been watching WAY TOO MUCH Ultimate Fighting Championship. I'm starting to trash talk my Hordes opponents :-# )
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Post by Pendargon »

Danas sam odigrao dve sjajne partije sa mojom novom armijom (magnus mercovi) protiv Painbringera i njegovog skorna. Preneo bih utiske sa druge, jer je bila sjajna partija... :-)

Moja lista :
Renegade x2
Master gunner dougal mcnaile
Ogrun bokur
GOrman di wulfe (bokurov klient)
8x Nyss hunters

Skorna (po secanju)
Slonce udarac
Zaba krea
Totem hunter
Cetrati (debeli momci :D )

Ja igram prvi. Magnus baca frenzy na manglera, chargeuje u prazno. ostatak armije mi trci ka napred, glasno vicuci uvrede o ruznoci oklopa skorne.
Skorna, prvi potez : Hexeris baca deathmarch na cetrate, soulslavea na kiklopa. Cetrati ulaze u shieldwall, krea ulazi medju njih, aktivira auru. hexeris se tu negde namesta iza debeljana. Kiklop i totemhunter trce na desnom krilu, agonizer dobija malo furija, slonce i paingiveri trce.
Ja : drugi potez ; Nyss hunteri se pomeraju i odapnu strele u vazduh, pobivsi sve osim jednog painbringera (bacili dva keca).Painbringeri prodju moral. Magnus kroz arcnode povredjuje malo slona i pije 2 damagea u procesu zbog loseg arcnoda. Master gunner ne povredjuje slona puskom. Cela armija se pomera unapred i ulevo, ne bi li neutralisala bok na kome su podivljali kiklop i totem hunter.
Skorna : turn 2 ; slonce ide jos napred, agonizer dobije jos mnogo furija, opali onaj agony da nema dodele fokusa, i potrci tako da mi zahvati sva tri jacka. Damn! Hexeris smrdi naokolo, cetrati i krea lagano advanceuju u shieldwallu sa +3513785 buffova na def i arm. bad thing.
Ja : treci krug : master gunner i nyss hunteri ubijaju puskom i lukovima glupavog agonizera. ali steta je napravljena... Svi moji jackovi prilaze da biju slonce, ali samo mangler ima nekog uspeha. Prethodno magnus malo povredjuje kiklopa kroz arcnode ( i ne popije damage, yey!), i pozove feat. Gorman pridje, a bokur uchargeuje ranjeno slonce i sravni ga sa zemljom. Pod featom, moji jackovi i Magnus se pomere, flankujuci skornu sa leve strane.
Skorna : krug 3 : hexeris pusta upkeepe. Kiklop uchargeuje bokura i ubije ga. Totem hunter uchargeuje gormana, baci jedan na flying steelu, a onda i duplog keca na to-hit. Gorman prezivljava samim cudom!!! Hexeris zove feat, baca deathbringer na mog manglera, ubijajuci 3 nyss huntera, i nanoseci 6 damagea mangleru. Zatim, da stvar bude gora, jedan nyss hunter pogadja magnusa, i nanosi mu 8 damagea. Magnus sada vec ozbiljno krvari. Cetrati napreduju u shieldwallu, a glupa krea mi paralise manglera... damn!
Ja : turn 4 : Magnus uleti da pomogne gormanu, i simultanim udarcem powerfistom i machem sravni sa zemljom totemhuntera, dodajuci njegovu glavu SVOJIM trofejima. Gorman, sada slobodan, pridje, i sa point-blanka oslepi kiklopa sa Black oilom. (good stuff). Mangler, iako usporen, zbog reacha uspe da pridje kiklopu i da ga dvaput udari nanoseci mu nesto stete. Jedan renegade dotrci da se postavi izmedju kree, kiklopa i Magnusa, a drugi se povuce u dubinu. Nyss hunteri bezuspesno pucaju po kiklopu.
Skorna, turn 4: Hexeris se pomeri, baca deathbringer na jednog renegadea, sto u krugu pobija sve ostale nyss hunter (ouch!!!! kompletno sam zaboravio na to). Pritom nanosi i 8-9 damagea renegadeu (srecom svi sistemi su ostali da rade). Krea slamuje mog renegadea, srecom ga odbaci samo jedan inch pravo u gormana (inace bi renegade da je bacio vise oborio vec izranjavanog magnusa). Gorman prezivljava na jednom woundu. Kiklop sada bije vec knockdownovanog renegadea, nanoseci mu neki damage (all systems still on). Cetrati se sloze u shieldwall oko hexerisa.
Ja turn 5 : This is it!!! kaze Magnus. Dodeli 2 fokusa stajacem renegadeu, jedan lezecem, jedan mangleru. Uchargeuje kreu, i posalje je u vecna lovista. Aktivira se mangler, i prebije kiklopa zauvek. Nema vise warbeastova!!! Master gunner proglasi svoj mini-feat. Stajajuci renegade se pomeri ulevo, gde uhvati screenovanog hexerisa u LoS. Boostovana raketa pogadja, boost damage i 12 damagea hexerisu. Pola shieldwalla padne. Drugi renegade ustane, forfituje movement i pogodi lezeceg hexerisa, boost damage i Hex se seli u vecna lovista jer nema gde da transferuje!!! Victory for magnus!!!

NAravoucenija : Cetrati su mi delovali pretvrdi, te ih nisam ni dirao (def 16 arm 22 multivound). Agonizer je pain in the ass, morao sam da ispucam feat da bih se izvukao od njegovog lelekanja. Mangler je iznenadjujuce dobar jack, uz dodatak frenzy-a i tempered metala moze da bude i zid i udarac. Magnus je well rounded caster, izvrstan u hth-u, a sama cinjenica da ima arcnodove (ma kako losi bili), pomaze kada bas ne znas sta ces sa fokusoim (kao kad agonizer zapeva). REnegade- master gunner sinergija je fenomenalna. Deathbringer je jebeno dobar spell. Sve u svemu, sjana partija. Jedino mi se cini da skorna nije koristila dovoljno ofanzivno slona, kao i da je prodala paingivere (koji su bitni) relativno jeftino protiv nyss huntera (sto je bilo sve sto su isti uradili, osim sto su klepili Magnusa za 8 damagea) :D :D
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Post by xclub »

AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH... Lista koju sam ja hteo da nosim u Bg... Samo nazalost... Nemam nyss huntere, pa cu morati ubaciti preskupe devil dogove... No videcemo kako ce se pokazati...

Jedva cekam sedmi jun, pa da probam magnusa na Vama... Super report, i sam razmisljam o nekim idejama sto ste ovde i koristili u partiji....
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Post by TheSerbianRaven »

Super lista, samo zasto manglera? Ako treba beatstick, tu je ultrajeftini nomad, sa kojim mozes da popunis Huntere, ili Mule da baca pice kada revengeri potrose svoje, ili da im da da ih cuvaju za kraj.
Eiryss, Eiryss, Eiryss kako to zvuci, covece! Ali najbolje je sto ce Kreos ubiti tu Eiryss. Ubice je nezno, ali snazno! Da, to nije onaj Kreos sto je sebe proglasio za jadnika, ne ovo je novi Kreos, epski Kreos, super-grand-exemplar Kreos, kralj zena.
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Post by xclub »

Ali mangler ima reach i tresher... I vredi 23 poena vise...

Premda u odnosu na mule i ovu listu, ja bih bio za mule... Premda onda bi morao izbaciti 5 poena...
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Post by Shunka »

Mangler dolazi u Magnusovom boxu?
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
90% svega je sranje, a to ukljucuje i preostalih 10%
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Post by Pendargon »

Shunkin rezon je tacan :D :D :D
Nemam jos ni mulu ni nomada. A i mislim da mangler vredi ta 23 poena vise od nomada :-)
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Post by PainBringer »

Super report. Eh da je onaj sugavi Totem hunter pogdio Gormana... Kiklop ne bi bio tako beskoristan. Junacki sam se drzao, ali oni 'jackovi imaju RAKETE. Velike.

Usput, odlucio sam da prodam svoju Skorne armiju (postavio sam oglas u temi Market).
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Post by Pendargon »

Zasto??? zadrzi ih, igraj se malo sa trolovima, cekaj da izadje nova hordes knjiga. Sigurno ce skorna onda dobiti nesto da savlada sume, a onda, there's no stopping you!!!!
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Post by TheSerbianRaven »

Aha, dobice jedinicu Skorne Lumberjacks (and the're OK!). :D
Mada ne vidim sta je tolika frka oko suma. Uzmes agonisera i par krea i samo bacas paralytic aure, usporices neprijatelja gore nego suma tebe.
Eiryss, Eiryss, Eiryss kako to zvuci, covece! Ali najbolje je sto ce Kreos ubiti tu Eiryss. Ubice je nezno, ali snazno! Da, to nije onaj Kreos sto je sebe proglasio za jadnika, ne ovo je novi Kreos, epski Kreos, super-grand-exemplar Kreos, kralj zena.
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Post by Pendargon »

Igrao sam prvi put juce sa mortenebrom protiv sunkine sorshe. Posle sam provalio da dugo niko nije pisao battle reportove, pa rekoh da prenesem prve utiske...

Sunkina lista je : Sorsha Kratikoff
Puna wintergarda sa svim i kovnikom joeom
Yuri sikirica sa zenom i surakom

Ja sam imao :
Mortenebra & Deryliss
Stalker x2
Gorman di wulfe
8 bile thrallova
Withershadow combine

Ideja je bila da iskoristim stalkere, koje do sada nikada nisam upotrebljavao, a imam jednog super ofarbanog, jer mi se cinilo da Spiderlady moze malo da im pomogne..
Rusi se postave u centar, sa leve strane iza sume stave Eyriss i Manhuntera, a sa desne stave yurija i zenu mu, oko jednog porusenog brda. Cela Cryx armija ode na flank gde je yuri, sem bileova koij stanu naspram manhuntera i eyriss.
U prvom potezu, cela ruska armija ide napred, bombard ne sketeruje na pravu stranu, eyriss postaje nevidljiva. yuri se pomeri napred, zena mu malo manje. Sorsha se windrushuje i baca fog of war.
Tu sada za ruse pocinje spirala propasti, jer je yuri znacajno ptcenio ogroman threat range koji imaju Mortenebrini stalkeri. Aktivira se deryliss i baca deathrace na harrowera. Aktivir se Mortenebra i baci Terminal velocity, ostatak focusa je dodelila stalkerima sem jednog, i pomeri se napred. harrower se pomeri pored nje, upuca topom jednog winterguardistu, koji ne prodje tough, trigerujuci deathrace. Jedan stalker pod terminal velocity-a uchageuje yurija i ubije ga, drugi se pomeri 7 pod deathraceom, i uchargeuje manhunterku koja je na startu bila na 17 :o :o ! incha od njega i ubije je, zavrsivsi lepo u debelom coveru i difficult groundu. Bileovi trce pravo napred.
Rusi sada konsoliduju, winterguarda proglasi mini feat, upuca mnogo bileova, skloni se malo. Manunter, mortar i eyriss pobiju do kraja bileove. Sorsha proba da baci tempest na stalkera, pita odsketeruje predaleko, windrushuje inazad, osecajuci se sigurno na def 20.
To je to, sve ili nista! Mortenebra dodeli 3 foca stalkeru koji je ubio zenu, baci terminal velocity i featuje. Combine dolazi i tremulus baca puppet string na stalkera. Derylis baca deathrace na harrowera, koji pod velocityem charguje i schyteom ubija manhuntera, kovnika Joea i 2 wintergardista, trigerujuci deathrace. Stalker se pomeri 7, i sada ima charge na sorshu, te je i chargeuje. Treba mu 14 da pogodi. Prvi to hit, sa charge napadom 6,4,1, koristim puppet strings da rerolujem keca, dobijam 4, hit. Nanosim 9 damagea Sorschi. Drugi napad masi, i pored feata. kupim napad, masi, rerolujem zbog feta, pogodim, boostujem damage, Sorsha umre. Turn 2 Caster kill!!!

Opsti utisci o mortenebri su dosta pozitivni, mada se cela vrti oko 2-3 spela, kao i vecina jack castera. Strasno ubrzava cryx jackove, ali nazalost, ona rai samo protiv infantrymachinea i hordi, jer protiv frugog cryxa je neupotrebljiva (sve kaze living model), kao i protiv drugih jack castera, koji je, ja mislim svi pojedu za dorucak. Terminal velocity je ubogija verzija full throtlea, Deathrace je super, ali mora da se trigeruje, sto znaci da protivnik mora da ima neku zivu pesadiju. Spectral steel je neophodan da bi se pokrile urodjene slabosti cryx jackova, i jumpstart nije los, narocito protiv zaledjivackog khadora i pop-n-drop efekata. Feat joj je ubog, mada mi je pomogao da ubijem Sorshu.
Sve u svemu, ona je jos jedan u nizu assasin cryx castera, samo ona to radi na malo drugaciji nacin... svojim jackovima koji nisu nodovi, sto je pretpostavljam dobrodosla promena. Medjutim, she is no darius, or craye. I da li je zaista, zaista morala a bude na velikoj bazi...?
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Post by Shunka »

Kratak opis epskog zbivanja od proslog cetvrtka:

Mind Uploader, Khador:

Vladimir, the Dark Prince
- Juggernaut
Man-O-War Shocktroopers (4)
Man-O-War Drakhun
Yuri the Axe
Manhunter (2)
Kossite Woodsmen (6)

Shunka, Trollbloods:

Chief Madrak Ironhide
Impaler (2)
Gatormen Posse (4)
Farrow Brigands (6)
Farrow Bonegrinders (4)
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew
Totem Hunter
Gudrun the Wanderer

U sredini su neke rusevine, na desnom krilu sumadija, i malo severozapadno od rusevina brdo.
U drugom krugu Trolovi su zauzeli busiju izmedju rusevina i brda. Preko puta se nalazi crveni zid - Juggy i Man-O-Warci. Eyriss se krije iza brda, ali je Gudrun dotrcao do nje i vezao je u borbu prsa u prsa, i tu su ostali zaglavljeni sledecih n krugova (on nju ne moze da pogodi, a ona njega povredjuje malo ili nimalo iz kruga u krug). Prasici su se konsolidovali u rusevini. A Totem Hunter je spazio Jurija i surake u sumadiji, pa se postavio da ih ugrozi svojim nadmocnim threat range-om. Trolovi se pomocu goberskog dima i krokodilske bare stite od jurisa crvenog zida.
Krece akcija - Srkijev krug. Odluci se da nabudzi Drakuna i ubije predatora. To se i desi. Drakun ga razbuca kao svinja mastan dzak. Kossite Woodsmeni izlaze i ubijaju dva praseta-kobasicara, i preostala dvojca beze i nikada se ne vracaju. Ostali rusi cekaju.
Ja vidim priliku da malo critical slamujem Man-O-Warce, ne bi li Madrak zavitlao sikiru u oborenog Vlada. Ali ne uspeva - jedan Impaler nije dobio critical, drugom je falilo par milimetara dometa. Prasici jurisaju na Drakhuna - da ga zaglave. Dvojca ga cak mlatnu, i skinu mu nekih 6-7 rana pritom (pocinje ozbiljno da me kenja). Front krokodila se opet stiti mocvarom i dimom.
Srki shvata da moze da posalje jednog modela preko mocvare pomocu Boundless Charge spella, i resi da to bude Juggernaut (a ko bi drugi). Nakrca ga focusom, Vlad zove feat, Juggy dodje i zahvaljujuci losem bacanju ubije jednog krokodila. Juri i suraci odu da zajedno sa Drakhunom ubiju jadne prasice. Onako, bahat overkill. Dva praseta su bili van dometa, pa su pobegli i nikad se nisu vratili.
U svom krugu ja resavam Juggy-a. Krokodili ga seku i grizu za sve pare, pa dodje Madrak, malo ga i on umlati, i na kraju frljne Impaler chuku u njega, dobije critical, i odbaci ga 3 inca dalje. Madrak je vikao feat (za svakog ubivenog modela Trol se pomeri inc i dobije dodatni napad), pa je drugi Impaler otisao da pobije Kossite, jer bi Srki u jednom trenutku mogao da se seti da oni ne treba da nas gadjaju svojim prackama, vec ucardzuju sikirama, sto moze i da nas povredi. Ali u napadu nesposobnosti ne uspeva treci put da baci 7 na 3d6, i 4 Kossita prezive (dovoljno da ne pobegnu glavom bez obzira). Goberi puste dim da nas sve zakloni od Drakuna, Jurija i ekipe, a mocvara opet zaklanja Vlada i Man-O-Warce.
Sad krece epika. Rusi nas okruze sa svih strana. Juri, Manhunteri, Drakun - svi trce kroz dim da bi zahvatili sto vise nasih modela. Vlad zaobilazi mocvaru i nabija Bokora (glavnog krokodila) na kolac (ovaj prezivi na jednoj rani).
Madrak pomisli da mu je dosao kraj. Nemoguce je ubiti toliko rusa (debele furundzije nemam cime ni da povredim, naravno ni Vlada). Ali, tada se radja plandza! Madrak ce da baci rusima kamenje na glavu i oni ce dobiti potres mozga!!! Madrak zaista ima spell, Stonefall. Cetvoroincna pita snage 13, na critical svi modeli pod pitom gube aktivaciju. Naravno, uspe mi. Jer me u tom trenutku mnogo kenja. Prvi Trol natera Kosite u beg, drugi u saradnji sa krokodilima nasamara nesto Drakuna i Jurija... Nasilje.
Rusi kako znaju i umeju uzvracaju sa nesto manje nasilja (ubiju jednog krokodila, jednog gobera), a crveni zid od Juggernauta (dovukao se na rukama) i dvojce furundzija ciste svesti se formira ispred Vlada.
Trol koji se oslobodio Kosita frlje chuku u Juggy-a, pogodi criticalom, Juggy udari o stenu i razbije se, i pritom obori Vlada na dupe. Bokor, koji je sisao sa koca, pridje i udari ga Hoodoo stickom, te on u sledecem krugu ne baca spell-ove. Madrak ucardzuje Vlada. Tuce ga jako, nanese mu 7-8 rana uprkos 7 focusa na kojima on sedi. Ostavi sebi 3 za transfer, ali se zaglupeo - nema na koga da transferuje (jedan Trol je pun, drugi je frenzirao).
Vlad mora da ga ubije, ili ce umreti. Nema spellova, nema Blood of Kingsa... Tuce ga macem, pomalo boostuje, Madrak iskoristi skrol, nekako uspe da prezivi.
Krug kada Madrak treba da ga ispresavija. Ali dobija napad totalne nesposobnosti. Njegovi napadi promasuju uprkos boostovanju... To mi je kosmicka pravda sto me je mnogo kenjalo dotada...
U sledecem krugu Vlad prizove Blood of Kings, i satuce ga u zemljicu crnu.
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
90% svega je sranje, a to ukljucuje i preostalih 10%
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Post by Pendargon »

Evo danas smo napokon probali moje pirate, i to protiv zlog, zlog cyganara :-)
Izveo sam sto sam imao, tj :
Captain Phineas Shae
Commodore Cannon
Master gunner Dougal McNaile
Lord Rockbottom
Bosun Grogspar
Doc Killingsworth
Ayana & Holt
Sea DOgs (9) with Mr. Walls

Rick je izveo sledece :
Allister Caine
Katarina Laddermore
3 Konjanika
Puna jedinica longgunera sa zastavnikom i sefom
Sentinel (juniorov)

Talion dobija da igra prvi, na +1 od Crow's nesta.
Rasporedimo se lepo, stavimo sea dogse pravo preko puta njegovih longgunera, malo povuceno. U prvom krugu Shae daje Marineru jedan fokus da trci, baca Phantasm (-5 na range pucanja kada se puca u tu jedinicu) na sea dogse, pomeri se napred i baci torrent, koji se lepo pomeri 8 incha ka longgunerima, blokirajuci im line of sight (vecini njih). Sve ostalo trci, top malo poguramo, Sea dogsi se nameste u range svih tih cool soloa, malo pridju. Dwarf im da pare da budu tough.

Rick shvati da sada ne moze da upuca Sea Dogse jer a) nema rangea, i b) samo 3-4 longgunera ih vide, te se aktivira caine, snipeuje ih, oni se pomere i pridju, i pocnu da napucavaju moje mornare, od kojih umru trojica, sto zbog malo loseg bacanja rickovih kockica, sto zbog toga sto sam ja prolazio tough na 4 i vise. GMCA longshotuje Grogspara za 3 dmg-a, Konjica i katarina otrce na levi flank, krijuci se iza neke olupine broda od moga commodorea.

Moj drugi krug, Shae daje 3 foc-a marineru, zadrzi 2 za sebe, upkepuje fantazmu. Rockbottom plati tough i pay day piratima, soloi potrce da budu gdi treba, Aktivira se mr walls, i pozove mini feat, i pirati chargeuju longgunere. Ono sto Rick nije znao, (a nisam ni ja skontao), je da pirat udari longgunera, pomeri se 2 incha, udari drugog... i tako je 5 pirata pobilo sve longgunere. Mariner Pogadja sentinela, otkida mu stit, i ostavlja na 1 dmg GMCA koji je bio zahvacen blastom. Commodore promasuje Katarinu.

Rick sada okrece konjicu i katarinu, i zdruzenim snagama,uz electroleapove, sentinela, cainea, juniora i ... ma cele cygnarske armije, ubijaju sve sea dogse, sem jednog (sefa) koji prolazi leadership. Umiru i Hawk i Killingsworth.

Sada,ili nikada, pomislja Shae. Daje jedan fokus Marineru. Rockbottom se pomeri i da money shot commodoreu. Aktivira se master gunner, popuje mini feat, da artillerist marineru. Aktivira se Commodore i snagom 20 (dada, payday + minifeat 8O 8O ) pogadja konjanika sa 20 incha udaljenosti, slamujuci ga u drugog konjanika. Prvi gine, a drugi ostaje na 1 hp, zbog mog loseg rolla. Shae baca feat, pomera se tako da ima chist charge Katarini u ledja, i baca storm rager, i chargeuje. Prvi udarac je rusi sa konja, i ona se postavi lepo dalje od njega, znajuci da Shae nema reach. Ali, Shae je prekaljeni borac na palubi, i to pokazuje i na kopnu!!! Isprati je inch, kupi napad, udari je ponovo, ubije, isprati inch, udje u jedinog konja koji stoji, kupi napad, nanese mu 5 damagea, pomeri se i se i sedne na preostalih 1-2 fokusa, plaseci se osvete Cainea. Aktivira se grogspar, zavrsi konjanika kojeg je shae naceo. Holt upuca konjanika koji je lezao na zemlji. Preostali sea dog ode i zagrli reinholda, koji padne leadership i umre od freestrikea. Mariner boostuje to-hit, pogadja juniora u glavu, i ubija ga na mestu, a blast damage ubije sirotog GMCA. Sentinel se ugasi kada je umro junior.
Hura... cela cygnarska armija je mrtva, sem Caine-a... (ali on je one-man army)

Caine resi da pokusa da ubije Shae-a, jer je to ocito jedini nacin da pobedi. Pomeri se, thunderstrikeuje grogspara koji mu je zaklanjao pogled na Shae-a, ubija ga i slamuje u Shae-a, zahvatjuci Ayanu sa sobom. Shae pada na dupe, primi 2 damagea. CAine pocinje da unloaduje sa svojim pistoljima, ali ima jos samo 2 foc-a, a shae ima defence i dalje 16, iako je knockdownovan. (naucis na brodu da puzis, narocito kada je oluja, ili je to od toga sto je naucio da se valja pijan po palubi, a da ne padne u more :lol: :lol: ). A ima i armor 17, i to rezultuje u jos samo 2-3 damagea za shae-a. Videci da ne moze da ga ubije, Caine resi da flashuje u zaborav, ostavljajuci piratsku armiju na miru...

Prvo pa musko. Shae je definitivno zabavan za igru. I, iako je fragilan, sa Storm ragerom postaje jedan od najboljih melle castera u igri (mat 9, Pow 14, udaram sve oko sebe, kad udarim, pomerim se inch). Top me grozno razocaravao, sve do turn of dooma, kada je ko iz sale upucao 2 konjanika, i da nisam bacio 4 na damage rolllu, ubio bi ih obojicu. Mariner je vec sad jedan od mojih omiljenih jackova, superioran range od 15 na topu mu bas, bas znaci. Malo je jedino problematicno drzati sve te soloe (sem hawk, ona je brza) u blizini Advance deployovanih sea dogsa. Oni zbog toga bukvalno nista nisu radili ceo prvi potez, da bi ostali dosli do njih....
Great fun is forseen ahead. Arrrrgghhhh mateys!!!
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Post by Shunka »

Prvi krug Skorna: svi trce napred
Prvi krug Cryx: svi trce napred, Skare ide napred i ubije Orina
Drugi krug Skorna: Morghul nabudzi velikog slona, on pridje 6 inca, dohvati malog slona i baci ga na Skare nekih ~9 inca. Slon sa topom malo pridje i dovrsi je dok ona lezi.
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Baci ga 9 incha?
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Pa promasio je i dobro scatterovao. A sa snagom 15 (13+2 od Morghoula) domet bacanja mu je valjda 8 inca.
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Post by Pendargon »

Snaga nema nikakve veze. Ima veze velicina postolja, u ovom slucaju, mogao je a ga baci 6 incha. DA je manje postolje, moze da ga baci valjda 6+1, tj, 7 incha, pa onda sketer. Mrzi me da proveravam u knjizi, ali mislim da je tako...
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Ako se ja dobro secam domet bacanja je STR/2.
Edit: Sad sam proverio, tako je.
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Post by Resurrection »

Pendargon wrote:Snaga nema nikakve veze. Ima veze velicina postolja, u ovom slucaju, mogao je a ga baci 6 incha. DA je manje postolje, moze da ga baci valjda 6+1, tj, 7 incha, pa onda sketer. Mrzi me da proveravam u knjizi, ali mislim da je tako...
Daljina je STR/2 (+1" ako velika baza baca malu)
devijacija d3.
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Post by Shunka »

Nikica, prvi krug: Denny pridje.
Moj prvi krug: Sorscha se zaleti, wooshuje, i zaledi prakticno celu Cryx armiju. Yuri pridje.
Moj drugi krug: Sorscha wooshuje, uleti na Denny, baci 5,5,6 na to hit, dakle zamrzne je opet. Sledi jos par suludih damage roll-ova, zatim ulece Yuri, dobija tri napada, te slede jos tri suluda damage rolla, i Denny umre.
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Post by Knight »

Well, in comparsion to that flying elephant assasination run from the other day, this method of killing Deneghra is lame indeed!

"What's that in the sky? A bird? a Plane? .....OH ****, it's titan cannoneer!!"


Ako se nateram napisacu i ja par reportova, nije lose imati te lepse partije sacuvane negde.

A Zamolio bih Shunku da napise kako se zavrsila partija sa Bojanom, u kojoj trolovi imaju pakleni plan i svaki potez slemuju Behemota rusima... ;))))
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Post by Shunka »

Da, u toj partiji sam dobijao sve criticale. Cak i Stonefall koji je promasio je bio crit (2,2,1)...
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Protiv Steve i Haley (Lancer, Defender, Hunter).

Rusi idu napred dok mi Hejli skrembluje dzekove kroz nod - u prvom krugu Behemot trci pravo unazad, u sledecem se Dzagernaut zakuca u zid, u trecem mi se najzad posreci pa debeli potrci pravo napred, ali do tada su ga vec dovoljno upucali da je samo uspeo da udari jednom rukom Lancera pre no sto se ugasio. Ali Orsus polako preuzima stvar u svoje ruke - jurisa na Lancera. Prodale me kocke pa sam odvalio samo pola istog. Nema veze. U sledecem krugu Orsus vice feat, i pocepa i Lancera i Defendera do kraja. E, onda krece temporalna barijera. U svakom krugu. Dzagernaut prestaje igrati ikakvu ulogu u ovoj partiji, samo kaska iza Orsusa. Orsus iz kruga u krug prelazi 2,5 inca i baca na sebe Iron Flesh. Srecom, Haley se pravila pametna pa je usla u teren. I Orsus ju je stigao. I upucao puskom. I sveo je na jednu ranu. E, sad, ja sam se zajebao - mogao sam da bacim stenu na nju. Treba samo da bacim 1 ili 2 na scatter, i 8 na damage da je upokojim. Ali sam resio da ne rizikujem. Hejli bezi i dalje, pokusava da napravi last stand iza zidica zajedno sa svojim dzekom, Orsus trci za njom. Na kraju je postavka ovakva - Hejli sa jednim focusom, ispred nje zidic, ispred zidica dzek. Na osam inca Orsus (vec malko upucan). Vidim priliku - ako bacim stenu u dzeka, budzim sve rolove - Hejli umre u proseku. Samo sto ne znam da ona moze da mi negira stenu. Zato sto Ines to nikada ne koristi!
I ostade tako Orsus sam bez igde ikoga, dzek ga grozno slemuje (bar da je bacio 1 ili 2 da ga u sledecem krugu nasekiram, ali ne!), pa ga jos malo upucaju i on umre.


Prva partija protiv Mome, Starca Severija i Menota. Moji mocvarci i predator su otisli da zaustave Vilmona i konjanike. I svi su izginuli. Sa druge strane sume ostatak Skorne je ubijao bombase. I ubili smo ih! Do poslednjeg! Tukli su ih mrtvi krokodili, tukli su ih mrtvi bombasi, na kraju ni jedan nije ostao ziv. U procesu su poginuli - krokodili, prasici i goblini. Krea polumrtva. Onda, kako je Moma vec opisao, slon je mlatnuo Hexa po glavi. Hex shvati da ne moze da prezivi - nema cime da se zastiti, ne moze da transferuje na potpuno zdravog slona, a on i Krea skupa imaju 9 rana! Pa je otisao napred i ubio gajdasa, za taj 1 VP. Onda su ga ugazili.

Druga partija protiv Dalibora. On je ignorisao scenario i ubio mi prakticno celu armiju. Hex je poslednji njegov krug preziveo na puku srecu. Ali krokodili su 2 kruga hrabro drzali centar, pa je to pobeda za mene.

Treca partija protiv Bjelajca. Ubio sam mu sve. Lazem, nisam - prezivela je Eyriss, koja je bila nevidljiva na brdu tokom cele partije, i to na jednoj rani, i kapetanica widowmakera - posle mog prvog kruga pobegla je, i trcala dok nije dosla do ivice table gde je ostala. A ja sam uspeo da napravim svoj mega-kombo - slon je nabo dzeka i gurnuo ga usred khadorske pesadije, pa je Hex zvao feat i Deathbringer koji je ubio prakticno sve IF-ove, koji su onda pokrenuli lanac smrta - ubili su ostatak IF-a, Drakhuna, jednog posadnika mortara i zaboli Vlada par puta, Drakhun je ubio Vlada, a mrtvi Vlad je ubio preostalog posadnika mortara. On nije imao koga da ubije, pa je umro na mestu.
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Post by FGSerbia »

Ok last night I met up with DG for a game of Hordes. On Friday DG's Orboros had made it to the final of the Mangled Metal/Tooth & Claw - disposing of my Cygnar list in the semi's. Tonight he opted for Skorne and I, feeling like a change, opted for his Orboros list.

Skorne - Dawngreeter
Master Tormentor Morghoul
Bronzeback Titan
Titan Gladiator
Basilisk Krea
Paingiver Beast Handlers (6)
Praetorian Swordsmen (7)
Praetorian Officer and Standard Bearer

Circle - Rick
Kaya the Wildborne
Shifting Stones
Gatormen Posse (4)

I wasn't very familiar with Orboros but luckily neither was Marko (considering they are his models) but I did relish the chance to play an army that could move about after spending all weekend bricking up and trying not to die to AOE's

I was asked to go first and set everything up in a line with the Gatorman Bokur behind his three buddies and Kaya behind the warpwolf, the Feralgeist was just off to the left. Dawngreeter put the 2 Titans together and Morghoul and the Paingivers behind them. The Krea and the Praetorians were off to the right.
I advanced deployed the Shifting Stones just off the centre to my right and the elementals in a forest off to my left (opposite his Praetorians).

Round 1 Orboros
The feralgeist isn't sure what's going to be kicking off but he knows where the action is going to be and runs to the centre of the board. The shifting stones move slowly up the board but out of elephant charge range. The little stone fella moves up and turns one of Praetorians into a lightly shaded area of woodland and the big rock fella moves up and misses another with a spell strike. Kaya and the gatormen move up the board and the Warpwolf runs so as to have a toe between all 3 shifting stones.

Round 1 Skorne
Skorne have no ranged weapons (an unwise move) and can only advance. Given the speed already shown - I think Dawngreeter is already doubting whether he can get the charge and is facing a round of soaking damage.

Round 2 Orboros
The titan Gladiator is a fraction over 12" away from Kaya. This is good. The Waldwatcher spawn's another forest after advancing. The Waldwarden misses the Bronzeback with Spirit Fang (which would have lowered his DEF) and is also now in the middle of the table. The Shifting Stones teleport the Warpwolf 8" so that it is standing next to the Bronzeback. The Warpwolf activates and is somewhat confused, one minute it was standing by some pretty rocks, then there was a flash of light and it's suddenly staring at a pissed off pachyoderm. Instinct takes over, it warps for extra strength and rips the alpha titan's throat out. The elephant goes down easier than a cheap hooker's knickers. The warpwolf is just about to settle down to a dinner of Bronzeback burgers when Kaya activates and moves up and teleports him back to her. For the Warpwolf it had been a strange couple of minutes. The Gatormen move up a couple of inches and the Feralgeist decides to visit uncle Morghoul whilst wearing an Titan overcoat. The tusks miss, but the hit from the first battle gauntlet would have killed Morghoul outright. Even with a transfer it still gives the Krea the world's largest bitch-slap. The second battle gauntlet hit is transferred to the Titan Gladiator. As a trickle of blood drips from the giant beast the gatormen start polishing their teeth in anticipation.

Round 2 Skorne
Morghoul has just had seven shades of crap literally kicked out of his battle group. He's not too happy. The Krea activates and stumbles towards the paingivers, desperately trying to unstitch its eyes to see what the hell just hit it. The paingivers activate, heal the krea and titan (a little) and evict the feralgeist from the Bronzeback. It emerges 3" away and tries to look innocent :whistle: . The Praetorians are suffering from an ambundance of shubbery and run to engage the two elementals. For some reason they don't look too convinced. Morghoul activates and kills the Feralgeist. This tactically was unwise but by God it must have felt good. He casts unrelenting on himself for defensive purposes. :pray:

Round 3 Orboros
Kaya measures her control area and it seems that Titan Gladiator is just about 10" away from 3 hungry gatormen. The Bokur get's them blood crazed and they make mince meat (and I do mean mincement) out of not only the gladitor but 3 paingivers as well. The rock dudes kill a praetorian or two and the shifting stones clear the charge lane between Kaya and Morghoul. Kaya activates and charges the Master Tormentor. Using alot of her fury she manages to wallop Morghoul and the transfer is more than enough to kill the Krea. A critical would have meant knocking him down and ending the game there and then but with unrelenting he backs away. With the rest of her fury she kills another paingiver before popping her feat and zapping back to the still confused warpwolf which is trying to find its frying pan and spice rack.

With no Fury, no beasts and no way of getting anyway near Kaya Morghoul flees like a big girl's blouse. [-X

Well this is an example of the Good, the Bad and the Ugly. The good is Kaya. She rocks. I have read about the yo-yo Warpwolf but it really doesn't do justice to the amount of fun it is. I took apart his most powerful model in round 2 and faced absolutely no retaliation. The nice thing was that, although Marko was totally served, he really appreciated seeing his figures in action and he really learned what Orboros is all about (no disrespect intended Marko) and was pleasantly surprised with what they could do. I don't think he actually knew what the shifting stones were for.
This leads onto the bad. The skorne list chosen was not a good one for the Orboros list being faced. The Gatormen are mean and they go through wounded Warbeasts with little effort. The Praetorians would have taken two more rounds to get through the Waldwarden and they didn't impact the game. With no ranged threat I was under no pressure to engage anyone in melee unless it was at my choosing. Know your opponent and now yourself.
For anyone wondering where is the 'ugly' - I suggest looking in a mirror. :wink:
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Post by Dawngreeter »

FGSerbia wrote:I don't think he actually knew what the shifting stones were for.
I had a vague idea but that's about it. The Warpwolf maneuver was a complete shock to me and now I wanna play Kaya with two sets of shifting stones just for kicks, screw Baldur :D

In my defense, I have never really played Orboros, Tooth & Claw tournament aside, and really the only thing in the game that I have some notion of how it works would be Skorne with Makeda. I guess I /could/ look up some tactics online, but that'd require effort so you can see my dilemma. I'd much rather watch Sarah Palin interviews :lol:
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Post by Shunka »

Dawngreeter wrote:I'd much rather watch Sarah Palin interviews :lol:
You like her. Admit it!
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Post by Dawngreeter »

Like? I gosh-darn love her! Who knew someone could make Dubya look like a university professor?
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Post by mladjano bugarce »

ZERKOVA(prva partija) VS SKARE(Nikica) 500 p.

Skare sa bejnovima, dethjackom, mehanitralovima, skarlokom, tatarusom, jedan arc node - sve sami zlikovci!

Zerkova sa Drakunom, Fenrisom, Devastatorom, Widowmakerima, mortarom, ajris, kajl bejlohom i gormanom - ekipa koja je upravo dobila nagradu za najfrendli listu godine1 O:)

Prvi Ruski krug - rusi pridju, zatim kriksovci pridju Skare se zezne racunajuci da joj je DEF 18 armor 19 dovoljna odbrana od FENRISA ne shvatajuci cinjenicu da je doticni LUUUD( tako joj i treba kada ne cita flaf!!! :mrgreen: ) Widow makeri pociste mehanitalove ispred Skare koje je inace u coveru, ajris disraptuje dethjacka, Drakun ugasi arc node a zatim Fenris jurisa na Tartarusa i pravi fleku od njega, uzbudjen ubije jos jednog mehanitrala a zatim shvati da je tu i Skare - Nikica mi tada lepo objasni da on pogadja Skare na 10+ na dve kocke i ponudi mi da umesto u Tartarusa on jurisa na nju zbog +2 to hit i dodatne kocke damage-a medjutim Fenris je LUUUD i ja odbijam tako da on dva puta pogodi SKARE i napravi joj nekih 12 Damage-a. Gorman protrci pored Zerkove i pri tom je lupi po guzi, Iznervirana ona jurisa na njega i promasi ga, u nastupu frustriranosti ona fituje(jer stvarno nema sta pametnije da radi) i koristeci DREVNE, ORGOTSKE ARTIFAKTE ubije jednog mehanitrala. Skare se malo zaleci, fituje, ubije Fenrisa( odnosno onesvesti jer HEROJI NIKADA NE UMIRU!) Mehanitral iBane knight stanu ispred Skare koja je na dva do smrti da joj daju skrining. Gorman nabaci na Skare black oil a Ajris je pogodi strelicom pravo medju oci za tri automatska damage-a. THE END!
A da, Zerkova je kao sto se iz prilozenog vidi mnogo mocan kaster! \:D/
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Post by mladjano bugarce »


Oni su ubijali nas a mi smo ubijali njih...a onda ono zbog cega sam dosao \:D/ Drago sa tri fokusa i 2,5 INCHA RICHA jurisa na Divota, Ark node jacka i Reznika ubija oba jacka,inace nedirnuta,( a snaga i MAT rastu li rastu...) i presavsi preko zgazenog jacka ubija Reznika... :applause:


Denegra i Vlad se maltretiraju, armije se smanjuju, a Drago se pogrbljeno sa sekirama iza ledja sunja po polju...i zvizduce O:) ... u jednom trenutku Denegra ostane na 13 incha od Draga(Vlad mu da da 2XSPD+5 CHARGE) on zadovoljno pogladi kajlu, veselo se nasmesi i prepolovi je... :applause:

Zakljucak: NOVA FACA JE U GRADU ...inace Fenris ocigledno svestan toga u dve partije nije uradio apsolutno nista.
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Post by Shark »

Drago je mnogo blesav sa Vladom i jednostavno jede light jackove za doruchak ... a hevije za desert... ;)
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Post by Shunka »

Juce je Doomshaper izvojevao prvu pobedu, mada je Damjan saradjivao - mali grizavci su napredovali polako i u talasima, i Vayl se dovela na 1 do smrta pod mojim featom. Saradjivale su i kocke - Carnivean je dvaput slamovan kopljem. Pa ga je Doomy istukao svojom batinom, a prasci kobasicari napravili kobasice od njega i dali mu ARM 18, zahvaljujuci kome je preziveo. Naime, u kljucnom trenutku ubismo svu gamad, ostao je Doomy sam preko puta Vayl (i Gudrun je vrebao iza ledja), ali isforsirao sam zveri i nisam imao na koga da transferujem, a moj sopstveni Mauler me je udario bacivsi 10 pa 10 na dve kocke...

Tokom partije uspeo sam da savladam svoje parce toblerone. Mada sam se posluzio lukavstvom - kad mi je ostalo pola, i nisam vise mogao da ga grizem svojim zubima, udavio sam ga u solji vruce vode i ispio.

Jedva cekam sledeci turnir kod Ricka, da vidimo sta ce jos da smisli.
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Post by Shunka »

Uh, juce smo igrali three-way:
Srki sa Orborosom (rekao je da razmislja da kupi sebi jedan) vs. Shark sa Sorschom vs. moja malenkost i Gorten.
Patuljci i ekipa su se nekako nasli tacno izmedju druge dve ekipe. Prva je naletela Sorscha i zaledila sve dzekove, ali Gorten ih je zaobisao, privukao Sorschu sebi i zatukao je cekicem. Kaya se izbahatila, i stala bez jednog Fury-a pred patuljke. Treba li da vam kazem kako se to zavrsilo?
I onda je jos par krugova Gorten mlatio pomahnitalog Sprigana (koji ga zamalo ubi) i neke krokodile...

Drugu partiju sam igrao protiv Ines. Magnus protiv Sorsche. Magnus joj je spustio dva obliteratora na glavu u drugom krugu.
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Post by bojan »

Shunka wrote:Uh, juce smo igrali three-way:
...Drugu partiju sam igrao protiv Ines... ...Magnus joj je spustio dva obliteratora na glavu u drugom krugu.
Kamo lepe srece. :lol:
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Post by Shark »

Shunka wrote:Uh, juce smo igrali three-way:
Srki sa Orborosom (rekao je da razmislja da kupi sebi jedan) vs. Shark sa Sorschom vs. moja malenkost i Gorten.
Patuljci i ekipa su se nekako nasli tacno izmedju druge dve ekipe. Prva je naletela Sorscha i zaledila sve dzekove, ali Gorten ih je zaobisao, privukao Sorschu sebi i zatukao je cekicem. Kaya se izbahatila, i stala bez jednog Fury-a pred patuljke. Treba li da vam kazem kako se to zavrsilo?
I onda je jos par krugova Gorten mlatio pomahnitalog Sprigana (koji ga zamalo ubi) i neke krokodile...

Drugu partiju sam igrao protiv Ines. Magnus protiv Sorsche. Magnus joj je spustio dva obliteratora na glavu u drugom krugu.
Samo bih da napomenem fakat kocke ;) I da primetim da je Srki uleteo u fajt tek kad sam ja *ispao* ;)
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Post by Shunka »

Mislis bacio sam 5-5-2 u trenutku kad mi je ocajnicki trebalo?
Mada sam kasnije razmisljao - Gorten nije trebalo da spusti cekic Sorschi na glavu, vec da je postedi u razmenu za zaradnju protiv onih divljaka. To bi onda bilo zanimljivije...
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
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pa crit + taman si pogodio ;)
ali da, to bi definitivno bilo zanimljivo jer bih pristao, i odrzhao svoju rech :) ako nas je DnD ishta nauchio, to je da su pregovori uvek opcija ;) osim kada su Menothovci u pitanju. Sa nevernicima se nikada ne pregovara. :D
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ZVER - je stigla u grad!!!


Kriks igra prva, pridje kadoru(sto skracuje vreme do sekiranja :D ) DEATH JACK udje u sumicu gde Juri sa surakom pece vatricu... Cim ga vide u svom potezu se zatrce da mu objasne koliko iritira hladna vepretina, zbog SPEKTRAL STEALA i malo losijih bacanja ne urade nista bitno, DRAKUN dojase u blizinu, FENRIS se namesti da utrci u nesto, WIDOWMAKERS i MORTAR ubiju neke bajlove. HOLT pocne na startnoj poziciji da muva ALEKSIJU a AJANA se naduri... GREGOROVICH krene da objasnjava VINTER GUARDI da SORCHA mnogo voli da gleda kazacok... PILE pokusa da izleti napred ali ga DRAKHUN ujurisa medjutim uspe da ga promasi...DEATH JACK obori DRAKHUNA sa konja ali se ovaj iskusno kada je pao izvuce iz njegovog mizernog reach-a, Harower ubije THRALA koga je Aleksija stvorila(ne vidi nista drugo) pucanjem, JURI sa surakom u sredini sume ostri sekiru... SORSHA jurisa na DEATHJACKA a zatim se carolijom vrati nazad i zove fit(dupli damage preko armora) u koji uhvati vecinu protivnickih modela, ZVER spoljsti DEATJACKA, JURI spoljosti HARROWER-a, FENRIS spoljsti jedno pile, DRAKHUN spljosti bloata i drugo pile, u procesu umre i jedan clan WINTERSHADOWCOMBINE-a, MANHUNTER ubije LEADERA iste jedinice a MORTAR i SNAJPERISTI ubiju ostatak BILE-ova. ALEKSIJA, AJANA i HOLT nastave da se prepiru u ljubavnom trouglu na osnovnoj liniji, GRIGOROVICH se iznervira nemuzikalnoscu WINTERGARDE i krene da igra kazacok a GARDISTI naprave krug oko njega i tapsu u ritmu, Preziveli Kirsovci ubiju MANHUNTER-a i JURIJA a CANCERWORM obori FENRISA s konja. ZVER se zatrci u MORTENEBRU i objasni joj da vece ZNACI bolje!
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So my Skorne Horde is starting to take shape (well colour at least - Red). A new addition is eMorghoul - the master assassin and a bit of a handful if other forums are to be believed. I decided to give him a go out against my long time faction - Trollbloods. Miroslav was playing Doomy (wipes a tear of nostalga) and we thought we'd have a 'old-skooliee' style rumble.

750 points I went with beast heavy. Including all 3 Titans (one of each) and one of each Frog. I also brought along Saxon and some Pain Givers (there was going to be scary amounts of Fury going off here) and some Bog Trogs for board control. A feralgeist decided to join the fray for the hell of it. Not a very shooty list but then I don't have the models.
Miroslav did a fat list including Champs, Long Riders, a Full KSB and a fell caller. The only Dire Troll was an Earthborn and 2 Impalers and a minion Warlock (lizard Chick) topped off the list. His auto-include Gobbers were also there.

I felt I had enough hitting power to go through the Trolls and was hoping that I would be spilling Doomshaper's blood pretty soon. I won the toss and elected to go first.

I set up with Saxon alone on the left. The Bog Trogs off the board and the rest fairly central. Miroslav had his Long Riders and Fell Caller on my left, the Impalers on the right and the rest also fairly central. eMorghoul goes stealthy.

Round 1, Turn 1 - I run everything forward. A forest is on my left and I send Saxon toward that. My Bog Trogs don't make an appearance. The Pain Givers enrage all the titans and as the Bronzeback activates first the others get 11" of movement up the board.
Frogs follow.
Round 1, Turn 2 - Miroslav is a bit more cagey. His Long Riders advance to the other side of the forest and the Fell Caller goes near by - I can obviously see what the plan is. The champs take the front and the KSB back them up. They've been fuelled by Doomy and the Goblins pop some smoke to put cement onto the Brick. The Impalers have to cross some rough ground but get into position on a hill. They are too far away to do much. The EBDT keeps close to Doomy.

Round 2, Turn 1 - I am closing the distance nicely. But first things first. The Bog Trogs enter behind the Long Riders. They engage. The charge manages to tie up all the Cow Boys and the Fell Caller. A CMA does enough to Kill the lead LR but a tough check saves him. The KSB means that the Fell Caller survives the attack (damn!).
I next activate the Cannoneer and shot. I am short but hoping for a luck scatter (to kill the Goblins). The dice are fickle masters at best and my scatter merely uproots some trees in the forest. The frogs move up. Saxon moves into the forest and positions himself for next round. The Bronzeback is enraged and moves up and the Gladiator rushes by him. It is close now to the Champs and uses it's subdue animus. The is a glitch - I think the Champs are around 5" away but they might be more. It is actually at this point that the game is lost (see below). What I should have done was use Morghoul to move and feat. It would have only caught the Champs and Impalers but what a difference that would have made. Instead I merely make them prey.
Round 2, Turn 2 - The Long Riders retailate and kill a Ambusher or two and the Fell Caller kills another. The Earthborn leaves Doomy and moves up, as does the KSB and doomy. He disolves the Prey spell and puts Fortune on an Impaler. The Impalers activate and hurl spears at the Cannoneer. They hit and hurt back no slam. Then the champs activate. They declare charge and the tape measure confirms that they are 5.5" away. They kill the Gladiator and have a spare attack to evict the Feralgeist that had inhabited the dead elephant.
Round 3, Turn 1 - It gets Worse. When a Titan dies within LOS of a Bronzeback it frenzies. And we all know that Doomy loves it when beasts frenzy. The Bronzeback luckily is now at the head of my army but, under Doomy's influence he charges off to attack a distant Earthborn. My 2 heavy hitters are out of the game and the trolls are yet to be scratched.

Miroslav kills eMorghoul in round 4 after I had to try and use the Cannoneer to get past the Champs and he was critically slammed over eMorghoul. Considering I've done this many times to opponents I shouldn't really complain. It was a huge loss where, as often happens, the KSB backed Champs reigned supreme.

Of course the loss sat really badly especially as I have not used the Master Assassin at all well. So as Miroslav packed up I challenged Ines to a game. Of course I was quite concerned, Everblight are a powerful bunch with great movement and lots of ways of tackling Skorne. It seemed that I have just lost a fight with a poodle and was now challenging a Pit Bull! In the spirit of camaraderie Ines of course decided to play Saeryn with all usual array of nightmare warbeasts. That included an Angelius, Seraph, 2 Harriers, a Carnivean, 2 Shedders and a Nephilim Soldier. Raptors, a Forsaken, and Goblins made up the list.

This game was far different to the first one. Where as before I took the ethos of aggressive players far much better here I was more patient. I postioned myself on the right hoping to lure her in so my Bog Trogs could get something juicy. Unfortunately after playing many games with Shunka she was far to experienced for that one and the unit of Ambushers didn't actually make an appearance during the entire game.

The primary reason for the difference in this game was the early feat (mine). After Surviving the almost inevitable 'we all run at you and Saeryn declares feat' turn I waited until my next round to declare feat but still way before I could do the assassination run. What this meant was that Ines had a round in which she retreated. This left her giving up on several warbeasts and it neutalized her Seraph and Angelius. It also allowed me to reposition with impunity. On the surface very little damage was done during my Feat turn but it reality it allowed my Drake to start punishing units while boosting damage and not attack rolls, it allowed my Gladiator to get around the terrain into position and it meant that when Saeryn returned the next round she was within range of the eMorghoul assassination run. Although I did get to Saeryn, the need to boost meant that it was in fact the Titan Gladiator that finished her off.

eMorghoul is all about getting within 12" of your opponent, but it is also about manoevring warbeasts as he is not always going to be enough to finish a warlock or fat warcaster by himself. He's a lot of fun and I look forward to the Hexeris/eMorghoul combo at 1000 points.
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Battle Reports from Escalation Tournament 10/02/09

Match One 350pts Trollbloods vs Cryx

Slag Troll


Ok, I drew Cryx early. In recent tournaments they've been nigh on reigning supreme and I didn't relish playing vs a jack caster in the first round. I started and moved forward into the open ground about 5" from my deployment zone. One stalker runs left one runs right and the Nightmare declares the DTM 'prey' and moves to my left. Mortenebra follows and Deryliss casts Spectral Steel on the Nightmare.
At the start of the second round (with Far Strike) Grim shuts down the Stalker on my right with a single boosted shot. The other beasts do little but move further away from my left (away from where the rest of his models are). Stef moves the 2nd stalker into cover near me and gets the Nightmare and the others closer. Deryliss upkeeps Spectral Steel.
3rd Turn and I'm hoping to kill the 2nd Stalker. Unfortunately Grim doesn't ignore cover and in fact everyone misses. The Impaler is the closest to the Stalker. On Stefs go Morte casts Terminal Veocity and gives 3 focus to the stalker. Deryliss upkeeps spectral steel and the Stalker attacks the Impaler making a real mess of it. It's alive but only just. The Nightmare moves in closer.
4th Turn and Grim takes careful aim at the Stalker. He misses and luckily misses the Impaler too. It regenerates a little and misses as well. The slag troll moves into position to attack the Nightmare and spits on it. Both hit but the damage is disappointing. The DTM can't move as it would bring the Nightmare into charge range of Grim. Stef senses blood and casts Terminal Velocity and assigns focus. Deryliss upkeeps Spectral Steel on the Nightmare and the Stalker then makes short work of the Impaler. The Nightmare charges the slag troll and puts some serious hurt on it. OK it's the 5th turn and things are not looking as rosey as they did in the first turn. Grim activates and shoots the Stalker. The damage roll is big and rather than charge in the DTM to finish it off Grim fires in a Man Trap which totals the 2nd Stalker. Phew. The DTM is out of any kind of charge range so I declare feat and lock the Nightmare's location against my Slag troll. The DTM moves into charge range for next round. The slag Troll heals his missing aspect and does a little more damage to the Nightmare. Stef upkeeps Spectral Steel and gives the Nightmare more than enough tools to finish off the Slag Troll. It's now 2 on 2 (or 3 if you count Deryliss). Grim Man Traps the Nightmare and without far strike can only shoot the downed jack rather than the Warcaster whose about 15" away. The DTM charges in and destroys the Nightmare. Stef thinks about making a dash for repairs and decides against it. He charges the DTM with Morte and with surprising ease kills it (under Feat).
Grims now sitting on his last 5 focus and cuts himself for a full 6. As Morte can't be knocked down it's all about the rolls. Bang and the gun damage is huge. Mortnebra is down to 4 wounds (17 rolled on 3 dice I think). Man Trap - boost to hot but no boosted damage. I need 8 to kill and I roll two 4's. A hard fought victory.

Match Two 500pts Trollbloods vs Cygnar

Slag Troll
Long Riders x3
Dygmies x7

Iron Clad
Journeyman Warcaster

OK - I'm in a bit of trouble here. I adopted the philosophy of putting an army on the board that could be 'not on the board' - ie give the opponent nothing to aim at. Unfortunately I'm going to need some presence to tin open my way through those jacks. I decide the best way was to avoid them and focus on Darius and Jr. Turn 1 and the Dygmies burrow nicely in the centre of the board between Darius and me. Grim and the beasts move forward. The cowboys run far right looking to flank. Stef gets the Jacks moving up the board, Fortify on the Iron Clad, Jack Hammer on one Centurion and Jr puts an Arcane Shield on Darius. Eiryss goes invisable. Turn 2 and the Cows press on into my opponents half. The dygmies edge forward. The beasts trickle forward and Grim spots an opening and shoots Eiryss (dropping her in one). I am confident that I am safe for another round. I am wrong.
Darius gives the first Centurion 3 focus and Jr upkeeps Arcane Shield. The Iron Clad moves out of the way and Darius moves forward. He tows the Centurion with Jack Hammer forward and casts Full Throttle. The 2nd Centurion charges into my Long Riders killing 1 and engaging the other and (which is MUCH WORSE) the 1st Centurion charges Grim. The first strike has to be transferred as it just about knocks Grims head off. The transfer alone takes out 2 aspects of the DTM. Jack Hammer kicks in but luckily even with boosted hits he misses me 3 more times (he can't reach me with the shield).
3rd Turn and I'm in trouble. The Dygmies burrow forward and they are close to the clump which is made of Darius and the Iron Clad. Grim drops the centurion with Man Trap and backs away. He also shoots it for good measure. The DTM regenerates and puts rage on the Impaler. With the Centurion on the ground the Slag troll gets 2 shots of acid will fully boosted damage. This makes a real mess of the centurion and the Impaler knocks off it's spear arm. The 2 remaining Long Riders do little (one is engaged and the leader is a full 5" back trying to look inconspicuous). Steva activates Darius and moves back to deal with the Cowboys. The second centurion kills another and Darius does little other than cast full throttle and assign focus. The Stormsmiths and Jr have moved around to my left and are flanking Grim and the models at the back, well away from the dygmies. One of the Half Jacks runs up to the downed Centurion and fixes his right arm. He gets up and moves forward.
It's the 4th round and Grim needs to put some hurt on Darius - but he's too far away. The Dymies move ever closer. The DTM regenerates some more (some use he is) whilst the Slag Troll and the Impaler destroy the Centurion. Grim moves to relative security and shoots the little half jack near the Centurion. The remaining Long Rider takes off in pursuit of the Stormsmiths and Jr. Them warjacks are a bit too much for him. Steva's fourth turn and he puts some focus into the Iron Clad. A Half Jack runs over to the totalled Centurion. Darius casts Full Throttle and declares feat. He gives birth to another half jack and has 1 focus left. The 2nd Centurion chases after the Long Rider but even with Full Throttle and reach is about 0.5" too short. The Iron Clad charges and totals the Slag Troll. The first Centurion is now as good as new and with Full Throttle charges Grim. He hits and Grim takes the damage (it was a low roll).
OK - it's the 5th round it's now or never! The Dygmies emerge. They are all in Darius' back arch. OK Grim activates first and drop the Centurion with a Mantrap. It is fully boosted so I only have 1 Fury left. What I should have done is moved away 3" declared Feat on the downed Centurion to lock him in place and the shot the Journeyman Warcaster. What I did was (to avoid boosting my to-hit roll) was to stay where I was and shoot Jr. I kill him but I am am left with zero Fury and 2" away from a fully operational (though horizontal) Centurion Warjack. The Long Rider chases the Stormsmiths, the DTM and Impaler play with the Iron Clad and so it's all upto the Dygmies. All 7 hit Darius and they are rolling 2d6 - 5 on Damage. Altogether I do about 10 points of damage. Darius is fine and I am screwed. 3 Focus on the Centurion facing Grim and 3 saved for Full Throttle. Darius moves in and kills 2 Pygs (1 is tough). The second Centurion starts to move back moves back to help his boss and the Iron Clad does very little. It's all about to be over. The Centurion hits Grim. No critical and the damage is small. Steva senses victory and uses a focus to buy an attack and boost. 4d6 rolls and 9 comes up in total - 1 short of the magic number. He can only buy another attack (which misses as well). I'm alive! The Dygmies activate and move back, 1 dying to free strikes. The remainig 4 all hit Darius and do 5 or 6 more points of damage. Grim activates pumps everything into Man Trap which hits and, more importantly knocks over the Warjack. I have 2 fury left. I move round and fire at Darius. The hit is not a big one but 2 more points than is necessary to end the game. Snatching a very lucky victory from the piston spear of defeat.

Match Three 750pts Trollbloods vs The Protectorate of Menoth

Slag Troll
Fell Caller
Trollkin Hero
Long Riders x3
Troll Champs
Full KSB + Stone Scribe Elder
Swamp Gobber Bellows Crew

High Executioner Servath Reznik
High Paladin Dartan Vilmon
Vassal of Menoth
Choir of Menoth (6)
Exemplar Vengers (3)
Holy Zealots (10)
Monolith Bearer
Rupert Carvolo, Piper of Ord
Lady Aiyana and Master Holt

more to follow...

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