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the night before cryxmas :twisted:

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 11:17 am
by Pendargon
Svaka cast liku :

Twas the Night Before Cryxmas

Twas the Night Before Cryxmas, and all through the fleet
The raid was on schedule, through rain and through sleet.
The satyxis oiled their lacerators with care,
In hopes that fresh slaughter would soon be lain bare
The revenants lay quiet down in their bunks,
Dreaming of mortals torn apart in large chunks
1st mate Blackbane the ghost, and Captain Rengrave the Dread
Both relished the thought, of the slaughter ahead.
When the watch raised a gong, signaling sight of the coast
Both the great undead leaders gave a call to summoned their host
Before the great ships lay a small Cygnar port
Whose feeble maneuvers they had come here to thwart
For several long months, the brave men of the crown
Had tried their hardest to beat the restless dead down.
Pirate queen Skarre had grown tired, of this constant attack
So she called on the Black Fleet to hit the Swans back
At the head of the Widower, the fel lady did stand,
Takkaryx already drawn and gripped tight in her hand
With a thrust of her sword, and a mighty shout
She called on her ships all to move out
“Go Atramentous, go Dirge, go Ill Tidings, and Plunder!
Go Branding Iron, Blood Tempest, Exhumation and Widower!
Bring flame to their homes, and shatter their walls!
Let these fools know, that the wrath of Cryx falls!”
As a vast wave of nightmares they raced for the shore
Cannons loaded and ready to settle the score.
Caught unprepared were the Swans by this sudden assault
And soon did they realize that it taws impossible to halt.
The black ships and the ghost fleet flew into the fray
Tearing at Cygnar’s shield, which would soon fall away.
Soon landfall they made, and the real battle commenced
For the solders of nightmares, their thirst hardly quenched
Men and women fell to the blades of blight warped trolls,
The blood of their victims riling them into frightful raged throws,
While surgeons of death, made their way through the street
Adding new members to the horde of the unliving fleet.
The shadows in the alleys coalesced into forms most profane
For emerging from them was Tartarus, Lord of the Bane!
His tenebrous minions soon surged like a swarm
Seeking to end those who were still vital and warm
Bane lances and axes tasted the blood of the living
But quiet death was not their for the giving.
For their horrible master fell onto those that remained,
Their one living bodies, his powers profaned
For with each stroke of his axe, and splatter of gore,
New banes rose from the bodies that littered the floor.
Soon the Queen of the Blackfleet set foot on the dock
Her satyxis warriors gathered round her in flocks.
In her presence they felt naught of fear,
For her presence inspired those who were near.
The women of satyx rushed into the fray like a tide
Their queen, however, her time she did bide
Still her bloodlust was strong, and she soon gave in
And with that the slaughter could truly begin.
Swans died around her as her magic flew free
For nothing could foil her blood enraptured spree
Weaving fate like fine silk, the soldiers did fall
Reaped by lacerator, piercer, and blade one and all.
Some defenders held fast, holding back the dead,
But little did they know, their deaths were ahead,
Called by Skarre from dark water, with a series of clacks,
Were the nightmarish forms of amphibious jacks.
Leviathan spikers unleashed a withering flurry
But that wasn’t the only attack for which the defenders need worry
For the dreadful sound of Harrower mortifiers rang out
And as the dead piled up, the defenders did rout.
But salvation was not to be had as they turned and fled,
For a nightmare of legend was just up ahead.
A beast of iron and spikes blocked their escape path,
Its dreadful eyes glowing with unrestrained wrath.
With claws like swords, the stench of burnt flesh
And great horns from its head, it wreaked of charred death.
A howling furnace on is torso swung open with a clang
And roars like a starved beast though the village rang.
For there was the Deathjack, the titan of fear
And with its appearance, their end was made clear.
With a mighty lunge and a swipe of its great claws
It shoved them inside it, though it’s furnace’s jaws.
Screams rang out, as their souls were consumed,
As power it rendered from those it had doomed.
The carnage continued all through the night,
But came to an at the sun’s first dawn light.
Skarre Ravenmane chuckled as she wandered the street,
The dead and the dieing all round her feet.
Blood flowed like a river over the street stones,
As her terrible minions plundered the villager’s homes.
She knelt by a man, who was gasping his last breath
“Its Cryxmas you wretch. Now you’ll serve us in death!”

Re: the night before cryxmas :twisted:

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 1:47 pm
by Shunka
Mislim da bi svi Cryx igraci trebalo da mecu stihove u potpise.