Jos Rumora!

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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by deka »

A, ima i ovo:

Iskakanje iz jeroplana u pokretu

Dodatni info za veliki:

Dodatni info za mali:

I one fancy rakete:
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Hypodermic »

Ah, vidi, to sada mogu i obicni momci da rade, ne samo momci sa jumppackovima. Ranje, samo modeli sa jump packs su mogli da izadju iz Ravena dok se on kretao.
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Hvala deko. :D
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by deka »

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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by igor »

Jedva cekam da negde nesto izadje o novim demonima.
Dok ne stigne skenirana knjiga :D
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Hypodermic »

Slicice sam postovao jos juce, ali ih je neko zatrpao pitanjima za flajere :P Evo linka: ... 59#p159859
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by igor »

E video sam to, nisam bas nesto odusevljen izgledom novih figura :(
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by deka »

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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by deka »

40K kodex napisa Phil Kelly...

Za razliku od fantazijanskog, koji je naškrabao Matthew Ward :)
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by deka »

Wombat style, Abaddon Looser VS Loken
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Petar »

Ima i ovde nekog pametovanja Egana Simona
Shunka wrote:...Veliki pop. Ali u sustini nije narocito opasan. Sasvim dobro radi u svom coporu...
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

LOKEEEEEEEEN!!! :mrgreen:
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Mrzimsvee »

Daemonic: Instability
If you lose 25% of your unit at the end of your close combat phase then you must take a leadership test on 2d6. You subtract the amount of models lost to the overall leadership total. If you pass then nothing happens otherwise you lose wounds equal to the amount you failed the combat by.

Daemons count as being fearless for shooting.

Have +1 to WS, W, I, A and have Ld: 9-10If a herald joins a unit then the unit is not affected by daemonic Instability

Armor Saves:
All daemon units have a 5+ invulnerable save.
There are upgrades to give Heralds 3+ and even a 2+ save (very expensive)

Greater Daemons:
All greater daemons have the option for 2+ save – although it is on the 65pts+ mark

Keeper of Secrets -
Base A:6, rending, and gain more attacks for every kill.

Bloodthirster - has amazing stat line:
10 5 8 7 5 5 5 10 4+

Re-rolls all failed to hit and to wound.

Fateweaver -
Can make a enemy hero turn into a spawn if they fail an invulnerable save.
Still re-rolls saves (but only invulnerable – no longer armor saves)

Basic Daemons:
Bloodletters – reduced by 1 point
Daemonettes – reduced by 2 points , are now strength 4 on the charge.
Plague bearers – reduced by 3 points, shrouding replaces feel no pain.
Pink horrors- increased by 2 points, improved saves.

Other Daemons:
Bloodcrushers are monstrous beasts with rage. (very expensive)
Beast of Nurgle are vastly improved – and have gone up in cost by over 30 points.Soulgrinder has skyfire in profile (220pts base)

Psychic Powers: Are very random and can hurt you badly if you roll badly
Nurgle is the best of a bad bunch.
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Ovo mi sve ima smisla, jer je konsistentno sa CSM demon princevima. Nadajmo se da ce se drzati te dizajn filozofije. :]

Ako je verovati white dwarfu, flamers of tzeench ce da kostaju 40 poena po modelu, i da imaju apgrejdovanu verziju koja kosta dodatnih 10 poena.

Cekaj, zar keeper of secrets nije vec monstrous creature, te stoga ignorise armor i moze da radi smash? Sta ce mu onda rending? O.o
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Smash ti prepolovi napade, rending ne.

Instability cini ovu vojsku prilicno slabijom, jer fearless (koji imaju sve druge vojske) nema ama bas nikakav penal. Mada ne sumnjam da ce im dati neke nove gadosti koje pre nisu imali :D, pa ce sve to doci na svoje :D.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Ota »

Ima fearless penale (mislim to zavisi od vojske do vojske - u smislu kome je nakacen fearless). Na primer po ovom rumoru cuveni nurglovi demoni nemaju vise 5+FNP vec smrdljivi sraud (+2 na cover save). Sada na otvorenom - njima dodje sve jedno jer i demonski i cover save su im 5+, a oni zbog fearless pravila ne mogu da koriste GTG i da sebi povecaju taj cover save.
Tako da u ovom kodeksu mislim da bi njima daleko bolje bilo da nemaju fearless od pucanja, ali ako je rumor tacan jebi ga.
Djenrale uzalud te traze,
cuvaju te sve bozije straze.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Ma mislio sam na konkretne stvari - udjes u combat i boli te uvo, jer dok te ne ubiju do poslednjeg, tebi se ne desava nsita. Na to sam mislio ;). A ako se ne varam, jedini penali fearlessa su da ne mozes GTG i ne mozes da kazes our weapons are useless. Sto je smesno u poredjenju sa tim sta dobijas fearlessom.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by igor »

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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by PeraNekron »

Ovo sam iskopao na nekom blogu, ima podosta :
Daemon belong to a specific god and have USR Hatred for their opposing god (Nurgle/Tzeentch, Khorne/Slaanesh). Herald of one god cannot join a unit from another god.

Khorne USR: Rage, Re-Roll Charge distance

Tzeentch: +3 LD for Psykic tests, Re-Roll Saves of 1

Nurgle: Slow and Purposefull, Shrouded, Defensive Grenades

Slaanesh: Rending, Move thru Cover, +3” to run distance for infantry, +6 “to run distance for cavalry (only if the whole unit is cavalry), +3” Flat out for chariots

Daemonic Instability
Units with this USR may not be joined by units without this USR. Unit passes all Fear, Pinning and Moral tests. If a Unit with this USR looses in Close Combat, it must test for Instability on 2D6.

If the test is failed, the Unit takes wounds equal to the difference between its LD value and the roll.

If you roll Double 1, all wounds lost in this combat are restored. Place lost models back on the table

If you roll Double 6, the whole unit is removed from play.

Warlord Table
War Lord Table:
1)Warlord gains Instant Death USR
2)Warlord and his unit gain Hatred (Everything) USR
3)As long as the War Lord is alive, your opponent test for Fear at -1 LD
4) As Long as the War Lord is alive, units within 12” of the War Lord may re-roll Daemonic Instability
5) As long as the War Lord is alive, you may re-roll results on the Warp Storm Table
6)Units with the Daemon USR may Deep Strike within 6” of the War Lord without scatter.

Warp Storm Table
The Warp Storm Table is only used when Chaos Daemons are your Primary Detachment. Roll on the Warp Storm Table at the beginning of the Daemon Players Shooting Phase

2) The Storm is receding: All units with the Daemonic Instability USR (Friend and Foe) immediately test for Daemonic Instability

3) Punishment of the Gods: A random character model with Daemonic Instability (Friend or Foe) immediately tests for Daemonic Instability on 3D6. Wounds suffered in this manner can only be allocated to that model.

4) Warp Quake: All models with the Daemon USR suffer a -1 penalty to their saves until the next roll on this chart (friend or foe)

5) Storm of Fire: Roll a D6 for every unit with the Daemon of Nurgle USR or Mark of Nurgle or enemy unit that is not locked in combat. On a roll of 6, place a large blast marker on one of the models in the unit. Scatter 2D6. All models under the template suffer a S4 AP5 Ignore Cover, Pinning hit ).

6) Glorious Rot: Roll a D6 for every unit with the Daemon of Tzeentch or Mark of Tzeentch or enemy unit not locked in combat. On a roll of a 6, the unit suffers D6 S4 AP3 Poison (4+) hits. Vehicles are hit on Side Armor.

7) Calm Warp: Nothing happens

8) The Dark Prince Thirsts: Roll a D6 for every unit with the Daemon of Khorne USR or Mark of Khorne or enemy unit that is not locked in combat. On a roll of 6, the unit suffers D6 S6 AP- Ignore Cover, Rending hits.

9) Khornes Rage: Roll a D6 for every unit with the Daemon of Slaanesh USR or Mark of Slaanesh or enemy unit that is not locked in combat. On a roll of 6, center a small blast marker on a model of your choice in the unit and scatter 2D6. Models under the blast template suffer a S8 AP 3 Pinning hit.

10) Warp Flood: All units with the Daemon USR gain +1 to all saving throws until the next roll on the Warp Storm Table (friend or foe)

11) Daemonic Possesion: A random enemy non-vehicle .Psyker that is not a daemon must pass a Leadership test on 3D6. If the test is failed, the Psyker is removed from play. Place a Herald of a god of your choice within 6" of the removed model. The Herald does not receive any upgrades.

12) Blessing of the Warp: A new unit of 2D6+3 Bloodletters, Pink Horrors, Daemonetts or Plaguebearers (your choice) arrives via deep strike.

All Daemons have a 6+ Armor Save. Some daemons (for example Bloodthirster have a 3+)

Bloodthirster lost EW

Skulltaker has EW and 3+ Armor

Lord Of Change is Level 2 Psyker and Flying FMC

11-15 Pink Horrors generate 2 Warp Points, 16-20 generate 3

Fateweaver has a 4++, Level 4 Psyker. He knows all Tzeentch powers. Right Head knows one power from Pyromancy and Divination, Left Head knows one power from Telepathy and Pyromancy. Declare which head you want to use at the beginning of each turn. May re-roll a single D6 each phase.

Blue Scribes are not Psykers, but generate one power each turn from the main rule book. They can use that power without rolling a psykic test.

The Changeling may exchange any of his stats with an enemy non-vehicle model stat in base contact (WS, S, W, I, A) until the end of the turn

Great Unclean One is Psyker Level 1, Biomancy and Nurgle

Beasts of Nurgle can charge in the opponents turn.

Ku'Gath can regenerate wounds on Nurgling Swarms

Epi only effects Daemons of Nurgle within 6" and tally works based on unsaved wounds caused by Daemons of Nurgle:
7+: +1 Strength
14+: +1 Toughness
21+: 2+ poison
28+: 4+ Feel No Pain

Keeper of Secrets has Prefered Enemy Eldar and Dark Eldar. Psyker Level 1, Telepathy and Slaanesh

The Mask re-rolls all failed saves. It has multiple different dances

There are Chaos Furies

Flamers of Tzeench: If they caused a wound, take a test every turn for that unit. If the test is failed, you take D3 wounds, if you pass the test, you gain FNP (6+)

Skull Cannon: If you assault a unit that has been hit by a shot from the Skull Cannon, you suffer no initiative penalty for assaulting thru difficult terrain.

Axe of Khorne: Instant Death on a roll of 6 to wound.

Mutated Warpknife (Tzeentch): If it kills a enemy Character or MC, that model is turned into a Chaos Spawn on a roll of 2+

Warp Poisoning: If a Character or MC looses its last wound due to a Close Combat attack from the Staff of Change, all units within D6 inches (friend and foe) suffer D6 hits at S5 AP -

Mace of Disease: Models that suffer an unsaved wound from this weapon must pass a Toughness Test or suffer an additional wound. No saves of any kind can be taken to prevent this additional wound.

Many Characters cannot buy equipment, but can buy Minor, Major and Legendary enhancements for a certain point cost. These are randomly determined at the same time as Warlord Traits are rolled. You may have the same enhancements more than once on each character, but the random result can only be applied once to each character. Re-roll doubles. Rolls can be exchanged for special weapons.

Minor Boons
Result 0: (May replace roll on the chart)
Magical Weapon: Etherknife (AP2, Mastercrafted, Specialist Weapon)
Daemon of Khorne may take an Axe of Khorne instead
Daemon of Tzeench may take a Staff of Change instead
Daemon of Nurgle mau take a Mace of Disease instead
Daemon of Slaanesh may take a Ghost Sword(?) instead

Daemon Princes
Skarbrand and Bloodthirster make Khorne DP Heavy Support
Fateweaver and Lord of Change make Tzeentch DP Heavy Support
Ku'Gath and Great Unclean One make DP of Nurgle Heavy Support
Keeper of Secrets makes DP of Slaanesh Heavy Support

DP costs 145 pts
Khorne +15 pts
Tzeentch +25 pts
Nurgle +15 pts
Slaanesh +10 pts
Daemonic Flight 40 pts
May take up to 50 points of gifts
none khorne DPs can buy Psyker levels up to level 3 at 25pts/lvl

Heralds may still be taken 2 per HQ slot. Every Herald adds a Boon to the unit he joins.

Icons can improve certain effects. Instruments can "summon" reserves or modify the result of the Warp Storm Table.
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Hypodermic »

Cekaj cekaj, za stavke sa tabele u shootingu, svaki protivnicki unit? Posto su se vec svadjali oko toga ljudi. Ja bih rekao da da, posto je iovako na 6. Nekroni imaju slicne stvari, koje rade uvek :D
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Ova warp storm tabela je nesto najgluplje ikada, a ovi boonsovi ce da nerviraju demonske igrace i da zbunjuju sve ostale.

Ali dobro, za sada deluje okej. Samo se nadam da ce se drzadi CSM/DA dizajn filozofije, to jest da ce manje-vise da odrzavaju points values na nekom okvirno razumnom nivou. :]
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Ako je verovati pricama ljudi koji navodno imaju novi demonski dex, flamers of tzeench sada imaju str4 ap4 template, a screameri imaju S4 AP- obicne napade ili mogu da jednom po partiji svi bace po jedan STR5 AP2 armourbane napad.

Fareweaver 4++ sejv i valjda moze da jednu stvar bilo koju prerola po potezu.

1-4 heralda po HQ slotu, a heraldi jedinicama daju neke do jaja stvari tipa herald of nurgle daje jedinici FNP i slicno.

Demon princevi su valjda HQ, a ako uzmes greater demona nekog boga onda mozes da uzmes i demon princa tog boga u heavy supportu.

Svidja mi se. :]
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by joggy »

ako je to tacno, kao i ono iz predhodnih postova, demoni idu ili u fioku ili na prodaju... :roll:
"Narod u demokratiji ne može da pogreši. Kakva god da je odluka naroda to je odluka Boga." Vulin.
"Potrebno je da vozilo koje vrši transport ima onu ruku napred, da prebacuje... Imaju proizvođači, ja sad ne znam ko su“ Velja.
„Na Beka su pucali amateri, jednom je čak spala kapuljača“ Nesa.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by igor »

Tako nesto otprilike :(
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Pa to, ako armija nije totalno overpowered onda je ne vredi igrati, je l da? ;]
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by joggy »

Da li si video da neko igra sa demonima pre ove edicije (ja se ne racunam)? A sta mislis zasto?
Isto ce biti i sa novom edicijom, ako je ovo tacno. Jednostavno je armija toliko nerfovana da su ti sanse za pobedu minimalne. Nikom nije zabavno da ga stalno ciste sa table samo zato sto je armija sa kojom igra uboga po pravilima.
Naravno, ostaje mogucnost da ce ove nove kocije i jahaci svega i svacega biti uber (figure jesu sjajne, nema sta), pa ce to zahtevati dodatna ulaganja da bi imao armiju za turnir.

overpowered armije su grey knightovi i necroni trenutno (i imperijalna garda kao ally), ne demoni
"Narod u demokratiji ne može da pogreši. Kakva god da je odluka naroda to je odluka Boga." Vulin.
"Potrebno je da vozilo koje vrši transport ima onu ruku napred, da prebacuje... Imaju proizvođači, ja sad ne znam ko su“ Velja.
„Na Beka su pucali amateri, jednom je čak spala kapuljača“ Nesa.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Slazem se za nekrone, gk i gardu, ali demoni ne da su bili OP sa spamom flamera/screamera, nego je to bilo smesno. Na australian mastersu, na 8 stolova bilo 81 screamer i 60 flamera. XD ... n-masters/

Sto se tice novog demonskog dexa, totalno je besmisleno da vilenite samo zato sto su dva OP unita nerfovana (a sto je najgore, screameri nisu ni loshi ako su ovi rumori istina, samo moras da razmisljas kako ih koristis umesto da ih bez bojazni saljes gde hoces kada hoces protiv cega god hoces), kada niste ni videli dex a kamoli mu dali nekoliko meseci fore da se slegne da vidimo valja li ili ne. ;]
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Brother Coa »

Jedna zanimljivost kod novog kodeksa za 40k demone. Na stranicama 16 i 17, sekciaj o Slaanesh-u, govori se o sledecem: "wandering knight of the Adeptus Astartes whose will was as strong as silvered adamanteum. The section continues to use the moniker of "wanderer" to describe the lone Space Marine's travels through the realm of chaos and towards the very end he falls and is seduced into Slaanesh's whips and servitude."

Svi trenutno nagadjaju da je ovo Draigo :D
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by PeraNekron »

Sad citam codex....po svemu sudecu, to jeste Draigo, i podlegao je androginim carima Slaanesha licno. :D (naravno, moze biti bilo ko, ali silueta u artworku je vise nego poznata. ;) )

Inace, novi demoni su skroz fluffy i zanimljivi, iako su previse random u nekim stvarima. Barem vise nemaju onu imbecilnu postavku "e, 'ajmo svi iz deep strikea, pa da vucemo slamku ko ce prvi da padne i umre z'otadzbinu"....
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Mrzimsvee »

Eldar are said to be coming this fall. Here's the latest word on those pointy eared Craftworlders...

We got a two parter here. First up was the latest batch from good ole Faeit:

- Autarchs take Paths. These represent completed paths they have walked and are tied to the various aspects. By taking a path you make the respective aspect warrior a troop choice (the exception are reapers who just become scoring)

- Overall point cost reduction (guardians see it the most, aspect warriors see it the least, but are instead a fair margin better with only a minor cost decrease for two of the schools).

- new special rule that influence how howling banshees interact in combat. It's current iteration really makes them feel like glass cannons that are amazing at what they're designed to do.

-Seer councils have brotherhood of psykers (the farseers still cast their own abilities in addition, but two farseers together cast more than 2 farseers separately)

- in general, aspect warriors are hyper focused and hyper successful if used properly

- No new aspect
- 2 new flyers
- lots of units get access to skyfire
- new tank (on falcon chasis)
- Avatar is buffed a lot
- Two new special characters
- exarchs are all really good in duels in different ways
- farseers are still awesome psykers
- warlocks improve deny the witch.
- falcon/wave serpent point reduction
- way to make some of the craftworld specific lists
- additional rules for allying with dark eldar
- expanded fluff on the war in heaven

Then we got some followups of our own from the voices in the wind.

-New Eldar "large tank" is being worked on (not the same as the new falcon variant)
-Guardian/Storm Guardian combo plastic box
-Guardian jetbikes/Shining Spear combo box
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Brother Coa »

Sada je postalo bukvalno zvanicno, Tau codex je gotov i bice izbacen ili u Aprilu ili u Junu u zavisnosti od toga kojem rumoru vise verujete. Sve u svemu prica se da ce biti extra.

"via groffus in the comment section of Faeit 212 March 7, 2013 at 6:35 AM
The owner of my local store told me yesterday that he was unable to get a copy of the current Tau codex to put on display. When he pushed he was told that he could not get one because there was none any more, he should wait until next month to order one that there should be plenty then.

I play Tau myself and I am beginning to start to believe :-)

Compilation of Tau Hints
The following are compiled via Tastyfish onWarseer
Eliath pm'd me with some info from WD that supports the idea that Tau are pretty imminant and also that it seems the FW suits are still compatible with the new kits

via Elaith
Could well be nothing but in reading through at least a couple of articles in this months White Dwarf, there are references to Staffers working on Tau forces.

Jeremy's article starts with him working on a FW Battlesuit and later someone is mentioned to be working on a Tau force.

Likely nothing, but are staffers getting their Tau forces moving prior to release... only time will tell.

via Huru MorDae
Today a friend of mine working in management for a hobby store received a call from his supplier asking for all tau hammerheads, broadsides, and codex to be pulled from the shelves and returned to gw.

Today's Developments
Note: I am a little confused on the dates between an April and June release on this bit (and I am not in email communication with Shaso to clarify). perhaps a 2nd wave in June.

via shaso_iceborn in the comment sections here on Faeit 212
March 7, 2013 at 10:51 AM
Tau will be released in June, along with a new Farsight model. New Kroot HQ, and the options Nafka mentioned above. His source on this one is very good.

March 7, 2013 at 10:57 AM
Are you guys ready for April and the lightened wallet the new Tau codex brings? 2 New Fliers, 2 new Suit options, a Uber-suit, New kroot HQ option, lots of new kits and better rules and options. Us Tau are about to finally get RETRIBUTION!!!! Sorry imperial players but I will be "lighting" you up here very soon."
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Brother Coa »

More Tyranid rumors:

"via an anonymous source (anonymous for obvious reasons)
FoC manipulation and "new" deployment options are based on the various stages and methods of a Tyranid invasion. The design goal is to be able to represent in a viable manner things like stealthy vanguard forces, huge waves of little gribblies, the sheer brute force of monstrous creatures in the final stages of invasions, surprise forces coming from underground and the sky, and so on. Pretty exciting to know that someone in charge acknowledges that Tyranids are multi-faceted.

Further details that the others did not mention:
- A lot of flexibility in the form of army composition. As opposed to the very mutable stats of units and weapons of the old codex, which caused a lot of headaches for opponents.
- Hive Tyrants are the main source of FOC manipulation. The idea is that they can specialize the scoring elements of the army.... but you have to pay for it.
- Reserve manipulation is a very strong theme in the codex. These options are more numerous and reliable than in the current codex. And that's because...
- Mycetic Spores have expanded rules for ease of use. This includes MC broods.
- Trygon tunnels are also greatly expanded. Raveners have additional synergy with the tunnels. Even Monstrous Creatures can use them but with a penalty.
- More outflanking options. Various ideas are being thrown around on the topic of protecting Genestealers and especially Lictors from being shot to pieces when they appear.

And the most important rule that is being tested...
Synapse offering protection from Instant Death in a brand new way. Right now this is being tested only on creatures that have the Synapse rule (not within the aura): Wounds that trigger ID can instead be rolled to either cause 1 Wound, 2 Wounds, or ID. The designers have mentioned that multi wound models are problematic in the ruleset and doubly for for Tyranids who have many such units, yet because of the abundance of S8 and above weapons they cannot rely on them."
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by bojan »

A blackguard whose faulty vision sees things as they are, not as they ought to be. Hence the custom among the Scythians of plucking out a cynic's eyes to improve his vision.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by deka »

bojan wrote:Wishlist.
Negative waves... It's a beautiful list :lol: :lol: :lol:
Ako ne budeš dobar, poješće te bube

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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Hypodermic »

Ovaj rumor je totalna laz. ovo:
- A lot of flexibility in the form of army composition. As opposed to the very mutable stats of units and weapons of the old codex, which caused a lot of headaches for opponents.
su uradili kada su prelazili sa kodeksa iz trece na kodeks za cetvrtu ediciju. Jos od tada nema ovoga jer nema "mutable stats" vise nigde. Neko je lepo uzeo, isceprkao (pra?)stare rumore i napravio kompilaciju da izgleda kao novi.
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Brother Coa »

Rumori za izlazenje codeksa:

"Hastings Release Order
High Elves
Lizard Men

Tau (April Release, or April pre-orders)
Summer 2013 (Allied Supplement, Apocalypse)
Eldar (Q3 or 4)
2014 (Orks and Tyranids)"

"There has been rumors of a Greater Daemon model release sometime around summer, perhaps tied into or around one of the above mentioned supplements. So I am still hopeful to see new models for these beasts.

Dark Eldar Voidraven. I am really wanting this model to come out. The Voidraven has one of the best guns in the game (void lance), and it is one that I want to field sometime in the near future, but am waiting for a release. There has been nothing really reliable as to a date this model's release, that has supposedly been done for a long time now."

"Black Templar have been rumored for a long time now with nothing really reliable. Space Marines still need a 6th edition codex, but little has been whispered. Other than this, we have very little info past Hastings release line up."
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by PeraNekron »

Novi nekronski forge world flyer! :D Predobar. :D ... OMBER.html
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Sto jes jes. :D
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Brother Coa »

Jos jedna potvrda da Tau Imperija najverovatnije dolazi u Aprilu, pored toga imamo i ovo:
via 3++ is the New Black (from inside the Chatbawks)
Broadsides - 85 pts with S8 Ap1 Skyfire; not sure if this is in place of old S10 AP1 or if the 85 points + skyfire is an option but its there
Hammerheads - regardless of what Railguns are now in general, keeps S10 AP1
SMS - twin-linked, ignores cover
Crisis Suits - not likely to move to Troops as an option
Disruption Pods - only +1 cover
Rumori za Tau overwatch, letelice i novi Riptide battlesuit:
via 3++ is the New Black (from inside the Chatbawks)
option to have all units with 6" fire overwatch - lots of dice rolling, little effect FTW
Fliers are AV10/11 with 6x S6/7 shots at BS3; not twin-linked
there is a tank commander
Tau vehicles can no longer fire as fast vehicles (i.e. multi-tracker upgrade gone/changed)
Riptide - name of ubersuit and is an Elite choice.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Brother Coa »

Nzm da li je ovo pravo mesto, ali rumor je rumor...

GW je potpisao ugovor sa firmom Zattika da naprave 3D free for all video igru koja ce biti zasnovana na Titanima. Koliko sam shvatio igra ce mozda biti u Mechwarior stilu. Vise informacija ovde: ... shop%C2%AE

Konacno cu moci da vozim Titana i da gazim neprijatelje Imepratora :D
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