Jos Rumora!

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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Dorian »

"More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly."

Woody Allen

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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Hypodermic »

Cekaj cekaj stani, da li ja to vidim sentinela sa prednjim oklopom 12?
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Dorian »

Da, jedna verzija ce imati 12.10.10... Meni zabavnije deluje AP3 Hellgun kao i neka od novih glavnih oruzja za kupolu LR varijanti.
"More than any time in history mankind faces a crossroads. One path leads to despair and utter hopelessness, the other to total extinction. Let us pray that we have the wisdom to choose correctly."

Woody Allen

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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by PeraNekron »

Melta cannon - snaga 8, ap 1, blast, range 24'', melta....lele....bice ovo zanimljivo :D I Sly Marbo je opet sa nama zvanicno :D 8)
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by deka »

Cover za novi IG kodeks

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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by PeraNekron »

Hm...uncanny resemblance to Empire fantasy army book :wink:
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by ZergLord »

Ne znam da li ste culi sa Bell of Lost Souls, ali GW nam u 3. kvartalu ove godine sprema neko iznenadjenje.

Da li je moguce da nam stizu novi Daemon Hunteri? ... -move.html ... nights.jpg

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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by PeraNekron »

Uraaa! :D Ja sam uvek tvrdio da su Daemonhunters mega cool armija. Steta sto vekovima stoje u zapecku.
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by deka »

O, to bi bilo jako lepo...

Tada bi konačno mogao ove moje češće da vidim na stolu, a ne samo kada je apokalipsa u pitanju :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Histericni Istoricar »

Zerg ne radi drugi link... :D
Bas gledam na GW sajtu nove modele, oni razni oficiri su bas lepi, al sam za malo pao sa stolice kada sam pogledao momke iz dzungle, medik izgleda ko neka orcka spodoba, a onaj baja sa zlenom beretkom i onim puska top sta god cudom lici na Zelenu beretku iz Commando-sa. ... 25&start=3
Lik dole levo.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by ZergLord »

Histericni Istoricar wrote:Zerg ne radi drugi link... :D
Nema veze. To je slika koju iovako mozes da vidis kad odes na prvi link.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by meloras »

Direktno sa Bella,navodno u Spaniji se novi ig codex pojavio a ovo su odlomci:

So folks from Spain are saying they have seen hard copies of the codex and are offering up the following details on the Fast Attack and Heavu Support sections.

Fast Attack:
- Fast Tanks Squadron:
- You may choose any of the following tanks in a 1-3 tank squadron.
- Hellhound: 130 pts. Tank, fast. You can change the heavy bolter by a flamer for free or by a multi-melta by 15 pts. Extra armour 15 pts, searchlight 1 pts, heavy stubborn 10 pts, hunter-killer missile 10 pts, dozer blade 10 pts.
- Banewolf: 130 pts. Tank, fast. You can change the heavy bolter by a flamer for free or by a multi-melta by 15 pts. Extra armour 15 pts, searchlight 1 pts, heavy stubborn 10 pts, hunter-killer missile 10 pts, dozer blade 10 pts.
- Devil Dog: 120 pts. Tank, fast. You can change the heavy bolter by a flamer for free or by a multi-melta by 15 pts. Extra armour 15 pts, searchlight 1 pts, heavy stubborn 10 pts, hunter-killer missile 10 pts, dozer blade 10 pts.

The entire squadron can buy smoke launchers for 5 pts/mini or camo-netting for 20 pts/mini.

- Sentinel Squadron:
- Scout Sentinel: 35 pts, open-topped, scouts, move through cover, multilaser. Auto-cannon 5 pts, heavy flamer 5 pts, missile launcher 10 pts, laser cannon 15 pts. Searchlight 1 pt, hunter-killer missile 10 pts, the entire squadron can buy smoke launcher for 5 pts/mini and/or camo-netting for 10 pts / mini.

- Valkyrie: 100 pts.. Armour: 12-12-10
Skimmer, fast, scout, may deep strike
Equipment and weapons: extra armour, searchlight, 2 hellstrike missiles, multilaser
Options: change multilaser to laser-cannon +15 pts, change hellstrike missile for 2 multiple rockets pods for +30 pts, heavy bolters for +10 pts.
Can be bought in a 1-3 squadron.
Transport 12 models, they have the “grav chute insertion” (deep strike from the valk)

- Vendetta: 130 pts.. Armour: 12-12-10
Skimmer, fast, scout, may deep strike
Equipment and weapons: extra armour, searchlight, 3 twin-linked las-cannons
Options: change 2 las-cannon for 2 hellfury missiles for free, heavy bolters for +10 pts.
Can be bought in a 1-3 squadron.
Transport 12 models, they have the “grav chute insertion” rule.

Heavy Support:
Lemas Russ Squadron
Composition:vehicle squadron composed of 1-3 Leman Russ or Leman Russ Demolishers in any combination.

- Leman Russ Battle Tank. 150 pts Hull Heavy Bolter. May change it for a lascannon for 15 pts, may have sponsons with: heavy bolters 20 pts, multi-melta 30 pts, plasma cannons 40 pts.
LR may have Heavy stubborn for 10 pts, dozer blade 10 pts, h-k missile 10 pts, extra armour 15 pts. Entire squadron with camo-netting for 20 pts/model. One of the squadron tanks can be the squadron leader for 50 pts.

Same options for the next tanks:

- Leman Russ Exterminator: 150 pts.
- Leman Russ Vanquiser: 155 pts.
- Leman Russ Eradicator: 160 pts.
- Leman Russ Demolisher: 165 pts.
- Leman Russ Punisher: 180 pts.
- Leman Russ Executioner: 190 pts.

Artillery Squadron, 1-3 models in a squadron. Same options as the LR’s. Can be topped for 15 pts / model, the camo-netting cost 30 pts /model.

- Basilisk: 125 pts.
- Medusa: 135 pts. Can buy siege bombs for 5 pts.
- Colossus: 140 pts.
- Griffon: 75 pts.
- Hydra: 75 pts. Camo-netting cost 20 pts for it.

The following vehicles cannot be bought in a squadron:

- Manticore: 160 pts.
- Deathstrike: 160 pts.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by meloras »

Evo vam nastavak,u stilu star warsa :twisted: ,a moderatori mogu ako hoce da sloze sve.

-Is a Special Character Infantry Platoon commander
- Can upgrade the conscript squad in his platoon to allow him to use the order ‘Send in the next wave’ for 75 points.
- ‘Send in the next wave’: The squad is immediately removed and next turn comes from the table edge (like reserves) at full starting strength.

Allows a unit to Fire in the shooting phase and still run.
Instakills on a roll of a 6 in combat

Mogul Kamir
He and his unit are subject to Rage.

Sly Marbo
Deploys similar to a Callidus Assassin. Has a Demo Charge and always wound on 2+'s in assault. He also retains his Sniper Pistol.

There is a Tank Commander upgrade, called Sergeant (?) Pasc, he gives the tank a BS of 4 and has an additional special ability against tanks and Monsterous Creatures, he costs around 50pts.

Order Rules:
- HQ Commanders must order first, then Platoon Commanders, then Squad commanders (if they can)
- Done at the start of the shooting phase. If a unit does any action in the shooting phase before orders are given, they cant benefit from any order
- Vox allows a unit to reroll failed Ld tests for orders
- Company Officer can give 2 orders and may order any squad with a vox or within 12”
- Platoon officers can give 1 order and may order any squad in their platoons with a vox or within 6”
- Some squad leaders can order their own squad (Veterans?)
- Unit must pass a Ld test, Double one means they understand and can take another Order, passed Ld means 1 order, failed Ld means no Order and Double 6 means no Order and unit does nothing this turn.
- A double 6 on a Ld test will prevent any further orders in that turn.

List of Orders:
-Tank!: +1 AP against vehicles (possibly Tank Hunter)
-Fire in ranks: All weapons may fire 1 extra shot (May only be Lasguns)
-Down!: A unit which goes to ground gains an additional +1 Cover Save bonus
- Move!: A unit rolls 2D6 when running and picks the highest
- (HQ Commander only): Bring it down! Twin links weapons shooting at tanks, MC’s etc.
- Rally: Instantly rallies a unit, can be used to lose the downside of using ‘Down!’

-Basic Company Commanders are around 50pts.

-Officers are NO LONGER Independent Characters.

-The new Advisors, Officer of the Fleet, Master of Ordnance and Astropath are around 30pts each, Sanctioned Pyskers are no longer Advisor upgrades.

-Bodyguards are around 15pts and allow you to allocate two wounds which would affect their officer against them instead.

-Medics now give the unit the Feel No Pain USR.

Stormtroopers are 16pts each, you may pick one of three missions, Behind Enemy Lines which grants the USR Move Though Cover, Recon which grants Out Flank or Arial Assualt which gives them a reroll of scatter dice for deep strike and Valkyrie disembarks.

-Sanctioned Psykers - Have a number of powers:
- The Psykers may drop 1 Ld from an enemy unit for every sanctioned psyker alive at the time. - Soulstorm is range:36 SX AP:d6 Heavy1, Blast. Gains +1 Strength per psyker in the unit.
- Comes as a Sanctioned Psyker unit, of 4-9 Psykers and a Commissar Handler.
-The Pysker Chior starts at around 60pts for an Overseer and 4 Pyskers.
- On any perils of the warp the Commissar will shoot D3 Psykers.

-Infantry Platoons consist of, Command Section, 2-5 Infantry Squads, 0-5 Heavy Weapons Squads, 0-3 Special Weapons Squads, 0-1 Conscript Platoons

-The 2-5 Infantry Squads can be marged into a single unit.

-Infantry Squad come in at 50pts, weapons options come in at 5pts for Mortars, 10pts for Heavy Bolters and Autocannon, 15pts for Missile Launchers, 20pts for Lascannon, 5pts for Grenade Launchers and Flamers, 10pts for Meltaguns and 15pts for Plasma Guns.

-Heavy Weapons Squads start at 60pts with 3 Mortars, and each weapon can be upgraded as follows, 5pts for Heavy Bolters and Autocannon, 10pts for Missile Launchers, 15pts for Lascannon.

-Special Weapons Squads are able to take 3 Demo Charges.

-Conscripts are Lasgun only units.

-Commissars come in at about 35pts basic.

-Veterans Squads may take Carapace.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by PeraNekron »

Nesto od nekrona, preuzeto sa warseera:

"Necrons are being redone, will fall after IG, DE, and Spacewolves are done and late 2009ish

No there is NOT a new monolith coming that I've heard of, however there is a new Vehicle called the Obelisk, supposed to be essentially an immobile Monolith without the portal but a little better all around shooting weapon. (Particle whip works the same way as monolith). Its supposed to always DS same as a 'lith, moving offending models out of the way and its supposed to be reasonably sized (slightly taller than a monolith but somewhat not as stout, I've not seen pictures and nor has he)

Additionally Necrons are losing WBB in favor of FNP, the Gauss weapons are gaining Rending to lower the odd rules count and with the 5th ed. Rending rules this sounds to be about the same as they work now with some added kick against infantry

Necron models will be supposedly also getting Slow and Purposeful, Disruption fields will be standard kit, and there will be an increase in points per model.

Rez orb will get a 12" range rather than 6" and always allow a Necron Model to take his FNP test regardless of anything short of a vortex grenade

Necrons are losing Phase out to make them more tournament friendly

There is also supposed to be a new Necron Unit (he described it as a close-combat/shooty unit) as well as re-sculpts of the Tomb Spyder, Lords, and a re-cut of the Warriors legs to make them fit on the bases a little better. Also two new pieces of kit for the Lords, one Gives him the Anti-Psyker rule the Pariahs have, and the other is something akin to a powerfist that strikes at normal initiative, but at Str. 6, not 8

He also said that they were discussing bringing in a new C'Tan God, but that being that there are only four remaining, one of which is on Mars, that was probably going to be axe'd."
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Hypodermic »

Nista novo.. u sustini nekroni sada postaju jos ozbiljnija shooty lista. Kako je onaj debil sa BoLS uspeo da ih izglasa za nabeskorisniju nije mi jasno :D Sada, sa slow and purposefull i rendingom umesto gauss effekta, tvoja paljba od obicnih warriora em je uvek u 24 incha em svaka sestica sada boli vise, jer nije samo rana, vec rana bez save-a. Cela armija sa rending pravilom.... ouch. Res orb u 12 incha je isto ouch, i FNP je mnogo opasniji od WBB rolla, uz WBB je bio plan da ih ubijes sve da ne bi bacali WBB, sada FNP rollaju uvek...

Novo vozilo? To vec cisto sumnjam... Mada bilo bi lepo recimo da tomb spyder postane skimmer sa av10 a ne monstrous creature...
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by PeraNekron »

Mada bilo bi lepo recimo da tomb spyder postane skimmer sa av10 a ne monstrous creature...
To je debilizam.Nikad ne bih zeleo da mi tomb spyder postane land speeder wanna-be. Pre je tomb spyder imao toughness 8 i 3 rane. I suvise je deb'o da bi bio skimmer. Ima svoje pravilo, zove se "hover" ;) Lebdi iznad tla, ali je suvise masivan da bi se tretirao kao skimmer, pa se tretira kao monster in all respects.
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Hypodermic »

Ma walker koji je skimmer :D Uz opis "although he is a walker, he doesn't walk, he skimms..." :D Ok, dosta humora sa moje strane
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by ZergLord »

Nekron Warriori ce biti mnogo opasni.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Monsterman »

and there will be an increase in points per model.
Nije li ovo vec previse?? :)
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Hypodermic »

ne, pa ako ce da gube phase out, i da dobiju sve one lepote, ocekuj 25 poena po warrioru ili tako nesto :)
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Mrzimsvee »

Ovo jwe svuda napisano kao rumor za necrone, lici na ovo Perino, ali je to zapravo necija wish lista.

-Feel no Pain: All models with the Necron special rule have Feel no Pain.
-Stuborn: All models with the Necron special rule count as Stuborn

Phase Out – Phase Out is determined at the beginning of the other player’s turn if the number of Necron units falls below 20% then the entire army will Phase Out causing automatic defeat.

Gauss – Even the smallest gauss weapon is capable of puncturing the mightiest armour. Any 6’s on the ‘to wound’ roll will always wound or glance regardless of toughness and armour value respectively as well as counting as having an AP of 1.

Modular – Because all Necron units are mechanical, all their attachments are permanent additions, therefore all stats enhancements for Necron units add to the base stat line and are considered the base stat for calculating effects (such as instant death).

Necron Wargear:

†Warscythe – 10pts
†Lord Claws – 15pts
†Destroyer Body – 25pts
Phylactery – 15pts
Heart of Darkness – 15pts
Mantle of Doom – 15pts
Veil of Darkness – 50pts
Nightmare Shroud – 25pts
Chronometron – 15pts
Disruption Fields – 5pts
Lightning Fields – 20pts
Gaze of Flame – 15pts*
Solar Pulse – 20pts
Phase Shifter – 30pts
Shroud of Torment – 20pts
Shroud of Shadows – 20pts
Mask of Death – 30pts
Gauss Sigils – 10pts
Stasis Field – 15pts
Resurrection Orb – 50pts
Death Grip – 15pts
Advanced Necrodermis Shell – 15pts
Void Mask – 15pts
Phase Beacon – 15pts
*Essence of The Deceiver – 100pts
*Essence of The Nightbringer – 100pts
*Essence of The Outsider – 100pts
*Essence of The Void Dragon – 100pts
†**Symbol of The Deceiver – 100pts
†**Symbol of The Nightbringer – 100pts
†**Symbol of The Outsider – 100pts
†**Symbol of The Void Dragon – 100pts

* May only be taken by Gold or Platinum Lord
** May only be taken by Platinum Lord.
† Does not count to Wargear Limit
Note: You may not take a Symbol if you take the Essence of a different C’tan.

Warscythe – Any wounds inflicted in close combat by this weapon CANNOT be saved by any means (Saves, Feel no Pain, Bionics, etc), a model with a Warscythe also rolls 2d6 in close combat for armour penetration.

Lord Claws – Count as a Warsythe with Rending in close combat and count as 2 CCW.

Destroyer Body – Enables jetbike movement and grants a base +1 T bonus.

Phylactery – When rolling for Feel no Pain on the Necron Lord a 5 or 6 will restore 1 lost wound.

Heart of Darkness – A Necron Lord with Heart of Darkness may ignore its first failed armour save per turn. This effect does not work if the Necron Lord is wounded by weaponry that causes instant death or weapons that allow no armour save.

Mantle of Doom – Gives the Necron Lords a +1 armour save bonus.

Veil Of Darkness – Allows the Necron Lord and any unit within 6” of him to deepstrike once per turn.

Nightmare Shroud – Instead of shooting the Necron Lord can make any enemy unit within 18” take a Leadership or pinning test.

Chronometron – +1 I bonus and roll 2 dice when rolling for falling back or sweeping advance and pick the highest score.

Disruption Fields – Gives the Gauss rule to the model’s close combat attacks against vehicles.

Lightning Fields – For each unsaved wound that is inflicted on the squad a S3 AP- hit is returned. For every wound inflicted on the Necron Lord himself, regardless of whether or not wound is saved, the enemy is struck back with a S6 AP- hit.

Gaze of Flame – Negates the +1 attack for charging the units the lord is attached to and inflicts a -1 Ld penalty to all enemy units in close combat with the Necron Lord.

Solar Pulse – Once per game instead of shooting the Necron Lord can use a Solar Pulse. If used in a normal scenario all enemy units shoot using the Night Fighting rules on their next turn. If used in a night fight scenario then all Necron units can shoot without taking sight tests.

Phase Shifter – Gives the Necron Lord a 3+ inv save and makes him count as having frag grenades.

Shroud of Torment – Enemy squads with models within 18” get a –1 Ld penalty, even if they are using a model’s Ld which is beyond 18”.

Shroud of Shadows – The Necron Lord and any unit he has joined can only be fired on using the night fighting rules.

Mask of Death – Place the large blast template on top of the lords head. Any non-necron model underneath takes a S3 hit with no armour save allowed.

Gauss Sigils – Grants a +1 bonus to the strength of the Necron Lord using the Staff of Light or Lord Claws and gives the Warscythe an 24” S5 AP4 Assault 2 ranged attack.

Stasis Field – Inflicts a -1 I penalty on any unit in close combat with the Necron Lord.

Resurrection Orb – All friendly squads with a Necron models within 12” of the Necron Lord get their Feel no Pain rolls against shots with an AP of 1 or 2, close combat attack that ignore armour saves, attack that cause instant death. All friendly squads with a Necron models within 6” get +1 on their Feel no Pain rolls.

Death Grip – Grants the Necron Lord with a +1 S bonus and an additional attack.

Advanced Necrodermis Shell – Grants the Necron Lord a +1 T bonus.

Void Mask – Functions as a Psychic Hood with a 24” radius.

Phase Beacon – Any allied unit deepstriking can enter within 6” of a unit that carries a Phase Beacon and not scatter.

Essence Of The (C’tan) – At the beginning of the turn you may roll a d6, if you get a 6 you may replace the Necron Lord with the C’tan model. You get +1 on this roll on the 2nd turn, +2 on the third and so on. After the Essence of the C’tan is destroyed, replace the C’tan by the Necron Lord as it was before being replaced by the C’tan. If the Necron Lord has not been replaced or the Essence has not been destroyed, neither the model does counts as destroyed.

Symbol of the (C’tan) – All units with the Necron special rule gain one attribute according to the C’tan chosen:
-Deceiver: +1 Initiative.
-Nightbringer: +1 Strength
-Outsider: +1 Attack
-Void Dragon: +1 Toughness

Necron Army List

HQ –
Necron Lord Bronze
Necron Lord Silver
Necron Lord Gold
Necron Lord Platinum
Wraith Lord
Pariah Lord
Tomb Lord

Elites –

Troops –
Necron Warriors
Flayed Ones

Fast Attack –
Scarab Swarm

Heavy Support –
Tomb Spyder
Heavy Destroyer

Special Characters –
Essence of The Nightbringer
Essence of The Deceiver
Essence of The Outsider
Essence of The Void Dragon


Necron Lord Bronze – 80pts Type: Infantry
WS: 5 BS: 5 S: 4 T: 4 W: 2 I: 4 A: 3 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+

Special Rules: Necron, Independent Character

Weapons: Staff of Light

Options: Can take up to 80pts of wargear from the armoury.

Necron Lord Silver – 120pts Type: Infantry
WS: 5 BS: 5 S: 5 T: 5 W: 3 I: 4 A: 3 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+

Special Rules: Necron, Independent Character

Weapons: Staff of Light

Options: Can take up to 120pts of wargear from the armoury.

Necron Lord Gold – 160pts Type: Infantry
WS: 6 BS: 6 S: 5 T: 5 W: 4 I: 5 A: 4 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+

Special Rules: Necron, Independent Character

Weapon: Staff of Light

Options: Can take up to 160pts of wargear from the armoury.

Necron Lord Platinum – 200pts Type: Infantry
WS: 6 BS: 6 S: 6 T: 6 W: 5 I: 5 A: 5 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+

Special Rules: Necron, Independent Character

Weapons: Staff of Light

Options: Can take up to 200pts of wargear from the armoury.

Wraith Lord – 120pts Type: Infantry
WS: 6 BS: 4 S: 6 T: 4 W: 2 I: 6 A: 5 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+/3++

Special Rules: Necron, Independent Character, Wraithflight, Phase Shifter, Hit and Run

Weapons: Lord Claws (extra attack included in stat line)

Options: Can take up to 30pts of wargear from the armoury

Note: If you field a wraith lord as your HQ choice then you may also field wraith as your Troops choice and the Wraith’s max squad size is increased by 1.

Pariah Lord – 180pts Type: Infantry
WS: 5 BS: 5 S: 6 T: 6 W: 3 I: 5 A: 3 Ld: 10 Sv: 2+/3++

Special Rules: Independent Character, Soulless, Psychic Abomination, Fearless, Gaze of Flame, Phase Shifter

Weapons: Warscythe with built in Gauss Blaster

Options: Can take up to 20pts of wargear from the armoury

Note: If you field a pariah lord as your HQ choice then you may also field Pariahs as a troop choice.

Tomb Lord – 250pts Type: Infantry
WS: 4 BS: 4 S: 7 T: 7 W: 5 I: 4 A: 5 Ld: 10 Sv: 2+

Special Rules: Guardian of the Tomb, Monstrous Creature, Hover, Fearless

Weapon: Lords Claws (extra attack included in stat line)

Option: Can take up to 50pts of wargear from the Armoury, but Destroyer Body does not give jetbike movement.

Guardian of the Tomb: Scarab Swarms may be taken as Fast Attack and Troops (They must number 10 bases minimum and they may capture objectives). Tomb Spyders may be taken as a Heavy Support or Elite (must have 5 Scarab Swarm per Tomb Spyder).


Pariah – 40pts/model Type: Infantry
WS: 4 BS: 4 S: 5 T: 5 W: 1 I: 3 A: 2 Ld: 10 Sv: 2+

Squad Size: 4 – 10

Weapons: Warscythe with built in Gauss Blaster

Special Rules: Soulless, Psychic Abomination, Fearless

Immortal – 30pts/model Type: Infantry
WS: 4 BS: 4 S: 4 T: 5 W: 1 I: 2 A: 1 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+

Squad Size: 4 – 10

Weapons: Gauss Blasters

Special Rules: Necron

Options: May upgrade the squad with Disruption Fields for 2pts/model
May upgrade the squad with Lightning Fields for 3pts/model
May upgrade to carry a Phase Beacon for 15pts

Obelisk – 150pts Type: Tank/Skimmer
BS: 4 FA:12 (14) SA:12 (14) RA:12 (14)

Number: 1 – 3 (each acts independently).

Weapons: Particle Whip

Special Rules: Advanced Flight, Weak Connection, Living Metal, Entrench, Power Matrix

Weak Connection: May not use Power Matrix to teleport models with the Necron special rule until Settled Down.

Advanced Flight: The Obelisk can move 12” and will not drift or crash when shaken or immobilized respectively

Settle Down: May not move for the rest of the game, does not count as skimmer anymore, Armour becomes 14 on all sides, loses the Weak Connection Rule.


Necron Warriors – 20pts/model Type: Infantry
WS: 4 BS: 4 S: 4 T: 4 W: 1 I: 2 A: 1 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+

Squad Size: 8 – 20

Weapons: Gauss Flayers

Special Rules: Necron, Phased Reserve

Phased Reserves: Models with the Phased Reserves rule may always choose to use the ‘reserves’ (page 94) rule as described in the Organizing a Battle chapter of the Warhammer 40,000 rulebook. They must always enter play via a Phase Beacon or Monolith portal. Models that are not deployed by the end of the game, because there are no Phase Beacons or Monoliths available, count as being destroyed when determining the victor.

Options: May upgrade the squad with Disruption Fields for 2pts/model
May upgrade the squad with Lightning Fields for 3pts/model
May upgrade to carry a Phase Beacon for 15pts

Flayed Ones – 15pts/model Type: Infantry
WS: 4 BS: 0 S: 4 T: 4 W: 1 I: 4 A: 2 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+

Squad Size: 4 – 10

Weapons: Claws

Special Rules: Necron, Infiltrate, Move Through Cover, Terrifying Visage, Deepstrike

Options: May upgrade the squad with Disruption Fields for 2pts/model
May upgrade the squad with Lightning Fields for 3pts/model
May upgrade to carry a Phase Beacon for 15pts

Fast Attack

Wraith – 40pts/model Type: Infantry
WS: 4 BS: 0 S: 6 T: 4 W: 1 I: 6 A: 3 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+

Squad Size: 1 – 3

Weapons: Claws, Tail

Special Rules: Necron, Phase Shifter, Wraithflight, Rending, Hit and Run

Option: May upgrade claws to Power Weapons (keep Rending) for 10pts

Scarab Swarm – 12pts/model Type: Infantry
WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 3 T: 3 W: 3 I: 3 A: 3 Ld: 10 Sv: 5+

Squad Size: 3 – 20

Weapons: Claws

Special Rules: Fearless, Move Through Cover, Deepstrike, Swarm, Stealth, Vulnerable to blast/template

Options: May upgrade the squad with Disruption Fields for 4pts a model.

Swarm: Scarab Swarms move as jetbikes and count as Swarms

Destroyers – 50pts/model Type: Jetbike
WS: 4 BS: 4 S: 4 T: 5 W: 1 I: 2 A: 1 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+

Squad Size: 1 – 5

Weapons: Gauss Cannon

Special Rules: Necron

Heavy Support

Tomb Spyder – 60pts/model Type: Infantry
WS: 3 BS: 3 S: 6 T: 6 W: 2 I: 3 A: 3 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+

Squad Size: 1 – 3 (each acts independently)

Weapons: Claws

Special Rules: Monstrous Creature, Hover, Fearless

Options: May replace a claw with a particle projector (-1 attack penalty)

Heavy Destroyer – 60pts/model Type: Jetbike
WS: 4 BS: 4 S: 4 T: 6 W: 1 I: 2 A: 1 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+

Squad Size: 1 – 3

Weapons: Heavy Gauss Cannon

Special Rules: Necron, Targeting System

Advanced Targeting System: A model with the targeting Advanced Targeting System special rule may re-roll its failed to-hit rolls in the shooting phase.

Monolith – 220pts/model Type: Tank/Skimmer
BS: 4 FA: 14 SA: 14 RA: 14

Squad Size: 1

Weapons: Gauss Flux Arc, Particle Whip

Special Rules: Ponderous, Living Metal, Power Matrix, Gauss Flux Arc, Deepstrike

Special Characters

Essence of The Nightbringer
WS: 10 BS: 4 S: 10 T: 8 W: 4 I: 7 A: 3 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+ (inv)

Weapons: Death Scythe

Special Rules: Monstrous Creature, Fearless, Manifestation, Immune to natural law, Lightning Arc (Str 10 Ap 2), Etheric Tempest (at least 1 Str 5), Drain Life, Eternal Warrior

Death Scythe: Models wounded by the Nightbringer in Close Combat Must pass a Toughness test at –1T or be slain automatically (models who survive this or are unaffected lose 2 wounds).

Essence of The Deceiver
WS: 6 BS: 5 S: 6 T: 8 W: 3 I: 6 A: 4 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+ (inv)

Weapons: N/A

Special Rules: Monstrous Creature, Fearless, Manifestation, Immune to natural law, Manipulation, Wraithflight, Drain Life, Eternal Warrior, Deceive, Grand Illusion, Misdirect, Dread, Confuse

Essence of The Outsider
WS: 8 BS: 4 S: * T: 8 W: 4 I: 7 A: * Ld: 10 Sv: 3+ (inv)

Weapons: Energy Blast

Special Rules: Monstrous Creature, Fearless, Manifestation, Immune to natural law, Wraithflight, Drain Life, Eternal Warrior, Crazed

Essence of The Void Dragon
WS: 7 BS: 5 S: 10 T: 10 W: 5 I: 5 A: 4 Ld: 10 Sv: 3+ (inv)

Weapons: N/A

Special Rules: Monstrous Creature, Fearless, Manifestation, Immune to natural law, Drain Life, Eternal Warrior

Necron Lord Platinum 6 6 6 6 5 5 5 10 3+
Necron Lord Gold 6 6 5 5 4 5 4 10 3+
Necron Lord Silver 5 5 5 5 3 4 3 10 3+
Necron Lord Bronze 5 5 4 4 2 4 3 10 3+
Wraith Lord 6 4 6 4 2 6 5 10 3+/3++
Pariah Lord 5 5 6 6 3 5 4 10 2+/3++
Tomb Lord 4 4 7 7 4 4 4 10 2+
Pariah 4 4 5 5 1 3 2 10 2+
Immortal 4 4 4 5 1 2 1 10 3+
Necron Warriors 4 4 4 4 1 2 1 10 3+
Flayed Ones 4 4 4 4 1 4 2 10 3+
Wraiths 4 4 6 4 1 6 3 10 3+/3++
Scarabs 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 10 5+
Destroyers 4 4 4 5 1 2 1 10 3+
Tomb Spyder 3 3 6 6 2 3 3 10 3+
Heavy Destroyer 4 4 4 6 1 2 1 10 3+

Essence of the:
Nightbringer 8 4 10 8 3 6 3 10 3++
Deceiver 6 5 6 8 3 7 4 10 3++
Outsider 8 4 D6+4 8 3 7 2d6+3 10 3++
Void Dragon 7 5 10 10 5 5 4 10 3++

Obelisk 12 (14) 12 (14) 12 (14) 4
Monolith 14 14 14 4

Range Str AP Type
Gauss Flayer 24” 4 5 Rapid Fire, Gauss
Gauss Blaster 24” 5 4 Assault 2, Gauss
Gauss Cannon 36” 6 4 Heavy 3, Gauss
Heavy Gauss Cannon 36” 9 2 Heavy 1, Gauss
Particle Projector 18” 5 3 Assault 3
Staff of Light 18” 5 3 Assault 3
Particle Whip 24” 9 3(1) Ordnance *
Gauss Flux – Arc 12” 5 4 Heavy D6, Gauss *
Energy Blast 6” 5 4 Assault D6 *
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Mrzimsvee »

Novi plasticni Tyrgon, tako bar kazu na Warseer-u:
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by PeraNekron »

Zaista...ono je necron wish list... :roll: Mada...lord sa snagom 7, toughnessom 8, 5 rana, WS 6, feel no painom na 3+, saveom na 2+, ward na 3+, i za svaki roll na 5 i 6 na feel no pain, on vrati ranu, ovo ono....i tata bi sine, heehee 8) :lol:
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Hypodermic »

Plasticni tyrgon? Ajd i taj rumor da vidimo da se ostvari...
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by ZergLord »

Zar ona fotka nije malo matora?
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by meloras »

Bell of lost souls:

More whispers regarding the best Warhammer 40k boardgame ever made, Space Hulk.

Talk about the tubes is that when Games Workshop sets their mind on something they go all the way. Space Hulk is being described as a full bore rework with all the bells and whistles you could ever want.

Sources say to expect it in Q3 2009, and we have heard tales of modular plastic boards, an extensive set of large scale sprues with all the termys and genestealers you can shake a stick it, and all new fancy elements such as sliding doors and the like. There might even be a need for batteries (perhaps). Expect a full sized boxed game that will make all you cry with tears of joy.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

melekith wrote:Sources say to expect it in Q3 2009, and we have heard tales of modular plastic boards, an extensive set of large scale sprues with all the termys and genestealers you can shake a stick it, and all new fancy elements such as sliding doors and the like. There might even be a need for batteries (perhaps). Expect a full sized boxed game that will make all you cry with tears of joy.
Eeee, ovo me bas zanima. Citao sam dosta o tom Space Hulku, ali ga nikada nisam igrao.

Je li ga igrao neko ovde? Valja li?
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by meloras »

Na foru Doom-a je.Navodno je space hulk inspirisao doom.Dosadasnja matora pravila za hulka su imala neke dodatke u odnosu na normalna 40k pravila (tipa over watch za terminatore...).Ali ako se dobro secam stari hulkovi su imali dvodimenzionalne mape a igraci samoinicijativno prave trecu dimenziju (ima o tome na gw sajtu).Ovo se navodno biti sa sve 3d,na baterije :lol: :lol: .Verujem da ce ti tereni da nabiju cenu paketu.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by ZergLord »

Sad znam sta hocu za Novu Godinu. :D
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Dexter »

40k je dosta stvari inspirisao, to je vrlo moguce. Ja sam poodavno probao originalni space hulk sa pozajmljenim figurama, to je u stvari prva igra ovog tipa koju sam probao.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Teren na baterije? Bog te mazo, kako li to izgleda. 8O

Cak i ako igra ne bude valjala, ako nista drugo bar ce nam GW izbaciti neke nove, bez sumnje nafuranije, terminator modele. :D
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by meloras »

Da si procitao rumore na tu temu,ne bice postuno identicni ovim iz aobr.Isto ce i tiranidi biti snap fit.Nemislis valjda da ce zbog toga biti jeftinije? :lol: :lol: .moja predpostavka od 50e do cene battleforcea.Sve preko toga je orevise.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Hypodermic »

pa to mu je i realna cena, sta, kao iko milis da zato sto su modeli snap fit treba da bude jeftinije? to sot nemaju veliki brj delova ne znaci da nisu kvalitetni, sinak ;)
Inace, cena ce da bude ista kao i AoBR odokativno, posto toliko materijala dobijas otprilike. Minus knjizica plus teren, sto ti dodje na isto...
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Ma ne pricam ja o ceni modela, nego o njihovom izgledu. Nadam se da ce da bude neki specificniji fazon izgleda, ne samo obicni terminatori.

Inace, in my humble opinion, AoBR je extremno jeftin kada imas u vidu koliko stvari dobijas. Vec vidim da ce taj space hulk otvoriti puno opcija za one koji zele da zapocnu deathwing/tiranide. ;)
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Hypodermic »

Nece biti deathwing, vec bood angels ako se ne varam. Mada, pre cemo dobiti ove genericke terminatore sa blood angels nalepnicama :P :)
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Hypodermic wrote:Nece biti deathwing, vec bood angels ako se ne varam. Mada, pre cemo dobiti ove genericke terminatore sa blood angels nalepnicama :P :)
Ma bre koga briga sta su, mozemo mi da ih ofarbamo kako hocemo. :D
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by opsidiannight »

U originalu su bili genericki pa je onda izasla Deathwing ekspanzija.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by ZergLord »

Plastic Trygon preview. Izgleda maltene isto kao FW-ov. ... rod1860243
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by deka »

:lol: :lol: :lol:
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Hypodermic »

Zerg, ovo opet jedna od tvojih neslanih sala? o.O
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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