Jos Rumora!

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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Odlicno. :D
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by PeraNekron »

Just in reference to the title of this post: No, it's not actually a leak, the WD is just out in Denmark...for some odd reason. I picked up my own copy yesterady at a local kiosk.

Tid bits of note in the WD:
Dark Talon: Rift cannnon (no rules sited), hurricane bolters and stasis bomb (one use only, dropped on an enemy for - 3 WS and - 3 I)

Niphilim fighter: heavy bolters, blacksword missiles (no rules sited, but the battle report later in the issue mentions that the fighter is supposed to be good at taking on enemy flyers, so I guess the missiles are for that), avenger mega bolter/lascannon.

Deathwing Command: multiple options incl. apothecary and standard bearer. A "Champion" wielding the "massive halberd of Caliban" is mentioned and there's a picture (no rules sited).

Deathwing Knights: Terminators with WS5, Storm Shields, power mauls and special rules, incl. Hammer of
Wrath and "Smite" which makes them strike at S10 AP2 for one round. BTW both DW terminators and the knights can be fielded in units of 10 now! Oh and the DW can take plasma cannon and they have USR "split fire"!!!!

Land Speeder Vengeance: AC/HB, plasma storm battery (mentioned in the battle report to be able to fire either 3 small blasts or 1 large blast, I'm guessing plasma stats).

Darkshroud: HB/AC, Shrouded USR and conferes Stealth to allies within 12", and it has a rule that gives units +1 to charge distance (as far as I can read - the picture is quite small and hard to read, so perhaps it's plus 1 to something else).

RW Black Knights: plasma talons (instead of bolters, no rules sited, and not being called twin-linked plasma gun/pistols leads me to believe the rules could be a bit different), corvus hammer (no rules sited, but I guess they are power mauls), they also have the option of a RW grenade launcher.

Sammael: pretty much the same as before, as far as I can tell, though with a 4+ (which is confered to the land speeder if he chooses that instead) - can't remember if that's new.

Dreadnaught: has option for dual twin-autocannons, venerable dreadnaught has "DW vehicle" rule
Rules mentioned:

DW knights and black knights have a rule called "Inner Circle" and in the battlereport it is mentioned as giving them some form of re-roll in close combat.

New rule calles DW Vehicle

DW assault rule is mentioned in the battle report as ensuring a DS in turns 1 or 2 with no dice roll needed, decided by the DA player before the game begins.

There are more special rules mentioned but no rules sited.
DW, DW command and knights are in the same box.
RW command and RW black knights are in the same box.

This was what I could decern, but there are probably loads more if you really study the WD.

I feel with you guys "over there" who have to wait until the 5th of January for your copy of WD, so I hope my little run down will at least give you something over the holidays.

...and happy holidays once you get to it.
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by RatGod »

Ne znam jel mi se cini ili ipak decija armija :D

Eto ipak nose power maul str 10 ap 2 :D i imaju plasma cannone sa split fire ovo je previse ako je istina. A i ovo sa stealth u 12' znaci da ce bikeovi biti do jaja :P
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Prvo nameste da FNP radi protiv power weapona i stave da mark of nurgle, bajkovi, jetbikeovi itd. daju +1 pravi toughness. Onda izbace codex sa kojim laganica cela vojska ima T5, a mnogi modeli i FNP. Onda u prvom sledecem dexu uvedu baje sa STR10 AP2 oruzjima. Codex creep at its finest. :lol:
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by ZergLord »

Sacekajte kodeks i vidite cene u poenima pre nego sto pocnete da proglasavate razne stvari kao prejake. Tako su Warp Taloni bili super u rumorima, a onda su ljudi videli da kostaju 30 poena komad...

Hammer of Wrath and "Smite" which makes them strike at S10 AP2 for one round
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by deka »

A pitanje je i kojom inicijativom ce da budu ti napadi?
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by PeraNekron »

Jos rumora o novim Dark Angels:
Azrael - Artificer or Terminator options. New model. Lions Helm grants 3+ Inv., Lion\\\'s Wrath grants Gets Hot rerolls (army-wide?), Master crafted Plasma Blaster (see Horus Heresy book?), Sword of Secrets is Sx2 Master Crafted Power weapon. Watcher in the Dark model is W:1 5+ Inv, with no other stats. It cannot be targeted by anything including blasts, and must stay within 2\\\" of Azrael or is removed. Watcher can take Look Out Sirs.

Belial - Terminator armor. New model. Eternal Warrior 2+ Inv!!! Grants Elites Deathwing Termys Heroic Intervention if he is attached. Cannot take options, Master Crafted Strombolter. Sword of Secrets is a Relic Blade with an additional effect. Belian grants a buff to Termys within 6\\\".

Sammael - If mounted in his Speeder, unlocks scoring Speeders. Can also take his normal bike.

Azmodai - Current model (finecast) Unlocks no units. His Litanies grants a longer ranged more potent buff.

Ezekiel - Current model (finecast), Psyker Level 3

Barakiel - Master of the Forge. Armed with a \\\"Reaper Cannon\\\" - 36\\\" S:5 Assault (6 or 12?) AP:3 Extremely Expensive in points.

Librarian - Power Level 1 (upgrade to 2)
Company Master - Power Armor, or Terminator armor
Interrogator Chaplain
Command/Honor squad Terminators or Bikes with Belial or Sammael respectively, Apothecary, Standard bearer, 1x Heavy weapon upgrades. W:2 regardless of armor,
or bikes.


Chaplains / Brother-Interrogators - Unit size 1-3. Chaplain style death masks, dual bolt pistols and power maul. (can upgrade pistols). B-I have an increased BS over regular chaplains and can operate independantly as IC or join units, B-I only buff the unit they join with litanies (more potent version), while non-upgraded chaplains buff a 6\\\" bubble. B-I are only characters if independent, and cannot leave attached units (similar to Wolfguard).

Inner Circle Unit Terminator armor. W:1, Heroic Intervention if Belial is attached to the unit. WS/BS 5. They get a cover save upon deepstriking. \\\"Lion-themed\\\" visually. Entire unit can purchase Sergeant upgrades. No heavy weapons, Unit max size:5. Categorized as Deathwing Assault Unit

Dreadnought - Venerable and Mortis options. Categorized as Deathwing Assault Unit.

Scouts - Land Speeder Storm as dedicated transport. \\\"Markerlight\\\" effect targets one enemy unit - other Dark Angels units then get a bonus (reroll to hit?) versus the unit as long as the Scouts are within line of sight to thier \\\"Fallen\\\" target. Teleport Homer. Sergeant Namaan (WOOHOO!!) returns, granting Reserve rerolls to all Death Wing units.




Deathwing Terminators - Same general layout as we have now, but with additional Plasma Cannon and Autocannon heavy weapon options.

Tactical Squads - The old classics we all love, moving on...

Ravenwing Bike Squad - Up to ten bikers, for each 5 bikes, you may upgrade one to an Attack bike. Attack bike gunner options are: HB, MM, HF, Twin-linked Plasmagun!. Squad can Combat Squad and has Teleport Homers.


Ravenwing Landspeeder Support Squad - Same as now, but gunner option are: HB, MM, HF, Twin-linked Plasmagun!

Ravenwing Bike Support Squad - Full Attack Bike unit (could also be a duplicate report of

Predator - Plasma and \\\"Reaper Cannon\\\" new main gun option, no new sponson options - new model kit possible (and the Predator is kind of an old kit).

Whirlwind - Flakk missile option.

Land Raider - Dark Angels get all the current Imperial types. Deathwing can take then at dedicated transports.

Dreadnought - The classics that we know and love, moving on...

Devastator Squad - Flakk missile option.

Vindicator - Nothing new here...

Siege Cannon - Techmarine\\\'s mortar-like cannon. Multiple sources speak of this model being somehow interchangable with Imperial Guard artillery kits to round out the last missing models. ~Editor\\\'s note: the Griffon perhaps?


Rhino - Standard rules.

Razorback - Standard rules, new updated model kit with ALL turret weapons options mentioned.

Land Raider - Deathwing Terminators ONLY.

Land Speeder Storm - Scouts only.

Battle Bunker - from the Wall of Martyrs kit.the TROOPS Bike Squad)

Assault Squad - Same old classic jump-pack squad we have now.

Ravenclaw Air Superiority Fighter - Dual \\\"Reaper Cannons\\\" allowing Snap Shots on flyers. Can be replaced with 2x Missiles, or 2x Plasma Cannons.
Dark Angels Scheduling:

- Dark Angels devoted White Dwarf for January

- Miniatures go up for pre-order end of December and are available very early January. ~So save up some of your holiday money!

Rules-wise we hear the following:

-Sammael still rides the Imperium\\\'s only functioning jetbike.

-Larger sized Tactical Squads have been reported ~perhaps the 1st Chapter is still holding onto some of the \\\"old Legion ways\\\"???

-Standard \\\"Green Dark Angels\\\" are well represented with 8 unit choices across the codex. It won\\\'t be all Deathwing and Ravenwing.


Honor Guard Terminator squad unlocked by select HQs (Belial - others???). One such unit per HQ, only one may carry a Chapter Banner. Other banners exist however. Models are W:2 WS/BS:5 Non-scoring. Can take Apothecary.

Elite Terminators are W:1, WS/BS:5. Unit has new CC options neverbefore seen on termys. Unit size max of 5. Vanguard Strike upon Deepstriking!

Troops Terminators are standard DW. Sergeant may upgrade to to Chaplain. Can take new options such as Plasma Cannon. Up to 10 models per unit. No more Cyclone/CC option on single models. Mix of CC and Ranged models still permitted withing unit.


RW Command Squad is only unlocked by select HQ characters. One banner option for RW. No apothecary for RW, with a \\\"Mini-Chaplain\\\" upgrade instead. This option provide a Litanies buff his unit only.

Troop RW squad matches the current RW bike squad, minus the Speeder.

RW Attack Bikes - plasma gunner option
RW Land Speeders - plasma gunner option

Deathwing (4 units in the codex)

Command Squad - 2 wounds like Paladins, WS5 BS5, Command Squad squad upgrades... can have attached Chaplain and/or Librarian. Very pricey.

Elite Squad - WS5 assault unit with mastercrafted weapons and special options

Troop squad - Standard DW squad, can have an attached Chaplain

Heavy Support Squad - BS5 dedicated ranged squad - no assault weapons, more heavy heavy weapons - AP3 Stormbolters.

Ravenwing (4 units in the codex)

Command Squad WS5 A2, all members can buy sergeant upgrades, unit has command squad upgrade options.

Troop Squad - 3-10 bikes, 0-1 Attack bike, gains Ravenwing special rules and options.

Fast Attack Squad - 1-5 Attack Bike squadron, can split into 2 units

Land Speeder Squadron - 1-5 Speeders with access to standard equipment, can split into 2 units

Odds & Ends

New Dreadnought type - Terminator options.

Large flyer - transport capacity: 20 (or 10 terminators)

Chaplains can deploy singly, or join units like Sanguinary Priests.

New Azrael - PA, helmet on and off options, still with a watcher model holding combi-plasma (supposedly the watchers have an expanded role on table top now, but this is the first I\\\'ve hear of this and no details given, so lots of skepticism.)
Azmodai - TA
Ezekial model staying the same.
Ravenwing Bike captain
Named Sargeant (Nameth?)
Belial gets a model
Sammael gets a new model (I am not certain, but this could be the bike captain being mistaken)

Matt Ward is the author.
via Dave (from the Faeit 212 Inbox)
I just read yesterdays rumor post about Deathwing, this is nothing like what I have been told by the Games Workshop source I know. This is what I was told.

*HQ models will be recast into finecast. Same models
*New Belial model robes, powersword, stormbolter, or plasma bolter combi
*New Chaplain
*Deathwing Box Set: Comes with 3 options; Normal DW Terminator Squad, Command/HQ Squad with Banner and Apothecary, and an Elite Squad with Plasma Cannon options
*Ravenwing Box Set: Bikes remodeled and look like the Ravenwing bikes from Dark Vengeance, but same build as normal bikes, also with added weapons for the new Ravenwing Elite unit.
Dark Angels recieve a Full codex - not a White Dwarf update.

- Whirlwind will get recut with a third missile rack with a single big missile (AA skyhammer option?) - Two new flyers - one smaller and one bigger (rumored Darktalon and Nephilim from BL book?)

Land Speeder variant which has an ancient statue from the Fortress-Monastery. Using channeled warp energy, it creates and impenetrable field of darkness beneath and behind itself.

Dark Talon
Flyer of unknown size which operates in squadrons, armed with hurricane bolters, maybe more.

Nephilim Strike Fighter
Variant on the Avenger, has wingtip-mounted Blacksword Missiles and an Avenger weapon system.

Black Knights
The Ravenwing elite, they have plasma weapons on all their bikes, and instead carry raven head-shaped thunderhammers into battle, with the Hunt Master having a corvus hammer.
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Ovo prvo mora da je fejk. Pola ovih jedinica, sa svim ovim silnim plazmama, bi morale da budu moronski skupe da bi imale smisla u igri, a GW bas i ne reklamira DA kao ,,najelitniju od svih elitnih armija" kao sto su reklamirali GK i SW. Belial opusteno moze da kosta ko land raider i svejedno ce biti prejeftin. Heroic intervention na njemu + terminatorima = trolololo. xD
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Megabaja »

pa DA su nekada davno bili kraljevi plazme... to jest, cini mi se da se njihove plazme nisu pregrevale. ima logike da sada imaju tone plazmi, ali sto dojkic rece, ostaje pitanje cene...
Pamti, pa vrati...

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Pazi, vidi, kockica ima 6 strana, a terminator gine samo na 1... by Chomie
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Brother Coa »


Ima vec i ceo kodeks skeniran ali je kvalitet jako los.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by PeraNekron »

Mracne plazme, mracni land speederi, mracni karakteri, mracni bolteri, mracni flyeri.....sve je mracno. :lol:
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Brother Coa »

This are confirmed news from new codex:

-Deathwing Terminators (Elite):
A little more expensive (not much) than your average Astartes version but you get Deathwing Assault, Splitfire USR, Inner Circle and Vengeful Strike special rules thrown in to the bargain. You can pretty much customize the squad anyway you like. They start out as a standard tactical squad but you can upgrade any number of them to assault terminators with either a pair of lightning claws (free) or the omnipresent thunderhammer and storm shield combo (you must pay for that privilege). For every 5 models (you can have a max of 10) you get the option of a heavy flamer, plasma cannon, assault cannon or cyclone missile launcher (no flakk option). You can also have the usual dedicated Land Raider but if you do, then you must pay for the Deathwing Vehicle upgrade which is mandatory.

-Deathwing Knights (Elite):
Again a little more expensive than normal Deathwing Terminators (still not much). They have +1 WS, Maces of Absolution and Storm Shields as standard except the Knights Master. He has the Flail of the Unforgiven instead of the mace, and as far as I can make out, also +1 attack (don't quote me on that one). They also have a king's ransom of special rules: Deathwing Assualt, Hammer of Wrath, Inner Circle, Fortress of Shields and You Cannot Hide. The last two were a little hard to make out, so I'm 100% sure on those. The Smite rule is not mentioned by name but I think it is part of the weapon special rules. They can also be given a '... Relic of the Unforgiven' (the '...' part I cannot decipher) and a Land Raider which must have the Deathwing vehicle upgrade as well.

-Dreadnoughts (Elite):
Now cheaper! Same price as the Chaos Helbrute but with a free Storm Bolter! Same options as the Astartes version - including the Rifleman option but the Dreadnought close combat weapon has been replaced with a powerfist. The Venerable Dreadnought is now an upgrade. I don't have my books but I think it is a lot cheaper than before (still hard to make out, but it looks like the price of a powerfist). The Venerable also get the Deathwing Vehicle rule as standard it seems. No mention of Mortis options.

Their Bestiary page is also in the WD. The Vengeance version has a heavy bolter and a Plasma Storm battery as standard. Otherwise it is you standard Land Speeder. The Ravenwing Darkshroud version is a Land Speeder with a heavy bolter and it has the Scout USR apparantly. It also has (or has the option for) the 'Icon of Old Caliban' which gives +1 to friendly units within 12" when determining assualt results (not cumulative). The Darkshroud special rule gives the Land Speeder the Shrouded USR and friendly units within 6" gain the Stealth USR (not cumulative, does not affect the Darkshroud itself).

-Sammael stats, WS6, BS5, S4, T5, W3, I5, A3, Ld10 Sv3+
-Raven Sword stats S-user, AP2, type melee, master-crafted
-land speeder vengence, BS4,f10,s10,r10,HP2
-ravenwing darkshroud, BS4,f10,s10,r10,HP2
-company veteran squad 90pts, master, ws4,bs4,s4,t4,w1,i4,a2,ld9,sv3+
vet sgt, ws4,bs4,s4,t4,w1,i4,a2ld9,sv3+, under elite
-deathwing knights 235pts
-dreadnaught 100pts
-azrael, ezekiel are now in fine cast
-standard bearer now with propper banner, in finecast and only available online
-new terminator box set is now 10euro more than a standard terminator box set, but you get watcher in the dark model, 3 different squad options. includes 1st company banner and apothacary parts
-deathwing terminator squad 220pts
-terminator box set also includes PLASMA CANNON, ohhhhh cant wait
-sammael model still the same, good love this model!!
-ravenwing battleforce box set is still the same
-hq chooses, sammael,company master, chaplain, librarian, ravenwing command squad, deathwing command squad
-elite choices, venerable dread, deathwing knights, deathwing squad
-troop choice, tactical squad, scout squad
-fast attack choices, black knights, ravenwing attack squadron, dark talon, nephilm jetfighter
-heavy support, land speeder vengence
-dark talon has ''STASIS BOMB'' reduces initiative and weapon skill of enemy by -3
-ravenwing landspeeder armour Bs4, F10,S10,R10,HP2
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Brother Coa »

Codex: Dark Angels (English), 104pp Full Colour ,, $49.50.
Ravenwing Dark Talon, 1 Fig Box, $75.00.
Land Speeder Vengeance, 1 Fig Box, $65.00.
Deathwing Command Squad, 5 Fig Box, $60.00.
Ravenwing Command , 3 Fig Box, $50.00.
Dark Angels Battleforce, 8 Fig Box , $110.00.
Belial, Clampack;1 Fig, $22.25.
Asmodai, Clampack; 1 Fig, $19.25.
Sammael (Corvex), 1 Fig Box, $49.50.
Codex: Dark Angels Limited Edition (English), 104pp Full Colour; Hardback Book, $90.00.
Dark Angels Banner Bearer, Clampack; 1 Fig, $22.25.

Cene su u americkim doalrima.
I da li mi moze neko objasniti razliku izmedju obicnog i limmited edition codeksa?
Last edited by Brother Coa on Fri Jan 04, 2013 1:28 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Histericni Istoricar »

Covece, Srbine, ne kaze se jer kada postavljas pitanje, vec je li ili jel. Nauci to, aman.
U jednog Bocu, mi verujemo!
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Jagos »

Histericni Istoricar wrote:Covece, Srbine, ne kaze se jer kada postavljas pitanje, vec je li ili jel. Nauci to, aman.
Ne kaze se ni "jel". To ne znaci nista.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Ne bih da glumim moderatora, ali mislim da ta vasa diskusija o jel i jer treba da se preseli na neki drugi forum. Na primer na ovaj - - a ovde bi mogli da se drzimo price o plasticnim cikicama. Uzdravlje. ;]
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Jagos »

Upravo tako. Zato sam i napisao cinican komentar.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Hypodermic »

Dame i gospodo, Dark Angels su dostupni za pre-order. Idite i gledajte slicice (i placite zbog nekih sitnica...)
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by PeraNekron »

Mislim da su ovaj put stvarno preterali sa cenama.
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Hahahah, 30 funti za 3 motora. I to posto su izbacili dark vengeance sa jeftinim DA motorima koje je lako konvertovati. Ja stvarno ne znam koji je njima djavo da usred svetske krize tako brljaju. xD
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by milosh »

Giga wrote:Ja stvarno ne znam koji je njima djavo da usred svetske krize tako brljaju. xD
Može im se, da nemaju koristi i interesa od takvih cena sigurno bi ih spustili. Ali definitivno, sa izlaskom svakog novog kodeksa/army book-a sve više i više preteruju sa cenama...

Motori i nisu preskupi jer su tri orkovska motora 27 funti, ali je neverovatno da Sammael u rezinu košta koliko i tri motora
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Verterdegete »

Da li je do osvetljenja ili do boje, ali im u poslednje vreme modeli na fotografijama izgledaju bas lose

45 funti za ono traktor-avionce ne bih komentarisao...
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Telion »

45 funti zaista jeste malo mnogo, ali je avion zato predobar i tu nema rasprave..
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Verterdegete »

O ukusima se ne vredi raspravljati.

Nego, sad gledam ove njihove bundle pakete.

Deathwing Assault Bundle - 120 funti
Pojedinacno - 3x35+15 = 120 funti

Ravenwing Attack Squadron - 260 funti
Pojedinacno - 2x45+2x40+2x30+30 = 260 funti


Cemu onda bundle koji moj ?
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Hypodermic »

Usteda u postarini. Odavno su prestali da daju popuste u bundles.
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by milosh »

Telion wrote:45 funti zaista jeste malo mnogo, ali je avion zato predobar i tu nema rasprave..
Kvalitet modela niko ne dovodi u pitanje i sa svakim novim kodeksom i knjigom je sve bolji i bolji. Ali zato cene nesrazmerno skacu :)
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga » ... n-and.html

Demonski i Tiranidski rumori. Moguce da Matt Ward pise novi tiranidski dex? (moguce da neko namerno troluje)
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Histericni Istoricar »

Matt Ward pise novi tiranidski dex
U jednog Bocu, mi verujemo!
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Telion »

I ja mislim da je ovo bas "long shot"... :roll:
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Hypodermic »

Zajednicki box za warriore/ravenere/liktore? BWAHAHAHAHHA, pre cu ja da smrsam na 70 kila :D
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by ZergLord »

Da kodeks pise Mat Ward i da ce Tiranidima vratiti Eternal Warrior je cist Internet wishlisting.

Warrior/Zoanthrope/Lictor i sl. boxovi imaju 1% sanse da se pojave.

Plasticni Tyranid Prime i Shrike upgrade pack ce se sigurno pojaviti.

Harpija/Neki Flying MC je jedini nacin da se Harpija pojavi jer je ona trenutno neigriva.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Megabaja »

Zajednicki box za warriore/ravenere/liktore? BWAHAHAHAHHA, pre cu ja da smrsam na 70 kila :D
Is it a challenge?
Pamti, pa vrati...

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Pazi, vidi, kockica ima 6 strana, a terminator gine samo na 1... by Chomie
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Hypodermic »

Ne budi apsurdan, cak i 1% sanse da smrsam je prevelika sansa :P

Now, back to rumors... interesantno kako u ovima NISU spomenuti oni genestealer cultisti, to ce se pre pojaviti nego bilo kakav drugi update (sem harpije, to jest).
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Iz komentara sa jednog bloga:
44 pts for DW, 220 for initial squad, 10 pts for HF, 15 for plasma, 20 for AC, 25 for CML and 5 for TH/SS.
Deathwing assault (You can automatically decide if you wan't to arrive tun 1 or 2!) split fire, vengeful strike and inner circle? Can't remember the last one. There are no armoury, at least not for veterans, DW or DW knights.
DW knights were 46, don't remember initial cost, only option is the watcher thingy. Hammer of wrath, Fortress of shield (+1 T if bunched together?), DW assault and something more that I forgot. Smite gives them S10 AP2, one use only.
Both terminators had Land Raider DT, but they must be upgraded into DW vehicles.
Veterans were 90 pts base, 18 for every further member, 3 models could choose a power weapon, stormbolter, combi-bolter, powerfist or pair of lightning claws. 1 can carry a heavy weapon, 1 in 5 can carry a special weapon. Missile launchers are 15, flakk are +10.
Any model can have a combat shield at 5 pts, storm shield at 10 or meltabombs I think? Grim resolve and ATSKNF IIRC.
Dreadnoughts were 100 base, with the same options as C: SM, save for 25 point upgrade to Venerable. WS/BS5, Deathwing vehicle.
Switching the powerfist costs 15 points now for either option.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Brother Coa »

Izgleda da je nekoliko ljudi uzelo novi Dark Angels codeks u ruke i prekucalo sta je moglo na internet.
Jedan lik iz nase 40k grupe na Fejsbuku ga takodje ima i reka oje da su ovi rumori 95% tacni ( paznja, verovatno ce biti i ponavljanja ovde jer copy/paste-ujem sa nekoliko postova ):

- The special rule "Inner Circle" gives hatred against Chaos Space Marines and Courage.
- The table of Warlord includes options to increase the turboboost of bikes, +1 / -1 to the roll of reserves etc...
- Belial can change their weapons as before. And yes, he does make Terminators troops.
- Sammael makes RW bikes troops as, also.
- Azrael gains +2S and AP3 for his sword. makes both RW and DW troops.
- No specific psychic Dark Angels. Ezekiel has a power that is S4 AP 2, D3 shots, I believe.

Deathwing Knights
- +1 To their Toughness if they are base to base.

Land Speeder Revenge
- The Plasma Storm Battery is S7 AP2, 3 small blast or 1 large blast.

Land Speeder Shroud (80 pts)
- Has the dark rule, which gives +2 to it's cover save.
- A 6 "units gain Stealth.

Ram Ravenwing
- Rift Cannon: Strength 5, AP-, blast, blindness.

Nephilim (about 150/160 pts) According to Warseer 180.
- Avenger Mega Bolter: Strength 6, AP4, heavy 5
- Missiles : Strength 6, AP4
- Unrelenting Hunter: Allows exchanging a result of the enemy weaponry destroyed by an immobilized result.

Black Knights Ravenwing (126 unit 3)
- Hammer Corvus: Strength +1, AP-, Rending.
- Plasma Talons 18" plasma guns.

Command Squad Ravenwing.
- Same points as the Black Knights.

Ravenwing (80 points a unit of 3)

- Azrael giving 4++ to his squad; has a S6 P3 weapon
- Warlord table gives +1d6 to turboboost distance/reroll running roll to the Warlord unit, furious charge, +1/-1 to reserve rolls, fearless, he mentions one giving "insensible" which I cannot translate as it's not a rule I know, it sounds like the beginning of the French FnP rule "insensible à la douleur" but I highly doubt he was referring to that
- Nephilim close to 160 pts with upgrade, gatling gun same sucky stats as discussed before
- The weapon of the Deathwing Knights champion is +2S AP3 and cannot be switched for something else
- Inner Circle mentioned as being Fearless, Hate (CSM) like in the other rumour
- Caliban Halberd +2S AP2 strikes at Init
- Access to Divination
- He mention later that while he didn't really check for that, the little boxes that you usually see in the army list allowing to switch FOC slots, he only remember them next to the 3 SC

In store atm with the codex. all i said is conformed. bane of the traitor(-1ap vs c:csm in cc) is deathwing knights weapons only .

Neph fighter is 180 with either weapon option

azrael does unlock both wings as troops
He has to be in the primary detachment

Also inner circle is fearless and PE c:csm
Blade of caliban is str+1 ap3 unwieldy but a lot cheaper then a normal pweapon

cammand squads are fixed number and can be taken 1 per hq of the same type

Special items include conversion and displacer and power fields. random stat monster slayer power sword and a weapon thats str+3ap3 bane blind concusive

Armoury in the codex called the armory of the rock. also small tidbit is all missle launchers can be upgraded to flak apart fron the whirlwind which got screwed. also dev squad are super cheap. 5man squad with 4 multi meltas 110pts lol

Are the fixed numbers 5-man for Deathwing and 3-man for Ravenwing?
Correct 5&3

Black sword missiles S6 AP4? It wasnt the megabolter with these stats?
both have those stats. bolter r48 missles r36 also rhe fighter has missle lock spacial rule i. the army list but has no blast missle. some silly mistake as it makes no sense we hope

belial 190 any load out
land raiders with deathwing vehicle now have the venerable rule so may reroll pen results

do Land Raiders have to pay extra to get the deathwing vehicle rule?
30 extra and has to have it

No storms. no homers on scouts.chaps &libs can take bikes. only gramd master unlock troops. can have a techmarine per hq taken

Do standard bikers have Skilled Rider?
Nope only black knights

Veng strike gives all models twin linked shots the turn they deepstrike
smite is str+6 ap2 one use. Doesnt say if it to one attack or all that turn.
The fighter has missle lock in the points section at the back but does not have any blast missles so must be a mis pri t.
The deathwing vehicle rule is just anotber name for venerable

If it says something like “Once per game the DW knights can make an attack at ……….” People would start questioning is that in addition to normal attacks? Does it get used for all attacks? Does it replace their attacks with one attack?
Here’s hoping we don’t need to argue about it for 2 months…….
It has its own sub profile str+6ap2 melee one use only

What about named characters?
Same old 5. Some new rules like azrael can choose his warlord trait from the 6 new ones. unlocks both wings as troops. also him or belial lets you not scatter with his unit when deepstriking. had to leave and there was no way to sneak the book out the store

Ezeke is mastery 3 has to take mindworm and then rolls twice on any except biomancy

Chaplain one gets instant death in melee but no ap or his crozius

oh and samiel is the only eternal warrior again
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga »

Deluje lepo i tematicno. Treba napomenuti i da na GW-ovom sajtu u Belialovom profilu spomenut je i Iron Halo, tako da mozemo manje-vise da budemo sigurni da ce imati bazicni 4++ sejv, a ne 2++ kao sto su neki rumori pricali. :]
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by Giga » ... 1&sle=true

Armylista i armory sekcija, sa sazetim pravilima na kraju.

Cudne stvari koje su mi zapale za oko: bazicni land raideri i dalje mogu da transportuju samo 10 modela. Svasta nesto je pojeftinilo za po 5-10 poena, dok su neke stvari koje ionako nisu bile cesto koriscene (vindicatori, LR redeemer) poskupele.

Ova dva aviona kostaju 180 i 160 poena bazicno, sto bas i nisam siguran koliko je primamljivo, al' dobro, i bolje da flyeri ne budu jeftini (jos samo sada kada bi uradili neki FAQ na vendettu da kosta jedno 40-50 poena vise, bilo bi sjajno xD). Disko land speeder kosta 140 poena i ima 2 hull poena, 10 10 10, i 24" domet, i osim deep strikea ja nemam ideju kako to treba da pozivi dovoljno dugo da zapravo pripuca, da ne pricamo sto moze laganica da se samoubije sa gets hotom.

Taktikalci IZGLEDAJU kao da su pojeftinili, ali recimo ako uzmes jedinicu sa veteran sergeantom i dobrim opcijama, imaju tendenciju da kostaju VISHE nego u vanilla dexu, tako da sumnjam da ce ih pored saveznika i deathwinga/ravenwinga iko voditi. Osim librariana, genericki HQ-ovi mi se ne svidjaju, ali je zato opcija da svaki HQ moze da uzme command squad sjajna i nadam se da ce to biti u sledecem vanila dexu. Devastatori deluju lepo poentirani.

Ugl, sveukupno mi se svidja sto nista ne bode ochi da je overpowered i sto knjiga stvarno deluje da je pravljena da bude izbalansirana sa CSM dexom. Ovih nekoliko mocnih stvari tipa split fire terminatora, venerable land raidera, i ravenwing knightova sa plasmagunovima na motorima papreno kostaju, sto je super. Jedino se plashim da ce im se novi kitovi slabo prodavati zbog loshih pravila (ne da ne bih dao 40 funti na onaj vengeance, nego...), pa da ce onda da se sa sledecim dexevima vrate GK/IG filozofiji da svi novi modeli budu undercosted i overpowered. :/

EDIT: Sada skapirah da DA taktikalci mogu da uzimaju heavy weapon cak i ako ih je saom 5 u squadu, tako da su sada definitivno fantasticni. :]
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by RatGod »

Moje vidjenje DA bar ono sto sam pogledao jeste da su zli, e sad videcemo kad sednem da pravim listu i probam na terenu ;)

Black knights su bruka bez obzira koliko kostaju, karakteri 3 su no brainer SC, zastave pa ima ta jedna bas zla koja kosta poena ali pravi sve boltere salvo pa ako se ide na greenwing radi jako lepo. E sad ako se allyju sa nekim to jos ne znam sem naravno garde gde sa blobom Azrael i Ezzekiel imaju 4++, sva cool pravila fearless itd, ws+1 i naravno re roll to hit :D
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by PeraNekron »

Upravo citam codex. Deluje zanimljivo. :)
90% vojske su stubborn, neki imaju fearless, a warlord traits su bas dobri. :D
Land Raider moze da bude Deathwing Vehicle (isto sto i Venerable Dreadnought, reroll rezultat + preferred enemy CSM :P ).
Svi Deathwing knightovi imaju Precision Strike....tesko da cete ista moci da sakrijete od njih. :D
Special karakteri nisu nesto, vecina ima ap 3 oruzija, Belial daje da nema scattera prilikom deep strike, jedino mi je Sammael zanimljiv, i sad moze da se pridruzi unitima i ima ap 2 mac. Azrael moze da bira koji ce trait.

Opsti utisak : Zanimljiva vojska, nista preterano izbagovano. Ono sto dobro radi, kosta dosta, tako da je ok. Mada mislim da je vojska auto win protiv CSM, posto deathwing imaju +1 na ap protiv njih u CC (vecina oruzija), imaju hatred/preferred enemy + su jos i trupe (ako se otkljucaju), pa kad se poredjaju onako u kornjacu dobiju i +1 na toughness. I da, mozete imati plazmi koliko vam dusa iste. :lol:

I da, taktikalci mogu onu staru foru = 5 marinaca, lascannon, 5 marinaca, lascannon, i tako u nedogled. :D A i pritom kostaju tricavih 14 poena.
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Jos Rumora!

Post by ZergLord »

Ja jos nisam ubedjen da je DW autowin pr. CSM-a... I DA mi generalno ne deluju zli osim ako se udruze sa Imperialnom gardom, vec sam cuo ideje o Razorback DA sa IG, ukljcujuci blob Gardista sa Azraelom. 8O

Fearless i Stubborn je sr@#$^ zato sto to znaci da DA ne mogu da automatski padnu Morale testove. To pogotovo pogadja CC Terminatore.
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