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Postmortem Studios

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 9:59 am
by Dawngreeter
Skoro naleteh na ovu gomilu psihomanijaka i prosto ih moram podeliti sa sirom publikom. Za pocetak, bljestece svetlo sjajnosti je centrirano direktno oko RPG-a pod imenom '45 - Psychobilly Retropocalypse. Njihov opis igre (nisam ja izmislio formating teksta, cisto da se ogradim :D ):

HE was a mutant with a gift for the guitar and an eye for the ladies...
SHE was a hotrod-racing bombshell on the lookout for love...
IT crawled from the wastes of Nashville crater, seeking human victims...
THEY were trapped in a world they never made!

'45 is a world where WWII was fought with atomic bombs on all sides
'45 is a world where the B-movies are real
'45 is a world where Rock N' Roll mutants do battle with giant ants
'45 is a Psychobilly Retropocalypse

All the cool cats dig '45 daddy-o, are you hip to the scene?

'45 is so cool, it's radioactive, man!
E sada, pretpostavljam da je potrebno imati specifican ukus, najpre muzicke vrste, da bi ovo nekome izgledalo neverovatno fenomenalno dojajno. Tako da, ako vam se ideja ne svidja, nema veze. Ne moze svako da ima dobar ukus :P

Igra koristi Xpress sistem o kojem ne znam apsolutno nista, osim da ga je Postmortem Games napravio. Taj sistem su koristili i za drugi njihov RPG pod nazivom @ctiv8 o globalnoj anarhistickoj zaveri. Tu vec nije bilo nikakve sanse da mi se u momentu ne svidi te da ga smestim u moj top 5 bez obzira na to sto nikad igru nisam procitao. Opis:

A global anarchistic conspiracy.
A self-forming collective of individuals willing to do anything that is required to make the world a better place.
A source of consternation to intelligence and law enforcement communities.
A secret computer program, hidden in the net.

You can join them.
You can make a difference.
You can make the world a better place.

All you have to do is try.
Pored svega toga, takodje izdaju i BLOOD! RPG koji je, izgleda, ranije neko drugi izdavao pa ga je u skorije vreme Postmortem malo prepravio, napravio drugu ediciju i odrzava u zivotu. U pitanju je modern horror RPG, no za razliku od WoD-a vise je okrenut 70's i 80's hororu. Opis:

The new edition holds over '150' pages of blood, gore, violence, psychopaths, insanity, zombies, vampires, chainsaws, belt sanders, gratuitous injuries and other material to help you create a suitably nasty atmosphere for any type of horror game.
  • Gritty and deadly percentile system to evoke the harsh brutality and fetished violence of the genre..
  • Over 25 maim-worthy critical hit tables.
  • Statistics for household items, tools and many other unconventional items to be used as weapons - almost '400' of them.
  • Almost '30' different profession templates, and rules for your own.
  • Rules for insanity, exhaustion and bleeding.
  • Over '90' skills.
  • Fantastic art by Gavin Hargest, Darkzel, Bradley K McDevitt and Paul Campion.
Blood! is the unashamed and unflinching horror game for the horror afficiando who wishes to recreate the visceral, stomach-churning horror of the video-nasties of the 70s and 80s as well as their more modern imitators.

No, tu se sjajnost ove izdavacke kuce ne zaustavlja. Necu ulaziti u detalje, ali su takodje napravili igru sa kartama FINAL STRAW: Highschool Revenge o nasilju u skolama. Ono, pucanje po dvoristu i tome slicno. Sta oni kazu o igri:

Final Straw is an extremely adult game depicting gore, violence and controversial political themes hidden underneath the veneer of puerile splatterpunk entertainment. You are very likely to be offended by this game on several levels and Postmortem Studios accepts no responsibility for your reaction if you buy it and are disgusted/upset/go insane.
Kako covek da ne pozeli da je ima? :D

Takodjer videh da imaju igru sa kartama Hentacle o kojoj trenutno nista ne znam, ali ime bi trebalo dovoljno da sugerise.
Link: (sajt im je, nazalost, u stvari samo blog) link:

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:30 am
by Sammael
Hentacle je anime tentacle rape card game. Suvise bizarno cak i za moj ukus...

Inace ne znam da li me oci varaju, ali mi ova poslednja ilustracija lici na Jhonena Vasqueza ("Johnny the Homicidal Maniac").

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:36 am
by FGSerbia
Did you read his blog on 4th Edition? Very interesting especially from a retailer point of view. I don't think the idea is as bad as he makes it out to be - everyone knows that there are no new rpgers coming through - as youngsters all go for MMORPGS rather than having to actually read something. The fact that WoTC are trying to address that is interesting and could even be considered a good gateway into real RPGs (sorry D&D is not and never will be an RPG).

(hmmm will this post get moved to the D&D forum?? Man I've got to let this go!)

Anyway Postmortem Studios stuff looks excellent - the 100 Series looks really good too. I'll happily organise the first game of Hentacle - hopefully right next to a group of kids playing Pokemon....

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:40 am
by Sammael
FGSerbia wrote:I'll happily organise the first game of Hentacle - hopefully right next to a group of kids playing Pokemon....
Even in Serbia, this would raise eyebrows. In the UK or the USA, it's earn you a small unconfy cell for a few years...

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 10:55 am
by Shunka
This reminds me of the last Hobby Store WH tournament, actualy the painting competition supporting it... When a dirty rag was used to cover one of my sculpts when children were around...

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:22 am
by Ko, jel' ja?
Shunka wrote:This reminds me of the last Hobby Store WH tournament, actualy the painting competition supporting it... When a dirty rag was used to cover one of my sculpts when children were around...
luckilly, this year there is no scratchbuilt category :lol:
because of that? no.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:28 am
by Dawngreeter
Egads, how I loathe the make-believe morals of the modern society. Naked people are bad for children, but it's ok to be indoctrinated to worship a corpse nailed to a wooden plank. That makes sense.

Anywho, yeah, I forgot to mention the 100 series. Basically, it's a genre-based (horror, fantasy, sci-fi) series of books with 100 story ideas, each with a couple of twists and an epilogue (if I read the description correctly). I think I'd really appreciate having one of those for those moments when I just can't seem to figure out a decent plotline for the next Vampire session.

As for the Final Straw, I don't think that's Jhonen's artwork. Though it's certainly similar (having the theme in mind, that's probably intentional).

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:33 am
by FGSerbia
There are certain games that just look good on the shelf even though they are probably never going to be played. It looks like Postmortem Studios entire back catalog is included in that catagory.

Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 11:48 am
by Dawngreeter
FGSerbia wrote:Did you read his blog on 4th Edition? Very interesting especially from a retailer point of view. I don't think the idea is as bad as he makes it out to be - everyone knows that there are no new rpgers coming through - as youngsters all go for MMORPGS rather than having to actually read something. The fact that WoTC are trying to address that is interesting and could even be considered a good gateway into real RPGs (sorry D&D is not and never will be an RPG).
Somehow managed to miss replying to this.

I've read it and I think he's mostly right. D&D always was a tactical game with the "RPG" sticker on it so the players can feel better about themselves. I wholly support switching the game focus to miniatures, and I'm actually not being ironic about that. I think D&D can really be a very decent game if only it started doing what it does best. And that's tactical combat. I'm not saying I'd play it, but I don't think I have anything against it if it finally shaped itself into an honest product. And, really, if anyone has the resources to pull of a tactical combat game with a bit more flare than your average wargame, it's WotC.

If I had to bet, I'd bet D&D will remain a giant, though probably not as omnipresent as it currently is (ironically, I'd say their sales will go UP UP UP despite that).

Man is this off-topic or what :D

Posted: Sun Sep 02, 2007 8:42 pm
by Shark
i'm down for Hentacle, can't miss that :) it even look like a portmanteau of Hentai + tentacle, fantastic :D

EDIT: oh yeah, you'll also get first dibs on one RPG some a friend of mine has been making... from the early beggining, only a couple of words were in his mind, and those were "sex", "giant robots", "hot anime chicks"... needless to say, he had me with the "giant robots" part :)

i'l ask him for a draft or something (again) and then forward it to Rick.

EDIT2: ok, probably not gonna happen since that guy (some friend he is, bah) now wants 25$ for it... It's called Bliss Stage by the way...

Posted: Wed Sep 19, 2007 9:10 pm
by Dawngreeter
Shark wrote:EDIT2: ok, probably not gonna happen since that guy (some friend he is, bah) now wants 25$ for it... It's called Bliss Stage by the way...
Tek sada ovo vidim... Bliss Stage? 8O

Ta igra mi se rangira u Top 5 RPG-ova za koje nikada necu naci ekipu. Kolko znam odavno je izasla u prodaju, ne?

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 8:23 pm
by IG
bila je i igrica blood i blood 2 isto tako kao i taj rpg starije doduse. Nego hm zanimljiv taj 45, volio bih da ga imam

Posted: Wed Dec 19, 2007 1:54 pm
by FGSerbia
Call out to Shark and/or Skobra - How's Hentacle? I'm intrigued (and slighly hurt that I've not been invited to partake of a game).

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2007 1:00 am
by Shark
i'm yet to buy it from you... :) hopefully, it'll be either tommorow (thursday) or friday...

as for bliss stage - you get the books, i'll get the snacks :)

EDIT: ne odavno, nedelju dana pre mog posta... btw mozhesh me mailujesh na darksidemetatron et gmail pa da se dogovorimo za neki RPG... igra mi se neshto :P a ukusi su nam, kolko mi se chini, kolko-tolko slichni (ili slichnoliki) :)