WFRP: The Thousand Thrones -nova kampanja za Warhammer

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WFRP: The Thousand Thrones -nova kampanja za Warhammer

Post by CirKhan »

Potrcao sam kroz knjigu ovih dana,a od sledece nedelje treba i da pocnem da je igram .
Moram reci da sam vrlo prijatno iznenadjen i da jedva cekam da pocnem sa igranjem.
Knjiga je podebela i po mojoj proceni ima tu materijala za bar godinu dana redovnog igranja (bez add-inn avanturica).
Sto je najbitnije,ima onaj shmek starih WFRP avantura u najboljoj tradiciji Enemy Within-a.
Star Trek, Star Wars, and basically every other science fiction series uses hyperspace. 40K, however, uses the Warp, which is the gay pink-purple alternate-reality that explains both interstellar travel and why there are ugly demons running around in sci-fi land. Comparing the two, hyperspace is like DSL, while the Warp is like trying to connect to the internet on dial-up with a frayed wire in the small town of Atalaxupalpatinowahasibixo, Mexico.

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Re: WFRP: The Thousand Thrones -nova kampanja za Warhammer

Post by Dzon Vejn »

That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: WFRP: The Thousand Thrones -nova kampanja za Warhammer

Post by Slartibartfast »

3000+ koliko mi se cini. A cuo sam da je kraj stvarno sranje, ali da van toga moz' bude dobra.
Meditations of evolution increasingly vaster: of the moon invisible in incipient lunation, approaching perigee: ...of the procession of equinoxes: ...of the parallax or parallactic drift of socalled fixed stars, in reality evermoving from immeasurably remote eons to infinitely remote futures in comparison with which the years, threescore and ten, of alloted human life formed a parenthesis of infinitesimal brevity.

-Excerpt of meditations during demonstrations of various constellations; Ulysses
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Re: WFRP: The Thousand Thrones -nova kampanja za Warhammer

Post by PainBringer »

[spoiler]Ja sam procitao vrlo detaljan sinopsis na jednom WFRP forumu i moram priznati da mi "Thousand thrones" ne deluje bas spektakularno. Kampanja ima par sjajnih mesta, ali ima i nekoliko ozbiljnih problema. Citav zaplet je veoma nategnut (za moj ukus i previse), a i neki dogadjaji su previse repetitivni. Potpuno se slazem sa tvrdnjama da su vampiri uvedeni u pricu bez pravog razloga. I da, finalno poglavje je bezveze (i tu je upuceno mnogo zamerki - zaista su mogli da smisle nesto originalnije od ogromne tamnice pune zamki, cudovista i sa vremenskim ogranicenjem). Neki se zale da kampanja prati od mnogo railroading-a. Uostalom, evo link, pa citajte:[/spoiler] ... /
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Re: WFRP: The Thousand Thrones -nova kampanja za Warhammer

Post by Dawngreeter »

Railroading? Od firme koja je kao uvodnu avanturu za Dark Heresy stavila nesto u cemu igraci sta god da rade desava se jedno te isto oko njih i onda poginu? Ma nemoguce. Frapiran sam.
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Re: WFRP: The Thousand Thrones -nova kampanja za Warhammer

Post by Megabaja »

[spoiler]Ja sam procitao vrlo detaljan sinopsis na jednom WFRP forumu i moram priznati da mi "Thousand thrones" ne deluje bas spektakularno. Kampanja ima par sjajnih mesta, ali ima i nekoliko ozbiljnih problema. Citav zaplet je veoma nategnut (za moj ukus i previse), a i neki dogadjaji su previse repetitivni. Potpuno se slazem sa tvrdnjama da su vampiri uvedeni u pricu bez pravog razloga. I da, finalno poglavje je bezveze (i tu je upuceno mnogo zamerki - zaista su mogli da smisle nesto originalnije od ogromne tamnice pune zamki, cudovista i sa vremenskim ogranicenjem). Neki se zale da kampanja prati od mnogo railroading-a. Uostalom, evo link, pa citajte:[/spoiler]
kako ce to sto otkrijes deo plota, ma kako debilan, biti pozitivno?
takozvani rejlrouding postoji u WFRPu oduvek i u svim dosadasnjim kampanjama, a onaj ko pominje veliki dungeon ocigledno nikada nije video mapu zamka Vitgenstajn u Enemy Within kampanji ili rudnike u Doomstones kampanji...
A debilni krajevi? Pa da li je neko igrao Doomstones kampanju uopste? :roll:
Mozda bi trebalo da upoznate materiju malo, pre pocetka komentarisanja, ili postovanja tredova sa drugih foruma...
Pamti, pa vrati...

Ignorance is bliss.
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Pazi, vidi, kockica ima 6 strana, a terminator gine samo na 1... by Chomie
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Re: WFRP: The Thousand Thrones -nova kampanja za Warhammer

Post by PainBringer »

Sto se otkrivanja dela zapleta tice, tu sam pogresio, trebalo je da upozorim na spoiler-e...
Nisam igrao Doomstones kampanju, mada ne znam koliko bi to uticalo na moje misljenje o "Thousand thornes". Jednostavno, procitao sam sinopsis i nesto mi se svidelo, a nesto ne.
Sto se tamnice tice, ona mi se ne svidja kao izbor, ako se uzme u obzir sta je bila prvobitna ideja autora te kampanje (koja je, na zalost, odbacena - ali, necu mnogo o tome, ko zeli - moze da procita). Naravno, odmah cu da se ogradim i kazem da je to moj licni stav.
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Re: WFRP: The Thousand Thrones -nova kampanja za Warhammer

Post by CirKhan »

Amen to that Suticu.
Ni kraj Enemy within-a : Enemy within nije bio bog zna sta,dabace bio je toliko njesra da su posle u Hoghshead-u morali da ga kompletno edituju,pa to nije sprecilo celu kampanju da bude proglasena za najbolju ikad napisanu od strane fanova u vise casopisa i sajtova(pricamo o 90-tima,mind you).
Poenta i nije bila u nekom katarzicnom kresendu vec u opstoj atmosferi avanture i pikarskoj narativnoj strukturi ,a da ne pricamo o fantasticnim sub plottovima i zivopisnim npc-ima.Naravno da i ona ima svoje uspone i padove ali to je i normalno za ocekivati od kampanje koja se proteze na 5 knjiga.Odrzati neki stalni nivo kvaliteta je jezivo tesko na duge staze.Pitajte bilo kog scenaristu serija(naravno ne domacih,oni nisu to u stanju da urade ni u pojedinacnim epizodama).

Summa summarum,ja licno nisam citao the thousand thrones jerbo je zelim igrati,ali su mi i Svebor i Nesa Kostic dali svoje najtoplije preporuke,and they are the people who know their Warhammer.
Star Trek, Star Wars, and basically every other science fiction series uses hyperspace. 40K, however, uses the Warp, which is the gay pink-purple alternate-reality that explains both interstellar travel and why there are ugly demons running around in sci-fi land. Comparing the two, hyperspace is like DSL, while the Warp is like trying to connect to the internet on dial-up with a frayed wire in the small town of Atalaxupalpatinowahasibixo, Mexico.

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Dzon Vejn
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Re: WFRP: The Thousand Thrones -nova kampanja za Warhammer

Post by Dzon Vejn »

CirKhan wrote: Pitajte bilo kog scenaristu serija (naravno ne domacih, oni nisu to u stanju da urade ni u pojedinacnim epizodama).
:lol: :lol: :lol:
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!

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