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Twilight serija

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:22 pm
by CirKhan
Vec neko vreme znam za snimanje filma Twilight koji je izasao krajem prosle godine,te mi je negde maglovito poznato kako je sniman po nekoj teen pseudo horor knjizi.
Posto me nacelno takva pulp trivija samo marginalno interesuje,nisam se upustao u daljnje istrazivanje topica,sve dok juce nisam nabasao na sledeci tekst:
Jbt znam Jocu Ristića,covek je maximalno cool,koji mu je?(predpostavljam da i on mora od neceg da zivi,posto se jos uvek nije izmetnuo u krvopiju).
Perverzno zaintrigiran ,otvorim Wikipediju da vidim ko je bre ta Stefani Mejer i cemu toliki hype i tamo procitam sledece:
The Twilight series falls under the genre of young adult, fantasy, and romance, though Meyer herself categorized her first book, Twilight, as "suspense romance horror comedy".[4] However, she states that she considers her books as "romance more than anything else".[4] The series explores the unorthodox romance between human Bella and vampire Edward, as well as the love triangle between Bella, Edward, and Jacob, a werewolf.[5] The books avoid delving into provocative sex, drugs, and harsh swearing because, according to Meyer, "I don't think teens need to read about gratuitous sex."[6]

The books are written in first-person narrative, primarily through Bella's eyes with the epilogue of the third book and a part of the last book being from Jacob's point of view. When asked about the structure of the novel, Meyer described her difficulty to pinpoint the premise of the novels to any specific category:

I have a hard time with that. Because if I say to someone, 'You know, it's about vampires,' then immediately they have this mental image of what the book is like. And it's so not like the other vampire books out there–Anne Rice's and the few that I've read. It isn't that kind of dark and dreary and blood-thirsty world. Then when you say, 'It's set in high school,' a lot of people immediately put it in another pool. It's easy to pigeonhole with different descriptions.[7]

The books are based on the vampire myth, but Twilight vampires differ in a number of particulars from vampire lore. For instance, Twilight vampires have strong piercing teeth rather than fangs; they glitter in sunlight rather than burn; and they may drink animal blood as well as human blood. Meyer says that her vampire mythology differs from that of other authors because she wasn't informed about the canon vampires, saying,

It wasn't until I knew that Twilight would be published that I began to think about whether my vampires were too much the same or too much different from the others. Of course, I was far too invested in my characters at that point to be making changes... so I didn't cut out fangs and coffins and so forth as a way to distinguish my vampires; that's just how they came to me.[8]
Meyer, a Mormon, acknowledges that her faith has influenced her work. In particular, she says that her characters "tend to think more about where they came from, and where they are going, than might be typical."[6] Meyer also steers her work from subjects such as gratuitous sex, despite the romantic nature of the novels. Meyer says that she does not consciously intend her novels to be Mormon-influenced, or to promote the virtues of sexual abstinence and spiritual purity, but admits that her writing is shaped by her values, saying, "I don't think my books are going to be really graphic or dark, because of who I am. There's always going to be a lot of light in my stories."[12]
Author Stephenie Meyer says that the idea for Twilight came to her in a dream on June 2, 2003. The dream was about a human girl, and a vampire who was in love with her but thirsted for her blood. Based on this dream, Meyer wrote the transcript of what is now chapter 13 of the book
Nacelno ne volim da pljujem po knjigama koje nisam citao,ali Goddamn ovo je gori shund cak i od "Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter" od Laurel Hamilton.
Mormonka koja je usnila pricu o ljubavnom trouglu izmedju tinejdzerske fufice,cool teen vampira (koji u slobodno vreme pohadja nastavu u skoli!-valjda mu je jasna vaznost kvalitetnog obrazovanja) i njenog strong,silent type soulmate-a vukodlaka.
Mislim da sada mogu da 'mrem,sve sam video.

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:29 pm
by opsidiannight
Sta mislis el bolje od "Lesbian Vampire Story"?

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 10:51 pm
by Dawngreeter
CirKhan wrote:ovo je gori shund cak i od "Anita Blake: Vampire Hunter" od Laurel Hamilton.
Nista nije gore od Anite Blake. Nista. Furry pornografski Star Trek fan fiction sa piscem u glavnoj ulozi bi bilo bolje stivo od Anite Blake.

Da se razumemo, gnusam se Toilet-a, pardon, Twilight-a koliko je ljudski moguce ali ipak mislim da je vazno odrzati perspektivu. Za neupucene, par bitnih momenata iz Anita Blake serijala:
* In the tenth book, Narcissus In Chains, Anita "develops the ardeur, a rare power seen only in vampires of Jean-Claude's bloodline, after Jean-Claude used it to "feed" through her. Although this power allows Anita to draw energy from lust, it also requires her to have sex multiple times per day, at least in its early stages."

* Also in book ten, it's crucial to note that Anita "accepts ... her romantic relationship with Richard is finally over. She is still the Lupa of the Thronos Rokke clan, but also becomes its Bolverk."

* A blood test at the end of book thirteen reveals that "whilst she is not a lycanthrope, she is a carrier of at least four types of the lycanthropy virus: wolf, leopard, lion, and one so far unidentified but potentially tiger."

* In book fifteen, "Anita also leaves her former allies, the werelions, to potential death. At a point where Anita and many of her other allies were injured, she asks to have sex with the werelion Rex Joseph so that she could gain the power to heal without the Munin. The Rex refused because he is married and values being faithful to his wife. Also there were rumors spread about Anita by the lions she refused because they weren't powerful enough for her inner lion."
(to give credit where credit is due, Tycho sa Penny Arcade sajta je to sve iskopao)

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Wed Mar 04, 2009 11:19 pm
by Gassalasca Jape
Cujem da je prilicno popularno postalo, pogotovo u izvesnim krugovima. Drugim recima americke, a i ostale tinejdzerice cija garderoba je preovladjujuce crna ovo verovatno znaju napamet. Prvo su se lozile na Harija Potera, a onda presle na ovo, ocito daleko ozbiljnije stivo.

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 12:13 am
by opsidiannight
Jbg, seks, droga i got vukodlaci. Kako da ti se ne svidi?

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Thu Mar 05, 2009 2:28 am
by Shunka
Uh, drago mi je da je neko pokrenuo ovu temu na nasem forumu.
Dakle, prvo, u stilu velikog Megabaje:

Twilight je retardiran i njegova spisateljica Stephenie Meyer takodje.

Moze i drugacije - Anne Rice, vrati se, sve ti je oprosteno!

Dakle, ozbiljno, nikome koga ja znam nije jasno zasto se ikome dopada ovaj serijal. Cak ga ni tinejdzerke ne shvataju ozbiljno. A opet govorimo o nekim monstruoznim nivoima popularnosti. Daleko od jednog Hari Potera, ali i dalje vrlo javna i uocljiva. IMDB kaze da je film zaradio $189,443,645. I to sa poprilicno nepoznatim glumcima - tumac glavne muske uloge (vampir ciju lepotu opisuje poveci deo proze) se pre par godina snimio u sporednoj ulozi u 4. delu Potera... Glavna glumica je marginalno poznatija. Mozda vredi primetiti da je film gledljiv. Ima sposobnu reziserku. Nikome nije jasno zasto je ona htela da snimi ovo, al' ajde. Nece joj dati da snima nastavke.

Elem, imam drugaricu kojoj je malko dosadno u zivotu, pa prati trendove. I nije joj bilo previse zao sebe i svog vremena pa je procitala sve cetiri knjige u serijalu. I morala je mnogo da me smara kako su ocajne. I nagovorila me da odgledamo film. I jos uvek me aktivno nagovara da procitam i ja knjige ne bih li se licno uverio koliko su lose.

Pri cemu kvalitet opada iz knjige u knjigu. Cetvrta knjiga se vec losija od nekih fanfiction radova na temu serijala. Mozda mu popularnost najzad presahne.

I sto je najgore - nema goticarenja!!! Na kraju cetvrte knjige prakticno svi postojeci konflikti su srecno razreseni, i svi likovi dobijaju ono sto su zeleli.

P.S. Ne vredjajte Mormone. Jeste to u najmanju ruku cudna religija, ali ne mora znaciti da su svi pripadnici iste temeljno indoktrinirani.

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Fri Mar 06, 2009 3:49 pm
by Pendargon
Iako nisam gledao film, niti citao knjigu (niti nameravam da povredim svoj mozak na taj nacin), ova kritika me je kupila.

Lik je inace iritantan, ali ovde je bas dobar.
Toplo preporucujem :

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Sat Mar 07, 2009 11:16 pm
by Resurrection
Kopajuci po related naisao sam na ovaj trailer spoof.
Dojaj. ... re=related

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Mon Mar 09, 2009 3:11 pm
by Shunka
Resurrection wrote:Dojaj.

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 6:52 am
by CirKhan
Za Novembar tekuce godine se najavljuje premijera nastavka ljubavne epopeje, ovaj put kao ljubavni trougao izmedju teen looking vampira, teenage vukodlaka (ali ne onaj legendarni iz '57.) i njihove teen fufice.

Nikada nisam mislio da je tako nesto uopste moguce, ali uspeli su da vukodlake nacine gejevima:
Da je kojim slucajem mrtav (a bilo bi mu pametnije da jeste umesto sto se bavi jeftinom propagandistikom za racun Gruzina i onog njihovog klovna Sakasvilija), Mark Rein·Hagen bi se prevrtao u grobu.

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:11 am
by Shunka
Imam jednu pozitivnu stvar da kazem o filmu - sudeci po trailerima, vukoblaci kad se preobrate izgledaju kao vukovi, a ne neke karakondzule. To je lepo videti.

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 11:41 am
by opsidiannight
Ćiro, nisi trebao da nakačiš slike gej vukodlaka, sada mi se sviđa. Prokleti animalizam mlađanog vukodlaka orošenog kišicom. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:


P.S. Zamisli koliko oni smrde kad im se kryno nakvasi kišom?

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Wed Jul 08, 2009 10:38 pm
by CirKhan
P.S. Zamisli koliko oni smrde kad im se kryno nakvasi kišom?
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Mora da smrde onako zverski.

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 9:46 am
by Sammael
Ahahahaha... depilirani vukodlaci

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Mon Aug 03, 2009 1:17 am
by CirKhan
Sto rece jedan cika negde na netu:
To Twilight Fans, In the real world, men that sparkle, aren't really into girls.

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 10:28 am
by Awakened

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 1:36 pm
by Skobra
:applause: :applause: :applause:

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 6:14 pm
by opsidiannight
To Awakend, ko kaže da bezumno nasilje nije rešenje, bar ponekad. Što je najgore ovo je jedina uloga u kojoj bih zaista voleo da gledam Blejda.

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Thu Aug 13, 2009 11:40 am
by Shunka

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 2:01 am
by CirKhan

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 11:22 am
by Shunka
Imam paklenu ideju - da summonujemo IGa na forum da vidimo sta on misli o Twilightu!
Ili bolje ne?..

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Mon Aug 17, 2009 10:02 pm
by Histericni Istoricar
Bilo bi to tako divno... Nisam se odavno slatko smejao za kompom. To je IG mozda radi ukrstanje Twilight i SRPa, koji ce biti bar po Gulanu najveca pretnja WDu kod nas i svetu (naravno u onim delovima sveta gde se koristi ћирилица).

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2010 11:55 pm
by CirKhan
Sokantno otkrice:

Twilight star Robert Pattinson related to Dracula! ... acula.html

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Sat Jul 03, 2010 1:01 am
by opsidiannight
Ne bi se slavno proveo da je njegov predak živ.

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:42 am
by CirKhan

Uploaded with

Sad sam video da je Beta postovao ovo pre dva dana, so here I pay my dues.

Re: Twilight serija

Posted: Mon Jul 05, 2010 1:44 am
by CirKhan

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