Digitalni fotoaparat

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Dzon Vejn
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Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Nisam bas bio siguran gde da stavim temu...

Elem, planiram da kupim neki digitalac, pocetnicki, do npr. 200 EUR (nije striktno), pa me interesuje ako na forumu ima neko sa foto-iskustvom, da baci neki savet ;). Recimo da mi je dosta bitan makro mod (predpostavljate iz kojih razloga :D )., ali da i ostale stvari budu ok.

Gledao sam nesto malo po netu, ne znam sta bi mislili o ovome (10x optical zoom mi je dosta primamljiv ;) ):

ili naravno bilo sta drugo sto mislite da bi bilo dobro. Svaki dodatni opis je vise nego dobrodosao ;).
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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jorgurt hlebozvak
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by jorgurt hlebozvak »

Ne kupuj Sony. Ne umem stručno da ti objasnim zašto, ali veruj mi na reč. Laički rečeno, treba mu sto godina da pod ekstra jakim svetlom i uvek uz uključen blic, prikupi dovoljno svetla da bi slikao.
orks rules!!! Osim kad to nije slučaj.
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Dzon Vejn
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Za sada su canon i fuji (Bocin predlog) u razmatranju.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by Shunka »

Kod nas se fotografi dele na one koji veruju u Canon i one koji preferiraju Nikon. Kulminacija je izjava profesora nikonca "Pa kolega necete valjda da predjete na Canon? To vam je kao kada kazete 'Uuu, mnogo je dobra riba, ali nece da pu*i!'"
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by stefaz »

Pa da, generalno je tako kao sto kaze Sunka. Mada u klasi koju ti gledas, Canon je daleko ispred konkurencije. Dobro, mozda ne daleko ali je definitivno ispred konkurencije. A to kazem iako imam Nikon. :mrgreen:
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Dzon Vejn
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by Dzon Vejn »

A ovaj fuji VS pomenuti canon?
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by lord warrior »

[quote="Shunka"]Kod nas se fotografi dele na one koji veruju u Canon i one koji preferiraju Nikon. [quote]

Ne samo kod nas, vec i u svetu. I to sa dobrim razlogom.
Tako da je preporuka - Canon ili Nikon, s tim da moja preporuka ide Canonu, zbog jedne stvari:
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Znaci nista fuji?
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Dzon Vejn
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Ovako kaze google... ... ePix_S1500 ... epix+S1500

edit: sa druge slike koje sam video i vecina review-a bi dala prednost canonu...
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Dzon Vejn
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Mislim da ce izbor pasti ipak na canon SX120 IS.

Fuji mi se cini kao malo bolji (zoom tokom videa, bolji grip za ruku, veci zoom, i onaj mali prozorcic), ali zato ima dosta reviews kojima se jednostavno pokvario ili bio totalno neispravan, i malo je tezi za rukovanje (sto meni nije bitno, ali nisam siguran da bi se devojci svidelo :D).

Da imam jos para, mislim da bih uzeo ovo cudo:

ali cu morati da se zadovoljim sa SX120 IS. Narednih par dana cu gledati gde da pazarim (dok ne nadjem nesto vremena da odem i kupim aparat), tako da imate jos malo vremena da me pokolebate :D.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by teclis »

Dzon Vejn wrote:tako da imate jos malo vremena da me pokolebate :D.
ma ne treba ti fotoaparat, kupi kamkorder :twisted:
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Jao taman sam se bio odlucio, sad sam naleteo i na Nikon Coolpix L100... sad moram i njega da prelistam...
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by Sammael »

Ja sam pre nekoliko godina kupio Fuji više amaterske klase (S5600, tada ~450 EUR sa baterijama i mem. karticom). Iako sam zadovoljan, do dana današnjeg mislim da sam pogrešio što nisam uzeo Cannon (što ću, nadam se, ispraviti do kraja ove godine).
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Ovaj Nikon model mi ima neke bas primamljive stvarcice (bolji grip, veci max zum), ali na zalost nema gotovo nikakvo rucno podesavanje, sto me uzasno zivcira. Cini mi se i da su slike peskovitije nego kod Canona. Tako da mislim da cu se ipak drzati prvobitnog Canon modela. Jeste manji zum, i tezi za drzanje, ali easy mode je jednako lak na oba, a na Canon modelu ipak imam i manual mod.

edit: minimalni f na Nikonu je veci, sto mi se isto ne svidja (mada je maksimalni isto veci, sto je dobro).
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Dzon Vejn
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by Dzon Vejn »

UZeh danas konacno Canon SX120 IS, i prema onome sto sam do sada video (a video sam svega 5 slika i 2 snimka od 3 sec) zaista sam prezadovoljan. Ima izuzetno kristalno cistu sliku, apsolutno radi image stabilizaciju, i tako. Sad mi jos samo ostaje da izucim sta i kako koristiti za jos bolje efekte, i kako pravilno da nakacim kameru na tripod (ima neko plasticno dugme koje se uvlaci i koje me zbunjuje). Sacu da pofotkam sve figure koje imam u kuci, pa cu posle da vidim sta sam uradio i postavim neke slike ;).
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Dzon Vejn
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Evo kako sada izgledaju slike, uslikane u potpunom mraku, bez stativa, na automatskom modu, po principu skljoc, skoljc (slike su samo smanjene ne 350 pixela po sirini, nista drugo nisam dirao):


Posto sam baterije vec potrosio :D, cekam da se napune punjive, pa cu sutra jos isprobavati razne modove, svetla, itd., i mislim da cu pod hitno morati da uradim light box. I da prelistam sta se tacno step-by-step koristi za obradu slika.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Dzon Vejn
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Evo nakon jos malo isprobavanja...

That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Digitalni fotoaparat

Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Ovo su vec odlicne slike, a i figura je lepo obojena :)

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