[ETC 2016] Battle reports from practice games

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[ETC 2016] Battle reports from practice games

Post by igor »

Hi guys, I opened this topic so we can track some practice games played, share impression how test army lists work vs specific other ones and generally do discuss some wrong made moves, poor choice of targeting or just some bad play.. oh wait that's all me :grin:
Anyway I will start with first practice game, yesterday vs Milan and his Demons , flying monster circus list.

My list: Commander, dc,2xMP, tl
2 x crisis
1 x 4 ML drones
Stormsurge, shield,big gun, skyfire, intercept
Riptide wing:
4 riptides with burst cannons, mixed 2 with skyfire and intercept and two with TL and intercept
1 riptide with ion cannon, skyfire and intercept
ally : inquisitor coteaz

4 demon princes - all different gods, Belakor and Lord of change, 2 units of 3 nurglings. Shit loads of items, Armour, magic - that names I cant remember at all. :)

I managed to roll to deploy first and got to play first. It was vanguard strike. 4 Objectives where in middle, with rest 2 on each side 1. All 5 riptides where deployed in front, rest of army was hiding. Stormsurge was behind riptides.
First turn saw only 3 wounds on khorne prince, due to milans deployment on edge of table out of los from most of my guns. Those 3 wounds were from Stormsurges 4d6 missiles. First mistake here - I should have fired rest of his 4 missiles (one use only) and kill it on first turn granting first blood.
Two Riptides took 3+ inv and went to middle to take one objective fro which I had card.
Milans first turn was flying up with all monsters except khorne one, buffing up with invisibility and shrouded. Killing one riptide with screaming.
My second turn show 4 (3 shooting and one from failing down) wounds on lord of change who was only one outside shrouding bubble. Here I did 2 more objectives (one was behind enemy lines and other one supremacy). Also slanesh demon was grounded, and I think he took 3 wounds from all sms on riptides.
Milans second turn was game breaker as he failed to cast shrouding bauble and invisibility. He decided to fly of with keeper but stayed with rest of models aiming for successful charge and screams. He did 3 wounds with screaming on stormsurge and charged it with one prince who died from overwatch (3 riptides and Stormsurge - ending on last sms to inflict remaining 2 wounds)
My third turn was starting with nova charging everything to shoot more and using once per game - twice shooting for all riptides. This caused Belakhor, khorne and tzeentch demon prince to be killed. Also I finished 2 more cards with this (firepower and assassinate)
Milans third turn - he entered with lord of change who was shoot down from intercept SMS of first riptide (he was having 1 remaining w). Then he charged with remaining nurgle prince my stormsurge who did not manage to instant kill him, but died from 5 wounds caused from prince.
4th and last turn show me killing last demon and we agreed to call it as I was controlling middle with him remaining only with 6 nurglings on table.

Thoughts: Deploy more defensively, try more games with only 6-7 riptides, there is no point of having commander with only 4 drones, if 7 riptides are there - there must be drone network formation, beside coteaz take one inquisitor for servo skulls, read and learn all tau rules again in order not to miss stuff like +1BS on same target for other riptides :iiam:
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Re: [ETC 2016] Battle reports from practice games

Post by RatGod »

It was not Lord of Change it was Kairos ;)
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: [ETC 2016] Battle reports from practice games

Post by Telion »

As I promised, yesterday's battle report.
I played Dark Angels/Space Wolves, and Cap Khorne Daemonkin/Chaos Space Marines. You can see the lists in attachment, although I'm not 100% sure for all Chaos equipment, but it's all there. :)
(41.9 KiB) Downloaded 106 times
(40.46 KiB) Downloaded 107 times
Anyway, we played Mission #2, 4 objectives (3VP each at the end of the game), Cleanse & Control, Vanguard Strike. Luka won both rolls for setting up objective and deployment side. Then it got to rolling for psychic powers. I don't know all powers he got, but three most important were: Invisibility, Endurance and Hallucination. On the other side, Ezekiel and both Librarians rolled 1,2 on their powers (Ezekiel and one Librarian were rolling on Telepathy and second Librarian was rolling on Librarius), plus Ezekiel had 6 on Telepathy, so i ended up with my three "best of": Dominate (x2), Hallucination and Veil of Time (re-roll saves).
Cap won the third roll-of for setting up first and choosing who gets the 1st turn. He chose to go 1st after neither deathstar moved in the Scout move, although two Sorcerers in 2x7 Flesh Hounds moved on both flanks, and i didn't Seized. So it began..
Luka didn't do much in his 1st, moved forward, forcing me either to clash with im on the middle or go on one side, so I moved and killed a small unit of Flesh Hounds, but failed to multiple assault Sorcerer that was out of the unit behind..still, got the First blood, and cast Veil of time on my Deathstar.
Rest of the game didn't bring much..our deathstars were on the middle bashing each other..his with Invisibility and mine with Veil of Time. When I could, I would Hit & Run from combat then multiple assault his star +1 unit for Kill point/Tactical objective/Protecting my own troops.
Crucial moment in the game was when Luka failed to cast his Invisibility..in that turn I was able to thin down his star, making sure that i will win at least 11-9, if not more. On the other side, I've never failed to cast Veil of Time, although I rolled 6+ dices each time, with two Perils (one of them was 6 on the table).
On the both sides of the board, our small troops of Scouts, Blood Claws, Cultists and and summoned units were in skirmish combats fighting for their lives and Victory points.
I think that, at the end of 5th turn, result was 15-5 (or maybe 14-6), but we still rolled to see if 6th and 7th turn were to be played (and they were), but nothing major changed both because our remaining forces, with exception of deathstars were either far away or not strong enough to make notable difference. I must say that I'm proud of my achievement: first kill point Luka took was in his 4th turn and by the end of the game he took just two KP's more. :)

Conclusion: Fun game, real ETC-type. I think that both lists are very strong, versatile, but we still need to play a lot, versus different opponents, to be able to tell more about possible problems and advantages, but I think it's a good start. If we were playing same game on ETC i think that result would be from 9-11 to 13-7 for DA/SW, just because I think that Deathstar is stronger and it has Hit & Run.
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Re: [ETC 2016] Battle reports from practice games

Post by RatGod »

Everything said is as it was, imortant thing was i was too greedy and tried to summon from turn 2 with sorc with endurance he miscasted and lost that spell.

I think his death star is better as it has hit and run and more models, where reroll AS and 4+W comes in play also he managed to use heroic intervention quite good :D so that was it.

I think both lists are strong and at this point i wouldnt change a thing, even though i will wait for final faq as then i would see if i can manage to place helldrake instead of 1 unit of hounds plus something.

Will plaz2 or 3 more games with list as it is, and if it doesnt work as good as it seems then IK will come in play.
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: [ETC 2016] Battle reports from practice games

Post by CheMilan »

i have to change list little bit and will try playing with it again soon. i think i can win riptides but i made so many mistakes as i need to as soon as i fail magic change what is done by leaving battlefield. I failed some saves with 3++ with reroll of 1, from over-watch on 6 then on 5 to wound so i think it was little bit shit luck but that will happen on tourney so i need to play it much much better. i need as well 2 DP to have demonology fully with one scream.
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Re: [ETC 2016] Battle reports from practice games

Post by Megabaja »

Here's the report from today's match:

Mission #6 - 4 objectives/contact lost
SM vs Tau
SM force was consisting of Gladius Strike Force with Stormwing, Iron Hands
Tau force was formed from 3 units of Riptides (2/2/3) 16 drones and commander with two suits from CAD and Coteaz
Result was 11-9 for SM after 4th turn
Space Marine held two objectives and contested third, Tau held one (6/3)
Space Marine took six cards, Tau got four (8/5)
Eternal war objectives SM got linebreaker, Tau first blood, both had StW (2/2)
Kill points result was five for SM, and 9 for Tau (5/9)
Total points SM 21/Tau 19

SM chose side, Tau chose to deploy first, and to play second, as space marines were setup beyond reach of Burst cannons. SM didn't move in the first turn except drop pod drop. Tau intercepted unit from it, but not wiping it whole. Tau first turn went with small moves to get in range with weapons. SM planes did not come from reserves in second turn, so I kept the distance with the rest of my forces, dropping units into mishap to avoid falling in the middle of tau forces. In the second Tau turn, he got into position to shoot some of my command squad with chapter master, blasting two marines and placing 3 wounds on my chapter master, and destroying one of my LSpeeders for First Blood. In my third turn planes showed up, and my razorbacks went forward with the command squads, and Tau intercepted some of my units shooting down one plane. Space marines priority target were drones, but only one unit was wiped. Tau third turn was Hellstorm, and he got the command squad with CptMaster and Chpl, and the command squad with meltas, other LSpeeder. In SM fourth turn all drones and commander/warlord were shot and a unit of 5 marines got into CC with the unit of 3 Riptides, locking them into fray. Tau forurth turn got one more plane and one razorback.
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