Dark Paladinova shkola Yu-Gi-Oh-a.
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- Dark Paladin
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:21 pm
- Location: Beograd
Dark Paladinova shkola Yu-Gi-Oh-a.
OK, OK! Mislio sam da je bar neko igrao! Postoji RULEBOOK uz svaki DECK ali ima jedno chetrdesetak strana tako da cu mnogo da smanjim...
Objasnicu osnovno, mada bi bilo lakshe uz SLIKE!!!
1. Igra se na 8000 zivotnih poena(LP)
2. Shpil mora da ima 40 karti ili vishe, moja preporuka je 50; Oko 25 monstera, Oko 15 Spell-a i 10 Trap karti)
MONSTER-Karta sa mogucnostima da napada LP ili druge monstere, priziva se (Jedan Normal/Tribute Summon u potezu i vishe Flip i Special summona u potezu) Ima napadne poene(ATK) i odbrambene (DEF). Ovi poeni zavise od pozicije: Uspravno-ATK, Vodoravno-DEF. Takodje imaju tip (20 tipova-Dragons, Warriors, Fiends...), atribute (4 elementa, LIGHT i DARK). I naravno nivoe!
NIVOI (LEVELS): 1-4 Ne trazi zrtvovanje drugih monstera (Dobrovoljno slanje na Graveyard)
5-6 Traze zrtvovanje jednog monstera
7+ Traze zrtvovanje 2 monstera*
*Ako ima ATTRIBTE "Divine", trazi 3 zrtve.
SPELL- Magicna karta koja se moze aktivirati u potezu u kom je postavljena na polje(opshirnije kasnije).
TRAP-Karta koja se moze aktivirati tek 1 potez ili kasnije nakon shto je postavljena
U sl. postu FIELD-POLJE! [/img]
Objasnicu osnovno, mada bi bilo lakshe uz SLIKE!!!
1. Igra se na 8000 zivotnih poena(LP)
2. Shpil mora da ima 40 karti ili vishe, moja preporuka je 50; Oko 25 monstera, Oko 15 Spell-a i 10 Trap karti)
MONSTER-Karta sa mogucnostima da napada LP ili druge monstere, priziva se (Jedan Normal/Tribute Summon u potezu i vishe Flip i Special summona u potezu) Ima napadne poene(ATK) i odbrambene (DEF). Ovi poeni zavise od pozicije: Uspravno-ATK, Vodoravno-DEF. Takodje imaju tip (20 tipova-Dragons, Warriors, Fiends...), atribute (4 elementa, LIGHT i DARK). I naravno nivoe!
NIVOI (LEVELS): 1-4 Ne trazi zrtvovanje drugih monstera (Dobrovoljno slanje na Graveyard)
5-6 Traze zrtvovanje jednog monstera
7+ Traze zrtvovanje 2 monstera*
*Ako ima ATTRIBTE "Divine", trazi 3 zrtve.
SPELL- Magicna karta koja se moze aktivirati u potezu u kom je postavljena na polje(opshirnije kasnije).
TRAP-Karta koja se moze aktivirati tek 1 potez ili kasnije nakon shto je postavljena
U sl. postu FIELD-POLJE! [/img]
- Dark Paladin
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:21 pm
- Location: Beograd
Sastoji se iz 5 Monster zona, 5 Spell and Trap zona (logicno shta gde ide, zar ne?), 1 Field Spell Zona,(Vrsta spell-a, kasnije) ,1 Fusion Deck zona (Vrsta monstera koji se specialno prizivaju pomocu Spell "Polymerization")
Graveyard (Mesto gde se salju "uginule" karte) i Deck Zone(Mesto za shpil).
Osim Deck, Graveyard i Fusion Deck zone na svaku zonu se stavlja SAMO JEDNA KARTA!
Toliko o polju.
Graveyard (Mesto gde se salju "uginule" karte) i Deck Zone(Mesto za shpil).
Osim Deck, Graveyard i Fusion Deck zone na svaku zonu se stavlja SAMO JEDNA KARTA!
Toliko o polju.
- Dark Paladin
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:21 pm
- Location: Beograd
Sledece su faze:
1. DRAW PHASE (Igrach vuche kartu, ukoliko nema shta da vuche, izgubio je)
2. STAND-BY PHASE (Najkraca faza, aktiviranje efekata nekih karti)
3. MAIN PHASE 1 (Faza u kojoj igrach moze da aktivira magije, postavlja i aktivira zamke, aktivira efekte nekih monstera... (Time Wizard))
4. BATTLE PHASE (Najbolji deo, bitka, krv, poraz i pobeda... Jedan monster napada samo jedanput u fazi osim ako nije naznacheno drugachije (Hayabussa Knight))
5. MAIN PHASE 2 (Isto kao i MP1)
1. DRAW PHASE (Igrach vuche kartu, ukoliko nema shta da vuche, izgubio je)
2. STAND-BY PHASE (Najkraca faza, aktiviranje efekata nekih karti)
3. MAIN PHASE 1 (Faza u kojoj igrach moze da aktivira magije, postavlja i aktivira zamke, aktivira efekte nekih monstera... (Time Wizard))
4. BATTLE PHASE (Najbolji deo, bitka, krv, poraz i pobeda... Jedan monster napada samo jedanput u fazi osim ako nije naznacheno drugachije (Hayabussa Knight))
5. MAIN PHASE 2 (Isto kao i MP1)
Last edited by Dark Paladin on Tue Mar 22, 2005 11:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
- Dark Paladin
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:21 pm
- Location: Beograd
A sada malo vishe monsterima i njihovim efektima:
1. Normal Monsters (Nemaju efekte)
2. Effect Monsters (Imaju Flip, Pay ili drugachije efekte)
3. Fusion Monsters (Drze se u FUSION decku. Grade se iz 2(The Forgiving Maiden+ Marie the Fallen One=St. Joan) 3 (Blue-eyes white dragon x3 =Blue-eyes ultimate dragon) ili vishe monstera aktiviranjem SPELL karte "Polymerization")
4. Ritual Monsters (NE drze se u Fusion decku, prizivaju se pomocu odredjene ritual karte (Black Luster Soldier-Black Luster Ritual; Magician of Black chaos-Dark Magic Ritual)
Konachno, efekti. Postoje vishe vrsta
FLIP-Aktiviraju se kada su prebacheni iz Face Down u Face Up poziciju
PAY-Aktiviraju se placanjem odredjenog broja LP.
OTHER-Obichno je sve shto treba napisano na karti
HIDDEN-Imaju ih God monsteri. Nisu napisani na karti, ali ipak postoje i koriste se. Delom zbog ovog, God (Divine) monsteri se NE koriste u ligama i turnirima...
1. Normal Monsters (Nemaju efekte)
2. Effect Monsters (Imaju Flip, Pay ili drugachije efekte)
3. Fusion Monsters (Drze se u FUSION decku. Grade se iz 2(The Forgiving Maiden+ Marie the Fallen One=St. Joan) 3 (Blue-eyes white dragon x3 =Blue-eyes ultimate dragon) ili vishe monstera aktiviranjem SPELL karte "Polymerization")
4. Ritual Monsters (NE drze se u Fusion decku, prizivaju se pomocu odredjene ritual karte (Black Luster Soldier-Black Luster Ritual; Magician of Black chaos-Dark Magic Ritual)
Konachno, efekti. Postoje vishe vrsta
FLIP-Aktiviraju se kada su prebacheni iz Face Down u Face Up poziciju
PAY-Aktiviraju se placanjem odredjenog broja LP.
OTHER-Obichno je sve shto treba napisano na karti
HIDDEN-Imaju ih God monsteri. Nisu napisani na karti, ali ipak postoje i koriste se. Delom zbog ovog, God (Divine) monsteri se NE koriste u ligama i turnirima...
- Dark Paladin
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:21 pm
- Location: Beograd
Umalo da zaboravim!
1.ATK>ATK Igrach sa manjim napadom gubi monstera i prima razliku izmadju napada kao shtetu
2.ATK<ATK Igrach sa manjim napadom takodje gubi monstera i prima razliku kao shtetu.
3. ATK=ATK Oba monstera unishtena, nijedan igrach ne trpi shtetu.
4. ATK>DEF Monsteru odbrani je unishten. Nema shtete na LP.
5. ATK<DEF Nijedan monster nije unishten. Napadach prima shtetu na LP.
6. ATK=DEF Nijedan monster nije unishten. Nema shtete na LP.
1.ATK>ATK Igrach sa manjim napadom gubi monstera i prima razliku izmadju napada kao shtetu
2.ATK<ATK Igrach sa manjim napadom takodje gubi monstera i prima razliku kao shtetu.
3. ATK=ATK Oba monstera unishtena, nijedan igrach ne trpi shtetu.
4. ATK>DEF Monsteru odbrani je unishten. Nema shtete na LP.
5. ATK<DEF Nijedan monster nije unishten. Napadach prima shtetu na LP.
6. ATK=DEF Nijedan monster nije unishten. Nema shtete na LP.
- Dark Paladin
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:21 pm
- Location: Beograd
Ovo je bilo osnovno uglavnom. Idemo na sl. nivo. Predstavicu Vam monstera podeljenog na pet delova. Molimo ne vrishtite jer dolazi EXODIA!
Kao shto sam rekao, podeljen je na pet delova:
-Left Arm of the Forbidden One
-Right Arm of the Forbidden One
-Left Leg of the Forbidden One
-Right Leg of the Forbiden One
-Exodia the Forbidden One
Samo jedna kopija od gore pomenutih je dozvoljena u decku.
Svaki deo izuzev poslednjeg dela je Normal monster, Spellcaster, DARK
sa napadom 200 i odbranom 300.
Exodia the Forbidden One (Glava?) ima napad i odbranu od 1000 poena.
Ali, ima i sledeci efekat:
"Automatic Victory is declared to player who's hand contents this card with Left Arm of the Forbidden One, Right Arm of the Forbidden One, Left Leg of the Forbidden One and Right Leg of the Forbidden One."
U prevodu, igrach koji ima svih pet delova je bez obzira na sve pobednik.
Delovi Exodie su jedni od najvrednijih karti, dobijaju se u buster peku
"Legend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon" koji je inache shit jedan!
Kao shto sam rekao, podeljen je na pet delova:
-Left Arm of the Forbidden One
-Right Arm of the Forbidden One
-Left Leg of the Forbidden One
-Right Leg of the Forbiden One
-Exodia the Forbidden One
Samo jedna kopija od gore pomenutih je dozvoljena u decku.
Svaki deo izuzev poslednjeg dela je Normal monster, Spellcaster, DARK
sa napadom 200 i odbranom 300.
Exodia the Forbidden One (Glava?) ima napad i odbranu od 1000 poena.
Ali, ima i sledeci efekat:
"Automatic Victory is declared to player who's hand contents this card with Left Arm of the Forbidden One, Right Arm of the Forbidden One, Left Leg of the Forbidden One and Right Leg of the Forbidden One."
U prevodu, igrach koji ima svih pet delova je bez obzira na sve pobednik.
Delovi Exodie su jedni od najvrednijih karti, dobijaju se u buster peku
"Legend of Blue-Eyes White Dragon" koji je inache shit jedan!
- Rat with a tool
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- Location: World of Darkness:Belgrade
- Dark Paladin
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:21 pm
- Location: Beograd
Kako gde...
Danas objashnjavamo TOON chudovishta.
Mogu biti prizvani samo ako je spell "Toon World" na polju.
-Ne napadaju u potezu u kome su prizvani
-Kada napadnu, igrach daje 500 poena.
-Ukoliko nema drugih toonova na protivnichkom polju, napadaju LP.
-Ako ih ima, moraju napasti Toonove.
-Kada je "Toon World" unishten, svi Toonovi su unishteni.
Ima ih Pegasus J. Craford i dobijaju se u njegovom decku.
Danas objashnjavamo TOON chudovishta.
Mogu biti prizvani samo ako je spell "Toon World" na polju.
-Ne napadaju u potezu u kome su prizvani
-Kada napadnu, igrach daje 500 poena.
-Ukoliko nema drugih toonova na protivnichkom polju, napadaju LP.
-Ako ih ima, moraju napasti Toonove.
-Kada je "Toon World" unishten, svi Toonovi su unishteni.
Ima ih Pegasus J. Craford i dobijaju se u njegovom decku.
- Dark Paladin
- Posts: 40
- Joined: Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:21 pm
- Location: Beograd
YUGIOH ONLINE mozes skinuti besplatno sa http://www.yugioh-online.net.
Meni je sve jasno, igra je fenomenalna, (isti interface kao Yu-Gi-Oh Power of Chaos YUGI), ima dosta igraca, medjutim problem je sto se brzo zarazis, a inicijalno imas samo 10 besplatnih duela. Nakon toga moras kupovati kartice sa duel bodovima koje se na zalost kod nas verovatno ne mogu naci.
Meni je sve jasno, igra je fenomenalna, (isti interface kao Yu-Gi-Oh Power of Chaos YUGI), ima dosta igraca, medjutim problem je sto se brzo zarazis, a inicijalno imas samo 10 besplatnih duela. Nakon toga moras kupovati kartice sa duel bodovima koje se na zalost kod nas verovatno ne mogu naci.
- radicdenis
- Posts: 16
- Joined: Wed Oct 26, 2005 6:05 pm
- Location: Bg
Da ali je tesko 500 mbalex wrote:YUGIOH ONLINE mozes skinuti besplatno sa http://www.yugioh-online.net.
Meni je sve jasno, igra je fenomenalna, (isti interface kao Yu-Gi-Oh Power of Chaos YUGI), ima dosta igraca, medjutim problem je sto se brzo zarazis, a inicijalno imas samo 10 besplatnih duela. Nakon toga moras kupovati kartice sa duel bodovima koje se na zalost kod nas verovatno ne mogu naci.
I'm a nobody, nobody is perfect, therefore I'm perfect
Zrtvuj ih ako neko kaze ne moze,nemoj 8)
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
Ne vrujem da to postoji a razlika je i u boji i sta pise ispod slike.Boja orginala je primetno bolja od kineskih,a i ako nema sa desne strane ispod slike neka slova i brojevi sto ne oznacuju deckove[boostere] onda nisu originali
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
Ne mora da znaci.Slova mogu biti:zlatna,srebrana i obicna[bela ili crna]i naziv karte treba da bude zlatan
Ponovo ne mora.Moze biti holo[i slika karte treba da bude na neki nacin 3D...
] a moze biti i obicnai slika karte treba da bude na neki nacin 3D...
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
Ima vise oka a kad ga pomeras gore dole vidis i oci i slova na kojima pise Yu-Gi-Oh.Nije u kartonu stvar nego u boji.Mnogo je lepsa na originalima nego na kinezima.Na kinezima izgleda vestacko a na originalima je bas lepa boja i na originalima nisu jednobojne ima tu i bele boje koja se pojavlja kao neki oblaci na karti dok su kinezi jednbobojni
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
Slifer the Sky Dragon
Rarity: Secret Rare
Attribute: Divine
Level: 10
Type: Monster
Sub Type: Divine-Beast
ATK: X000
DEF: X000
SLIFER - [EFFECT] "This monster requires 3 tributes to summon (treated as a Special Summon). Slifer's ATK and DEF is X000, where X is the number of cards in your hand. Whenever an opponent summons or special summons a monster to the field face-up in ATTACK POSITION, that monster's ATK is decreased by 2000 points (if this reduces the ATK to below 0, the monster is destroyed). Whenever an opponent summons or special summons a monster to the field face-up in DEFENSE POSITION, that monster's DEF is decreased by 2000 points (if this reduces the DEF to below 0, the monster is destroyed".
God of Osiris's attack and defense points are X000 (X is the number of cards in your hand, SO, if you have 3 cards in your hand, Osiris's attack and defense is 3000). When your opponent plays a monster in attack mode, it's attack is decreased by X000 (1000 times the number of cards in your hand at the time... so when they play a monster in attack mode and you have 5 cards in your hand, that monster's attack points are decreased by 5000). Same goes for it's defense points (if that monster has less than the number of decreased points, that monster's points is just 0, and is not destroyed). You CANNOT use Sangan or Witch of the Black Forest to get Osiris from your deck.
Obelisk the Tormentor
Rarity: Secret Rare
Attribute: Divine
Level: 10
Type: Monster
Sub Type: Divine-Beast
ATK: 4000
DEF: 4000
OBELISK - [EFFECT] "This monster requires 3 tributes to summon (treated as a Special Summon). Sacrifice 2 monsters: Destroy all of your opponents Monsters on the Field and inflict 4000 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points."
God of Obelisk's attack AND defense points equal 4000! For it's ability, which happens to be the best ability in the game... If you sack 2 monsters on the field, you can inflict 4000 points of damage directly to your opponent's life points, and along with that, destroy every monster on your opponent's field.
The Winged Dragon of Ra
Rarity: Secret Rare
Attribute: Divine
Level: 10
Type: Monster
Sub Type: Divine-Beast
ATK: ????
DEF: ????
RA - [EFFECT]"This monster requires 3 tributes to summon (treated as a Special Summon). Ra's ATK and DEF are equal to the total ATK and DEF of all 3 monstes sacrificed to summon it. Reduce your life points by 1000 to destroy any monster on the field. Pay any amount of Life Points and increase Ra's ATK and DEF by the amount of Life Points paid."
God of Ra's attack and Defense are equal to ??? or commonly as X. In order to get an attack and defense for this God, you must first play the card. When you play it, you must sack 3 monsters to summon it. If you add those sacked mosnter's attack and defense points, it equals Ra's (for example, if you sack 3 monsters and their attack points are 3000, 1800, and 500, then Ra's attack points are 5300! Same goes with the defense). If you special summon Ra, then it's attack and defense equal 0, but is not destroyed. You can attack the same turn you summoned Ra as well. If you pay 1000 of your life points, you can destroy any creature on the field. It's final attack, which is called "God Breath Cannot - Called as such in the cartoon", allows you to pay all your life points, except for 1, and add it to Ra's attack points. Since it can attack as soon as it is summoned, this is called a "One Turn Kill".
Nadam se da ce ovo pomoci, mrzelo me je da prevodim.
Rarity: Secret Rare
Attribute: Divine
Level: 10
Type: Monster
Sub Type: Divine-Beast
ATK: X000
DEF: X000
SLIFER - [EFFECT] "This monster requires 3 tributes to summon (treated as a Special Summon). Slifer's ATK and DEF is X000, where X is the number of cards in your hand. Whenever an opponent summons or special summons a monster to the field face-up in ATTACK POSITION, that monster's ATK is decreased by 2000 points (if this reduces the ATK to below 0, the monster is destroyed). Whenever an opponent summons or special summons a monster to the field face-up in DEFENSE POSITION, that monster's DEF is decreased by 2000 points (if this reduces the DEF to below 0, the monster is destroyed".
God of Osiris's attack and defense points are X000 (X is the number of cards in your hand, SO, if you have 3 cards in your hand, Osiris's attack and defense is 3000). When your opponent plays a monster in attack mode, it's attack is decreased by X000 (1000 times the number of cards in your hand at the time... so when they play a monster in attack mode and you have 5 cards in your hand, that monster's attack points are decreased by 5000). Same goes for it's defense points (if that monster has less than the number of decreased points, that monster's points is just 0, and is not destroyed). You CANNOT use Sangan or Witch of the Black Forest to get Osiris from your deck.
Obelisk the Tormentor
Rarity: Secret Rare
Attribute: Divine
Level: 10
Type: Monster
Sub Type: Divine-Beast
ATK: 4000
DEF: 4000
OBELISK - [EFFECT] "This monster requires 3 tributes to summon (treated as a Special Summon). Sacrifice 2 monsters: Destroy all of your opponents Monsters on the Field and inflict 4000 points of Direct Damage to your opponent's Life Points."
God of Obelisk's attack AND defense points equal 4000! For it's ability, which happens to be the best ability in the game... If you sack 2 monsters on the field, you can inflict 4000 points of damage directly to your opponent's life points, and along with that, destroy every monster on your opponent's field.
The Winged Dragon of Ra
Rarity: Secret Rare
Attribute: Divine
Level: 10
Type: Monster
Sub Type: Divine-Beast
ATK: ????
DEF: ????
RA - [EFFECT]"This monster requires 3 tributes to summon (treated as a Special Summon). Ra's ATK and DEF are equal to the total ATK and DEF of all 3 monstes sacrificed to summon it. Reduce your life points by 1000 to destroy any monster on the field. Pay any amount of Life Points and increase Ra's ATK and DEF by the amount of Life Points paid."
God of Ra's attack and Defense are equal to ??? or commonly as X. In order to get an attack and defense for this God, you must first play the card. When you play it, you must sack 3 monsters to summon it. If you add those sacked mosnter's attack and defense points, it equals Ra's (for example, if you sack 3 monsters and their attack points are 3000, 1800, and 500, then Ra's attack points are 5300! Same goes with the defense). If you special summon Ra, then it's attack and defense equal 0, but is not destroyed. You can attack the same turn you summoned Ra as well. If you pay 1000 of your life points, you can destroy any creature on the field. It's final attack, which is called "God Breath Cannot - Called as such in the cartoon", allows you to pay all your life points, except for 1, and add it to Ra's attack points. Since it can attack as soon as it is summoned, this is called a "One Turn Kill".
Nadam se da ce ovo pomoci, mrzelo me je da prevodim.
Ex minimis seminibus nascuntur ingentia.
Imam pitanje !!!!
Alo ljudi oce neko da mi odgovori da li se moze igrati u BGD-u Yu-gi-Oh sa originalnim kartama i da li je neko spreman da organizuje turnir mozda ? takodje pitanje glasi gde se mogu kupiti originalni boosteri ja sam kupio na sajmu originalni deck (1000 din) puko al sam se navuko
Imas 2 kluba
White Dragon-Vojvode Milenka 44blizu hrama nedelja oko pola 3 ali budi u 2 tamo
Crni Zmaj-Toplichin Venac 9 ne znam mislim oko 2
ali bolje dodji u WD[White Dragon] tamo su bolji igraci
U WD i u CZ[Crni Zmaj]
verovatno si kupio Yugi Evolution ili Kaiba Evolution jer tako
i nisi puko to su najjeftinji deckovi.
Na sajmu .
Stvarno :?
U kojoj sali
White Dragon-Vojvode Milenka 44blizu hrama nedelja oko pola 3 ali budi u 2 tamo
Crni Zmaj-Toplichin Venac 9 ne znam mislim oko 2
ali bolje dodji u WD[White Dragon] tamo su bolji igraci
takodje pitanje glasi gde se mogu kupiti originalni boosteri
U WD i u CZ[Crni Zmaj]
ja sam kupio na sajmu originalni deck (1000 din) puko
verovatno si kupio Yugi Evolution ili Kaiba Evolution jer tako
i nisi puko to su najjeftinji deckovi.
Na sajmu .
Stvarno :?
U kojoj sali
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
I jos nesto REGISTRUJ SE
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
gde ovde :?
ako je u WD ili CZ da
ako je u WD ili CZ da
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
Da treba da ima hologram da bi bio originaledno pitanje...jer karta mora da ima onaj hologram u donjem desnom uglu?Drug mi reko da su taj hologram za originale skoro uveli...
Busteri su oko 400 i zavisi kako koji.Idi na http://www.yugioh-online.net i tu ces naci sve deckove i boostere koliko kostaju tamo[kod nas su skuplji] i koje karte imaju.Skoro svi busteri imaju po 9 karata u pakovanju.Da,svi Yugi Evolution su isti.Ok doci cu u nedelju mozez li mi reci koliko kostaju boosteri i sta sadrze?Jos jedno pitanje jesu li svi Yu-Gi-Oh! evolution deckovi isti?
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362
Remember to keep yourself alive there is nothing more important than that
Afeni Shakur
http://www.darkthrone.com/recruit.dt?ui ... 0311T30362