Warhammer liga

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Warhammer liga

Post by Snotling »

Sta mislite o ovoj ideji? Nesto kao produzeni turnir.
Igramo partije jednom u nedelji/dve, svako kolo druga poentaza (a za neka restrikcije: bez spec. karaktera, bez dupliciranja rare-a i td. bi se vec dogovorili ako bi i uveli bilo kakve restrikcije).
Cak mozemo da uzmemo za nekoliko partija (3-5) da budu iste liste (kao mali turnir) pa kada se to odigra promeni se poentaza i liste i tako redom. Znaci da bude kao produzeni turnir koji bi trajao celu godinu. :mrgreen:
Pocnemo recimo od sredine januara. :mrgreen:
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by deka »

A da pogledaš Mighty Empires, a???

Čisto da ne lupaš glavu...
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Snotling »

To je kampanja. Igrao sam to. Mislim da je ovo zanimljivije. :) Samo zato sto je kao produzen turnir.
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Mrzimsvee »

Ja sam za, ali mislim da ce se tesko skupiti 10-ak ljudi.
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every sin...is punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by RatGod »

Ja sam za
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Snotling »

Evo konkretan predlog.
10 ljudi, da igra svako sa svakim, znaci 9 kola. Igra se 3x3 tako da prvi krug (tri partije, iste liste) bude 2000pts, drugi krug 2250 i treci krug 2500.
Odmah na pocetku ce da se odrede parovi za svih devet kola pa ko kome kada upadne(kao klasicna liga), a ne kao na turniru gde igraju najbolja dva itd.
Za restrikcije ne znam, kako se dogovorimo.
Naravno ako bude manje ljudi moze da se igra tako da svako igra sa svakim po dva puta.
Klasicno bodovanje 3-1-0 poena.
Ovako bi trajalo oko 18 nedelja (ako je jedna partija na dve nedelje) ili dva tri meseca ako se igra jednom nedeljno.
Takodje moze da bude ucesce oko 200-400 kinti tako da pobednik dobija nesto za tu kintu kao na ovom malom turniru.
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Mandragoran »

Zauzimam noob mesto u ligi :mrgreen:
Mislim da je jedan mec u dve nedelje sasvim korektan tempo koji bi svako mogao da isprati.. (mislim pre svega na sebe :roll: )
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Jagos »

Zanimljiv predlog, ja sam skroz za. Sto se mene tice uopste ne mora da bude raznih kerefeka sa menjanjem poentaze jer se onda menjaju armije i sta ti ja znam, mada je ok i ako se uvede. Cak ni kinta nije neophodna, ali uopste nije ni to problem. Evo, ako bude toga ja se prijavljujem a prijavljujem i Josipa, siguran sam da ce i on hteti.
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Monsterman »

Nisam bas nacisto, al bih se verovatno pridruzio ako bude icega :)
kao sto rece Mandragoran, jedan mec u dve nedelje je savrseno izvodljivo
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Izvinjavam se na malom off-topic-u (po potrebi, neka nadlezni prebace post u 40k), ali...

...da li bi ovako nesto bilo izvodljivo za 40k? Neka klasicna liga, 10 ljudi, plus minimum 2 rezerve (za slucaj ispaljivanja). Prijavu mogu da izvrse samo ljudi koji imaju "complete control of their life" - u prevodu da se ne desava kao u BB sto sam imao slucaj da se cujem sa nekim, pa onda taj neki moze da se igra samo subotom od 14-18. 2 nedelje po partiji, poentaza da postoji "garantovana", ali da igraci mogu da se dogovore kako god (ako ne mogu da se dogovore, igra se "garantovana"). Svako sa svakim igra po 1. Posto 18 nedelja deluje kao malo duzi period, eventualno moze da se podeli u 2 grupe od po 5 ljudi (to je onda 2 meseca igranja). Eventualno posle toga neki play-off ili tako nesto. Takodje, 2 grupe pruzaju mogucnost malo vece sarenolikosti (primera radi, ako se prijave 2 CSM, 2 ultramarinca, itd., svi idu u posebne grupe). Isto tako, u slucaju da bude veca zainteresovanost, lakse je popuniti jos 5 mesta, nego jos 10 (licno, uvek smatram da sto vise ljudi ima, to bolje). Ufur nije bitno da li se placa ili ne, kako god je vecina zainteresovana.

Ako Duleta mrzi, bio bih rad da sastavim neki komplatan predlog, da vodim racuna o ligi, itd. Naravno, ako Duleta ne mrzi, tim bolje po mene ;).

Pitam zato sto mi se WH uopste ne igra, a 40k bih mogao ovako nesto (1 u 2 nedelje, sarenolike armije, druzenje, mogucnost vece poentaze, itd.). A i nadam se da bi me motivisalo da farbam malo figure :D.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Mrzimsvee »

Bilo je pokusaja ranije za raznorazne lige i u warhammeru i 40K ali od toga nista nije bilo.
Mislim da u 40k nece biti lige jer 6-orica igraju kampanju i oni sigurno nece igrati ligu.
A ako se pokaze interesovanje naravno da cu ja sve to organizovati i voditi.
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every sin...is punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Snotling »

Pa kako se meni cini ovde vec imam oko 5-6 igraca. Nije losa ova ideja da bude dve "divizije" po 5 igraca, pa da se igra neki play-off. Ako dodje jos 4-5 njih imamo dovoljno ljudi za to. :) A sto se tice poentaze moze da bude fiksna ali sa mogucnoscu menjanja lista za svaku partiju. (mada se meni moj predlog vise svidja. :mrgreen: )
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by teclis »

ja sam u potpunosti za!
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by No 1 »

I ja.
Bolje živjeti sto godina kao milijunaš nego sedam dana u bijedi.

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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Mandragoran »

Mislim da je Cedin predlog 3x3 sasvim ok.. jer svako ce hteti onda da menja listu pred svaki mec, pa onda dogovor sa protivnikom, pa slaganja/ne slaganja... ovako napravis listu i miran si tri meca :mrgreen: (plus, zanimljivijie je praviti listu koja ce biti tako balansirana da pariras svakoj od tri armije koje ti predstoje..)
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Joske »

Jagos wrote:Zanimljiv predlog, ja sam skroz za. Sto se mene tice uopste ne mora da bude raznih kerefeka sa menjanjem poentaze jer se onda menjaju armije i sta ti ja znam, mada je ok i ako se uvede. Cak ni kinta nije neophodna, ali uopste nije ni to problem. Evo, ako bude toga ja se prijavljujem a prijavljujem i Josipa, siguran sam da ce i on hteti.
e da znaš da hoću :)
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Dellamorte »

racunajte i na mene :)
..we have purpose
ako pobedish u olimpijadi za retardirane ,to ne menja cinjenicu da si i dalje... :commisar:
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by RatGod »

Ja kao sto rekoh sam za a za restrikcije ti mogu ja pomoci uzivo mrzi me da pricam mogu vrlo jednostavne i kratke da se naprave 8-)

A poentaza za menjanje je super ali bolje sa 2000,2500,3000 recimo da se oseti ta razlika
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Mrzimsvee »

Za sad:

1. Luka
2. Ceda
3. Mandragoran
4. Jagos
5. Truc
6. Teklis
7. Josip
8. Dimitrije
9. No1

Ja predlazem da se igra u 2500pts cela liga. Da se pred svaku bitku pravi druga lista zavisno od protivnika, tako mozete izvesti neke jedinice koje inace ne bih nikada izveli jer su dobre protiv nekih vojski, a protiv drugih ne.
Restrikcije bi bile, no named and special characters or units, max 3 ista cora, max 2 ista speciala i max 1 isti rare, max 6 charactera.
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every sin...is punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by PeraNekron »

Mogu i ja, u slucaju da neko ispali.
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by RatGod »

To sam i ja mislio bule bas tako ,jedino sto mozda ne bi bilo lose da se zaista zabrani power scroll i da mozda od magija koje automatski ubijaju karaktere ima Look Out,neka kazu ostali sta misle ?!
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Snotling »

Onda bi trebalo da se zabrani i book of hoet i jos mnogo stvari. Mislim da su ove restrickije sasvim dovoljno. A ako je magija jaka, pa jaka je. (ja kao ork sam najvise protiv instant kill magija ali mi je glupo da se one izbace.)
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by RatGod »

Book je 100 poena ,i to je drugo ovu su moji predlozi pa vi kako god ocete meni je sve jedno samo mislim iz i skustva a i citanja po internetu da ove dve stvari ne bi bile lose(pa ja sam jedan koji je obe koristio i mislim da kvare previse :twisted: )
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Ridji »

I ja bih se prikljucio,ako ima mesta
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Mandragoran »

Kako god da se dogovorite ja prihvatam. :mrgreen:
Igram sa HE i ne predstavlja mi problem da nema BoH, teklisa i ostalih power djavola.. ;)
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Monsterman »

Navedene restrikcije su savim ok, da se sprece spamovi Organ Gunovima, Tenkovima i ostalim cudima :)
a sad restrikcije artifakta, magija i toga, meh, ko oce da fura ono najjace i tako to, slobodno, sta god da ga pali, kec na kocki je cudo ;)
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Snotling »

Pa posto nas ima mogli bi da vidimo da se dogovorimo kada bi poceli.
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Mandragoran »

Mogli bi jedan dan sl nedelje da se okupimo... od pon popodne do cet popodne! :D
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Highborn of Ulthuan »

Ako nije problem prikljucili bih se ja i Stefan.
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Snotling »

Evo jos jedan predlog da iznesem pa da vidimo sta mislite.

Posto nas ima vec 12 (a mozda bude jos, mada moraju da se smisle ljudi da li STVARNO mogu da izdvoje jednom u dve nedelje da jednom odigraju :? )
da se naprave dve "konferencije" po 6 (7,8...) igraca. U svakoj konferenciji, posto ce biti 5(6,7...) kola, da se igra po principu 2x3 (da se igra dva puta po tri partije sa istim listama- prvi predlog koji sam dao, a luka dopunio-pogledajte starije postove. Znaci prvi krug 2000 pts, drugi 2500 a ako bude treceg 3000pts)
Kada se zavrsi svako-sa-svakim (moze i po dva puta posto ima manje kola) pogledamo prva tri.
Prvi u konfrencijam idu direktnu u final four, a drugi i treci se bore za ulazak. (drugi igra sa trecim iz druge konferencije i obrnuto)
Posle se igra final-four (na dve dobijene ?). Liste bi bile u 2500 pts koje se ne menjaju kada se udje u play-off.

Sta misllite?
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Mandragoran »

ovo sa konferencijama, NFL-om i final four-om me inspirisalo. :D
dakle predlog za 12 igraca:
dve grupe po 6, svako sa svakim po dva puta- 10 meceva, 20 nedelja.
onda 1. i 2. iz svake grupe idu u polufinale A
3. i 4. u polufinale B
5. i 6. u polufinale C,
da bi svi igrali, a ne samo ona cetiri prva- pri cemu, finale A se igra za prvo mesto u ligi (porazeni iz tih polufinala igraju za 3. mesto), finale B za 5. mesto u ligi, a finale C za 9. mesto u ligi :mrgreen:
to mu dodje jos 2 meca- uk 12 meceva u 'sezoni' i 24 nedelje.

opcija za 16 igraca
sve isto sa time da se u prvobitnim grupama ne igra po dva puta, vec po jednom- 7 partija, 14 nedelja
gde prvi i drugi (iz obe grupe) idu u NOVU A grupu i tako redom, do D grupe, gde svako igra sa svakim, jos 3 meca
onda u grupama se igraju lokalna polufinala 1 i 3, 2 i 4 i finale, gde grupa A kao najjaca igra za 1. mesto u ligi, grupa B za 5. itd.. (sto mu dodje jos 2 meca) ukupno u ovom slucaju 12 meceva i 24 nedelje.

p.s. moguce da sam se malo zaneo... xD :mrgreen:
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by RatGod »

Ja hocu da igram a kako sve mi jedno :D
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Dellamorte »

@ Mandragoran
svidja mi se ideja (ali po 2 meca je mnooogo-zato sto traje dugo maltene pola godine-sto ce bit malko neefektivnije..bolje da ima brzi tempo)

a sto se tice menjanja poentaze to je po meni apsolutno apsurdno.

mada sta vecina kaze ja sam za ;)
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ako pobedish u olimpijadi za retardirane ,to ne menja cinjenicu da si i dalje... :commisar:
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Jagos »

Ok, razumem da je zanimljivo da se menja poentaza i da se igra liga pa lej of, ali mislim da to dovoljno komplikuje stvari da moze da odbije neke ljude, narocito ako se bude igralo previse dugo. A s obzirom na to da zelimo samo da se igramo, ja bih voleo da igram protiv svih, pa mi je bez veze da igram samo protiv pola ljudi, eventualno jos protiv nekog kada/ako se plasiram. Zato bolje da cepamo jednu ligu, ista poentaza, pre svake se pravi lista, kao sto je Dule rekao. Tako ce da bude i neizvesnosti za sledecu partiju, a naigracemo se kao ljudi. deset do dvanaest ljudi znaci oko tri meseca igranja.

Bolje da bude sto jednostavnije, da bi moglo da se igra, jer ako ubacimo i plasiranja i plej of, sve ce da se pretvori u turnirsku zagrizenost i vise nece biti toliko opusteno.

Ovako bih ja voleo.
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Mandragoran »

Ma kako god.. samo da se igra :D
ali Jagos ima pravo- mozda bi trebalo biti ovaj put sto jednostavnije (i zbog uspeha cele price, a i zbog igranja sa svakim)
eve ga onda jos jedan predlog:
koliko god nas ima, cinimo jednu ligu bez grupa.
jedan mec u dve nedelje
igra svako sa svakim
fiksnih 2500 poena (sa menjanjem lista pred svaki mec)

p.s. o pravilima igranja prepustam iskusnijima od mene ;)
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Snotling »

Moze ovako samo da se dogovorimo.
Da prvo kolo bude do 15 januara?
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by RatGod »

Samo ti odradi zreb i daj liste ko s kim u kom koli igra pa da pocnemo,e da i bilo bi dobro kad bi ljudi napisali sa cime bi igrali pa tako mi koji imamo vise armija uzmemo onu koje nema(ako se dvoumimo) 8-)
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Monsterman »

Sto rece Jagos, komplikujete ga mnogo. Mislim, kapiram da je vecini ljudi samo do veselja, razlicitih protivnika i gadjanja kockicama, ta kola, prvoplasirani, drugoplasirani, prva pratilja i to, samo dzabe komplikacija! :)
Dajte prvo da pocnemo, lako cemo da smisljamo kako ce da se zavrsi ;)
A i bilo bi kulj da se vec napravi neka lista i da se izvuku "parovi" (npr. posto mozda neko moze vec sutra da odigra)
Evo prijavljujem vojsku - Dwarfs
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Mrzimsvee »

Hajde malo lakse, pocetak je tek od 15. januara.
Do tad ce biti parovi po kolima. Vec sam rekao da ce biti 2500pts u svakoj bitci.
Cemu menjanje poentaze, 2500 je sasvim dovoljno.
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every sin...is punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."
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Re: Warhammer liga

Post by Mandragoran »

cool, dakle dogovorili smo se. :D

vojska- High Elves.

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