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Re: Rumori

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Re: Rumori

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Jesam li ja glup ili sam prolupao?


njihova ponuda je 194£
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Re: Rumori

Post by crnaguja »

hahahaha, nisi prolupao...ili sam i ja :)
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Re: Rumori

Post by teclis »

Executioneri i Black Guarda u pozadini.

Dark rideri desno:

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Re: Rumori

Post by leduwob »

Metalni Exe su imali bolje kacige. Mada draich izgleda bolje.
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Re: Rumori

Post by PeraNekron »

Nesto o novim Dark Elves, pravila i sl. ... eaked.html

....nekako mislim da su malkice preterali u nekim aspektima... :?
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Rumori

Post by teclis »

PeraNekron wrote:Nesto o novim Dark Elves, pravila i sl. ... eaked.html

....nekako mislim da su malkice preterali u nekim aspektima... :?
Magic items moj review za sad:
- Power of Darkness je oslabljen,
- Ne mogu vishe sa svim kockicama da bacaju magije,
- sacrificial dagger je fluffy i oslabljen
- nema pendanta, 4+ regen + dragonbane gem comboa, Cloak + dawnstone comboa, raznoraznih DE magic weapons etc etc
- cloak of twiight je fantastichan.
- Jajce je skuplje ali ojacano S6.
- Hydra blade je jedan item samo za megabitke je
- Black amulet je super jer je lord only.
- Frost blade je samo za lovljenje pojeidnih monstruma.
- Banner of nagarythe je omogucio deathstar igranje.
- Gem of spite je stvarno stvarno dobar item.
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Re: Rumori

Post by PeraNekron »

Novi Dark Elves :
Army Wide Rules:
All Dark Elves (but not mounts/monsters/aliens...) have the following special rules:
- ASF (every elf)
– Hatred against HE
- murderous prowess allows Dark Elves to re-roll 1′s to wound in melee.

Magic: Dark Elf have access to all eight lores now!
HEKARTIS BLESSING: +1 to Cast Dark Magic
- attribute spiteful conjuration and does extra wounds to enemies that have spells cast on them. Target takes 2d6 s1 AP hits if roll doubles while casting and 3d6 if triples are rolled.
- Signature 1 PoD goes off on a 8+ and grants own unit +1 strength till own next magic phase. Gain D3 power dice but if you gain 3 power dice this way the wizard suffers a wound with no saves allowed, you still can take regen and ward saves against the wound suffered.
- Signature 2 Doombolt 12+ MM 18” 2D6 S5, or 24+ for 4D6 S5.
- Spell 1 Chillwind 5+ MM 24” 2D6 S2, if wounds, -1 BS till own next magic phase.
- Spell 2 WoP 9+ hex 24”–D3 to WS and BS till own next magic phase. Or 12+ for –D3 S and I too.
- Spell 3 Bladewind 9+ 24”, all models test WS or get S4 AP.
- Spell 4 Shroud of Despair 10+ all units within 12” lose Hold your Ground & Inspiring presence (<=> general & BSB) till own next magic phase. If fail Ld, gets -1 Ld till own next magic phase.
- Spell 5 Soul stealer 11+ small template direct damage at 18”, scatters, S2 no armour. For each wound, 4+ on D6 grows one wound to caster, max 10. Or 36” for 14+.
- Spell 6 Arnzipal’s Black Horror 15+ vortex, move proportionate to wizard’s level. S test or die, ward save allowed. 25+ for large template.

Magic items:
- Hydra Blade 100pts, D6+1 attacks, Ldtest at -2, if fails, gets -5 to WS but gains heroic KB.
- Chillblade 50pts, autowound, if unsaved wound, T test or loses 3A (1 minimum) till next CC phase.
- B. dragon egg 50pts. one use, S6, T6, and S2 breath with no armour save.
- Cloak of Twilight 50pts. 3++ against shooting & spells. KB and D3 multiple wounds in 1st round of CC.
- Black Amulet 60pts 4++. If saves during a challenge, inflicts 1 wound to opponent, no armour save.
- RoH 50pts. MR(3). Spells cast within 6” miscasts on double 1 & double 6. Wording is ambiguous to tell whether it is the wizard or the target at 6”, although target is not unlikely.
- BoN 100pts. Unbreakable. HE Shadow warriors within 12” are unbreakable, too.
- Gem of spite, 35pts. Arcane. If miscast, all enemy wizards within 12” suffer S6 or lose a DD.
- Sac dagger 25pts. Arcane. (kill one model and get 50% chances of new PD, - repeat as many times as you wish until you get the new PD).
- ToFurion 25pts. Arcane. Pick up one spell rather than random (Dark Magic only).

Loss of Hydra banner, loss of SSS. No PoK. No more FF.

Khaine blessings are confirmed.
Now assasin and Death Hags use different things, former is 3 kinds of poison, latter is 3 kinds of gift. They can only take one from the three. Shadowblade and Hellebron have all 3 kinds at the same time.
poison for Assassins:
- black lotus (15pts): for each unsaved wound suffered by the character, he gets a cumulative -1LD - include ranged
- dark venom (20 pts): KB
- manbane (20 pts): +1 bonus to wound rolls
gift of Khaine for Death Hags:
- cry of war: cause fear, and all fear test made by the enemy unit in base contact with the hag suffer -3LD
- rune of khaine: this model gains +D3 attacks
- witchbrew (30 pts): she and her unit get frenzy. If they already have frenzy, they become super-frenzy with +2A, but the unit suffer -3LD when testing not to charge. This works on any unit the WE has joined.

Lords and Heroes:
Dreadlord 140pts - can ride dragon - can use SDC

Heroes 75pts can ride Manticore - can use SDC
- a Master with Heavy Armor, Shield, Dragon Sea Cloak is 82pts (107pts if BSB on foot)
- Master can be BSB, and can take any mount and still be BSB
Master can ride Dark Steed, Cold One, Dark pegasus, Manticore or CoC.

DE Sorceress 185pts Lvl3, 80pts Lvl1
- an ride DS/CO/pegasus, and, for Lvl3/4, manti & dragons
- no longer able to cast more than 6 dice.

Black Arc Fleetmaster. Lord.
- The fleetmaster is 155pts with stats of 566433739.
- He has two hand weapons, light armour and a sea dragon cloak.
- (Dreadlord with the same base loadout as Fleetmaster would be 4 points cheaper, and get 1ws, 1i, 1a, and 1ld better).
- He can take 50 points of magic items.
- He has a special rule called "show no weakness" that means if he's fighting in a challenge or killed a character and is still alive, the unit he is with becomes unbreakable till the end of that turn!

High Beastmaster Lord Level Character which costs 300pts,
- must take either a manticore or Scourgerunner chariot, which are included in the points.
- His stats are 577433839 and is equipped with a spear, light armour and a sea dragon cloak. No other option.
- He can take 100 points of magic items and has a special rule called "beastslaver" which means at the start of each of your turns, you can choose a friendly monster within 3'', and that monster will get +D3 attacks until the start of your next turn. (Mentioned once a Flying Monster Box (Wrath) plastic x 1 + Option PE, Beastmaster, Sorceress)

Death Hag 85pts "naked" hero.
- can take 50pts magic weapon (only weapon)
- can become BSB, even with COB.

Assassins - 90pts with poison attack. Counts as hero.
- Stats 5994321038, ItP, a killer not a leader (cant be general, unit cant use his Ld)
- (may hide in unit, can be revealed at beginning of your movment or in any CC phase)
They start with hand weapon and thrown weapons. They can upgrade to additional hand weapon (2) or handbow (5). They have access to up to 50 points of magic items and also have the option to upgrade to one of three special poisons. One gives +1 to wound, one gives killing blow, and the other causes LD-1 for the rest of the game on a successful to wound roll.
- assassins have access to 50pts magic items except armour. Rending stars are now "Thrown weapons" under BRB equipment.

Same special characters as before.

Malekith 510pts on foot.
- Not much change to his rules, now the circlet grants him an bonus dice if failed his casting/dispelling attempts once per magic phase. GW: He is an accomplished sorcerer and is all but immune to mundane weapons.
- 5 8 7 5 4 3 8 4 10, Level 4 Wizard, Dark Magic only
- Absolute Power: Inspiring presence is 18" (24" if on a dragon)
- Destroyer (Magic Weapon): If he hits an opponent with a magic item that is still active and useable, one randomly determined item is destroyed on 4+ (once per close combat phase). In addition if a Wizard is wounded by malekith they lose a wizard level on a 4+ (once per close combat phase)
- Armour of Midnight: Magic Armour, grants a 5+ armour save, as well as a 2+ ward against all non-magical attacks. If Malekith suffers am unsaved wound from an attack that has the Killing Blow or Multiple Wounds special rules, he will only suffer a single wound.
- Supreme Spellshield: Magic Armour, Shield Grants Spell Resistance (2) special rule. If Malekith is ever the target of an enemy spell that he succesfully dispels, the caster's unit immediately suffers D6 magical strwength 6 hits.
- Circlet of Iron: Once per magic phase (yours and your opponents'), Malekith can use the circlet of iron to add a single bonus dice to any of his failed casting or dispel attempts. This bonus dice can contribute to irressistable force (and a miscast).

Morathi. 375pts
- GW: Morathi has access to all the spells in the Lore of Dark Magic and is a useful addition to your Dark Elf army. She is able to unleash a freezing wind against your foes, or drag their troops into one of the infernal regions. Should any of your enemies get close to her, then while they're stood agape at her beauty, she'll literally steal hearts and leave them as a bloodied mess.
- 5 5 4 3 3 3 6 3 10 / / 8 4 0 4 4 3 4 3 6
- Level 4 Wizard, picks spells from Death, Shadow and Dark - she can generate all her spells from the same lore, or from two or more of the above lores in any combination. Declare how many spells she will generate from each lore before spells are generated.
- ASF, Fly, hatred (high elves), Hekarti's Blessing, Impale Attack, Murderous prowess
- Enchanting Beauty: Any model, friend or foe, in base contact with Morathi at the start of each round of close combat must pass a leadership test or suffer a -5 penalty to their weapon skill (to a minimum of 1) until the end of the round. This does not affect hits that do not roll to hit, nor does it affect Immune to Psychology models.
- First Sorceress: Morathi adds +d3 to all her casting attempts (cumulative with Hekarti's Blessing in regards to Dark magic)
- Thousand and One Dark Blessings: 4+ Ward MR(2)
- Heartrender and the Darksword: Magic weapon, paired weapons, Killing Blow, +2 S when charging, every wound caused on a monster or character permanently reduce their A, S and T with 1.

Hellebron 310pts
- She now has paired weapons.
- all 1's to hit ->her<- makes that opponent suffer a S4 hit for every 1 rolled
- Any spells that directly target her unit you have a +4 to dispel on.
- She got 7-9 str 10 attack with rerolls to hit and to wound (unless the target got t9 or 10),
- cause fear at a minus 3 leadership
- makes her unit frenzy.
- and she grants a +4 bonus to dispel aagainst any spell targetted at her or her unit.

Shadowblade. 245 pts
- GW: Able to hide within regiments on the battle field, and even move between them, no opponent can predict when or where he will strike.
- Dance of Doom: 5+ ward save
- Master of Disguise: can deploy using the Hidden special rule. He can change which unit he is hiding in at the start of any movement or close combat phase. If an opponent has an ability that forces you state that there are hidden models within a unit, you only need to say that Shadowblade is hiding within a unit, but not which unit he is currently within.
- Has the 3 poisons
- Heart of Woe: Enchanted item. if he is slain, centre the small template over him before taking the model. Every model touched by the template takes a S3 hit.
- Potion of Diabolic Strength: Enchanted item. One use only. At the start of any player's close combat phase, after revealing the assassins, he gets +4 strength until the end of the turn.

Malus - he has been upgraded to dreadlord (3 wounds).
- now the daemon gives him +1 to WS,S,T,I and frenzy. Any to hit roll of 1 hits a friendly model in base contact.
- Still removes stupidity from CO.

Kouran 180ps hero, stats of 596432739 and if he joins a unit of Black Guard they become unbreakable. He has a magic weapon called Crimson Death which grants +2 strength, and has a 5+ armour save from the Armour of Grief, which also creates a strength 5 hit against his attacker if he is hit.

Tullaris 155pts hero, stats 566432739. When he joins a unit of Executioners, they become frenzied. He has a magic great weapon which is called the First Draich. It gives him improved (5+) Killing Blow special rule.

Lokhir, 235pts slv,
- has "show no weakness" rule like the fleetmaster.
- Daring leap means if he is not in a challenge, he can direct his attack to any character that is in the same fight, even if he does not have base contact.
- Merciless slaver means if an enemy unit breaks from a fight including him, all panic tests caused by the break suffer -1LD.
- Red blades is a pair which give him reroll failed rolls to wound, and Kraken Helm gives him +1AS, regeneration and terror.
- He is 566432739 hero.

Note: Rumoured blisters for Corsair character, Executioner character, Black Guard character must be Tullaris, Kouran & new generic peg leg corsair character.


Black Dragon at 300pts. Dreadlord with Heavy Armour and a Shield on a Black Dragon costs 449 points.
- GW: riders of these gigantic beasts are the Dreadlords and Sorceresses of Naggaroth

Manticore 150pts.
- 6 5 - 5 5 4 5 4 5
- heroes can ride them. GW: steeds for the lords of Naggaroth. Beastmasters often ride these majestic beasts themselves.
- Flying and Killing Blow, large target and terror.
- uncontrollable: at the start of each friendly turn, take a Ld test. If failed, it gets frenzy till the start of the next turn.
- upgrade 20pts: iron hard skin = Scaly Skin 4+
- upgrade 25pts: Blind Rage (+d3 attacks, but opponents have +1 to hit the manticore).

Dark Pegasus. - 50 pts
- sorc can ride them.
- 8 3 0 4 4 3 4 2 6 (Sulephet got +1 WS and +1 A)

Cold One. - Still stupid.

Cold one chariot for 120 pts, for MAsters & Dreadlords.

Dark Steed. - Dark Elf Steeds have the special rule: fast cavalry. M9.

Cauldrons of Blood still come out of Hero slots. Naked DH + Cauldron 275p.
- chariot which can join units, but needs not to. The need to be placed in the centre of the front rank is the only requirement.
- classed as a chariot so d6 st6 impact hits. Large target.
- M5, can march, 5W, 5T
- 4++ for the COB itself
- 6++ (5++ in case of witchelves or DH) for the Unit it is placed inside.
- Strength of Khaine: Friendly models with the murderous prowess special rule in units within 6" of the Cauldron of Blood re-roll all failed to wound rolls." (yes models not units) (it does not specify that it must be in melee, so RAW, it applies to magic and shooting too - but MP specifies only in melee, so RAI, the COB should not work for magic & shooting).
- Fury of Khaine, bound spell 3+: Frenzy special rule to one unit within 12" (grants +1A to alread frenzied units, not cumulative with witchbrew)

(note: all command groups are 10 pts each, as usual now)


Spear (Dreadspears) – 9pts per model with auto-Shield - 10+
- A single spear unit can take 25pts banner

Sword (Bleakswords) – 9pts per model with auto-shield, nothing special - 10+
- A single sword unit can take 25pts banner

Witch Elves - 11pts per model - 10+
- a single WE unit can take a magical banner up to 50 pts,
- minimum unit size might be 10.
- have Frenzy, and Poisoned attacks on top of ASF, Hatred (HE) and MP.
The frenzy is increased to +2 attacks with the CoB
- I6
- there's no "khainites" rule now. you can freely mix, but one more thing should be care. If you take a character other than death hag or hellebron or assasins (including shadow blades) into the witches, at the end of each of your turns you have to roll a D6. 4+ means nothing, but 1-3 your character suffers D6 s3 hits by mad women. It's called madness of khaine.

Corsairs (confirmed core) 9pts per model (but 2pts AHW/RHB option seems mandatory) - 10+
- stats unchanged. A single corsair unit can take 25pts banner.
- +2pts for AHW or +2pts for AHW.
- SDC is now a 5+ scaly skin
- handbow becomes 12'', no other change, i.e. not AP.

Crossbow (Darkshards) – 12pts per model, +2 for shields. - 10+
- Normal Repeater Crossbows remain the same: AP.
- A single RXB unit can take 25pts banner

Dark Riders (seems still core) - 16pts per model with light armour - 5+
- + 1pts for shield, +3 pts for crossbow.
- DR can have both light armour and shield without losing fast cavalry.
- No magic banner allowed.


Harpies - 15pts and do not have any special rule except for fly - 5+
- no command group.

Shades – 16pts per model, will keep models as they are now - 5+
- hand weapon and repeater crossbow, no armour.
- Can take great weapon or two hand weapons for 2pts/per model.
- can have musician and standard bearer, but no magic standard.

Executioners - 12pts per model - 10+
- ASF + ASL = Striking on Initiative - Still S4 => S6 with weapon
- all units can take magical banners up to 50 pts,
- Keep KB, do NOT Inflict D3 Wounds
- Execs do not have such "Madness of Khaine" as WE have. Characters can join them freely.

Black Guard (Special) - 15pts per model - 10+
- ItP, Stubborn, Eternal hatred to all enemies, that means reroll all failed rolls to hit every round.
- Stats are 5, 5, 4, 3, 3, 1, 6, 2, 9 - Strength 3 => 4 with weapon - apparently, no longer capped at 20 max
- all units can take magical banners up to 50 pts,

Cold one Knights 30pts per model - 5+
- WS5 M7 A1 I6 S4 L9
- Cold ones have two attacks S4, they don’t have the lizardman’s cold one rule. The CO don’t have the army-wide rule.
- all units can take magical banners up to 50 pts,

Cold one Chariots 115 pts (or 120 pts as mounts for characters)
- Cold ones have two attacks, unchanged otherwise. (D6+1 impact as before).

Scourgerunner , 150pts
- Special - Pulled by horses, with harpoon launcher.
- chariot with D6 impact.
- It has a profile of S4 T4 W4 with a 5+AS, M9, and two crew with spear and repeater crossbow.
- It has a harpoon launcher, BS4, which is like a bolt thrower but more powerful. It has S7, 24'' range, and cause D3 wounds, however if a monster suffers any wounds from it, "it is immediatly dragged D6" towards the firer..."; it does not specify facing when dragged. If the D6 roll is greater than 3, the monster will suffer an additional wound with no armour save allowed.
- Only the Beastmaster may take it as a mount.

Reaper bolt throwers: 70pts, special,
- RBT is one per slot, but you can take four of them.
- No other change except it gained the armour piercing rule for multishot instead of -1 AS it had before.
- GW: this war machine fires a hail of barbed bolts at an enemy unit. Alternatively the weapon can be re-configured to fire one single missile the size of a spear.

Hydra 160pts before BW.
- M6 WS4 BS4 S5 T5 W5 I2 A(3+remaining wounds) Ld6, 4+AS,
- + 20pts for flame strength 4 fiery roar breath attack
- + 20pts for a 8'' shooting with multiple shots=remaining wounds, s=remaining wounds.
- A is equal to number of remaining wounds +3 (previously mentioned +d3, and Max 5).
- Thunderstomp.
- Lost regen, Can get wounds back: at the end of your phase (your turn only) if it still alive, roll the number of dice equals the lost wounds. every 4+ it regain a wound.
- No handler rules, handlers serve only for presentation. Not mentioned as a sea creature. The War Hydra has 6 heads.


Kharybdyss (Kraken) 160pts
- M6 WS5 BS0 S7 T5 W5 I4 A5 Ld6, 4+AS.
- If all attacks hit, it deals an additional d6 s7 attacks. Feast of Bones is only if all attacks are directed against a single model, yes model not unit, and if all normal attacks hit as well!
- Scaly skin, Terror
- reroll successful LD for those in base contact (abyssal howl). A unit is only immune to its effects if the majority of its models have fear, terror and ItP. Therefore useless against: Undead, Demons, Monsters, Stupid units, Frenzied units
- poison, Thunderstomp.
- No handler rules, handlers serve only for presentation. Not mentioned as a sea creature.

Doomfire Warlocks (Rare) - 25pts per model - 5+
- ride Dark Steeds (M9), with 1 close combat weapon
- Warlocks are fast cavalry in the rare slot
- stats of 544431528. They are only equipped with hand weapons, but have a 4+ ward save except for wounds caused by models with the mark of Slaanesh or are daemons of Slaanesh.
- no magic banner authorized, only champion as command group.
- The unit is considered to be a level 2 wizard which is used like Pink Horrors. When you cast a spell, you nominate which model is doing it, for line of sight and distance. They get +1 to cast for each extra rank except for the first, to a maximum of +3. They know two spells. One is doombolt from the Dark Elves deck, and the other is Soulblight from the lore of Death (#3, hex -1S -1T to one or all enemies at 24").
- They can channel. Nothing prevents them to cast the boosted version of their spells.
- miscasts are handled as per horror rules (takes d3 wounds instead of applying a miscast result, e.g. you do not roll on the miscast table at all); fixed d3 wounds, with no armour save allowed (but ward saves are allowed).
- Fluff: warlocks have been cursed by Malekith, if they dont find and kill the innocence, their souls will be taken by Slaanesh.

Sisters of Slaughter - 15pts per model, with shield and hand weapon - 10+
- 564331629 and a 4++ ward (only in close combat).
- every close combat phase it can choose an enemy unit in base contact. they lose parry and rank bonus in combat result.(still can steadfast). if any enemy model in base contact with them have highter WS or S(before weapon matters), they get +1 to hit and wound rolls.- can have a magic banner up to 50pts.
- all units can take magical banners up to 50 pts,
- They are not Khainites, they're arena fighters. GW: The Sisters of Slaughter are experts in deadly hand to hand fighting. Taken from the gladiatorial arenas of Nagarroth, they fight with a murderous prowess.

Medusa 90pts
- M7/WS5/BS5/S4/T4/W3/I5/A3/Ld2, ASF, No armour.
- either on the bloodthrone (Bloodwrack Shrine), or on foot (er, tail) on 50x50 base.
- Avert Your Gaze!: start of close combat, before challenges, models in base contact must pass a I test or take a S4 hit with KB and no armour saves, it counts as a magical attack.
- monstrous infantry.

- Bloodwrack Shrine. 175pts, with medusa included.
- It is a single model, split profile chariot, crewed by 2 standard witch elves and 1 medusa.
- is a chariot which may march and can join units. M5, D6+1 impact.
- T6 and 5 wounds with a 6+ save.
- MR (1) terror. Large target.
- on shrine the unit gets Ld8 thanks to the shrinekeepers. Shrinekeepers are normal witch elves btw.
- (aura of agony) gives +1Ld to units of this AB, -1Ld to everything else at 6”.
- Blooswrack stare: ->magical<- range 12", S4, KB and multiple shots (4). When rolling to wound, substitute the target's T with it's I value. No armour saves allowed. It is a shooting attack that happens to be magical (so assume long range applies).
Mind Uploader wrote:... Kazem ja da je Pera isti Darth Vader, samo bez te moralne dubine...
Hypodermic wrote:Da nije robotech-a ne bih bio ovakakv kakav jesam!
Giga wrote:Realno, sasvim je logicno da mogu bez problema da ih bace sa par stotina metara i da budu prilicno sigurni da tom land raideru nece biti nista
igor wrote:jako je tesko uzimati puno poena jer se igra po knjizi.
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Re: Rumori

Post by Megabaja »

jel ima rumora za patuljke i nekih slika?

ovaj belegar deluje ocajno, sa 4 napada snage 4...
Pamti, pa vrati...

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Pazi, vidi, kockica ima 6 strana, a terminator gine samo na 1... by Chomie
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Re: Rumori

Post by Telion »

...jednom po partiji duplira br napada, ima +1 na To Wound roll (u najgorem slucaju ranjava na 5+) i imun je na Killing Blow.
To je to.
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Re: Rumori

Post by Monsterman »

i ja sam mislio da je ocajan, al kad saberes cenu svih tih runa (barem kako je za sad) i obicnog Dwarf Lorda, to ti dodje optrilike to, 60 poena vrednuju taj +1 to wound i to dupliranje napada, sto i nije toliko uzasno :)
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Re: Rumori

Post by Megabaja »

ne, ne... on ranjava T7 na 5, ali to nesto ima armor sejv sa -1 od S4, tako da sve i da nanese recimo 5 rana, to nesto se spasava na 3+ u vecini slucajeva, ponekad i na 2+ - znaci šit. bolje da su mu dali KB koji patuljci ne mogu da dobiju nikako. Kako najbolje da ustanovis da li bata vredi - stavis ga prekoputa exalted championa haosa na steedu, kao da su u celindzu i izracunas sve. A taj sampion je jeftiniji od ovog loda i zauzima hero slot.
Pamti, pa vrati...

Ignorance is bliss.
Cypher, Matrix

Pazi, vidi, kockica ima 6 strana, a terminator gine samo na 1... by Chomie
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Re: Rumori

Post by No 1 »

Ne znam koliko je tačno da čekićari dobijaju 2 napada, da je gromril oklop 3+ sejv (IB sa štitom imaju oklop 2+ i Ws 6+), da patuljci imaju +1S kad jurišaju.

Za ovo kažu da je provereno:
Ancestral Grudge : The Dwarfs have hatred (Orcs and Goblins) and hatred (Skaven).
To determine the level of resentment felt by dwarfs to other hosts,after deploying before the advanced moves, he shoots a D6 and consult the following table:
1-2 Personal Revenge: The Dwarfs have the special rule hatred against the general of the opposing army.
3-4 Spiteful Determination: All friendly characters with the special rule Ancestral Grudge have the special rule hate against all characters of enemy army.
5-6: "Boiling Point Furious": All friendly models with the special rule Ancestral Grudge have hatred against all models in the enemy army.
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Re: Rumori

Post by teclis »

No 1 wrote: Za ovo kažu da je provereno:
Ancestral Grudge : The Dwarfs have hatred (Orcs and Goblins) and hatred (Skaven).
To determine the level of resentment felt by dwarfs to other hosts,after deploying before the advanced moves, he shoots a D6 and consult the following table:
1-2 Personal Revenge: The Dwarfs have the special rule hatred against the general of the opposing army.
3-4 Spiteful Determination: All friendly characters with the special rule Ancestral Grudge have the special rule hate against all characters of enemy army.
5-6: "Boiling Point Furious": All friendly models with the special rule Ancestral Grudge have hatred against all models in the enemy army.

Eto zasto je ova igra namenjena da se ne igra kompetitivno :D
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Re: Rumori

Post by Megabaja »

... ali +1 S u chargeu je isto kao da im das sve magije iz nekog lorea. Vece su sanse da patuljak baci magiju, nego da ucardzuje uspesno.
Pamti, pa vrati...

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Cypher, Matrix

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Re: Rumori

Post by Jagos »

Sanse da patuljak ucardzuje nesto uspesno zaista su veoma bliske sansi za cardz kod drugih armija sa muvmentom 4. Patuljak cardzuje 2D6+3, muvment 4 cardzuje 2D6+4. To i nije neka razlika, pa i nije da im je sansa mala.
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Re: Rumori

Post by Yogurt »

Šanse su veće jel ako nepriđeš patuljku on će da te upuca, a nesmeš da reskiraš da tebi treba 7 a njemu 8, ili tebi 8 a njemu 9. Ako si elf onda možeš da priđeš na tebi 6 njemu 8.... gde je stara edicija.
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Re: Rumori

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Ko je taj koji uspe da odigra losije od 10:10 protiv all shooting armije sa movementom 3? Koja se obicno postavi u 1 cosak.

Mislim da se opet bavite theory hammerom. I da cete na kraju isprovocirati megabaju da vam da patuljke, a on da uzme vasu vojsku i da vam demonstrira kako to bas ne radi tako :D.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

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Re: Rumori

Post by Megabaja »


patuljak cardzuje ono sto mu se dozvoli da cardzuje, dok ostale vojske koriste manevre. Patuljci nemaju manevre, a jedina jedinica sposobna za manevar u toj armiji je zirokopter, koji deli slot sa organ ganom ili nesto nepopularnijim flejm kenonom, pa se vidja redje od sigmarove dvorepe komete.
Pamti, pa vrati...

Ignorance is bliss.
Cypher, Matrix

Pazi, vidi, kockica ima 6 strana, a terminator gine samo na 1... by Chomie
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Histericni Istoricar
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Re: Rumori

Post by Histericni Istoricar »

Megabaja wrote: a jedina jedinica sposobna za manevar u toj armiji je zirokopter, koji deli slot sa organ ganom ili nesto nepopularnijim flejm kenonom, pa se vidja redje od sigmarove dvorepe komete.
Lane redovno vodi zirokopter. I maltretira razne neke ljude sa tim.

Mrzi me da kopam, ali mi se cini da su patuljci izgubili minus na kretenje.
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Re: Rumori

Post by Megabaja »

to je do ljudi, ne do zirokoptera.
Pamti, pa vrati...

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Cypher, Matrix

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Re: Rumori

Post by No 1 »

Samo da napomenem: kad imaš Anvil onda se prvo krećeš 6 inča pa jurišaš 3+2D6 što je više nego elfovi na primer, nije da patuljci nisu mogli da ujure koga su hteli (kad ne baciš keca, naravno).
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Re: Rumori

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Da, sa jednim unitom. I na 2+. I onda ne mozes da koristis ostale mogucnosti Anvila.

Daleko od toga da se bilo koja armija, pa i patuljci, ne mogu igrati radi zabave. Ali prica o patuljcima na turniru je zaista smesna. Barem dok im na neki nacin ne nadoknade sve penale koje imaju (npr. bear cavalry bi mogao da bude jedan od resenja; mineri da mogu da rade charge kada se pojave drugi, uz to da mogu da se pojave bilo gde na tabli; itd.).
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Rumori

Post by joggy »

iz mog (mrsavog) iskustva u novoj ediciji, jedinice koje imaju kreatnje manje od 6, jedino sluze da daju broj rana wizardu koji ide uz njih (tako dobijes castera koji ima 40-ak rana). Stim na umu, najbolje su one jedinice koje su najjeftinije, sto dwarfovi nemaju. Da bi uopste razmisljao o nekim manevrima moras da imas opcije sa 6+ pokretanjem, a to je jedino dzirlo kopter, koji kao sto rekose deli slotove sa boljim opcijama, a vrlo lako se ubija pucanjem ili magijom. Patuljci su bili i ostali (nazalost) prilicno nepokretna armija.

Sto se tice turnirskog okruzenja, patuljak ne moze drugacije nego da se postavi u jedan cosak. I sada ako ti neces da mu das poen, ti se postavis na suprotnoj strani iza brda i ne mrdas. Kraj parije za 5 minuta, rezultat 10-10. Eventualno ako imas dobre magove i ako igras zadnji, mozes da izletis u zadnjem krugu i da mu nesto oteras gde bi mozda moglo da bude i 11-9 za tebe.
Jos preciznije, u ETC okruzenju imas dve opcije: Postavis najgoru armiju protiv njega da bude 10-10, ili postavis shooting i magic imperiju protiv njega koja ima vise masina i magije za razliku od dwarfa koja ce ako je ne krene da izgubi recimo 12-8, ali ako je krene onda moze da bude i 15-5 pa i vise
"Narod u demokratiji ne može da pogreši. Kakva god da je odluka naroda to je odluka Boga." Vulin.
"Potrebno je da vozilo koje vrši transport ima onu ruku napred, da prebacuje... Imaju proizvođači, ja sad ne znam ko su“ Velja.
„Na Beka su pucali amateri, jednom je čak spala kapuljača“ Nesa.
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Re: Rumori

Post by No 1 »

Sad za imperiju: sa anvilom i MRoB imaš patuljke koji imaju +4 kockice u dispel fazi a ti -1 pa ti magija i nije neki meseršmits a topovi sa inžinjerima koji riroluju misfire i daju topu 4 rane obično neutrališu imperijalne topove a onda i tenk (ako ga imaš) ima veliki problem.
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Re: Rumori

Post by Megabaja »

Code: Select all

                                  Mov      Shoot     Mag         CC
The Empire                              +           +         +            +
Dwarfs                                    -           +          -           +
Bretonnia                                +            -         +            +
Lizardmen                                +           +         +            +
High Elves                               +            +         +            +
Wood Elves                              +           +         +            +
Dark Elves                               +           +          +           +
Warriors of Chaos                      +           -          +           +
Daemons of Chaos                     +          -           +           +
Beastmen                                +           -          +           +
Orcs & Goblins                          +           +          +           +
Skaven                                   +           +          +           +
Vampire Counts                         +          -           +           +
Tomb Kings                              +           +          +           +
Ogre Kingdoms                          +           +         +           +
Da pojasnim kako ja to vidim - u igri koja ima 4 faze patuljak nema dve, i da bi bio u balansu sa ostalim armijama morao bi da ima mnogo jace preostale faze. Ako obratite paznju na tabelu gore, primeticete da svaka armija koja ima (-) u nekoj od faza, ima ogroman plus u svim ostalim. Osim patuljka, naravno.
Ne zelim da budem pogresno shvacen - ja mnooogo volim patuljke, skupljam ih dugo i imam armiju od par hiljada poena - necu ja prestati da se igram sa njima, samo mi je malo dosadilo da sve sto patuljci rade, mnogi drugi rade dosta bolje. Ljudima koji treba da igraju protiv patuljka uglavnom je dosadno, jer se ishod otprilike zna nakon postavljanja. Patuljci su nazalost ostali u raskoraku sa ostalim vojskama - nemaju mocno univerzalno pravilo, pojedinacno modeli su veoma skupi u poenima (a i funtama kako vidim), nemaju skirmisere i mogucnost manevra i imaju mali broj napada u CC. Kada tome dodamo i nekada veoma mocan element u igri, sada minoran - Psihologiju (u kojoj su oni zaista jaki), i odsustvo pogadjanja daljine (koje su oni nadoknadjivali runama koje su sada beskorisne) kompletira se slika o armiji koja je nekada bila u koraku sa vremenom, a sada je potpuno anahrona...

@No1: To da jedinica moze da cardzuje stoji, ali i dalje samo ono sto joj se "da" - goblin vulf rajderi, pet kucica, maroderi, jeomeni, slejvovi i slicno...
Pamti, pa vrati...

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Re: Rumori

Post by No 1 »

Ma slažem se, ali ima tu i nekih mogućnosti npr. rendžeri sa samostrelima, puškaši, organ gan, vrlo efikasno odstrele lake jedinice, postoji mogućnost velike jedinice rudara, anvil koji polovi kretanje ultimativnoj neprijateljskoj jedinici pa joj se da nešto sitno u zadnjem krugu i sl.

Nego spominju helikoptere koji bombarduju kao novost i prebacivanje u special slot ovih običnih, neki veliki top?, bolja pravila za slejere, sad videćemo.
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Re: Rumori

Post by Megabaja »

To mi daj broj 1, od toga zivim... :D
Da i ovi moji nesmajnici prorade!
Pamti, pa vrati...

Ignorance is bliss.
Cypher, Matrix

Pazi, vidi, kockica ima 6 strana, a terminator gine samo na 1... by Chomie
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Re: Rumori

Post by Histericni Istoricar » ... post392188

Dva dzirochopera. Hihi kao da ih je licno Dizni crtao pre skoro 100 godina.
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Re: Rumori

Post by vladamex »

Ima 20-ak novih slika ovde: ... pters.html

Novi zirokopteri, inzenjer, runelord, pravila, objasnjenja za rune, itd.
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Re: Rumori

Post by Megabaja »

Kao da su me culi... ovo bi trebalo da bude ekstra!

Jedini daunsajd je sto su ovi modeli koje sam do sada video ocajno modelirani. Horor.
Pamti, pa vrati...

Ignorance is bliss.
Cypher, Matrix

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Re: Rumori

Post by Histericni Istoricar »

Ajde, ajde pa to je dzirochoper koga je crtao licno Dizni, za nastavak Staemboat Willija, steamchoper Billi.
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Re: Rumori

Post by Monsterman »

ok, nova pesadija je standardno do jaja, ovi gyrocpoteri...majko mila, na sta lice xD
ova fora sa miltiple runama zvuci zabavno, a nas omiljeni organ gun sad moze da se gruva runama, al izgleda da rola to-hit, kme... :cry:
samo jos da flame cannonu vrate range :pray:
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Re: Rumori

Post by deka » ... pters.html
Imate par slika, i na nekima i neke statove... Gledajte sami, mrzi me da linkujem slike... :roll:
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Re: Rumori

Post by No 1 »

Al si makar mogao da pogledaš da li je neko to već linkovao :D
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Re: Rumori

Post by joggy »

meni se dzirlokopteri svidjaju, nalikuju onim iz wow-a :D
"Narod u demokratiji ne može da pogreši. Kakva god da je odluka naroda to je odluka Boga." Vulin.
"Potrebno je da vozilo koje vrši transport ima onu ruku napred, da prebacuje... Imaju proizvođači, ja sad ne znam ko su“ Velja.
„Na Beka su pucali amateri, jednom je čak spala kapuljača“ Nesa.
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Re: Rumori

Post by No 1 »

Iskreno, bolji su mi od ovog predhodnog, nemaju mnogo veze sa pravim helikopterima što je valjda i ideja u fantazi svetu.
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Re: Rumori

Post by Dzon Vejn »

I meni se dopadaju, a ne umem da objasnim zasto. Lice mi na bombonice (ferrero rocher npr. :D), valjda zato :D.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

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Re: Rumori

Post by teclis »

Megabaja wrote:

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Tomb Kings                           +    +          +           +
Ogre Kingdoms                          +           +         +           +

lol TK movement :D
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Re: Rumori

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Pa imas modele koji lete, imas modele koji se krecu 8+ inca,... na to je mislio. Za razliku od TK, dwarf NEMA jedinicu koja se krece preko 3". Nema opciju da ima. Ni imperijalni combat nije neki, ali ima opcija (nije "best choice", ali ima).
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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