Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ETC 2014

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Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ETC 2014

Post by Telion »

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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Hypodermic »

"Where units deepstriking on the board is concerned, the Intercept Special Rule only takes effect if an
actual reserves roll was made."

8O cekaj bre, to znaci da ne mozes da radis intercept za bilo sta sto je doslo drop-podom u prvom potezu? (i manje bitnije, za Dark Angel deepstrike pravila za terminatore).

"The intercept USR cannot be used while embarked on a transport, even if it has firepoints."

Ovo je jednostavno nelogicno, ako te vidim korz firepoint zasto ne bih mogao intercept? Ali dobro, izgleda je neki broadside pucao iz bastiona pa je nekog naljutio...

Takodje, zanimljivo POTMS ne moze da se koristi ako je vozilo shaken, stunned, ili na drugi nacin onemoguceno da puca ili moze samo da puca snap shots. Znaci Stormraven koji radi evade ne moze da koristi POTMS :/
Da, vozila ne mogu da koriste ni cover ni inv save od grav weapona >.>
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by deka »

E baš me zanima koja budala je pisala ovo:
Power Of The Machine Spirit cannot be used by a vehicle to fire one weapon at its full Ballistic Skill if the
vehicle can only fire Snap Shot (or cannot fire at all) during a given Shooting Phase (due to being shaken,
having moved at Cruising Speed and the like)
Kada u Special Rules sekciji Warhammer Rulebook-a, na strani 40. piše:
In a turn in which the vehicle neither moves Flat Out nor uses smoke launchers, the vehicle can fire one more weapon at its full Ballistic Skill than normally permitted.
In addition, this weapon can be fired at a different target unit to any other weapons, subject to the normal rules for shooting.
Šta je sledeće?
Da zabrane da PoMS puca na različitu metu?

Na čemu li ja autor ovoga, jako me zanima :?: :?: :?:

Da li se kapiteno setio da pita zašto?
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by joggy »

ja vidim jedan ogroman problem u novim pravilima, koji ce nam doneti barem 6 rasprava sa sudijama, plus 1 za nas same, a to je ofarbanost armija. Videli smo nebrojeno puta u Novom Sadu da taj sistem ne funkcionise. Jos dodajte na to da cemo tesko skupiti 8 uniformnih armija, a imajte na umu da na ofarbanost moze da se dobije 10 bodova dok iz partija mozes da dobijes max 12 8O , i eto lepote.
Da ne spominjem da je pravilo copy-paste sa warhammera, pa izbaceni movement trejevi i tako dobijeno da za wh40k moze da se dobije max 8 iako pise 10.
Prvo, ovo je ionako skupa igra, a uvodjenjem farbanja se samo stvara ono sto ja zovem "zlatni papagaj" efekat. Belgijanac :twisted: ima hiljade evra i on lepo sve kupi i plati nekog trola da mu to profi ofarba za "peanuts" cenu i dobije 10 poena. Mi sto radimo za taj isti peanuts tesko mozemo da izdvojimo pare za armiju koja defakto ima primenu samo na ETC-u (sa takvim armijama jednostavno ne mozes da se igras a da obojci bude prijatno).
Drugo, ovo je toliko subjektivno da nemam reci. Ko ce da kaze da li je armija ofarbana za 5,8 ili 10 poena? On moze da kaze da su recimo pola moje armije katacanci a pola kadianci, a ja da mu pokazem fluff gde pise da se sve armije u imperijalnoj gardi prave po adhok varijanti, to jest vidi se sta sve ima u sektoru i onda se preraspodeli najbolje sto se ume. Po istom principu mogu da se raspravljam zasto mi je jedan model ofarban u plavo a svi ostali u zeleno.
I na kraju, opet ce se svesti na to da ti insistiras da tvoja armija ima sve, a armija onog drugog da nema, dok ce onaj naravno da vuce na svoju stranu. Ovo nije golden demon takmicenje gde se gleda ko ima vise para, nego prvenstvo gde treba da se vidi koji je tim takticki najbolji. Dakle, trebalo bi da bude: imas sve ofarbano i sve je WYSIWYG- mozes da ucestvujes. U suprotnom ne mozes i kraj.
"Narod u demokratiji ne može da pogreši. Kakva god da je odluka naroda to je odluka Boga." Vulin.
"Potrebno je da vozilo koje vrši transport ima onu ruku napred, da prebacuje... Imaju proizvođači, ja sad ne znam ko su“ Velja.
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Mrzimsvee »

deka wrote:E baš me zanima koja budala je pisala ovo:
Power Of The Machine Spirit cannot be used by a vehicle to fire one weapon at its full Ballistic Skill if the
vehicle can only fire Snap Shot (or cannot fire at all) during a given Shooting Phase (due to being shaken,
having moved at Cruising Speed and the like)
Kada u Special Rules sekciji Warhammer Rulebook-a, na strani 40. piše:
In a turn in which the vehicle neither moves Flat Out nor uses smoke launchers, the vehicle can fire one more weapon at its full Ballistic Skill than normally permitted.
In addition, this weapon can be fired at a different target unit to any other weapons, subject to the normal rules for shooting.
Šta je sledeće?
Da zabrane da PoMS puca na različitu metu?

Na čemu li ja autor ovoga, jako me zanima :?: :?: :?:

Da li se kapiteno setio da pita zašto?
U ovom slucaju moram da stamen na stranu tvorca FAQ-a,kao i u Bocinom primeru za intercept iz vozila.
Primenjen je RAW, POTMS kaze da pucas jedno dodatno oruzije normalnom balistikom nego sto ti je dozvoljeno, i ja sam tumacio sam da je 0+1=1 ali ocigledno moze da se shvati i drugacije i u slucaju Engleskog jezika ovo drugo tumacenje je pravilno. Kao i kod heca, koji se koristi samo u shooting fazi. Kao i overwatch MC koji kaze da moze da puca sa dva veapona u shooting fazi.
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Hypodermic »

Prokleti RAW... no dobro.

A ovo za intercept jedino ako je doslo do bacanja kockice (tj ako je bio "Reserve roll")? mislim, i droppodovi koji dolaze u prvom potezu dolaze iz rezerve, a wording za intercept je "when a unit arrives from reserve". Isto tako vazi i za "ongoing reserve", i tu nema vise pucanja?
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Mrzimsvee »

Nisam to detaljno procitao, to mi je cudno rulovanje. Pogledacu kasnije.
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."
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Commissar Weasel
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Telion »

Hypodermic wrote:"Where units deepstriking on the board is concerned, the Intercept Special Rule only takes effect if an
actual reserves roll was made."

8O cekaj bre, to znaci da ne mozes da radis intercept za bilo sta sto je doslo drop-podom u prvom potezu? (i manje bitnije, za Dark Angel deepstrike pravila za terminatore).
Space-Wolves-Drop-Pod-lista je upravo postala jos bolja. Bez bojazni da ces mi ubiti bilo sta, ja ti spustim 4 JOWW u prvom potezu. 8-)

@Milinovic: Ovako je bilo i prosle godine, ali mi se cini da je retko ko tako igrao. Za razliku od nas, koji rule-ujemo kao sto je Dule napisao 0+1=1, oni igraju 0(+1)=0, posto u pravilu kaze "in addition to" ako se ne varam.
"MISSION SUCCESSFUL! Once again, I...Cato Sicarius..."
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Telion »

Da ih ne trazimo kojekude...
Rulespack v1.0:
(mislim da nema promena) ... edit?pli=1

FAQ & Errata v1.1: ... S_V1.1.pdf

(identicne kao prosle godine, samo se umesto Spearhead-a igra Hammer and Anvil)
Note : It's just an update of 2013 missions to have Hammer and Anvil.

4.1.2 On the individual level: Game Points

Game points scored by each player for his team are cumulated from Mission scoring and Victory points scoring (VPs). An exception is that a tabling player gets 20 game points, a tabled player get 0 game points. Missions (up to 17 Game points)

Each player count their mission points, subtract the opponent's mission points and consult the table bellow:
Difference +0 / -0 Battle points 10 / 10
Difference 1 or 2 / -1 or -2 Battle points 11 / 9
Difference 3 or 4 / -3 or -4 Battle points 12 / 8
Difference 5 or 6 / -5 or -6 Battle points 13 / 7
Difference 7 or 8 / -7 or -8 Battle points 14 / 6
Difference 9 or 10 / -9 or -10 Battle points 15 / 5
Difference 11 or 12 / -11 or -12 Battle points 16 / 4
Difference 13 or more / -13 or less Battle points 17 / 3

Apart from the missions points specified in the missions (which translate into game points in the terms of this rulespack), when you achieve First Blood, Slay The Warlord or Linebreaker you get +1 game points (as in Rulebook). It's the same for Warlord traits like Legendary Fighter or The Hunt.

For example in the Big Guns Never Tire mission you control 2 objectives and your opponent none. You got Linebreaker and the opponent First blood and also Linebreaker. You killed two of their heavy support units.
You got 6 +1+2 = 9 game points. The opponent got 0+1+1+0=2 game points. The difference is +7 / -7 so you get 14 game points and the opponent 6. Difference Of Victory Points (up to 3 Game Points)

Each player counts the points of destroyed or half strength enemy units, subtracts their own and then consult the table below.

Units destroyed
At the end of the game every unit that has been destroyed is worth an amount of Vicotry Points (VPs) equal to its points cost (including the cost of all its extra wargear, vehicle upgrades, etc). Units that end the game falling back or off the battlefield count as destroyed.

Units at half strength
At the end of the game every enemy surviving unit that has lost half of its initial models or more is worth an amount of VPs equal to half its points cost (including the cost of all its extra wargear, vehicle upgrades, etc), rounded down.
In the case of units that start the game as a single model (independent characters, monstrous creatures, etc), they are worth half their points cost in VPs if they have lost half or more of the Wounds on their profile.
In the case of units of 1 vehicle, they are worth half their points cost in VPs if they have lost half or more of its Hull points. In squadrons count each vehicle as a separate unit just for the Old Victory Point System.

VP dif ---- Winner -- Loser
0-350 -------- +0 ------- +0
351-700 ----- +1 ------- -1
701-1050 ---- +2 ------- -2
1051+ -------- +3 ------- -3

4.3 Missions :

Unless specified, the rules are the same as the Rulebook missions. So in Big Guns Never Tire, heavy support units are scoring units and each player receives 1 game Point for each enemy heavy support unit that has been completely destroyed.

BIG GUNS NEVER TIRE - 5 Objectives (3 game points each, maximum difference by controling objectives: 12 game points)

CRUSADE 4 objectives (2 game points each, maximum difference by controling objectives: 6 game points) & PURGE THE ALIEN (+1 game point per unit destroyed more than the opponent, up to a maximum of + 6 game points)

THE THE EMPEROR'S WILL (4 game points each objective) & CRUSADE 1 objective in the middle of the board (4 game points)

THE RELIC (6 game points) & CRUSADE 2 objectives (3 game points each) placed at least at 12” from the Relic

THE SCOURING - Each player places three markers 6 "from the edge, 12" from each other worth 1, 2 and 3 points (point values noted in secret by the player deploying them). Then before rolling to take the initiative you need to give your opponent the value of individual markers

CRUSADE 2 fixed objectives (3 game points each) placed in the center line and at 12" of the long edge & PURGE THE ALIEN (+1 game point per unit destroyed more than the opponent, up to a maximum of +6 game points)
"MISSION SUCCESSFUL! Once again, I...Cato Sicarius..."
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by RatGod »

Predlog Nemaca za misije koji cu ja rado prihvatiti, i mislim da je mnogo bolji

Maelstorm misije sa malim izmenama :
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by CheMilan »

Super! i nisi bas najbolji...
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by joggy »

definitivno sam za nove misije.

Nisam za predlog da se odbace objektivi koje nije moguce izvrsiti (osim mozda onaj da unistis fortification ili lord of war samo zato sto su zabranjeni 8O ). Razlog je taj sto ti mozes onda namerno da skreses dek tako da ti ostane mnogo manje kartica, pa ces samim tim imati vise sanse da vuces karte koje ti odgovaraju. Ovako te igra tera da imas svega po malo kako bi mogao da iskoristis sto veci broj kartica.

Spominje se u jednom delu da treba ograniciti transporte, medjutim zbog predlozenog nacina postavke objectiva i zbog predlozene kombinacije koja ukljucuje oba tipa misija bice neophodna brzina na tabli, sto ce trupe tesko postici ako se ne voze u necemu. Isto tako, trupe su laka meta za elitne jedinice ili pucacka vozila (kojih ce definitivno biti vise), pa im transporti daju barem neku cvrstinu i izdrzljivost.
U slucaju da se recimo uvede da trupe ne mogu iz transporta da claimuju objective, to ce znaciti da opet niko nece doci sa trupama, sto je koliko sam video i poenta celog teksta - da se vide trupe na tabli kao glavni deo.
"Narod u demokratiji ne može da pogreši. Kakva god da je odluka naroda to je odluka Boga." Vulin.
"Potrebno je da vozilo koje vrši transport ima onu ruku napred, da prebacuje... Imaju proizvođači, ja sad ne znam ko su“ Velja.
„Na Beka su pucali amateri, jednom je čak spala kapuljača“ Nesa.
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Megabaja »

Nisam za predlog da se odbace objektivi koje nije moguce izvrsiti (osim mozda onaj da unistis fortification ili lord of war samo zato sto su zabranjeni 8O ). Razlog je taj sto ti mozes onda namerno da skreses dek tako da ti ostane mnogo manje kartica, pa ces samim tim imati vise sanse da vuces karte koje ti odgovaraju. Ovako te igra tera da imas svega po malo kako bi mogao da iskoristis sto veci broj kartica.
To je tacno, novinare...
Pamti, pa vrati...

Ignorance is bliss.
Cypher, Matrix

Pazi, vidi, kockica ima 6 strana, a terminator gine samo na 1... by Chomie
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by RatGod »

Skoro pa konacni AC :cry: :

One CAD and one allied faction per player (with two exception, the inqusition and Legion of the damned which can form a unique CAD+Allied+ Inq/or Legion)
No multiple CAD's
Team can only consist of any codex twice, once primary once allied.
No escalation
No fortifications except - bastion, aegis, skypad
No Knight codex
No datasleets
No formations
7th rules
Mission pack below
Prolonged list send in date 26/7
One Combined Arms Detachment and one allied faction per player (with the exception of the inqusition & Legion of the damned that can be used as a third aditional special detachment)
The Combined Arms Detachment can only consist of units from the same book (from a codex or from a codex supplement, no mixing allowed). The same is true for the allied detachment.
It is allowed to ally books with another book with the same parent codex, but not the same book with itself. Exceptions to this are that Iyanden can't ally with eldars, and that a chapter of the Space Marines can ally with another chapter.
For example It's allowed:
·Tau-Farsight (counting as the two posibles uses of the Tau codex)
·Ultramarines-White Scars (counting as the two posibles uses of the SM codex)
And it's not allowed to have
· Tau-Tau
· Ultramarines-Ultramarines
Team can only consist of any codex twice, once as primary once as allied. Codex Suplements count as the use of the parent codex.
Inquisition and Legion of the Damned can be used once as primary and once as a special additional ally.
Here is the list of allowed codex:
- Adepta Sororitas
- Astra Militarum
- Blood Angels
- Chaos Daemons
- Chaos Space Marines ( and supplements Black Legion and Crimson Slaughter)
- Dark Angels
- Dark Eldar
- Eldar (and Supplement Iyanden)
- Grey Knights
- Imperial Guard
- Inquisition
- Legion of the Damned
- Militarum Tempestus
- Necrons
- *Orks (7th ed)
- Space Marines (and supplements Sentinels of Terra and Clan Raukaan)
- Space Wolves
- Tau Empire (and Supplement Farsight Enclaves)
- Tyranids
*Ork codex is in if the codex is in stores before 28/6

Missions and Scoring

We will use an equal mix of eternal war and maelstrom missions with a smaller amount of points rewarded to purge the alien as a third mission to counter the msu objective approach

There will be a set deck of limited tactical objective cards for each player to use

If you draw a tactical objective card that is impossible to achieve (e.g. manifest a psychic power when you have no psykers) then you may immediately discard that card and draw a new one. (N.b subject to change dependant on the cards selected to be used)

Tactical objective cards will be drawn from your deck as described in the individual mission details.

There will be a limit to the amount of tactical objective cards you can achieve in a single turn.

there will be a slider which determines the point differential (use standard, its in gregs packet and old one) from 10-10 through 17-3 (or 16-4), the slider will weight Eternal and Maelstrom equally

Unless specified, the rules are the same as the Rulebook missions. So in Big Guns Never Tire, each
player receives 1 game Point for each enemy heavy support unit that has been completely destroyed. In
missions where the Eternal War objectives are less than 6, both players note which one's below are for
only Eternal War (ie: Objectives 1-5 for big guns, objectives 1-4 for Crusade, and objectives 1-2 for
Emperor's Will with objectives 3-6 placed predeployment).

Objective #1: Eternal War: Big Guns Never Tire - 5 Objectives (3 game points each)
Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Tactical Escalation
Objective #3: Eternal War: Purge The Alien
Deployment: Hammer and Anvil

Objective #1: Eternal War: CRUSADE 4 objectives (3 game points each)
Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Cleanse and Control
Objective #3: Eternal War: Purge The Alien
Deployment: Vanguard Strike

Objective #1: Eternal War: The Emperor’s Will (4 game points for each EMPEROR'S WILL objective)
Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Contact Lost
Objective #3: Eternal War: Purge The Alien
Deployment: Dawn of War

Eternal War: THE RELIC (6 game points the relic is separate from all other objectives)
Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Spoils of War
Objective #3: Eternal War: Purge The Alien
Deployment: Dawn of War

Objective #1: Eternal War: The Scouring - Each player places three markers 6 "from the edge, 12" from
each other worth 1, 2 and 3 points (point values noted in secret by the player deploying
them). Then before rolling to take the initiative you need to give your opponent the value
of individual markers.
Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Deadlock
Objective #3: Eternal War: Purge The Alien
Deployment: Vanguard Strike

Objective #1: Eternal War: CRUSADE 4 objectives (3 game points each)
Objective #2: Maelstrom of War: Cloak and Shadows
Objective #3: Eternal War: Purge The Alien
Deployment: Hammer and Anvil

Please note that the missions and selection of cards have not been finalised but will be officially announced by friday to give teams the weekend to test and give feedback

Evo ga i 1.2 verzija FAQ-a ... S_V1.2.pdf
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by CheMilan »

znaci ipak se igraju misije na kartice :D i nisi bas najbolji...
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Commissar Weasel
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Telion »

I Kill Poeni u svakoj misiji.. 8O
"MISSION SUCCESSFUL! Once again, I...Cato Sicarius..."
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by RatGod »

Zvanicna potvrda od naseg druga i prijatelja iz FRANCUSKE dozvoljeni COME THE APOCALYPSE :lol:
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by RatGod »

1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Megabaja »

Witchfires and Focused Witchfires (including Psychic Shriek), require a roll to hit
Samo ne znam da li se koristi WS ili BS... :roll:
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by RatGod »

BS posto je shooting, nemoj da flame-ujes :D
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Megabaja »

sto flejmujem? nigde u rulbuku nije navedeno da psychic poweri treba da pogadjaju... pa rekoh da vidim - mozda ima jos nesto nelogicno. drugo pitanje je - da li nova mora da pogodi svaki unit, posto je witchfire... i kojom karakteristikom?
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Mrzimsvee »

nova ne mora. Autohituje.
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by RatGod »

1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by RatGod »

1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Only cavalry, bikes, beasts, jetbikes, skimmers, jump, jetpack, walkers and monstrous creatures/flying
monstrous creatures can go up the level from a Ruin and can do so only if they can be placed phisically on
the spot. If a model cannot be placed secure and without being in danger of falling or topple over it
cannot move unto that spot. Wobbly Model only applies to places where a model can fit physically but
where balancing the model might be problematic due to shape or make of the terrain piece in question.
For example, it does not allow situations where a model is able to fit halfway through a wall or balancing
on top on a spike on a building because you can't "delicately balance it in place" in that position.
Sto ce reci - da bi nesto postavio na neki nivo, cela njegova baza mora da moze da stane na to nesto. Sto ce dalje reci da razni riptide-i, dexteri, avioni, i slicne stvari prakticno ne mogu da stoje po delicima sprata ruina. Ukljucujuci i coskove istih.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Jetbikes, skimmers, jump and jetpack models treat ruins as dangerous terrain. Moving such models in a
ruins use a direct 3D measure of the distance between the start point and the end point.
3D = dijagonala. Dakle ni dolazenje do podnozja, pa penjanje, ni lebdenje po vazduhu, direktnom najkracom linijom.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
Posts: 1353
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by RatGod »

Nenade za drugo si upravu ali za prvo nisi, ti si recimo sa riptide-om mogao da se postavis fizicki na onaj sprat ali ne mozes na ogradu i tako to kao ono sto sam pokazao sa truperom, jer onaj riptide onako ne pada ;)
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Luka, procitaj jos jednom podvuceni deo. "Can fit physically". On to ne moze, jer njegova baza to ne moze.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by RatGod »

On to moze ;) Pitali vec tamo i zato dajem odgovor tj pojasnjenje znacenja :D
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Dzon Vejn
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Kakav imbecilni ruling... znaci ako uzmem super lepak, onda svaki model moze bilo gde physically da bude fit-ovan...

Procitaj i demone, deo o glavama Fateweavera ;).
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
Posts: 1353
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by RatGod »

Inace popravili su charge na spratove molim sve da procitaju pazljivo delove o ruinama konacno nesto dobro :D
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by RatGod »

Pa ovo je vise nego kretenski, dajte mi TAU intercept moze sa onoliko oruzija koliko moze da puca u normalnoj shooting fazi LOL ! ! !

Blast pogadja i flayere ako ima skyfire ali to im nije bilo dovoljno pa ako sketerujes pogodis one na zemlji I OBRNUTO AKO PUCAS NA ZEMLJU SA BLASTOM A IMAS SKYFIRE POGODIS I FLAYERA :evil:
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Dzon Vejn
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Gde si nasao to za intercept? Ja to ne vidim u ovom rulespacku, a ne vidim ni u opisu Taua.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Mrzimsvee »

Strana 20
"They shall be my finest warriors, these men who give of themselves to me. Like clay I shall mould them, and in the furnace of war forge them. They will be of iron will and steely muscle. In great armour shall I clad them and with the mightiest guns will they be armed. They will be untouched by plague or disease, no sickness will blight them. They will have tactics, strategies and machines so that no foe can best them in battle. They are my bulwark against the Terror. They are the Defenders of Humanity. They are my Space Marines and they shall know no fear."
Emperor of mankind – on the Creation of the Space Marines.

"By reason. By truth. I have learned how your hearts and minds function. With that lore, I brought peace to this culture."
"--At the cost of freedom."
"Peace reigns, as I reign. I wouldn't expect your to understand. You are a little man, with little dreams."
"--You've ushered in the peace of the graveyard. Peace, at the cost of surrendering all choice, all freedom. The city lies in terror, forced to live by the standards you place upon our shoulder."
"--But every punished, but punished by death, no matter the crime. No matter the scale of the sin. The people of the city live in silence, lest a single word earn them death for speaking out against you."
"Yes. Listen. Listen to the sound of raw silence. Is it not serene?"
- Night Haunter addressing a gathering of Nostraman nobles

"Your presence does not surprise me, Assassin. I have known of you ever since your craft entered the Eastern Fringes. Why did I not have you killed? Because your mission and the act you are about to commit proves the truth of all I have ever said or done. I merely punished those who had wronged, just as your False Emperor now seeks to punish me. Death is nothing compared to vindication."
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Dzon Vejn »

Hvala Dule.

I onda na svu muku, ako popijes hitove od scattera, nemas pravo na jink. Ovo prilicno dobro sahranjuje sve vrste letaca.
That was a hazardous consultation of the Libre Mortis my Lord. An ordeal of high and low doom. The moment I approached the book, it bit me most ferociously.
I must appologize for the explosion that blew off the door of The Chamber Unbreachable, but the simultaneous emergence of seventeen demons from the book spine, caused the spiritual detonation in the soul stoned air of the room.
The whole enterprise was an experience most horrendeous. None but I could have endured it. I was almost damned twice. Even now my soul is twisted to a cork screw.
I suggest you keep the state of your soul to yourself, and inform us, instead, what you have gleamed from the Grimoire.

Hatred and prejudice will never be eradicated. And witch hunts will never be about witches. To have a scapegoat - that's the key. Humans always fear the alien, the odd. Once the mages had left Novigrad, folk turned their anger against the other races... and, as they have for ages, branded their neighbors their greatest foes.

And 'cause I was gazillionaire and I liked doing it so much, I cut that grass for free.

Glory to Arstotzka!
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Megabaja »

Samo da nesto razjasnimo
pod jedan - u svim misijama objektivi su misteriozni, osim ako ne pise drugacije - a ja nisam video da igde pise
pod dva - da li ce se igrati misije predefinisano ili se baca pre svake partije? znaci da li ce svi igrati prvo 1, pa 2, drugog dana 3 i 4... itd?
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by RatGod »

Misije ce se igrati ovim redosledom kojim su postavljene, i ja koliko sam upucen za sad nece biti misterioynih objektiva.
1000 year-old lords of the walking dead? Chosen avatars of the dark gods leading horrible creatures from another dimension? Ancient members of the civilization who created the very world upon which we wage our wars? Bah! We're skittish mutant rats. We've got a bell. And we're going to ring it till your ears hurt bleed. Bitches.
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Megabaja »

a gde to pise?
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Ignorance is bliss.
Cypher, Matrix

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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Megabaja »

da pojednostavimo -

sve misije: kill poeni
vorlord, krv i tacdaun
misteriozni, mrak, rezerve

objektivi se postavljaju na 6 od ivice, na 12 jedan od drugog...

Objective #1: pet objektiva/ 3 poena svaki ~ 15 ukupno +VP za hevi
Objective #2: na pocetku kruga svako vuce kartica do broja trenutnog kruga (1-7)
Deployment: Uska strana

Objective #1: 4 objektiva/ 3 poena svaki ~ 12 ukupno
Objective #2: 3 kartice na pocetku i dopunjava se do 3 u svakom krugu
Deployment: Koso

Objective #1: 2 objektiva/ 4 poena svaki ~ 8 ukupno
Objective #2: pocinje se sa 1 karticom, i generise onoliko koliko se kontrolise objektiva na pocetku kruga
Deployment: Normalan

Eternal War: Relik/ 6 poena
Objective #2: Ne mogu da se diskarduju 31-36, ako jedan igrac ispuni 31-36 drugi diskarduje tu kartu i ne moze da je ispuni
Deployment: Normalan

Objective #1: po 3 objektiva 1,2,3/ 12 ukupno + VP za fast
Objective #2: svako pocinje sa 6 karata prvi krug a naredne sa: 5 drugi, 4 treci, itd...
Deployment: Koso

Objective #1: 4 objektiva/ 3 poena svaki/ 12 ukupno
Objective #2: Na pocetku se vuce po 3 karte, i dopunjuje do 3 svaki krug, karte su tajne
Deployment: Uska strana
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Ignorance is bliss.
Cypher, Matrix

Pazi, vidi, kockica ima 6 strana, a terminator gine samo na 1... by Chomie
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Re: Rulespack, FAQ and Clarifications v1.0 za ovu godinu

Post by Megabaja »

Poslednji rulespack - od 26.06. - obratite paznju na sve navedene stavke, jer ima izmena...
6. A player can choose the order of upgrades on the same model when building their armylist. An
example : in a Dark Angel command squad, a Veteran takes a banner and is upgraded
afterwards to Company Champion, replacing their chainsword with a blade of Caliban and a
combat shield”.

14. To start a game, use the following procedure :
- Roll off and generate Psychic Powers
- Roll off and place objectives
- Roll off and choose sides
- Roll off and generate Warlord Traits
- Roll off to see if nightfight is in effect (except if both players agree to play without)
- Roll off and choose to deploy first or second
- Player to deploy first now deploys his army and fortifications, then opponent does the same
- Roll off for Infiltrators
The player that deployed first can choose to take the first or second turn.
- Roll off for Scout moves. It is courtesy to ask your opponent if he has any Scout Moves before proceeding
to Seize The Initiative. If the question has not been asked and the dice has been rolled, the Seize The
Initiative Attempt must be re-rolled only if the player in question actually makes Scout Moves.
- If the player that deployed first decided to take first turn, their opponent can anow ttempt to Seize the
- Play Game, have fun.

18. Any model that is not part of the initial detachments (which are formed at the beginning of the
game when determining army list) do not benefit from objective secured. This applies to
Termagaunts spawned by Tervigons, Daemons spawned by Portalglyph or Warp Storm Table
and Boons Of Mutation amongst others.

A Deny The Witch roll vs a Beam type psychic power will always be done without modifiers or bonuses,
and units under the line are hit regardless of abilities or effects that would normally require snapshots.
Beams target a point on the board and as such can and will hit and affect both friendly and enemy models
under the line. An opponent may only attempt to DTW once, no matter how many of his units are

A template or blast shooting attack with Skyfire can hit a Swooping FMC. If the blast would scatter on a
ground unit, models on the ground under the template are hit normally as well.

Charging models that roll enough charge distance to reach enemies behind (difficult) terrain
are assumed to be in “base contact” even if a piece of terrain prevents them from actually
touching bases

A template or blast shooting attack with Skyfire can hit a Swooping FMC. If the blast would scatter on a
ground unit, that unit is hit normally, and units on the ground under the template are hit normally as well.
Likewise, blasts aimed at ground units can hit FMC's when scattering

Blasts and template weapons only hit one level of a ruin. Announce which level you are firing at before
rolling to hit. Consider the final position of the center of the blast marker to determine which level is hit..
If the center of the blast markr would end up halfway on two levels, the lower level is hit instead.

As The Relic is an objective marker, it can be contested by other units within 3” of it.

A model with the intercept rule, or
weapons with the intercept rule, can intercept fire with as many weapons as he would be
allowed to in the shooting phase

Lord of the storm applies even if Imotekh is in reserves or killed
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Ignorance is bliss.
Cypher, Matrix

Pazi, vidi, kockica ima 6 strana, a terminator gine samo na 1... by Chomie

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