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Gassalasca Jape
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Re: Serije

Post by Gassalasca Jape »

Dawngreeter wrote:Rec anime glasi anime i u nominativu. Na stranu sto Star Wars nije anime.
Znas sta je zanimljivo? Sto bi anime trebalo da se ponasa isto kao i karaoke, buduci da su obe reci japanske.
E sad, dokle ces reci 'volim anime' (i u jednini i u mnozini - 'to je odlican anime') kao i 'volim karaoke', pogledajmo sta se desava u recimo dativu/instrumentalu - ako kazemo 'on je opsednut animeom' i slozimo se da ne menjamo osnovu, onda bi trebalo isto i s karaokeom - 'opsednut sam karaokeom'. Medjutim, to zvuci bizarno, i verujem da cemo se sloziti da ubedljiva vecina sveta vec neko vreme govori 'karaokama', shvatajuci to kao nekakav plural.Paradoksalno, ispada da se shvatanje anime predstavlja priklanjanje vec ustaljenoj tradiciji. :D :( :geek:
Dawngreeter wrote:
U ovoj prici Evropa je kao drugi Isus Hrist. Zrtvovala se za grehe Sovjeta.
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Re: Serije

Post by Dawngreeter »

Pazi, moguce da to vazi onako generalno, ali ja nemam u pamcenju termin "karaokama" i sudeci po reakciji na napisano, reagovao bih isto kao i na "animama", tj. glasno i uz liberalne doze mahanja rukama. Ali ne bih rekao ni "karaokeom". Mislim da bih rekao da je opsednut sa karaoke, zvuci mi najmanje imbecilno.
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Re: Serije

Post by bojan »

Kamen ste smorili.
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Re: Serije

Post by FGSerbia »

Has anyone heard of a series called Mutant X?

For the last 3-4 days I have been stuck in bed with a reocurring back problem. During this time I wanted to get into a series on DVD to take my mind off the pain. About a year ago I picked up this Mutant X Series on DVD from an on-line store very cheaply. Considering each of the 3 series has 7 discs I payed less than 6 GBP per series. So anyway I decided to watch it on Monday. I can only say that the pain in my back WAS NOTHING compared to the suffering that this series caused me. Due to my inability to move I was subjected (some would say visually raped) into watching the first 3 episodes. It was worse than I actually imagined a series could be and has left me emotionally scarred. Imagine X-men without any interesting characters or back story. Then add a group of (true to say) very good looking thirty years olds. Tell them they are playing teenagers. Then tell them that they are starring in Dallas or Dynasty and weave a plot of super powered mutants around them. Then take a seriously mentally handicapped individual and appoint them as a director. Then remove the special effects budget. After all this you would proudly achieve Mutant X. If only someone had realised how bad it was and played it for laughs it could have had a single redeeming feature.

I had to quickly watch an episode of West Wing to get over the trauma.

On an COMPLETELY unrelated note. Does anyone want to buy 3 series of a fantastic Sci-fi series? Less than 700 dinars per series. :whistle:
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Re: Serije

Post by Slartibartfast »

Awwwwww, he had to watch an episode of West Wing to get over the trauma :mrgreen:
Meditations of evolution increasingly vaster: of the moon invisible in incipient lunation, approaching perigee: ...of the procession of equinoxes: ...of the parallax or parallactic drift of socalled fixed stars, in reality evermoving from immeasurably remote eons to infinitely remote futures in comparison with which the years, threescore and ten, of alloted human life formed a parenthesis of infinitesimal brevity.

-Excerpt of meditations during demonstrations of various constellations; Ulysses
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Re: Serije

Post by opsidiannight »

Way to go Rick you ar finaly gating the hang of "Cursing like a Serbian" just a step below cursing like a Scotsman.
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Re: Serije

Post by Shunka »

I always thought that Serbians compare most favourably to the Irish...
Dawngreeter wrote:ima i toga
rekurzivno glupilo
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Re: Serije

Post by Dawngreeter »

Sons of Anarchy. Od istog tvorca kao Shield, koji nisam gledao. Serija o bajkerskoj ekipi u fazonu Hell's Angels. Izgleda prilicno prljavo i posle tri epizode mi izgleda kao da ima mnogo potencijala. Nema bas mnogo dodira sa konceptom anarhizma, ali to je i za ocekivati od bajkerske bande.
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Re: Serije

Post by Dawngreeter »

Posle odgledane prve sezone, od svog srca preporucujem Sons of Anarchy. Retko sjajna serija sa odlicnom karakterizacijom. Druga sezona je vec najavljena.
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Re: Serije

Post by Megabaja »

pogledaj Shield...
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Re: Serije

Post by Dawngreeter »

Ma znam da bi trebalo, ali nekako... ne znam. Imam problema sa cop-themed serijama. Cak ni CSI ne mogu da svarim.
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Re: Serije

Post by Slartibartfast »

Shield je onako, ok. Bolje pogledaj The Wire. :mrgreen:

A ti nemas problema sa tematikama, vec sa kvalitetom serija. To sto je vecina tematska i sranje nije ni na koji nacin povezano.
Meditations of evolution increasingly vaster: of the moon invisible in incipient lunation, approaching perigee: ...of the procession of equinoxes: ...of the parallax or parallactic drift of socalled fixed stars, in reality evermoving from immeasurably remote eons to infinitely remote futures in comparison with which the years, threescore and ten, of alloted human life formed a parenthesis of infinitesimal brevity.

-Excerpt of meditations during demonstrations of various constellations; Ulysses
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Re: Serije

Post by Dawngreeter »

Verujem. Znam, stavise. Ali sta cu, svaki put kad neku novu seriju treba da pocnem s askidanjem, nadje se nesto prece od cop-themed stvari. Krivim Homicide, posle toga je stvarno nemoguce gledati prosecnu seriju o svakodnevnom zivotu pandura.
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Re: Serije

Post by Slartibartfast »

The Wire nije ni prosecna, ni o svakodnevnom zivotu, cak nije ni iskljucivo pandurska (posebno u kasnijim, boljim, serijalima). Serija jeste, mada moze da se posmatra i kao sezdesetocasovni film.
Meditations of evolution increasingly vaster: of the moon invisible in incipient lunation, approaching perigee: ...of the procession of equinoxes: ...of the parallax or parallactic drift of socalled fixed stars, in reality evermoving from immeasurably remote eons to infinitely remote futures in comparison with which the years, threescore and ten, of alloted human life formed a parenthesis of infinitesimal brevity.

-Excerpt of meditations during demonstrations of various constellations; Ulysses
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Re: Serije

Post by chopi »

Dawngreeter wrote:Verujem. Znam, stavise. Ali sta cu, svaki put kad neku novu seriju treba da pocnem s askidanjem, nadje se nesto prece od cop-themed stvari. Krivim Homicide, posle toga je stvarno nemoguce gledati prosecnu seriju o svakodnevnom zivotu pandura.
The Wire je radila ista ekipa koja je radila Homicide. Kazu da je josh bolja.
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Re: Serije

Post by Gassalasca Jape »

Zna on to, samo je klosar. :D
Dawngreeter wrote:
U ovoj prici Evropa je kao drugi Isus Hrist. Zrtvovala se za grehe Sovjeta.
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Re: Serije

Post by Dawngreeter »

Da, kroz pricu o The Wire smo prosli sigurno dvadeset puta do sada, sto putem Interneta sto uzivo.
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Re: Serije

Post by Dawngreeter »

Dead Set. Fucking amazing.
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Re: Serije

Post by Gassalasca Jape »

The Office. Fookin briliant.
Dawngreeter wrote:
U ovoj prici Evropa je kao drugi Isus Hrist. Zrtvovala se za grehe Sovjeta.
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Re: Serije

Post by Dawngreeter »

BSG ulazi u finis bolje nego sto sam se smeo nadati. Svaka im cast.
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Re: Serije

Post by Gassalasca Jape »

Ortak je sinoc kakon gledanja toga mogao samo da izusti "hebote".

Ja naravno cekam da se zavrsi, pa da nastavi tamo di sam stao. 8)
Dawngreeter wrote:
U ovoj prici Evropa je kao drugi Isus Hrist. Zrtvovala se za grehe Sovjeta.
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Re: Serije

Post by Mare »

Da li je iko gledao seriju,bila je na rtsu ja mislim,pre nekih petnaestak godina.Radi se o nekom policajcu koji je neki superheroj-bajker,kad se eqiupuje lici pomalo na robokapa s'tim sto je razlika u tome sto lik fura kacigu koja lici na kacket stavljen na glavu u nigga stilu,da tu je i motor koji na kome je on nezustavljiv borac za pravdu lol.Ako znate koja je serija u pitanju,postujte mi ovde ili na pm,hvala unapred :D
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Re: Serije

Post by Hypodermic »

Gledao sam ja, i ne mogu da najdem na netu kako se zove. Prokleti IMDB nema tako dobru bazu podataka opisa plot-ova. Secam se i tagline-a iz uvodne spice "The year is 2020 and times are tough. This man is tougher." Narator u uvodnoj spici je imao britanski naglasak... i to je celo moje secanje na osnovu kojeg ni imdb ni google ne izbacuju nista konstruktivno.

Edit: Ha, ipak ga nadjoh. Serija se zove Super Force. Izvoli link:
Pendargon wrote:...po toj logici, mogao bih da isecem lepih 10 kockastih komada stiropora, na devet zalepim bolter i bolt pistolj, i granate, i mali nozic, jednom zalepim powerfist da viri, a na jednog zakacim lasscannon, i imam savrsenu jedinicu chaos space marinaca....
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Re: Serije

Post by Dawngreeter »

Pretekao si me za 10 minuta Boco. Prevod na nasem je bio "Super Žaca".
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Re: Serije

Post by Mare »

Hvala braco,e da znate koliko dugo sam ](*,) da se setim kako se zove serija,hvala again
pozdrav :D
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Re: Serije

Post by Dawngreeter »

LOST uliva nadu, ovo mirise na najbolju sezonu posle prve.

Nova serija, tek prva epizoda emitovana - Lie to Me. Tim Roth u glavnoj ulozi. Igra vodju nekog tima human lie detector-a.
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Re: Serije

Post by Megabaja »

Valentine ... re=related

treba da pocne 12 na fokslajfu, nije bas Scion, ali verovatno je bolji od ogavne porodice Bandi...
Pamti, pa vrati...

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Re: Serije

Post by Dawngreeter »

Dollhouse poceo sinoc. Eliza Dushku (Tru iz Tru Calling, Faith iz Buffy/Angel) u glavnoj ulozi, Joss Whedon (he who is my master) pravio.
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Re: Serije

Post by Barrel Dragon »

da li je neko gledao Dextera?
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Re: Serije

Post by Ko, jel' ja? »


Dejvid Duhovni je car. Opasno sam se navukao na ovu seriju. Ima dve sezone i nadam se da će biti još.
Veoma topla preporuka.
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Re: Serije

Post by Dawngreeter »

Bice, najverovatnije. Nije zvanicno potvrdjeno jos uvek, ali nije ni objevljeno da je ukinuta pa joj je status i dalje ongoing.
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Re: Serije

Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Pogledao sam posle i bice trece sezone, pocinje na jesen.
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Re: Serije

Post by Dawngreeter »

Dollhouse je sjajan od seste epizode. Znali smo da ce prvih pet biti tapkanje u mestu zato sto je FOX pun jebenih imbecila i neverovatno je ocigledan skok u kvalitetu izmedju pete i seste, u kojoj Whedon konacno moze da pravi svoju magiju.
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Re: Serije

Post by Ko, jel' ja? »

Jbg, batalio sam seriju posle trece epizode. Previse je smarala. Ne verujem da cu se vracati.
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Re: Serije

Post by Awakened »

Nego, kad ce sledeca sezona nip/tuck-a?
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Re: Serije

Post by Dawngreeter »

Uuu, sedma epizoda Dollhouse jos bolja od seste. Whedon je definitivno opet u sedlu.
Last edited by Dawngreeter on Sun Mar 29, 2009 9:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Serije

Post by Gassalasca Jape »

Mislis u onom koje je video samo na slici, u trecerazrednim rodeo magazinima? :D
Dawngreeter wrote:
U ovoj prici Evropa je kao drugi Isus Hrist. Zrtvovala se za grehe Sovjeta.
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Re: Serije

Post by Dawngreeter »

Fire bad, tree pretty.
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Re: Serije

Post by Razz »

Ljudi ako vam treba dobra serija gledajte bones, uzivam u njemu vec neko vreme :D
p.s. nadam se da niste gadljivi
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Re: Serije

Post by Dawngreeter »

To vec neko vreme merkam da pocnem da gledam, u glavnom zato sto glumi lik koji je bio Angel u istoimenoj Whedonovoj seriji. A i u Buffy.
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